Fruits´ properties and applications as an alternative method of the traditional medicine
Enviado por Javier Rondon Medina
The present work is intended to explain some of the properties of the fruits and its application in different ways to prevent diseases, taking into account that alternative medicine with fruits is a therapeutic technique based on the medicinal substances of the fruits, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts that helps to metabolize the sugars, the lipids and others. Due to their importance and their repercussion at the present time, our country had carried out an intense battle to increase the conscience about the daily consumption of the fruits through the means of massive diffusion and the creation of agricultural markets in different areas, for that, we have decided to develop this topic leaning on in the properties of the fruits and its application; that we can frequently find in our country and their use to improve the health of our people. For the fulfilling of this work were consulted varied websites and other sources of information.
Key words: Fruits, properties, applications, treatments.
At the time the man discovered the fire, his feeding was based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Hipocrates (in the centuries 460 at 377 B.C.) used the juice of the grenade as feverish in sicks. An old Spanish proverb points out that the olive oil all wrong removes. The olive tree cultivation is very old. The Sumerians, primitive inhabitants of the south of Babylon, already knew the olive tree in the year 4000 B.C. and the Egyptians make mention of the oil in the Eber"s papyrus, three millennia before the Christian Era. (1)
The Greeks assured that the olive was the goddess's gift Atenea to the floor of Greece. It counts the history that, the Great Alejandro lost 20 governors to pick up the peach of the Valley of Sogdiana. Its original name is cajú (marked / cashú /) word that comes from acashúm (written in Portuguese acajum), name that belongs to an indigenous dialect of Brazil. It is said that in the year 1558 the monk and French naturalist André Thevet, already made reference in his stories and illustrations to the plants and its fruits. From cashú it is derived the English term cashew. (2)
When the Portuguese settlers arrived at; got a lot the attention of the nutritional properties of their nuts, it is said that the Portuguese took the seeds to the India for 1568 and starting from here it was introduced in the Southwest Asia, arriving to Africa in the second half of the XVI century . (3)
The first imports of seeds from the India were made by United States in the year 1905. Between this year and 1914 exports of seeds to France and England were also carried out. In 1923 India exported 45 tons of seeds toward EE.UU, the trip between the India and EE.UU. took 45 to 50 days around. Already for 1941 the India makes a world monopoly thanks to the export of this product. Owing to the Second World War the exports suffered a paralyzation in 1943, but it was renewed when the North American government allowed the trade of the nuts from the India to get his corrosive oil because it was considered of warlike interest for the country. (4)
In 1956 is created in Brazil an experimental field of the Institute of Investigation and Agricultural Experimentation of the Northeast with the purpose to experience with cashew cultivations to a great scale for their later study, was the agricultural engineer Esmerino Gomes Parente who showed in this experimental field a total of 36 plants. For 1965 was carried out a selection work in the full experimental field with plants to study their morphological aspects, in 1976 it is started an agronomic program with the cashew seeds implanting genes of a mature plant in a young plant to obtain the fruits in a smaller time. (5)
In the 90´s and beginnings of the XXI century had an increase in the cashew exports, becoming one of the foods with more demand in the world. Although many tropical fruits have adapted to places of warm climates, as the cherimoyas, the melons, the khakis or the kiwis, the great majority of the tropical fruits come from tropical or subtropical countries as Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Honduras and Ecuador. These fruits arrive at other destination places and they suffer different processes that take them to the best conditions. (6)
However, with the continuous development of the pharmacology, the man has gone displacing more and more the use of the fruits for the preventive treatment of illnesses substituting them by products subjected to chemical processes, without keeping in mind the incalculable medicinal properties of many of them. If the people had enough knowledge about the advantages that contribute the consumption of the most important fruits we will be able to carry out a healthier life. (7)
It is of paramount importance to state that in our country exist a bit unknowing of this topic, that is why some people are not aware of the importance of fruits´ consumption in different ways, as well as the varied of use of them. It results contradictory because our country is rich in fruits and we can find them everywhere, but we still do not manage the wide use of them and in some cases its properties are ignored. Specifically, our province Moxico, is the biggest of the Angolan territory and people are not conscious in this important knowledge that is a guaranty for the health of the population as such. There are not supported materials related to this and there are not events to promote it. Nevertheless, our country had carried out an intense battle to increase the conscience about the daily consumption of the fruits through the means of massive diffusion and the creation of agricultural markets in different areas. That´ s why, we want to explain and promote in a general way, the properties and application of the fruits to live more and better.
