Intervención educativa sobre Herpes Genital a estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería (página 3)
Enviado por Higinio Viel Reyes
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68. Javier R. Lama,1 Aldo Lucchetti,1 Luis Suárez,2 Víctor A. Laguna-Torres,3 Juan V. Guanira,2 Mónica Pun. et al. Journal of infectius Diseases. Association of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infection and Syphilis with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Perú. 2006; 194:1459-1464.
69. R. Wim Roest,1 Jeroen Maertzdorf,2 Marius Kant,1 Willem I. van der Meijden,1 Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus,2 and Georges M. G. M. Verjans2. High Incidence of Genotypic Variance between Sequential Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Isolates from HIV-1–Seropositive Patients with Recurrent Genital Herpes. Journal of infectious disease. 2006; 194; 1115-1118.
70. Green J. Psychosocial issues in genital herpes management. Herpes. 2004; 3: 60-62.
71. VanderPlate, C. & Aral S. Psychosocial aspects of genital herpes virus infection. Health Psychology. 1987; 6: 57-72.
72. Longo D, Koehn K. Psychosocial factors and recurrent genital herpes: a review of prediction and psychiatric treatment studies. Int J Psychiatry Med. 1993; 23:99-117.
73. Manne S, Sandler I, Zautra A. Coping and adjustment to genital herpes: the effects of time and social support. J Behav Med. 1986, 9:163-77.
74. Carney O, Ross E, Ikkos G. et al. The effect of suppressive oral acyclovir on the psychological morbidity associated with recurrent genital herpes. Genitourin Med. 1993; 69: 457-9.
75. Cummings AL. Experiential interventions for clients with genial herpes. Canadian Journal of Counseling. 1999; 33(2): 142-156.
76. Jadack RA, Keller ML & Hyde JS. Genital herpes: Gender comparisons and the disease experience. Psychology of Women Quartely. 1990,14(3).
77. Keller ML, Jadack RA & Mims LF. Perceived stressors and coping responses in persons with recurrent genital herpes. Research in Nursing Health. 1991;14(6): 421-33.
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Bestman-Smith J, Bovin G. Drug resistance patterns of recombinant herpes simplex virus DNA polymerase mutants generatedwith a set of overlapping cosmids and plasmids.J Virology. 2003; 77: 7820-9.
Javier R. Lama,1 Aldo Lucchetti,1 Luis Suárez,2 Víctor A. Laguna-Torres,3 Juan V. Guanira,2 Mónica Pun. et al. Journal of infectius Diseases. Association of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infection and Syphilis with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Perú. 2006; 194:1459-1464.
R. Wim Roest,1 Jeroen Maertzdorf,2 Marius Kant,1 Willem I. van der Meijden,1 Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus,2 and Georges M. G. M. Verjans2. High Incidence of Genotypic Variance between Sequential Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Isolates from HIV-1–Seropositive Patients with Recurrent Genital Herpes. Journal of infectious disease. 2006; 194; 1115-1118.
Green J. Psychosocial issues in genital herpes management. Herpes. 2004; 3: 60-62.
VanderPlate, C. & Aral S. Psychosocial aspects of genital herpes virus infection. Health Psychology. 1987; 6: 57-72.
Longo D, Koehn K. Psychosocial factors and recurrent genital herpes: a review of prediction and psychiatric treatment studies. Int J Psychiatry Med. 1993; 23:99-117.
Manne S, Sandler I, Zautra A. Coping and adjustment to genital herpes: the effects of time and social support. J Behav Med. 1986, 9:163-77.
Carney O, Ross E, Ikkos G. et al. The effect of suppressive oral acyclovir on the psychological morbidity associated with recurrent genital herpes. Genitourin Med. 1993; 69: 457-9.
Cummings AL. Experiential interventions for clients with genial herpes. Canadian Journal of Counseling. 1999; 33(2): 142-156.
Jadack RA, Keller ML & Hyde JS. Genital herpes: Gender comparisons and the disease experience. Psychology of Women Quartely. 1990,14(3).
Keller ML, Jadack RA & Mims LF. Perceived stressors and coping responses in persons with recurrent genital herpes. Research in Nursing Health. 1991;14(6): 421-33.
Con profundo sentido de agradecimiento deseo destacar la ayuda y cooperación de muchas personas que tanto contribuyeron a la realización de este trabajo, así como en mi formación profesional, son ellos mis profesores y compañeros de trabajo.
A: mi Tutor el Msc. Dr. Higinio Viel Reyes, por su asesoría y profesionalidad en el campo de la investigación y por haberme dedicado tanto tiempo incondicionalmente.
A: mi familia.
A: la Revolución y Fidel causa directa del fruto de hoy, por haberme dado la posibilidad de formarme como un Profesional de esta revolución y a quien me debo por entero.
Me resulta un placer agradecerles muy profundamente a todos y cada uno de una lista que tal vez no pueda reflejar en este trabajo pero a todos, muchas gracias.
Lic. Yunia Savigne Aguilera
Enviado por:
Tutor: Msc. Dr. Higinio Viel Reyes.
Master en Enfermedades Infecciosas
Profesor Asistente bioestadística y Computación.
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