Canoeing (k? n? ing) | Canotaje |
Cricket (krík?t) | Cricket |
Car racing (kaar ráyssing) | Carrera de carros |
Chess (chess) | Ajedrez |
Climbing (kl?ming) | Escalar |
Darts (daarts) | Dardos |
Dancing (dánssing) | Bailar |
Diving () | Buceo |
Football (f?t bàwl]) | Fútbol |
Fencing (fénssing) | Esgrima |
Fishing (físhing) | Pesca |
Gymnastics (jim nástik) | Gimnasia |
Golf (gawlf) | Golf |
Jockey (jókee) | Hockey |
High jump () | Salto de altura |
Hunting (húnting) | Caza |
Handball (hánd báwl) | Handball, balonmano |
Hammer (hámm?r) | Lanzamiento del martillo |
Horseracing (háwss ráyssing) | Carreras de caballos |
Horse riding () | Equitación |
Hurdles (húrd䬺) | Salto de vallas |
High diving () | Clavado |
High jump (hi jump) | Salto de altura con pértiga |
Hiking () | Escalar |
Hurdle race () | Salto con vallas |
Ice hockey (íss hókee) | Hockey sobre hielo |
Ice skating (íss skáyting) | Patinaje sobre hielo |
Judo (jdo) | Judo |
Javelin (jávv?l?n) | Jabalina |
Jogging (jógging) | Trotar |
Karate (k? rﴥe) | Karate |
Kayak (kK àk) | Kayac |
Long jump (long jump) | Salto de longitud |
Marathon (márr? thòn) | Maratón |
Martial arts (máarsh䬩 | Artes maciales |
Motorcycling () | Motociclismo |
Motor racing (m?t?r ráyssing) | Automovilismo |
Mountaineering (mòwnt'n ?ring) | Alpinismo |
Parachuting () | Paracaidismo |
Pentathlon ( pen táth lòn) | Pentatlón |
Rings (rings) | Anillas |
Riding (r?ding) | Equitación |
Roller skating (r?l?r skáyting) | Patinaje sobre ruedas |
Racing driver (ráyssing dr?v?r) | Piloto de carreras |
Rugby (rúgbee) | Rugby |
Rowing (r? ing) | Remo |
Ski (skee) | Esquí (plancha) |
Swimming (swímming) | Natación |
Surfing () | Surfing |
Sailing (sáyling) | Navegación, vela |
Scuba diving () | Buceo |
Shooting (shóoting) | Tiro |
Skating (skáting) | Patinaje |
Skiing (sk? ing) | Esquí |
Snooker (sn?k?r) | Billar |
Softball () | Softball |
Skeet () | Tiro |
Soccer () | Soquer |
Tennis () | Tenis |
Trapeze () | Trapecio |
Taekwondo () | Taekwondo |
Volleyball () | Voleibol |
Water skiing () | Esquí náutico |
Weight-lifting () | Pesas |
Walk () | Marcha |
Water-polo () | Water polo |
Windsurfing () | Windsurf |
Wrestling () | Lucha |
Walking () | Caminata |
Water gymnastics () | Nado soncronizado |
Water polo () | Polo acuatico |
Waterski () | Esquí acuatico |
Weight lifting () | Levantamiento de pesas |
How do you play / do some of these sports?
Badminton is a game between two players or a team of doubles hitting a light, feathered shuttlecock with a racquet over a central net. Only the serving side can score a point, while the receiving side is trying to win the right to serve the following point. A coin toss decides who is to serve first and which side of the net a player will initially defend. A badminton match is played as the best-of-five games. In doubles and singles, the first side to score seven points wins the game.
Boxing is a combat sport in which two opponents face each other in a ring, wearing padded gloves. The fighters face each other in consecutive sessions, known as "rounds", which last between one and three minutes. A boxer is victorious when the opponent is knocked over and does not get up before the referee counts to ten out loud. This is called a knock out.
The object is simple: for one fencer to hit another without being hit first. The excitement and romance of the sport of serious duelling remains as each fencer attempts to protect him or herself from his opponent, while trying to find an opening in the opposition's defense. Fencing is much safer today thanks to protective clothing and flexible, blunted blades which are always used while participating in "bouts."
A team sport usually played outdoors, on a football pitch, with a round football, a goal, with two teams of 11 players, and a goalie.
