
Activities to strengthen the value responsibility

Enviado por ailin alonso

Partes: 1, 2, 3

  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Scientific problem
  4. Methods applied
  5. Some considerations about values. Definition
  6. Psychological, Pedagogical and Philosophical foundations that support the formation of values at the moment
  7. Teaching activities to strengthen the value responsibility in first year students of the Accountant specialty in the Professional Technical Education
  8. Validation of the teaching activities proposed with the objective of strengthening the value responsibility in first year students of the Accountant specialty
  9. Conclusions
  10. Recommendations
  11. Bibliographycal references
  12. Annex

La medida de la responsabilidad está en lo extenso de la educación: y cuando se sea responsable de todo, todavía no se es responsable de haber nacido hombre, y de obrar conforme a lo que aún existe de fiero y de terrible en nuestra naturaleza.(1)

José Martí.

Keeping in mind the importance of the formation of values in the students, it is necessary to contribute to its formation from the class, as ideal space for the work with the contents that are taught. Through the application of an Initial Diagnosis and some investigation methods, the authoresses could prove the necessity of strengthening the value responsibility in first year students of the Accountant specialty at "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" Politechnical Institute.

After formulating and analyzing the scientific problem, some teaching activities were elaborated to strengthen the value responsibility through the English lessons. These teaching activities were created by the authoresses and can be applied to other specialties.

Education of the new and future generations is one of the tasks that the Revolution has stated to the Cuban teaching. Among these tasks the formation of values is one of paramount importance in the development of the individual"s personality.

The formation of values is a complex problem in which the educational actions of diverse institutions and social organizations converge: the family, the school, the mass and social organizations, the cultural, economic, sport, religious, armed institutions, and mass media.

Values are developed on the bases of the daily activity of the men, of their knowledge, beliefs and representations in connections with the diverse phenomena of the reality, in which they participate as integral personalities.

Hence it is necessary to determine what values should be strengthened, which their hierarchization is, understand their relative independence and their subjection to an educational conformation not always totally controllable that is personalized by each individual.

At present there is a flow of values formed along our history, present in the thought and traditions of the Cuban people and in the work of the Revolution that which become strengths to continue the way to the formation of the new generations.

It is the school the main responsible of giving answer to the society concerning the shaping of the new generation, developing features, and qualities in this new kind of man. Inside the school, the teacher, with his own example in the daily behavior, is the one in charge of transmitting the values to their students.

On the other hand, the lesson constitutes an ideal space for the work of formation of values. During the lesson, by means of the treatment that is given to the contents, the teacher can offer the students a model that allows to contribute to the formation and development of the necessary values for their integral formation.

The Professional Technical Education is not out of the transformations that are being carried out in today"s Cubans schools. It requires the development of a level of responsibility that allows the future technician, of any specialty, to carry out the work and fulfill it efficiently.

It is for these reasons that the authoresses of this work directed their attention at strengthening the value responsibility through the English lessons in first year students of the Accountant specialty at "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" Politechnical Institute.

In these years of experience in the Professional Technical Education, by means of the observation of lessons, the application of different instruments and during our own development of the lessons, the authoresses could verify that within the values that should be strengthened in the young generations, it is that of responsibility the one that requires more attention, because of its importance in this type of education. This fact led to the statement of the following:

How to strengthen the value responsibility through the English lessons in first year students of the Accountant specialty at "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" Politechnical Institute?


The Teaching Learning Process of the English subject for first year students of the Accountant specialty at "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" Politechnical Institute.


The formation of the value responsibility in the Teaching Learning Process of the English subject in first year students of the Accountant specialty at "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" Politechnical Institute.


Elaboration of a set of teaching activities to strengthen the value responsibility through the English lessons in first year students of the Accountant specialty at "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" Politechnical Institute.


1- What theoretical-referential conceptions support the formation of values at the moment?

2- What is the current state of the value responsibility in first year students of the Accountant specialty at "Asdrúbal López Vázquez" Politechnical Institute?

Partes: 1, 2, 3
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