Noise in Baena. Didactic proposals for improving the quality of city life (página 3)
Enviado por Francisco Javier S�nchez S�nchez-Ca�ete
Field to observe: Responsible participation |
PUPIL | S/He participates | S/he doesn't participates | Other attitudes |
21/10/05 | -A very reduced group of students finds it a little difficult to take part in the discussion on the activity of the Press and noise.
– In the activity of the Press and noise, students highlight the noise from motorbikes and bars. It may be due to the fact that motorbikes are numerous and noisy in Baena, mainly because they are not usually fitted with exhaust pipe. Bars are also very numerous in the town.
– Besides traffic noise, students find noteworthy the financial aspect related with the costs of correcting acoustic pollution in Spain (as much as the Environmental Agency annual budget).
– Students synmpathize with those neighbors whose houses are next to pubs and discos. They admit that these establishments are very noisy.
– All the topics on noise are interesting to the pupils. They want to learn on any topic. They find everything related to noise interesting. We find this very important because it shows motivation and it proves that students are immersed in the problem. | – The teacher encourages and stimulates them. Then all take part in the discussion with fluency and without any problems. -The teacher points out to them that motorbikes should be fitted with the corresponding exhaust pipe because it is so established by antinoise legislation. The teacher considers as well that there are too many bars in Baena, but the noise that they cause, although considerably high, is not too worrying. In this regard, it may be worse the long time that people spend in bars. – The teacher points out to them that it is indeed a very high budget, that is why civic education on noise is important. – The teacher tells them that the noise produced by pubs and discos is very annoying for the neighborhood and harmful for the users` health and quality of life. It is therefore necessary to do something to palliate the noise generated by these sources. – The teacher, on the other hand, is fully motivated and stimulated to keep working enthusiastically, especially when he sees students highly motivated. |
21/10/05 | – Pupils show neither difficulties nor anything outstanding with regard to this the activity, which is means that they have enjoyed it and it has been interesting to them, according to their behaviour during its development (teacher's direct observation). – All the pupils take part actively and attentively in the development of the activity , showing concentration, respect towards partners, being critical and showing pleasure to learn and to know. They are also interested in the activity, participating in a responsible way and appreciating the work of the group/class, as well as the importance of the written media. – Pupils write down some of their preferences in connection to what they would like to learn and to investigate regarding noise and its problem: To learn: . Consequences of noise for health . Sources of noise . How noises are measured . People's perception regarding noise . How to help other people on the topic of noises To investigate: . Sources of noise . People's perception on noise . Struggle against noise . Damages caused by noise on health . Noise measuring . Noise in the city of Baena . Legislation and noise . Responsibility of the authorities regarding the problem of noise . Solutions to the problem of noise – The teacher states that students`s preferred topics will be dealt with. This involves students even more in their learning process on noise. |
A. S/he progresses satisfactorily | 100 | 100 | 100 |
B. S/he knows but some aspects are confusing | 0 | 0 | 0 |
C. S/he has not internalized new concepts | 0 | 0 | 0 |
These "long" activities are dealt with under the focus of attitudes and values, which are deeply stressed. Many overall concepts on noise were worked on, as well as important procedures for Environmental Education, and many attitudes and values were also raised. Likewise, most of the didactic interventions implied an action by pupils on the environment.
As an example of an action in the environment we now present the action carried out by the pupils of 4th of E.S.O in the didactic activity on the perception and knowledge of the people from Baena about noise.
Students focused their action in the making of posters, leaflets and television advertisements on noise, with the purpose of making citizens aware of the problem generated by this pollutant.
In the posters and leaflets the following topics: were approached:
– Effects of noise on people.
– Struggle against noise.
– Sound and noise.
– Noise in society.
– Acoustic pollution.
– Noise in the home.
– How to avoid noise.
– Personal protection.
– Noise agents.
– Preventive measures.
– Noise and Municipal Ordinances.
– Noise in children`s life.
– Alternative to the sources of noise.
– Noise and the street.
– Noise and night.
– Communication and noise.
After making the posters and leaflets, they were photocopied for their later diffusion throughout the city (shops, schools, city council, youth house, unions, etc.). Ten copies of each poster were made. As there were 7 posters, we obtained a total of 70 posters. There were also 7 leaflets and 30 photocopies of each were made, thus getting as many as 210 leaflets. Once the posters and leaflets were photocopied, students in groups posted them in different places of Baena for their diffusion. The posters were placed in different clarly visible shop windows as well as in notice boards. The leaflets were spread in shops, schools, City council, Youth House, old people`s home, unions, etc.
