Deixis, personificación y simulación de papeles en la publicidad técnica en inglés y español (página 2)
Enviado por Verónica Vivanco, Rafael Rigol, Jesús de Andrés
Although the analysis shows English and Spanish follow distinct patterns of behavior in regard to the correlation between personal and possessive pronouns, personification plays a vital role in both languages. Not only the company becomes personified but also the client, since he or she is not a real client but the buying department of another company. The two counterparts, the sales department of a company ( we / nosotros ) and the purchase department of another company ( you / usted ), play the role of real persons with a repetitive behavior: the we offers solutions to the lacks or problems the you has, and the you is usually taken as singular. The cultural difference between English and Spanish is in the fact that in the first language the interaction in the message takes place through a change of person ( you / our ), which, apart from the interaction it supposes, also means that the company does not offer exactly human resources but the experience, quality, knowledge, etc. of the group. Contrarily, Spanish follows a lineal pattern in which the you is assigned to the possessive pronoun your, whereas the we links directly with our. Role-playing applied to advertising diminishes neutrality because it places both sellers and consumers in clear-cut parties. In some cases we even find a third party which represents the enemy, third companies which sell similar products or even plagues, and this happens especially in agricultural texts. In consequence, sometimes we find the interaction among three parties: the seller, introduced in a biased first person ( we ) that serves to diminish the distance with the client, or in a neutral third person ( The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. provides its clients ) that introduces the company in an aseptic way. The Purchase Department of the client company becomes personified under the proximity form you, with a variation in Spanish between the respective polite and colloquial morphologies usted / es and tú / vosotros. The third party, in the cases in which it appears, is clearly an enemy, either an outer company or a plague which implies a threat, and in both cases we find the personification under the form they ( Aphids. They"re one of the most destructive pests ).
In regard to content, the English section offers 8 values in contrast to the Spanish part, with only 7, but the point is that, whereas the main values coincide in the two languages, the other values change ( English: design, integrality of services, durability and exclusivity / Spanish: knowledge, adaptability and friendliness of use), representing the concept of economy a common point for both languages. Another difference between English and Spanish is that messages in the first language show either a lineal or a circular pattern, a type of loop structure which tries to act, through repetition, upon the consumer"s mind. The latter structure is often linked to the topic of traditional and agricultural engineering than to high technology. On the other hand, Spanish reveals a well defined trend to a lineal pattern, with a different beginning and end.
The vital point for advertising is striking the potential customer"s attention and acting on it by seeming convincing and credible. Deixis plays a vital role in catching the potential customer"s attention by feeling involved with the advertising company. The contrast between the English and the Spanish language shows the latter has one more resource to mark proximity or distance with the addressee in the use of the formal (usted) or informal deictic (tú) for second person singular. Companies ( we ) introduce themselves as the positive solution for that need or threatening situation. Together with this proposal, they regard themselves as the best possibility in the market to solve the situation. On the other hand, the customer ( you ) desperately needs either a solution for the problem or a supply of the new device for his/her business. All the customer"s fears, needs or problems, referred to as your are related to the company"s offer. In some cases, and especially in agricultural texts, there is a third party that mainly personifies potential enemies such as insects or pests. The difference of behaviour between English and Spanish is in the fact that the first language alternates the personal pronoun you with the possessive our, as simulating a kind of dialogue, whereas Spanish plays with the polite forms usted ( you ) and su ( your ), which implies a direct and lineal correspondence between pronouns. This means that the personification carried out in both languages increases in English, language in which we find a kind of role-playing based on the use of the dialogue. Simulation and role-playing applied to advertising diminishes neutrality because it places both sellers and consumers in clear-cut parties. Futhermore, by means of an imaginary dialogue it tries to act on the consumer"s mind and will.