The man from remote times not only used the fruits in his alimentary diet, but also with therapeutic ends, and with the passing of the time began to study its properties. Substituting in occasions, motivated by the own development of the science, the nutritional contributions of the fruits by pharmacs. However at the present time it has been recaptured as a strategy of health the importance of the necessary consumption of the fruits with the objective of achieving the human's fuller development. (8)
The word fruit comes from the Latin “frutus´´ that means the fruit, the vitality, the gain. The fruit is the group of eatable fruits that can be obtained of cultivated or wild plants, but contrary to the other vegetable foods (vegetables and cereals) the fruits possess a flavor and intense aroma; and some different nutritious properties, for it the fruit usually takes like fresh or cooked dessert. It suits to eat them when they are mature. As foods they have properties like: rich in vitamins and minerals, few calories and a high percentage of water (between an 80 and 95%). (9)
The fruits are rich foods in proteins (builders), lipids (fuels) glucids (foods of force); all are rich in salts minerals and vitamins, acids, oligoelements and other vital substances in different quantities that depend of:
The fertility of the floors.
The climate (it is warm, temperate, etc).
The variety.
The human being requires food to build and/or to restore his organism according to the energy waste he daily has. Therefore; it is advisable the rational consumption of the fruits that grow in the high part of the plants and when being more exposed in the sun and to the air they are very energetic. (10)
In 1970 the alternative medicine begins to be investigated as well as new techniques related with fruits, and studies and other deepen investigations regarding their therapeutic and nutritional properties. (11)
The alternative medicine with fruits is a therapeutic technique based on the medicinal substances of the fruits, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and, oligoelements that helps to metabolize the sugar, the lipids and the proteins; also, they act in damaged organs.(12)
Among the fruits with more significant healing properties we have investigated the following:
It comes from the southeast part of Asia, called the ecological fruit. The chewed shell eliminates the gastric ulcer taken in infusion; it is a great depurative of the blood and relaxant of the nervous system. In the pulp it concentrates great quantity of sour oxalic, this, together to the pectin of the shell is the remedy that drags the lead, mercury, cadmium and chromium that are in the blood, becoming the cleaning fruit of the organism. For the vitamin C that contains prevents colds, bronchitis and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). The tea of the leaves is very digestive and it helps to combat the insomnia. It is highly alkaline, for it is recommended for the heart and the intestinal activity, excellent to coagulate the blood, for it is recommended it in hemorrhages. It seeks advice in cases of gout, rheumatism, calculations, cysts, and scurvy. (13, 14)
Healthy to the man, its daily consumption avoid many illnesses. It is the richest in potassium, substances antidiarreics and oligoelements that improve people with insomnia and problems in the nervous system; it contains iron and vitamin B12. It is used to control diarrheas, especially in children; to combat the stress and the anemia. (15)
America was born in volcanic areas. There are more than 500 varieties. It is one of the neuter fruits that we are surprised for their nutritious healing properties. The avocado has a nutritious value similar to that of a meat portion. Their pulp is an incomparable source of energy, proteins and minerals, its more important application is the one that is given for the treatment of the coronary affections. It is extremely digestive for the fiber that has. The chlorophyll helps to restore the red globules of the blood. It is a phosphorizated that helps to strengthen the brain, useful for people with demanding mental work. The fats of the avocado don't take cholesterol.
The leaves in tea are excellent against uneasiness like the fatigue, headache, breathing dysfunctions and irregular menstruation; also, weakness of the stomach, colds, illnesses of the throat and chest, inflammations of the mouth and throat. It is good to mash the fresh leaves of avocado to cure the affections of the mouth and the gums, this procedure combats the inflammations, suppurations and decay fortifying the gums and affirming the denture. Their consumption produces heat and energy. For the vitamin A that contains, it favors the growth and the formation of teeth and bones, it fortifies the eyes and the skin and it avoids infections. (16,17,18)
It is native from the India, smaller Asia, Malaysia and Philippines.
