
Inglés técnico: What is engineering?

Enviado por Herald Ruiz

  1. Objetivos de la Asignatura
  2. What is engineering?
  3. Reading
  4. Vocabulary
  5. Writing
  6. Get real
  7. Read the following text and do the exercises oriented below
  8. Exercise

Objetivos de la Asignatura


Al finalizar el curso de inglés I, los estudiantes serán capaces de:

  • Utilizar técnicas básicas de lectura a través del análisis crítico de textos técnicos de contenido común a todas las especialidades que les permitan obtener información precisa y útil para el desarrollo de sus capacidades profesionales y laborales.

  • Interpretar correctamente estructuras gramaticales básicas del idioma inglés organizadas dentro de funciones retóricas del lenguaje a través de la interpretación correcta de conceptualizaciones, ejemplificaciones, clasificaciones, causas-efectos e instrucciones que les permita ampliar conocimientos en su área de estudio y posteriormente aplicarlos en su campo socio-laboral.

  • Aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos a través de la interpretación de textos científicos generales en inglés para la extracción de información básica.

  • Expresar mensajes sencillos en inglés dentro de un contexto común a todas las especialidades por medio de diálogos y ejercicios orales.

  • Redactar coherentemente sus ideas por medio de escritos sencillos en inglés.

  • Defender con objetividad sus puntos de vista y convicciones.

What is engineering?


In your own language, think of four words to describe engineering. How do you say these words in English? Write down four English words to describe engineering.


  • Read the headings of the paragraphs (1-4) below. Underline any new words and look them up in the glossary or your dictionary. What do you think each paragraph will be about?

  • Read the paragraphs (1-4) below and check.

  • Anyone can use engineering ideas

This method of problem-solving is useful in everyday life. For example, you can use the five steps next time you prepare for a test.

Define the problem: I want to pass my test next week.

Design a solution: I will study for three hours a day.

Test the solution: Study for three hours a day and take the test.

Evaluate the solution: Have I passed the test with a good mark? Yes – a good solution.No = a bad solution, so think of a better one.

Communicate the solution: Tell your friends about your test-passing technique.

Read the four paragraphs again and decide if the sentences (1-4) below, are true (T) or false (F).

  • Lots of things are made by engineers. T/F

  • Engineering isn't practical. T/F

  • Engineers must think carefully. T/F

  • Only engineers can solve problems. T/F


Match the highlighted words from the text with the meanings (1-7) below.

  • plan

  • say exactly

  • a business

  • answer

  • careful

  • assess the success of

  • normal



  • Read the paragraph headings again. Do you agree with them?

  • Choose one of the problems below or your own problem. Solve it using the five steps. Make notes.

  • You want to go away for a weekend with your friends but your parents want you to study.

  • You want to buy a CD player but you haven't got any money.

  • Explain your problem and the solution.

  • Look at the four words you wrote to describe engineering at the beginning of the unit. Do you want to change them?

Get real

Look in the internet information about an example of a new, improved design, for example, a new model of car, household appliance, or personal stereo. Compare the original and the new one. Which features are different? Is the new one better?

Read the following text and do the exercises oriented below

Civil Engineering

What is civil engineering?

  • Civil engineering gives you the opportunity to benefit the community in many ways. You are able to specialize in design, construction, research and development or teaching.

  • You could be responsible for the design or construction of: dams used for flood mitigation, water supplies, irrigation and hydro-electric power, as well as all the associated infrastructure works.

  • Major public utilities such as railways, urban and country roads, freeways, bridges, tunnels, airports, docks and harbors.

  • The foundations and superstructures of buildings as diverse as domestic houses, hospitals and skyscrapers.

  • Water and wastewater treatment plants, coastal protection schemes and other environmental protection works.

Career opportunities

Civil Engineering offers a unique range of career opportunities. You can work in an office, on a site in the middle of a city or in the bush. You can work for yourself or somebody else. As well as the many exciting opportunities in Australia, there are great opportunities overseas, in a wide range of building and development projects, including infrastructure development.

As a civil engineer, you would work closely with a wide range of people so project management skills are an important part of the program.

Research opportunities

If you specialize in research and development, you will focus on trying to find solutions to the many problems which arise in practice.

You might develop new materials and new methods of design and construction which would lead to improvements in the key areas of economy and safety. You may pass on these new developments through publication in learned journals, at conferences or university teaching.


1. Follow this link: or: to use a bilingual dictionary to find the context by meaning of the following words from the reading:

flood mitigationcountry roadsfreewaysskyscraperswastewater treatment plantsenvironmental protectiondevelopment projectsmanagement skillsDamswater supplieshydro-electric powerrailwaysdocksbuildings

2. Find ten cognate words from the reading:

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

  • ___________________________________

3. Find synonyms in the reading for the following words.

  • building in paragraph #1

  • investigation in paragraph #1

  • varied in paragraph #4

  • abroad in paragraph #6

  • come up in paragraph #8


  • Ya que el propósito principal del ingles técnico es que los estudiantes adquieran las destrezas necesarias para interpretar textos de la especialidad, en mi opinión el docente debe buscar enlaces en el internet para actividades extras donde el estudiante pueda estudiar por su cuenta la parte gramatical de idioma.




Lic. Eudomilia Urrutia Mairena.

Enviado por:

Herald Ruiz

Universidad : Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

Facultad : Tecnología de la Construcción

Carrera: Ingeniería Civil

Plan : 97

Disciplina : Idiomas

Asignatura : Idioma Extranjero I

Tipo de Asignatura : Básica

Año : Primer Año Diurno y Nocturno

Semestre: Primer Semestre Diurno y Nocturno.