The lineal progression shown in the Spanish texts contrasts the circular one of the English advertising messages. These may reveal a structure which shows rapid motion in complex circles of information that try to store the slogan in the addressee"s mind. Progression is also marked by the alternation of personal pronouns, another resource which increases the vividness and movement of the message. Progression, also owing to the urgency of the message, may show a circular flow which oscillates from the introduction to the concluding remarks with the repetition of the same slogan formulated in the first lines. This information loop seems to ignore the importance of the central part of any message and seems nothing less than a mental hammering that tries to act on the readers" attention. From this point of view, progression seems more static than in lineal patterns which show a flow of information getting renewed throughout the message. By means of the loop progression, the two poles of the message become connected forming the central point of the message. In contrast, Spanish publicity reveals a more direct, simple and lineal structure in the progression of the publicity message.
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English sources: Text 1: THE BERKSHIRE DESIGN GROUP: Text 2: BERGER/ABAM: Text 3: BUILDDIRECT: Text 4: WESTECH: Text 5: GL&V: Text 6: Greenhouse Grower, Ed. Meister Media Worldwide, Ohio. February 2005. Volume 23, No 2, page 91.
Text 7: Greenhouse Grower, Ed. Meister Media Worldwide, Ohio. February 2005. Volumes 23, No 2, page 59.
Text 8: Greenhouse Grower, Ed. Meister Media Worldwide, Ohio. January 2005,Volume 23, No 1, page 19.
Text 9: Greenhouse Grower, Ed. Meister Media Worldwide, Ohio. January 2005, Volume 23, No 1, page 63.
Text 10: Greenhouse Grower, Ed. Meister Media Worldwide, Ohio. January 2005, Volume 23, No 1, page 129.
Spanish sources: Text 1: MAYCA: www.margaleff Text 2: INGEIDEAS LTDA: Text 3: NIVIA & QUINTERO: Text 4: AIR-RAIL: Text 5: CORIPA: Text 6: Horticultura, Ediciones de Horticultura, S.L.Septiembre, 2004,Vol. XXII, No 6, página 11. Text 7: Horticultura, Ediciones de Horticultura, S.L.Septiembre 2004, Vol. XXII, No 6, página 33.
Text 8: Horticultura, Ediciones de Horticultura, S.L.Enero, 2005, volumen XXIII, No 1, página 93.
Text 9: Compumarket, num. 80. September 2001, pg. 143.
Text 10: Compumarket, num. 80. September 2001, pg. 142.
Text 1: Who We Are. THE BERKSHIRE DESIGN GROUP, INC., with offices in Northampton, Massachusetts, is a professional organization with a proven combination of experience and ability to provide clients with quality consulting services in landscape architecture, civil engineering, design visualization, campus planning, and urban design. We are committed to applying fresh thinking in the search for appropriate solutions to problems, and to look with our clients for the extra dimensions inherent in all design problems.
The Berkshire Design Group, Inc. provides its clients with a complete range of design services from the initial feasibility study through the completion of project administration and post-occupancy evaluations. We have developed the sound management skills necessary to coordinate diverse projects and to integrate specialized talents into productive professional teams.
Design Techniques. We are current with state-of-the-art computer technology, providing our clients with computer aided design and imaging capabilities. Our expertise in computer techniques assures our clients of not only an accurate set of construction documents but also photo realistic images and interactive presentations of the design proposal that can be used in public meetings.
The Berkshire Design Group, Inc."s innovative approach to three dimensional computer modelling and design visualization separates us from other firms.
Good design and quality control are our primary objectives, therefore we have integrated computer technology into all phases of the design process, from conceptual design to the generation of final construction documents using CAD, three-dimensional modelling, image editing, and animation.
Text 2: BERGER/ABAM provides the civil engineering necessary to integrate projects into the local setting. Beginning with the project site, our design specialists evaluate all aspects of the physical environment to ensure the site, structure, and utilities are integrated to guarantee functional design. We work effectively with permitting agencies to assure regulations are met and optimal designs for construction are provided. From grading and drainage to site utilities and traffic, our civil engineers have the knowledge and expertise to bring your ideas to fruition.
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. BERGER/ABAM"s structural engineering group provides comprehensive services for the planning and designing of structures. From bridges and elevated highways to piers and wharves to high-rise buildings and complex industrial facilities, our engineers offer comprehensive structural engineering experience in analysis, evaluation, inspection, repair, upgrade, design, and construction administration. Our structural engineers take pride in providing practical and cost-effective design solutions that result in inventive and functional facilities. Our advanced capabilities in seismic design and analysis of structures lend an invaluable expertise to projects located in areas susceptible to seismic events.