As for the television advertisement, students had prepared in groups the performance of their corresponding advertisements (for them to do so, they had the literal content of the television advertisements that they had previously prepared). The classroom was conditioned for such an event. Before shooting an advertisement, several tests were made. Then, it was recorded and once all the ads were finished, they were edited in the local television studios. There, production would be made: the advertisements would be framed in black and the name of the authors would appear in the lower part).
Once completely finished all the advertisements in the studios of "Television Baena", they were diffused. They were each broadcast a couple of times a day, during one month. Later on, they would be broadcast rather less often.
In the television advertisements the following topics were approached:
– Difference between sound and noise.
– Effects of noise on health.
– Noise and pollution.
– Noise and communication.
– Noise and quality of life.
– Struggle against noise.
– Noise and legislation.
– Preventive measures.
– Acoustic Pollution.
– Protection against noise.
– Noise and society.
– Noise at home.
– Sources of noise.
– Noise and leisure.
– Hearing conservation programmes.
The results of these "long" interventions show this:
Regarding the influence of the didactic activities carried out in the increase of their awareness of the problem generated by noise:
1) In a scale between 0 and 10, they rate above 9 the fact that the interventions have been useful to increase their awareness of the problem generated by noise.
To illustrate this aspect, we now show Table 8, corresponding to the didactic activity of amplification of concepts about noise.
Table 8
Yes the intervention has been useful to increase their awareness of the problem generated by noise: 8.7 | Yes, the intervention has been useful to increase their awareness of the problem generated by noise: 9.4 |
TOTAL AVERAGE (Men + Women) |
Yes, the intervention has been useful to increase their awareness Of the problem generated by noise: 9 |
Note: The numbers represent: the average for men, women and total (men and women). |
As we observe in Table 8, this didactic intervention has been useful for all the pupils to increase greatly their awareness of the problem generated by noise, rating this fact with an average of excellent (9), being the average rating for men excellent (8.7) and excellent, equally, for women (9.4). As we can see, the didactic intervention has been useful for women to increase more their awareness of the problem generated by noise than for men.
As far as concepts are concerned:
2) In all cases, after the intervention, new categories appear, as well as new examples inside each category that didn't appear before the intervention, which is indicative that there has certainly been learning.
As an example, we now show Table 9, corresponding to the didactic activity of amplification of concepts about noise.
Table 9
1. Effects on the body (not in the ear): (68.7, 55, 62.1) – Headache – Nervousness – Stress – Malaise – Illnesses – Insomnia – Depression – Anger – Tiredness – Burden – Disorders – Nuisances – Discomfort – Uneasiness – Grumpiness – Irritation 2. Effects on hearing: (24.9, 33.3, 29.1) – Deafness – Hearing problems. – Hearing loss 3. Social effects: (5.5, 10.9, 8.2) – Lack of concentración in the work being done. – It alters human communication – Violent reactions | 1. Effects on the body (not in the ear): (82.4, 73.4, 78.2) – Stress – It affects concentration and rest – Nervous system – It affects vision – Digestive system – Headache – Hypertension – Skin resistance – Muscular system – Grumpiness – Exhaustion – Cardiovascular system – Breathing alterations – Mental disorders to prone people – Uneasiness – Anxiety – Tiredness – Endocrine system – Irritation – It affects organs and systems 2. Effects on hearing: (17.6, 20, 18.7) – Deafness – Hearing loss 3. Effects on health and quality of life: (0, 6.6, 3.1) – It affects life quality – It affects health in general |
Notices: The numbers in brackets represent: the first one, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for men, regarding the total sum of the frequencies of the different categories that appear for men on this question, the second, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for women, regarding the total sum of frequencies of the different categories that appear for women on this question and, the third, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for the total (men and women), regarding the total sum of the frequencies of the different categories that appear for the total (men and women) on this question. |
In Table 9, it can be seen how, before the intervention, the answers can be classified in three categories that, from a higher to a smaller percentage, make reference to the effects of noise on the body, except in the ear, with a higher percentage in men than in women (headache; nervousness; stress; malaise), to effects on the ear, with a higher percentage in women than in men (deafness;hearing problems), as well as, to social effects, with more percentage in women that in men (lack of copncentration in the work being done; it alters human communication). After the intervention, the answers can be classified in three categories that, from a lower to a higher percentage, make reference to the effects of noise on the body, except in the ear, with a higher percentage in men than in women (stress; Nervous System; Digestive system; skin resistance Endocrine System; breathing alterations), to effects on the ear, with a higher percentage in women than in men (deafness; hearing loss), as well as to effects on health and quality of life, a category only mentioned by women (it affects the quality of life; it affects health in general). As we can observe, after the intervention, the same categories remain the most important: those which make reference to the effects of noise on the body, excepting the ear, as well as, to the effects on the ear. Also, after the intervention, a new category appears which makes reference to the effects of noise on health and quality of life, which was not taken into account before the intervention. But it is without any doubt in the category that refers to the effects on noise on the body (not in the ear) where the biggest changes appear after the intervention, with new effects, among the most important being the effects on the Nervous System, a decrease of vision, effects on the Digestive system, hypertension, skin resistance , Muscular System, Cardiovascular System, breathing alterations, mental disorders in prone people, Endocrine System, as well as effects on diverse organs and systems.