Usually played by individuals, golf is played on a golf course, using several types of golf clubs and a golf ball. Golf is played on specially-designed course consisting of a series of numbered holes. Some holes are short, just two or three hundred metres, while others are longer, up to five or six hundred metres. Each hole has a tee-off area, or tee box, from which the first shot is played. The object of the game is to hit the ball and get it into the cup with as few shots as possible. But course designers don't want to make this too easy, so they build hazards into the course.
Hockey is played between two teams of 11 players and the objective is to score more goals in the two 35 minute halves than your opponents. The 10 outfield players can only hit the ball with the flat part of their sticks but the goalkeeper can use any part of his body to block its flight.
A judo bout is a match between two opponents, or judoka, trying to score either by throwing the opponent or by applying a legitimate hold that makes the opponent submit or immobilises him or her for a specified time. The first judoka to score one point wins the contest. Bouts last five minutes for both men and women.
A match is the best of five games. Each game is to nine points, unless the score reaches eight-all. At eight-all the receiver has to choose to play either to nine points or to ten points. There is no requirement that a player needs to be two points ahead to win a game. Only the server scores points. When the server wins a rally he or she scores a point; when the receiver wins a rally he or she becomes the server.
Table Tennis
Table tennis is a lightning quick game between two players (singles), or two pairs (doubles) standing at a table hitting a light, plastic ball back and forth with small racquets known as bats. The object of the game is to keep the ball in play and each return must be made after the ball has bounced on the defender's side of the table once. The last successful team or player to successfully return the ball during a rally scores a point.
The snatch is a lift where the barbell, or bar, is pulled directly from the platform to the full extent of the arms above the head in one continuous motion. Each athlete has three attempts at the snatch, and three attempts at the clean-and-jerk attempting to make as heavy a lift as possible. The best weights in each discipline are then combined to give a total score. If two lifters finish with the same total, the one with the lower body weight places higher.
At international competition level there are two sets of rules that may be adopted for wrestling. The aim of wrestling is to pin your opponent. A pin is where the shoulders are held down to the mat for one second. A pin wins the match regardless of score. Another way to win a match is by proving technical superiority. This is done by gaining a ten points lead at any stage against your opponent.
Baseball is played between two teams of nine players on a specially-built baseball field, with up to four umpires in charge of a game. The teams take turns throwing the ball, or pitching, and batting. The pitcher throws the ball from the pitcher's mound (see diagram at right), aiming to throw it over a pentagonal rubber slab known as the home plate. The main contest in a game of baseball is between a pitcher and a batter.
The game is played between two teams, with five players per team allowed on the court at any one time. Points are scored by getting the ball through a hoop called 'the goal' or 'the basket', and the team scoring the most points wins. Basketball is played on a rectangular court 28 metres long and 15 metres with a basket at a height of 3.05 metres at each end. Most indoor courts have a floor made of wood. Points are scored by throwing the ball through the opponents' basket.
1.Cuyás A, Cuyás A. Gran diccionario Cuyás inglés–español, español-inglés. 2 ed. La Habana: Edición Revolucionaria, 1992.
2. GARCÍA L. ET AL., Los Retos del Cambio Educativo; Editorial Pueblo y Educación, La Habana, 1996.
3.ENRÍQUEZ, I., "Teaching English Television Revisited." En Approach: a journal of English Language Teaching in Cuba. Vol. 1, No. 1, La Habana, December, 2001.
4. LECHELT, DOREEN. Telling the world 1. — Toronto: Ed. Pueblo y Educación, 1995.
5. Proctor P. Cambridge International Dictionary of English. Cambrigde: University Press, 1999.
6. UR, PENNY. Five minutes activities: a resource book of short activities. — Inglaterra: Ed. University of Cambridge, 1996.
7. Webster䳠Diccionario bilingüe español-inglés. 3 ed. Londres: Merriam-Webster, 2004.
WATCYN JONES, PETER. Top class activities. 50 short games and activities for teachers. — Inglaterra: Ed. Penguin Books, 1997.
1 Lic. Ailin Mercedes Alonso Avila.
2 Lic. Arlin Mercedes Alonso Avila.
1 Licenciado en Educación. Especialización en Lengua Inglesa. Instructor. Facultad De Cultura Física Guantánamo. Guantánamo, Cuba.
2 Licenciado en Educación. Especialización en Lengua Inglesa. Instructor. Secundaria Básica "". Guantánamo, Cuba.
1. Cuartel # 912 % Emilio Giró y Flor Crombet. Guantánamo, Cuba.
2. Cuartel # 912 % Emilio Giró y Flor Crombet. Guantánamo, Cuba.
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