Text 3: We invite you to explore the world"s leading online wholesale channel for quality building products. BuildDirect is a global company currently doing business in 33 countries on six continents. Anyone meeting our minimum order size may buy from us. Order size is typically either by full pallet or by container, depending on the product. If you have any questions, you may phone toll free to one of our friendly products specialists.
Text 4: WesTech is building for the future. WesTech celebrates thirty years of process engineering excellence. Since 1973, WesTech has continued to build a solid reputation as a premier supplier of liquid-solids separation process equipment. This legacy continues today in the design and manufacture of industrial and municipal separation solutions that are working for our customers both in the United States and around the world.
WesTech is both ISO 9001 Certified and employee owned. This combination benefits customers with quality assurance and a responsive company to work with. ISO 9001 certification means all equipment is shop pre-assembled and fully inspected to assure trouble free field erection prior to shipment. Employee ownership means that we partner with you on each project, and provide service long after installation.
Text 5: Dorr-Oliver Eimco is staffed with specialists who can restore and optimize your liquid/solid separation equipment. Our employees have over a hundred years of cumulative experience in solving your "separation" problems regardless of the original source of manufacture.
Our experience, expertise and quality control ensure a trouble-free start-up every time. Services include:
– Replacement Drives
Replacement Drums
Upgrading Equipment
Rebuild Drives
Rebuild of EIMCO Equipment
Turn-key Projects
Project Management
Labor and service
Our industry-leading technology can upgrade your "tired old machine" to state of the art performance regardless of it"s present age and condition. Filter presses, drum filters, and belt filters, thickeners, clarifiers, gear boxes, drives and a host of other separation and ancillary equipment are our specialties. Regardless of whether you"re in the chemical, industrial, mining, municipal, pulp & paper, or food & rendering business, we"re available 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week to help keep your plant on line.
Why replace with OEM factory parts?
Rebuilt equipment is compatible with all existing connections, accessories and processes
Extend equipment life and performance
Retain the value of existing spare parts inventory
Upgrade equipment to gain the benefits of current designs
Full factory warranty on workmanship and parts
Rebuild your equipment at a fraction of the cost of new
Dorr-Oliver Eimco has the drawings, specifications and pattern equipment to produce "original equipment manufacturer" spare parts and offer trained service engineers for EIMCO, Dorr-Oliver, WEMCO, Esmil, Envirotech Process Equipment, and Paxman and Brackett Drum Filters. For more info: the Equipment Rebuild & Upgrade Services brochure. Or contact us at [email protected] Text 6: Tired of aphids sucking the life out of your greenhouse? Introducing Aria TM insecticide. Advanced chemistry for control of aphids.
Aphids. They"re one of the most destructive pests in greenhouses today. That"s why you need to add a powerful weapon to your treatment rotation. You need to add Aria-a new insecticide/aphicide with an innovative mode of action that is highly effective against aphids.
Here"s how it works. Advanced flonicamid chemistry stops aphid from feeding within one hour of treatment, eliminating them altogether in 3-5 days. That means you can protect your investment by stopping behaviour quickly and effectively and defending against virus transmission. Arias is tough on all species of aphids but easy on most plant species and ornamentals. It"s a softer, "green" chemistry around birds, honeybees and beneficials, with no effect on coleopterans, lepidopterans or arachnids. And it has no cross-resistance with other insecticides. So don"t let aphids keep your investment from growing. Try new Aria, today! Contact our Customer Satisfaction Center at 1-800-321-1FMC, or visit
Text 7: They all talk about roots. PRO-MIX WALKS THE TALK For more than 80 years, Premier Horticulture has worked with growers in the horticulture industry developing and producing innovative products to improve efficiency. We understand your business, the constraints you face and the environment you work in every day, from the greenhouse to the marker place. We now offer the latest in biotechnology, MYCORISE*PRO in all PRO-MIX PEAT/BARK-based formulations. MYCORISE*PRO is the most advanced mycorrhizal fungi product on the market with benefits that are revolutionary and renowned. MYCORISE*PRO helps to grow STRONGER, HEALTHIER PLANTS, benefiting everyone throughout the supply chain. The effects begin with seedings in your greenhouse AND are carried on to the retailers AND continue after planting in consumer"s garden/containers.