3) Likewisely, after the intervention, the percentage of people that do not know regarding the outlined question decreases significantly, which also implies there has been learning.
Regarding how they have felt and their feelings during the activity:
4) 100% state that they have felt very well, content and comfortable. Their feelings have been quite positive, they have felt satisfied, pleased with the partners and the teacher, as well as happy to learn, among others.
As for the learning of the techniques through the procedures worked in the different activities:
5) Although small difficulties were present, finally all the pupils learned the techniques corresponding to each activity.
As example that corroborates this aspect, we show in Table 10 some of the categorizations made by the pupils in the didactic activity on the perception and knowledge of the people from Baena about noise.
Table 10
1. Something annoying, unpleasant:(74.9, 40, 59.1) – Annoying sound – Very unpleasant sensation 2. Strong sound: (16.6, 30, 22.6) – A great deal of shoutingp – Sound with strong intensity 3. Regarding the source of noise: (0, 30, 13.6) – Traffic (Cars, motos) 4. Regarding health: (8.3, 0, 4.5) – Something that damages the ears | 1. Something annoying, unpleasant: (60, 58.7, 59.2) – Something annoying – Something unpleasant – It doesn't always bother 2. Examples: (10, 20.4, 16.4) – A great deal of shouting (Voices) – A blow with a hammer. – A fly – Air coming at night (Storm, machines) – Something that prevents from reading clearly 3. A different sound: (10, 2.9, 5.4) – Group of non harmonic sounds – A sound that is expanded in the space – Interferences that come from the external environment 4. Something that sounds: (5, 5.8, 5.4) – Something that sounds – A sound – Everything the ear perceives. 5. In connection with the sanctions: (10, 0, 3.7) – More sanctions could be imposed. 6. In connection with health: (5, 2.9, 3.7) – Bad for health 7. Noise generated by people and things: (0, 5.8, 3.7) – The emission of daily noises generated by people and things 8. A pollutant: (0, 2.9, 1.8) – Acoustic pollution |
– No: (40, 53.3, 50) – Yes: (60, 40, 45) 1. In accordance with the place: (0, 50, 40) – If you are in very noisy places 2. Regarding health: (0, 50, 40) – It can affect hearing – It produces nerves, lack ofconcentration, fatigue 3. Regarding the sound level: (100, 0, 20) – Because it is sound He/she doesn't know: (0, 6.6, 5) | 1. Traffic: (83.3, 46.1, 64) – Cars, motorbikess, tractors 2. Leisure places: (8.3, 7.6, 8) 3. Parties: (0, 15.3, 8) 4. Building sites:(0, 7.6, 4) 5. Metallic sounds: (8.3, 0, 4) 6. Neighbors: (0, 7.6, 4) 7. None: (0, 7.6, 4) 8. All: (0, 7.6, 4) |
– Yes: (84.6, 83.3, 84.2) – No: (15.3, 16.6, 15.7) 1. It is unpleasant: (42.8, 50, 45.4) (Drum, out of tune music) 2. Sometimes: (14.2, 25, 18.1) 3. They are accustomed: (14.2, 0, 9) 4. To make an uproar: (14.2, 0, 9) 5. Because of traffic: (14.2, 0, 9) 6. Because it produces insomnia: (0, 25, 9) | 1. At night: (50, 83.3, 66.6) 2. When the neighbors bother: (16.6, 0, 8.3) 3. According to the time of the year: (16.6, 0, 8.3) 4. Always: (16.6, 0, 8.3) 5. By day: (0, 16.6, 8.3) |
As for the attitudes and values:
6) The immense majority of the pupils considers that the didactic activities carried out have been useful for them to increase the attitudes and values at stake game during its development. This aspect is confirmed by the teacher, who has kept a detailed control of the evolution of attitudes and values dealt with through direct observation and systematic observation by means of daily annotations and lists of observation like those that have been previously shown.