With the trunk gets ready a syrup to combat the chronic diarrheas, and rebellious leucorrhea, illnesses of the kidneys and other ailments of the urinary"s roads. It helps to prevent and to correct the muscular cramps that take place for lack of glucose or sugar in blood, for it is recommended it to the arthritic ones. In enough quantity it favors the intestinal movement for the pectin that contains. It increases and it improves the maternal milk. The banana has been used traditionally to increase the formation of the red globules and of hemoglobin, for the iron, other minerals and the vitamins that it contains; it stimulates the function of the organs producing of blood. (19)
Cold fruit original from the tropical America. It regulates the temperature of the stomach. For the latex that contains the pulp it helps to improve the chronic constipation, it heals the ulcers of the colon, it cures the diverticulitis, it fortifies the intestinal flower, it improves hyperacid problems, it stabilizes the hepatic functions and it contributes in the diet used in alternative medicine to get off weight. (20)
Coming from tropical America. It strengthens the lymphatic system and to contain great quantity of vitamins C, it is known as the vitamin of the life, it is beneficent at least for 80% of the illnesses that the human being suffers. The shell of the guava although thin it is of a great nutritious value. The infusion of leaves or branches are used for stomachaches and as vermifuge, gargles in the event of ulcerated gums or inflamed and in other wounds of the mouth, they are astringent and antiseptic, they are used as compresses for the scaring of the wounds, ulcers and other affections of the skin. (21)
It is laxative and rich in iron. The beet juice eliminates the uric acid, it purifies and it renovates the blood, active the stomach, intestine, liver and vesicle bile. It is indicated in cases of anemia, tuberculosis, nervous dysfunctions, rheumatism, drop, arthritis and to lower fevers. It is mineralizant, it combats the stones of the bladder colagoga, enzymatic, alkalinezant. To the rich being in calcium and combined with exhibition in the sun, it is able to assimilate more the vitamin D that allows in turn to fix the calcium to the bony mass. (22)
Native of the Colombian Andes. It contains a lot of vitamin A, carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, iron and vitamin C. It is indicated for the growth of children and youths to go up the defenses. In the almond of their seed they have been substances able to cure the leukemia. It is stimulant of the hairy leather. The bark favors the shines and it strengthens the hair. (23)
It is originated in the tropical America. It belongs to the group of the sour fruits. It contains iron, potassium calcium, sodium, protein, fiber, sugar, calories (52), vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B3, C (20%), water (85%), hydrate of carbon, fatty, cellulose, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, malic and citric acid; sugar natural. It stimulates the digestion and the activity of the intestine, it normalizes the microbial flora of the colon, it reduces the hemorrhoids, it prevents and corrects the constipation and for their diuretic action it is recommended in affections of the kidneys, bladders and prostates, The juice of the pineapple alleviates infections of the larynx and pharynx, mouth, bronchitis and colds. It is recommended for diphtheria sick persons. The assimilable organic iodine that contains contributes to the good operation of the thyroid. The diabetic and obese can consume them with moderation. It goes down the fever when destroying infectious germs and eliminates toxins. It also normalizes the digestion and facilitates the gastric secretion, it cures all the illnesses of the stomach and of the bowels. It is a great tonic of the cerebral weak and tonic organisms that alleviates the neurosis, melancholy, depression , jaundice, illnesses of the spleen and liver, internal afflictions, fevers, illnesses of the mouth, colds, asthma, amenorrhoea. It contributes to the formation of the blood, bones, stomaches, nerves, muscles, it should waste away when is very mature and alone because their acids are not compatible with another fruits or foods. The shell purifies the blood and it alleviates inflammations. The juice of the pineapple alleviates cystitis. (24, 25)
It was taken to Europe from America for the conquerors and was called as "The Apple of the Love". it was not used in the European traditional cuisine by the fear that was poisonous. This changed when having news that it was part of the feeding of the town in America. It contains iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, calories, iodine, vitamins A, B, D, PP and C, sour oxalic and great quantity of water. Is recommended to remove him the shell and the seed because has great quantity of fungicides. For the sour oxalic and other salts that it contains it is very medicinal, solvent of the uric acid, depurative, diuretic, laxative, and sedatives of the nervous system. The juice of tomato it is recommended those constipated. It is also used to combat cough, phlegm in the throat, anemia, rachitic, measles, skin eruptions and to clarify the voice, their habitual consumption also prevents the cancer.
It cooperates to neutralize the excessive stomach acidity, it stimulates the appetite; recommended for the affections of the bladder, the skin, bile vesicle. The great oligoelements content like the copper contributes to the good formation of the blood, so much in mature people as in young. The tomato juice and carrots are recommended in the event of allergy. It seeks advice to eat them raw and fresh, not in having canned, sausages or in preserves, neither in tomato pasta. (26,27,28)
It should always waste away mature. Besides combating the depression, they have an effect soft laxative and they protect the stomach. It is diuretic, so, eliminates the toxins of our body. (29)
This fruit is nutritious and healing, its value vitaminic is based mainly on vitamin B and C. Its high healing value is used in cases as: illnesses of the gums, scurvy, toothache, teeth, dental weakness in general, purifies the blood, it combats the colds, it is very effective bronchus"s illnesses, it acts very well in cases of stomach acidity, it helps in cases of constipation, it combats the mucosities of the throat avoiding the bacterial formation, it liberates the breathing roads collaborating in the best oxygenation in the organs and, it combats hoarseness, fevers, bronchitis, and it is an assistant in cases of blows or twists alleviating the affected area. (29)
It is a natural fruit whose name scientist is Morinda citrifolia. It contains components that can helps to the human body to regenerated cellularly and to increase the defenses of the same one, in a natural way.