THE BOTTOM LINE: A winning formula for growers, retailers and homeowners. Plants perform better in the greenhouses, shelf-life is improved at the retail store level and homeowners get optimal results. This biotechnology stimulates sales and ensures higher turnover, all this with much less plant maintenance right from day one!.
Text 8: Take the Guesswork Out of Effective Insect Control Now you don"t have to waste time and money on insect control you don"t need. TriStarTM" insecticide eliminates the guesswork by letting you identify the specific pest, its location and level of pressure before you apply. Simply stated, TriStar puts you in control of achieving effective, economical insect control.
You"ll Love the Freedom of Control
Foliar applied TriStar is at the head of the class. With contact, systemic and translaminar activity, TriStar works in minutes and lasts for weeks. In addition to nymphs and adults, TriStar also provides ovicidal and insecticidal activity. So, you have control through the entire life cycle – from egg to adult. TriStar is tough on a broad range of insects including sharpshooters, mealybugs, and resistant whiteflies and aphids * While TriStar is tough on pests, it"s easy on beneficials and your budget, as well. That"s because its insect-specific rate range puts you in control of how much you use. You apply the rate that"s appropriate for the pests and level of infestation that you have. Precise foliar applications save you time and money in the greenhouse, field and nursery.
Count on Cleary – and TriStar
Go with the name you trust. Cleary Chemical, with over 65 years of commitment and experience, provides pest and disease solutions you can count on.
TriStar – Finally, You"re in Control! For more information about TriStar, visit our web site at
Text 9: Built to Stand. Withstanding the test of time is what defines a strong foundation. In the greenhouse industry, it starts with the structure. Because the structure protects the equipment and most importantly, your crop; make sure it is designed and built to withstand all that Mother Nature and Old Man Winter can throw at it. That"s why, at Stuppy, we design functional greenhouses that will serve you for many years. Yes, you can buy a greenhouse from a lot of different manufacturers, but what sets Stuppy apart are years of building greenhouses that stand the test of time.
At Stuppy we build them "right the first time"- so we both win.
Check it out for yourself, visit our website, get a free catalog or call our nationwide sales force. Contact us any way you like, because we want it to be easy for you to find out what Stuppy means to your profits.
Greenhouse Manufacturing Inc.
Text 10: At Bartlett Benches are Our Business.
Benches are all we do at Bartlett Bench. That"s why we do then better than anyone else. lf you"re interested in working smarter, not harder, _you"ll be impressed with Bartlett"s record of innovation. Our revolutionary Channel Bench Top is a perfect example: "U" -shaped channels attached to the underside of the Bench Mesh Top makes heat and irrigation tubing an integral part of fixed or moving benches. You"ll also appreciate our new, stronger panels with smaller mesh and heavier gauge for incredible strength and durability. Add to this our "Garden Center Display, our strong yet simple leg system for Channel Bench Tops and BenchRunner, our- new wheeled tray system, and you have proof that Bartlett Bench is in business to make your business grow.
Text 1: Nuestra misión es ofrecerle el mejor servicio y la tecnología más avanzada en sistemas de construcción e ingeniería eléctrica, asegurándole resultados que maximicen el potencial y recursos de su patrimonio.
Nuestro servicio es dinámico para cubrir con los objetivos planteados, siempre en base a la filosofía de calidad y atención para cada uno de nuestros clientes.