As an example of the work carried out about attitudes and values, we set out a role playing on the problems raised by a noisy factory located inside the city, included in the didactic activity of the visit to a noisy factory of the town. As previous considerations, they are told that this factory emits noises, with the rising nuisances to the neighborhood, that it generates a great deal of interior noise, which harms workers, and also that the manager takes no heed of the problems generated by his company both for neighbors and for workers. They are also told the functions of an insurance company and of the Administration´s business inspector.
For the development of this role playing, five volunteeers are chosen among the pupils attending. Each one embodies a person affected by the problem (company manager, workers' representative, representative of the neighbour´s association affected, representative of the insurance company, Administration´s Inspector). They discuss these problems for half an hour. Finally, they reach some conclusions. The remaining pupils listen attentively to the discussion. Later on, the pupils judge the attitudes and the positions of the people who take part in the role playing. We highlight some of the attitudes and values raised in this discussion by pupils (see Table 11).
Table 11
1.-Equanimity. 2.-Understanding. 3.-Recognition of the duties and rights of the other ones. 4.-Constructive criticism. 5.-Recognition of the importance of Law enforcement. 6.-Recognition of negative attitudes in others. 7.-Solidarity with the neighbor. 8.-Appreciation of the conditions of other people's work. 9.-To distinguish positive and negative attitudes. 10.-To value the search of the common good. 11.-To value thedialogue attitude. 12.-To value justice. 13.-Valuation of the importance of health and quality of life. 14.-Valuation of the defense of other people´s rights. 15.-Supportive attitude to the defense of other peoples´ rights. 16.-To value dialogue as a basis for solving conflicts among people. 17.-To value the importance of reasoning and argument in dialogues. 18.-To distinguish how far people exhaust all their resources in the dialogue in defense of their rights. 19.-To value the importance of cooperation among people to reach a fair end. 20.-To distinguish between what is reasonable and what is not in an argument used in the dialogue. | 21.-Attitude of rejection to intransigence. 22.-To value the importance of listening to the other s in a dialogue. 23.-To distinguish between selfish and altruistic positions. 24.-To value the importance of other peoples´ persistence in their positions when these are fair. 25.-To notice when arguments lack in a dialogue among people. 26.-Attitude of rejection to a shouting dialogue without arguments. 27.-To value the importance of communication among people. 28.-To differentiate those factors that hinder communication among people. 29.-To value the importance of dialogue as opposed to repression. 30.-To value other people´s solidarity attitude. 31.-Supportive attitude to other people´s fair claims. 32.-To value the importance of informing otherr people as an attitude of help 33.-To value the advice and the attitude of help of the other ones. 34.-To value the importance of the fact that everybody is benefitted when the common one is pursued. 35.-To value in the other s their attitude of rectifying. 36.-To value the importance of giving a second opportunity. 37.-To value peaceful forms of solving problems. 38.-To value a reflective attitude. |
As far as diverse aspects worked in the didactic interventions are concerned (planning and coordination of the activity, teacher's performance, methodology employed, materials and resources, work of the students´ group, activities carried out in their group, assessment of their own work, actions carried out, etc.):
7) In a scale of ratings from 0 to 10 pupils rate between 8 and 10 these aspects dealt with in the didactic activities carried out, which shows that all these aspects have been highly valued by all the pupils.
To illustrate this aspect, we now present Tables 12 and 13, corresponding to the results of the final assessment questionnaire on the 5 didactic interventions carried out with the pupils of 4th of E.S.O at the SA.FA School in Baena, during the School Year 2005/06.