The Noni can helps to prevent illnesses and to improve the health:
It reduces the arterial hypertension.
It reacts with the melatonin and the serotonin to regulate the dream, the temperature and the states of spirit.
Increases the energy of the organism.
It acts as anti-inflammatory agent and antihistaminic.
It alleviates the pain.
It possesses antibacterial properties that can protect against digestive dysfunctions and heart lesions and inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors. (30)
Apricot | Guava | Tomato | Olive |
Banana | Lemon | Peach | Avocado |
Cherry | Orange | Strawberry | Almond |
Plum | Pineapple | Guava | Coconut |
Melon | Cucumber |
| Cocoa |
The sour fruits are excellent to lower the cholesterol and the uric acid.
The semisours are rich in proteins of high biological value.
The neuter ones are the richest in proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and oligoelements.
"They should waste away fresh.
"They should waste away alone, without mixing it with another food,
"It should not be abused of the juices of sour fruits.
"It is not convenient to take juices of fruits after the foods. One hour should be made before or one hour later.
"The vegetables and the fruits should not waste away in the same food.
"The orange should waste away alone.
"The orange is gold in the morning, silver at noon and lead at night"
"The citric fruits should waste away before 2 in the afternoon.
"The sweet fruits can waste away at any hour of the day.
"All the fruits should be chewed well.
"They should waste away mature
"Good washed
"They should not waste away like dessert, hinders the digestion.
"The juices of fruits should waste away fresh and as soon as possible, they are fermented and they become source of pains and illnesses, affecting the liver and the brain. (31)
Natural Pharmacs
The natural pharmacs are very requested in the market because everybody knows that they have a similar effective that those elaborated in laboratory and have less or any secondary effect too. Our ancestors already knew how to cure through the nature and the feeding; now, we begin to recover that wisdom confirming through numerous studies that the nature is our allied one. (32)
Fucus Vesiculosus
It is a marine alga that grows in the costs of the north of the Atlantic Ocean. It is known and appreciated by their properties as anticellulitic, being already observed results to the 15 days of beginning their use.
It is used for:
Overweight and obesity.
Cellulites (in form of compresses or cataplasms).
Wrinkles, grooves and flaccidity of the tissues (in form of compresses or cataplasms).
Rheumatism and arthritis.
Diabetes type II.
Their contents in sulfur transform it into an alga healer of the skin, the carotenes allow an improvement in the resistance in the sun.(33)
Plant originated in Sierra Peruana, well-known and recommended by their properties for reduce the cholesterol, because it acts as diuretic. The carried out investigations suggest us that it burns the fat of the body regulating the metabolism reducing the excess of fat of the body without risk of causing anorexy and it reduces the risks of vascular problems. It facilitates the circulation and due to their diuretic action it is used to normalize the sanguine pressure, it helps to energize the organism because it contributes to balance the metabolism. (34)
It is a food of high nutritional and biological value, for their varied chemical composition it has presence of proteins, fatty, glucids and calcium in big quantities. It is a potent tonic restorative for anemic and convalescent people of illnesses that require the formation of red globules; also, is used for the menopause, cellulose, starches, iodine. It constitutes a great restorative of the endocrine glands, especially of the thyroid, iron, complex of vitamins B and vitamin C; also, contains Zinc too that which favors to the oxygenation of the tissues. It helps to the normal development of the hair, therefore their deficiency can produce the tendency to the baldness or dysfunctions in the aspect and vitality of the hairy leather. The calcium helps to the growth of the human body and the bony formation; it also possesses abundant carbohydrates that the human uses for the maintenance and the energy reinstatement. (35, 36)
It is a mixture of four medicinal plants: Caigua, Algae, Hercampuri and Garlic, that ii diminishes the cholesterol, increase the circulation and reinforces the immunologic system; it promotes the perspiration and increases the production of digestive juices.
The combination of their depuratives, lipolitics and diuretic properties allow diminishing the liquids and fatty corporal, to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, helping to control the overweight and other metabolic alterations, contributing this way to reduce the risks of cardiovascular problems. (37, 38)
The Yacon Tea:
The yacon tea, or Smallanthus Sonchifolius, contributes us all the properties of the yacon but increase with the millennial wisdom of this traditional infusion.