Comprometidos a brindarle soluciones concretas, en MAYCA trabajamos diariamente a través de la actualización técnica constante, porque
"Queremos trabajar con Ustedes y Servirles" Text 2: ¿Quiénes somos?. Somos una compañía colombiana, dedicada a la comercialización de bienes y servicios para la industria de la construcción y la fundición. La compañía comenzó labores en mayo de 1990 en el campo de la construcción, en 1999 inicializó su labor en el sector de la fundición al adquirir la compañía más importante del sector con más de 30 años de experiencia; desde entonces hemos trabajado en ayuda a nuestros clientes.
INGEIDEAS LTDA., está localizada en Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, Sur América. La compañía cuenta con un grupo de profesionales con experiencia en todas las áreas de trabajo. Nos gustaría poder ayudarlos.
Text 3: Misión.Desarrollar proyectos de ingeniería y arquitectura con los más altos estándares de calidad, aplicando los últimos avances tecnológicos de acuerdo a las necesidades de nuestros clientes.
Visión. NIVIA & QUINTERO Cía Ltda. enfoca su trabajo hacia la optimización de sus servicios, para consolidarse en el área de la Ingeniería y Arquitectura como una empresa competitiva, versátil, ejemplar y hacia una permanente disposición y actuación para exceder los requerimientos del cliente y la comunidad. Reseña. N&Q – NIVIA & QUINTERO Compañía Ltda. es una joven empresa de ingeniería y arquitectura capaz de brindar al mercado de la construcción y la consultoría un servicio moderno, versátil y eficaz, enfocado a cubrir las necesidades relativas al diseño, la arquitectura, la construcción, montajes eléctricos y mecánicos. Bajo el respaldo de un equipo de trabajo altamente cualificado, de gran trayectoria y reconocimiento a nivel nacional, N&Q cuenta con equipos propios para el desarrollo y cabal cumplimiento de cualquier obra civil, eléctrica o mecánica.
Capacitados bajo los más altos estándares de eficacia y cumplimiento, su objetivo principal es garantizar la satisfacción de sus clientes, trabajando bajo estrictos esquemas de calidad que permitan una correcta ejecución de los trabajos y un manejo responsable y serio de las obras, sin desconocer la parte humana y la sustentabilidad del medio ambiente.
Con el fin de asegurar la calidad de sus obras y proyectos N&Q se encuentra implementando un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad (SGC) basado en ISO 9001 versión 2000, que busca optimizar la gestión de la Compañía en todas sus área de desempeño, interiorizar la cultura de calidad en el personal de la empresa y estructurar un modelo eficaz que sirva para la consolidación de una organización competitiva, guiada hacia la productividad y CALIDAD TOTAL.
Text 4: AIR-RAIL les da la bienvenida a su página web.
Somos especialistas, importadores de maquinaria aeroportuaria, ferroviaria, portuaria e industrial, desde más de 20 países de todo el mundo.
¿QUÉ NOS DIFERENCIA DE LOS DEMÁS? Trabajamos con los mejores fabricantes de cada país que cuentan con las más exigentes normas de excelencia y calidad.
Nuestro Servicio Técnico está dotado de una red de talleres formados y especializados que abarca todo el territorio español y portugués. Esto significa: Asistencia Técnica eficaz y rápida, lo que fortalece nuestro compromiso con el cliente, y nuestro alto nivel de responsabilidad en el necesario servicio post-venta.
Nuestro personal, altamente cualificado, y nuestra trayectoria, nos avala como empresa líder en el sector de las maquinarias aeroportuaria, ferroviaria, portuaria e industrial.
Los números nos avalan, más de 600 máquinas trabajando en España.
Text 5: Ejecución de Obras de Costa. En obras de defensa de costas, actividad inicial de nuestra empresa, además de proveer tablestacados y revestimientos, estamos en condiciones de efectuar su proyecto y de construirlas con personal y equipos propios.
También obras complementarias, fundaciones especiales o equipamientos auxiliares, como muelles fijos o flotantes, pueden ser realizados por nuestra empresa. Desde 1977 llevamos ejecutadas más de 100 obras en forma directa, sobre una extensión de costas superior a los 30 kilómetros.
Instalación de Productos Provistos Cuando las obras requieren una instalación confiable y experimentada de nuestros productos, como en el caso de impermeabilizaciones o estructuras especiales de contención, contamos con técnicos y personal cualificado. Por ello, tanto podemos ejecutar los trabajos, como cooperar en su dirección y control, o incluso entrenar a terceros para su realización.