Table 12
Rate from 0 to 10 the work carried out by the teacher | 9.31 |
10.00 | 9.60 |
Rate from 0 to 10 the teacher's attitude | 9.38 | 9.90 | 9.60 |
Rate from 0 to 10 the methodology employed by the teacher | 8.88 | 9.60 | 9.15 |
Rate from 0 to 10 the process followed for learning on noise | 8.81 | 9.30 | 9.00 |
Rate from 0 to 10 the activities carried out as a whole | 8.63 | 9.60 | 9.00 |
Rate from 0 to 10 What you have learned about the attitudes and values dealt with. | 8.56 | 9.30 | 8.85 |
Rate from 0 to 10 the materials and resources employed for carrying out the activities | 8.50 | 9.30 | 8.77 |
Rate from 0 to 10 the actions carried out | 8.69 | 8.90 | 8.77 |
Rate from 0 to 10 What you have learned on the procedures dealt with | 8.50 | 9.20 | 8.73 |
Rate from 0 to 10 What you have learned on the concepts dealt with | 8.19 | 9.40 | 8.65 |
Rate from 0 to 10 what you have learned with the activities carried out as a whole | 8.31 | 9.20 | 8.65 |
Rate from 0 to 10 The usefulness of this experience | 8.10 | 9.40 | 8.60 |
Rate from 0 to 10 the pupils´ group work | 7.94 | 8.30 | 8.10 |
Rate from 0 to 10 your own work | 7.44 | 8.70 | 7.92 |
Note: 0: very little, 10: very high. Average corresponding to the answers given to questions 1-14 of the Final Assessment questionnaire (Froma higher to a smaller average). |
Table 13
COMMENT ON THEIR OPINION ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE ON NOISE CARRIED OUT (Question no. 15 of the final assessment questionnaire) |
1. Interesting and amusing educational experience: (100, 100, 100) – Very interesting – Good and satisfactory – It has been very useful – Very positive – I have enjoyed it very much. – Very educational – I have had a very good time |
1.Regarding what you have learned with the experience: (41, 41.9, 41.4) – I have learned a lot about noise in a pleasant way – We have learned new and important concepts, procedures and attitudes and values – It has been useful to learn how to work in group better. – It has been useful to take measures on this social problem – I have learned how to relate with more people 2. Regarding the teacher: (17.9, 22.6, 20) – The teacher's work has been very good – The teacher has had a very good behavior – I thank the teacher's work for their help to all 3. Regarding the awareness which the experience has raised (12.8, 9.7, 11.4) – We have contributed to awareness-raising on the problem of noise – We have become aware on the social problem of noise – It has helped us and the others 4. Regarding the experience as a whole: (5.1, 3.2, 4.3) – I have enjoyed it – It has been a very positive experience for all – I have felt very pleased 5. Regarding the depth in which people has worked: (5.1, 3.2, 4.3) – The work carried out has been very serious – We have done a good work | 6. Suggestions: (5.1, 3.2, 4.3) – I think that more experiences like this should be made because we learn a lot. 7. Regarding what the experience has favoured: (2.6, 6.4, 4.3) – I have known other people´s opinions. – It has allowed us to carry out diverse performances 8. Regarding health and quality of life: (2.6, 3.2, 2.9) – It has been useful to improve our quality of life – It is a very important topic for our health and quality of life 9. Regarding attitudes and values: (2.6, 3.2, 2.9) – It has taught me to be better – It has been useful to be more responsible 10. Regarding the problem generated by noise: (2.6, 0, 1.4) – Noise is not given the importance that it has 11. Regarding the purpose of the experience: (2.6, 0, 1.4) – The end was very positive 12. Regarding the work methodology: (0, 3.2, 1.4) – The methodology employed has been very good |
Note: The numbers in brackets represent: the first one, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for men, regarding the total sum of the frequencies of the different categories that appear for men on this question, the second, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for women, regarding the total sum of the frequencies of the different categories that appear for women on this question and, the third, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for the total (men and women), regarding the total sum of the frequencies of the different categories that appear for the total (men and women) on this question. |
As general conclusions of our research we will point out the following ones:
1) the "short" didactic activities mobilize concepts and activate awareness towards the problem of noise, but they are not too effective in building systems of values, in elaborating procedures and in promoting attitudes.
2) the "long" interventions, by means of the employment of the constructivist method, are very effective in mobilizing procedures, attitudes and values, beyond concepts themselves, as well as in activating awareness of the problem generated by noise.
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* Francisco Javier Sánchez Sánchez-Cañete
(Córdoba) ESPAÑA
Nota biográfica: Nacido en Baena (Córdoba) España. Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas. Especialidad en Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales. He publicado numerosos artículos sobre el constructivismo en la enseñanza.
* Manzanares Gavilán, Mercedes.
* * Sequeiros San Román, Leandro.
* Department of Didactics of Social and Experimental Sciences of the Faculty
of Education Science. University of Córdoba.
* * Professor of Palaeontology on sabbatical leave.
Professor of Nature Philosophy. Faculty of Theology of Granada.
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