The reduction of the level of glucose in blood.
The stimulation of the pancreas, regulating the conservation of sugar in the blood.
Avoid the constipation and it prevents the colon cancer.
It diminishes the level of cholesterol and triglycerides of the blood.
It facilitates the assimilation of the calcium, contributing in the prevention of the osteoporosis and strengthening bones and teeth.
It improves in general the operation of the immunologic system.
It regulates the arterial pressure and it prevents the arteriosclerosis. (39, 40)
With the realization of this work we could increase our knowledge and culture in relation with the topic, on the other hand, we agree with the criteria of the authors and sources of information consulted, taking as a point of departure that the treatment with fruits and its applications are well-known in the world but our country is not very well conscious of its importance. That is so, our proposal is aimed at elaborating and promoting a kind of guidelines with the fruits that commonly appear in Angola, mainly in Moxico to make people conscious the effective use of them
With the realization of this topic review we increase our knowledge and culture in regard to this work. We totally agree with the criteria of the authors and sources of information consulted, taking as a point of departure that the treatment with fruits and its applications are well-known in the world but our country is not very well conscious of its importance.
With the creation and promotion of an educative program with the fruits that commonly appear in Angola, mainly in Moxico to make people conscious the effective use of them, will allow the inhabitants of the locality to have a healthy life.
Annex # 1
Fruit | Property-utility | It contains mainly | ||
Olive | The olive oil is useful as laxative and hepatic stimulant. | Vitamins A,C,P,E | ||
Avocado | Coronary affections, rachitis, anemia | Vitamins A, C, E, complex B. Carnitin. | ||
Almond | urinal and intestinal antiseptic , growth | Vitamins B1, B2, potassium, magnesium, zinc | ||
Cherry | Laxative, diuretic, useful in the drop, memory. | Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, sodium, magnesium, potassium | ||
Plum | constipation, hemorrhoids, excess of cholesterol, astringent | Vitamins PP, A, C, manganese, cellulose, sulfur, chlorine. | ||
Coconut | muscular tension, fortifies skin, fingernails, teeth, antiparasitical. | Vitamins A, B1, E, PP, cellulose, iron, sodium, potassium, barium | ||
Peach | Rheumatism, lung affections, laxative. | acid malic, acid oxalic, Vitamins C,PP,A | ||
Raspberry | laxative, diuretic | Vitamins A, C, iron | ||
Strawberry | arthritis, anemia | Vitamins E, K, A, PP, acid. oxalic, formic | ||
Guava | vermifuge, hypertension, incontinence | Vit AAc tanico,niacina | ||
Kiwi | vermifuge, laxative | Vitamins D, C, calcium, iron | ||
Lemon. | Scurvy, inappetence, fatigue, colds | Vitamins A, complex B, C, sulfur | ||
Apple | hemostatic, stress, insomnia | Vitamins A, B1 B2, C, pectin | ||
Melon | diabetes, arthritis, constipation | Vitamins A, B1 B2, PP, C | ||
Pear | acne, hypertension, psoriasis | Vitamins A,B1,PP,C | ||
Pineapple | tonic cerebral, depression, cellulitis, obesity | Vitamins A, B1 B6, C, | ||
Grapefruit | clean the skin, lowers the pressure | Vitamins A, C, iron. | ||
Grape | anemia, cold, healing, fatigue | Vitamins A, B1 B6, C , sulfurate, iodine |
Annex # 2
Useful Advices
Acidity of the stomach, ulcer of the duodenum and the stomach | To take orange juice, because it disinfects the digestive roads, dissolves the foods, destroys ulcerations and it heals. |
Stomach acidity | To consume a raw carrot, chewing it well |
Intestinal acidity | To take in infusion the papaya shell, rested in cold water, during 15 minutes |
Acne | It takes the lemon juice and it mixes with honey |
Anemia | To take bark and guava root |
Asthma | To take coconut milk. |
Bronchitis | To consume pineapple. |
Cancer | Coconut, orange, wheat, trenches, corn, soy, nuts and grapes |
Cholesterol | Grapefruit |
Infected colon | Orange juice. |
Heart | Guava and almond |
Diabetes | Lime |
Diabetics and obese | Melon |
Digestion | To take lemon before the foods |
Headache | To take infusion of avocado leaves |
Stomach pain | To consume a cup of hot water with some lemon drops to small sips, slowly. Not to eat anything solid until relief the pain. |
Pancreas | Orange juice |
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