Asistencia Técnica Nuestra Oficina Técnica brinda un amplio asesoramiento para el diseño, cálculo, selección, especificación y ampliación de los diferentes productos y tecnologías que proveemos. Nuestros profesionales, con el apoyo de consultores locales y extranjeros, pueden cooperar eficazmente para encontrar soluciones seguras, económicas y sencillas para su proyecto u obra.
Asistencia Comercial Nuestra Oficina Comercial, junto a nuestra Red de Representantes y Distribuidores, lo acompañará desde su primera consulta hasta la finalización de la obra. Su misión es proponer alternativas de provisión y asegurar la disponibilidad de nuestros productos y servicios, a fin que pueda contar con ellos con plazos y precios adecuados a sus necesidades.
Text 6: CONTROLE MEJOR SU FUTURO ¿Tiene ambiciones?. ¿Quiere controlar el crecimiento de su empresa?. Esto es posible gracias al conocimiento. Porque el conocimiento proporciona poder comercial y le coloca por delante de sus competidores. Los asesores de Tref EGO Substrates desean compartir con usted su conocimiento sobre cultivos y nutrición, además de fórmulas que se adapten a sus necesidades, como por ejemplo la mezcla de Multiplication con Compalox* y TP2F: los planteles y esquejes desarrollan sus raíces con más intensidad , y debido a su fijación en el taco pueden plantarse en maceta más fácilmente.
¿ Le gustaría tener Growing Power en su empresa?.
Si es así, póngase en contacto con alguna de nuestras delegaciones en su área para una atención personalizada. Tref EGO SUBSTRATES The Growing power.
Text 7: ¿Ha estado alguna vez en un invernadero con pantalla ALUMINET* de alta calidad?. Además de garantizar microclima para sus cultivos, también proporciona unas condiciones ambientales únicas para el desarrollo del trabajo: Su temperatura suave, su luz casi divina… Para usted es casi como estar en el cielo. Y si usted y sus trabajadores se sienten bien, su trabajo es más productivo. ¿Quiere que siga?.
Texto 8: EL CAMINO DE LA SEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIA Somos la empresa en el sector hortofrutícola con más implantación de sistemas automatizados de TRAZABILIDAD TRAZATEC es la solución de Trazabilidad más implantada, más probada y mejorada en el sector Hortofrutícola. Además cumple con todos los estándares europeos de codificación /EANinternacional), y con los protocolos de seguridad alimentaria más exigentes (EurepGap, BRC, IFS, NORMAS ISO …)
Text 9: BIENVENIDO AL FUTURO, PORQUE AQUÍ DECIDES TÚ La nueva generación de ordenadores al instante del Grupo Informaster te da lo que nadie puede ofrecerte:
Tú decides su marca.
Tú decides uno de los 12 modelos siempre en stock.
Tú decides el monitor, el teclado, el ratón, los altavoces o cualquier otro periférico sin límites.
Tú decides si quieres integrar MODEM, tarjeta de red, regrabadora o cualquier otro dispositivo sin perder la garantía.
Tú decides cuando quieres comprarlo, porque puedes tenerlos en tu puerta en menos de 24 horas pidiéndolos a cualquier hora, cualquier día del año desde la web con portes gratis y seguro a todo riesgo; allí tienes toda la información que necesitas.
Tú decides si eliges ser la mejor alternativa del mercado porque además incluyen Certificado de Calidad, primeras marcas, cajas originales y garantía de 3 años. Además si la primera semana no quedas satisfecho te devolvemos el dinero. Tú decides…
SISTEMA DE CONTROL HORARIO COMPLETO Y AMIGABLE Todo el hardware y software que usted necesita en una sola caja.
¡Incluye también tarjetas magnéticas!.
Genera valiosos informes y facilita la preparación de nóminas exactas.
Verónica Vivanco Cervero.
Rafael Rigol Verdejo.
Jesús de Andrés Cortés.
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