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Programa de Inglés para las ramas de Servicios, Industrial, Agropecuaria, Informática, Contador.
Objetivos Generales
Ampliar y desarrollar la concepción científica del mundo al conocer y profundizar en el carácter social de lenguaje y lo que representa como expresión cultural de cada pueblo tanto en Inglés como su lengua materna.
Emplear eficientemente la Lengua Inglesa como medio de comunicación e instrumento de trabajo de forma oral y escrita en situaciones de la vida cotidiana relacionadas con su perfil.
Contribuir a la formación multifacética y armónica del hombre mediante el desarrollo de hábitos y habilidades que permitan formar profesionales competentes y útiles a la sociedad con una adecuada formación ética en correspondencia con nuestros principios.
Objetivos Específicos
Comunicarse oralmente en un nivel elemental utilizando el idioma Inglés como medio de comunicación oral en situaciones cotidianas en su trabajo y actuar personal.
Leer y comprender textos escritos en Inglés tanto de carácter general como científico-técnico.
Desarrollar habilidades que le permitan hacer consultas bibliográficas de materiales de la especialidad en Inglés.
Interview to the teachers of English.
Objective: Verify the level of acceptance of the teaching activities to strengthen the value responsibility.
We need you to answer the following questions.
1) Which is your opinion about the teaching activities applied?
2) Did you face any difficulty at the time of applying the activities?
YES _____ NO _____
3) Do you consider it is important to continue applying them? Why?
Results obtained from the interview to the teachers of English.
Question 1
The teaching activities applied are interesting and of great help for the students. Although they contribute to strengthen the value responsibility, also allow the students to wide their cultural level, to learn and practice the language. The activities were of great acceptance and kept the students motivated. | The activities applied were well structured and easy to its comprehension. On them, the students play an important role and react in a positive way. They were highly motivated and interested during the development of the teaching activities. |
Question 2
Question 3
GROUP 1 | In my opinion, it is very important to continue applying the activities because they contribute to strengthen the value responsibility which is weak in the Professional Technical Education. Also, the teaching activities allow the students to increase their vocabulary and keep them motivated towards the English language. The majority of the activities are games that allow the students to see the English subject more agreeable. On the other hand, the Booklet that was made, allow me, as a teacher, to have a bibliography which gathers the contents of the English Program and allow the students to practice the language and in this way to learn the contents studied in class. | |||||
GROUP 2 | I consider that is fundamental and important the continuity on the application of the activities because they contribute that the students being more responsible, that know some technical words they need in their speciality in this way, they will arrive at the second year of the major having an elemental knowledge of the vocabulary of the speciality. |
Guide for the observation of lessons.
Objective: Observe the attitude assumed by the students during the development of the teaching activities.
1) Attendance and punctuation.
2) Attitude assumed by the students towards the teaching activities applied.
3) Motivation towards the activities.
4) The students´ participation during the development of the activities.
5) The degree of acceptance of the teaching activities by the students.
Results obtained from the guide for the observation of lessons.
There were visited a total of 20 classes, just in seventeen the authoresses of this work could observed that the students attended punctually, that they assumed in a responsible and conscious way the teaching activities applied. During the application of the activities the students were motivated, they participated in an active way and its role was fundamental to achieve the objectives proposed to each of the activities. It could be appreciated that the activities had a great acceptance by the students. They felt engaged with what they were doing and played an important role in their groups. The teachers oriented in a correct way the exercises and this propitiate the students understood and comprehended what they had to do. | 17 ( 85 %) | |||
Just in three of the lessons visited it could be observed that ten students (20 %) were not interested and motivated. They were not paying attention while the teacher was orienting the activities. | 3 (15 %) |
Inquiry to the students about the application of the activities.
Objective: Know the level of effectiveness of the teaching activities.
The present inquiry is a part of an investigation. We need your collaboration by answering with honesty the following questions.
1) Select the word that corresponds, in your opinion, with the activities that were applied.
a) ______ Interesting | d) ______ Difficult |
b) ______ Boring | e) ______ New |
c) ______ Easy | f) ______ Challenging |
g) ______ Complicated | h) ______ Important |
i) _____ Motivating |
2) Which is the activity that likes you most?
1 ______ | 5 ______ |
2 ______ | 6 ______ |
3 ______ | 7 ______ |
4 ______ | 8 ______ |
a) ______ Allow you to wide your cultural level
b) ______ Allow you to be more related with your partners.
c) ______ Allow you to play an important role in your group.
d) ______ Allow you to express yourself in an oral way.
e) ______ Allow you to learn more the English language.
3) Do the activities allow you to be more responsible?
YES ______ NO ______
4) You faced difficulties at the time of:
a) ______ Answering questions.
b) ______ Making sentences.
c) ______ Making exercises.
d) ______ Giving a mark to your partner.
e) ______ Dramatizing a situation.
f) ______ Guessing who someone is.
Results obtained from the inquiry to the students about the application of the activities.
Question 1
A | B | C |
35 (70 %) | 4 (8 %) | 23 (46 %) |
D | E | F |
8 (16 %) | 39 (78 %) | 29 (58 %) |
G | H | I |
10 (20 %) | 33 (66 %) | 41 (82 %) |
Question 2
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
30 (60 %) | 28 (56 %) | 33 (66 %) | 20 (40 %) |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
18 (36 %) | 36 (72 %) | 42 (84 %) | 43 (86 %) |
A | B | C |
25 (50 %) | 32 (64 %) | 27 (54 %) |
D | E |
20 (40 %) | 30 (60 %) |
Question 3
YES | NO |
38 (76 %) | 12 (24 %) |
Question 4
A | B | C |
10 (20 %) | 21 (42 %) | 15 (30 %) |
D | E | F |
19 (38 %) | 23 (46 %) | 11(22 %) |
Inquiry to the teachers of English.
Objective: Corroborate the level of effectiveness of the teaching activities proposed.
Answer the following questions.
1) Were you in the classroom when the teaching activities were applied?
YES _____ NO _____
a) In which group?
Group 1 _____ Group 2 _____
2) Were the students:
a) Interested on what they have to do?
YES _____ NO _____
b) Bored most of the time?
YES _____ NO _____
c) Doing something else?
YES _____ NO _____
d) Motivated while dealing with the activities?
YES _____ NO _____
3) Do these activities allow the students to behave in a responsible way?
YES _____ NO _____
4) Which is the activity the students like the most?
1 ______ | 5 ______ |
2 ______ | 6 ______ |
3 ______ | 7 ______ |
4 ______ | 8 ______ |
Results obtained from the Inquiry to the teachers of English.
Arlin Mercedes Alonso Avila.
Adviser: MSc.,Aux. Prof. Iraida Quevedo Palomo.
Major: Foreign Languages.
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