The Project Work as a way to promote group interactions (página 3)
Enviado por Kenia Santiesteban Leyva
During the development of the first project work the transformation of the teams was convened with the students although some of them refused to be part of the teams in which they should be included according to the results of the sociometric test and the affective aspect in the activity of studying. Some isolated students wanted to study with advance students and with certain degree of acceptance and some students did not want to study, this explains the previously expressed.
A persuasive work for the understanding of the necessity of working in teams was carried out. New members should be incorporated to the teams who would be also contribute to the success of the activity. The leader of each team was selected.
The author proceeded to the detailed orientation of the activity, carrying out all the necessary explanations to each team individually, and with the help of the leaders from each team the tasks were distributed. The time in which the activity would be carried out was also established, the date in which the activity will be check by the teacher and the leaders of each team to see the evolution and to reinforce the orientation in the cases that needed it, was also determined.
Two weeks after the orientation of the execution, the activity was developed, all the members carried out their individual tasks and the report of each team was presented. The most dynamic students were sure of themselves. They were independent in the expression of their approaches, and the isolated ones showed features of shyness. The first ones tried to impose their approaches, the seconds did not defend theirs, and most of them were carried out on the part of the professor reflexive questions directed to the necessity of a good communication, in respect to the other ones. This facilitated the exchange among them and as at the end we elaborated a collegiated report and organised the way in which it would be presented.
During the presentation the team in charge of presenting the report showed mastery of the activity developed, nevertheless, among the opponents unsatisfied faces were observed, inadequate expressions and others that did not respect other"s opinions and interrupted them with comments. Because of this the teacher"s pedagogical conduction was necessary, making emphasis on the rules to communicate better. This propitiated a time of discussion and the participation was specially directed to listen to those students that generally remained passive and they were isolated in the activity of studying.
Finally a general valuation was carried out where the students attributed the success of the activity to their appropriate organization and mainly because every body participated which allowed the exchange of opinions and the achievement of the proposed objective, as weII as the recognition of the importance of the activity.
Project work number 2
The previous experience was taken into account. The activity was conducted as in the previous way, although a higher level of help was required in the elaboration of the poster to represent the summarized essential ideas graphically.
During the execution of the task a higher interest was observed from the part of the students, a better organisation among them guided by the leaders of each team. Better relationships were also observed during their interaction in a cooperative way. During the moment in which the selected students were drawing the images to be represented on the poster, a closed attention was paid to the image related to the ideas selected. It was very positive the moment in which they realized the importance of listening to different opinions about their work from the members of other teams.
In the valuation of the activity they reflected their satisfaction with it and they were able to express what they have learned from it as members of a group.
Project work number 3
The experience acquired in the two previous activities was very valuable, it facilitated the execution stage. It was possible to consolidate the relationships in the group and to systematize the procedures for obtaining the information.
In the execution stage they showed independence, sureness, help was requested among the members of the team. There was organization and respect. All the students emitted their criteria about the previous aspects, they required less time in the realization of the activity and their quality was higher.
When valuing the activity they referred to the importance of it to increase their general culture, the importance of working together, the role of the leader of the team when organizing the activity, and the role of each of the members of the team. They realized how important these elements were for helping them to valuate more among themselves.
In this way, the group was evolving. Although not all the difficulties were solved, a very favourable transformation could be perceived.
It is necessary to point out that this form of working was assumed by all the teachers of the staff and also contributed to the consolidation of these results.
Analysis of the resuIts
In the development of the investigation the author took into consideration the initial diagnosis, 6 teams constituted the sample representing the 100% of the students from the group.
When the author evaluated the initial state of the group, she got prepared to carry out the activities.
During the development of each activity the students demonstrated great interest and enthusiasm because they were motivated by the topics they should investigate about. Each team developed each activity with success and quality that represents the 100%. Nevertheless few students demonstrated that they know some of the things related to the topics to be investigated.
It was observed that each activity brought substantial changes in the group. This activities organized in teams develop cooperation and strengthen other values such as humanism, companionship, responsibility, among others.
There was no positive social valuation of the content of the activity, but as these project works have been carried out, it was observed that these activities were fairly valued, this was evidenced when all the students worked, carrying out good works, but students were also conscious that they would acquire knowledge that will help them as teachers to be.
There were no objectives and common goals in a conscious and organized way, but when students carried out each project work it was observed that these objectives and common goals were formed. It was evidenced that a good cooperation developed among the members of the group, while some were working at the library looking for the information they needed, others were working at the computers labs. The interaction among the members of the teams was good.
After the application of this investigation the author considers that the project work constitutes an effective way not only for the development of the cognitive independence of the students, but also for the development of qualifies of the personality such as: responsibility, laboriosity and solidarity.
The instructive-educational effectiveness of the project work depends greatly on the planning, organization and orientation of the activities to be developed, according to the individual and group diagnose.
The proposal applied constituted an alternative for the planning and organization of the project work for the success of a group interaction that supports the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge, as well as the development of solidarity, companionship, as values that we defend in our society.
The author due to the importance of the project work according to the results of the proposal applied recommends the following:
1. To design models of project works similar to the ones applied throughout the development of workshops.
2. To design project works for the students taking into account:
Stages in which the project work is divide.
The indicators that we have to consider to evaluate an activity.
Adolescents and groups characteristics making emphasis in the group interaction, locating the status of each student.
Systematic character of the activities that the author proposes.
3. To use the theoretical chapter of the present work as a reference material to increase the scientific preparation of teachers in respect to the project work.
4. To apply the methodological proposal in different subjects and teaching levels, taking into account their peculiarities.
5. To guarantee in the methodological activity of schools, departments and subjects a deep analysis of project works taking into account its planning, orientation and control.
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MSc. Kenia Santiesteban Leyva
B.A. Ada Ailin Almaguer Ávila
Language Department
Las Tunas, 2014
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