Noise in Baena. Didactic proposals for improving the quality of city life (página 2)
Enviado por Francisco Javier S�nchez S�nchez-Ca�ete
Within the limits imposed by the time and scope of this work, educational activities classified as "short" (in their duration, as specific campaigns) have been carried out. They have been adressed to citizens in general, trade unions, workers of companies under high acoustic impact, as well as students of an informal course on Environmental Education.
The didactic intervention addressed to citizens in general was carried out on a total of 49 people (20 men and 29 women), the one addressed to trade unions was carried out on a total of 7 shop stewards (6 men and 1 woman), the one addressed to workers suffering from high acoustic impact was carried out among the workers of a textile factory in Baena, on a total of 16 people (4 men and 12 women) and the didactic intervention aimed at students of Environmental Education was carried out with the students of an informal course on Environmental Education organized by "Ecologistas en Acción" (a local environmentalist group), on a total of 15 people (9 men and 6 women).
These didactic interventions lasted 2 hours. In the first place, an initial assessment of previous ideas is carried out, later to do the intervention (dealing with general aspects of noise as an agent that affects health and life quality) and, finally, the short-term learning is assessed after this intervention. The questionnaires being used are adapted to the characteristics of the individuals, as well as to their most basic learning needs. During the intervention, more stress is made on the aspects of noise which are more suitable to their interests, according to the individuals.
As an example, we now show on Table 1, 2 and 3 the initial assessment questionnaires of previous ideas, the contents of the didactic intervention on noise carried out, as well as the final assessment questionnaire carried out among the citizens of Baena.
Table 1
INITIAL QUESTIONNAIRE ON NOISE CARRIED OUT AMONG THE CITIZENS OF BAENA I request you to be so kind as to fill this questionnaire on noise as their results will be used to improve the problem of noise in Baena and thus increase the quality of everybody´s life. Thank you. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date: Age: Sex: Profession: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. -Define sound and noise. 2. -Indicate some of the effects that noise causes among people. 3. -Indicate some measures to prevent the illnesses, ailments or alterations caused by noises. 4. – Does noise pollution diminish the quality of life? Why? 5. -Do you think fit to carry out campaigns to prevent illnesses, ailments or alterations caused by noises? Why? 6. – Indicate the most important sources of noise (agents that produce noise) in cities. 7. – Indicate the most important measures that you would take to reduce noise. 8. – Do you consider that Baena is a city with a noteworthy noise pollution? Why? 9. – Indicate what you know on what legislation about noise says. 10. -Indicate some similarities and differences between sound and noise. |
Table 2
1. -Introduction 2. – Fill in the questionnaire of previous ideas 3. -Presentation of facts about noise gathered in Baena 4. -Oral presentation (using the transparencies as a resource) on basic concepts related to noise: – Definition of noise – Sources of noise – Legal framework. – Effects of noise – Measuring and assessment of noise – Assessment of exposure to noise – Preventive measures – Personal protection – Noise conservation programmes. 5. -Reading and discussion of an informative leaflet on different aspects related to noise 6. -Measuring in situ with the soundmeter 7. -Exchange of ideas between citizens and teacher. 8. -Filling in of the assessment questionnaire |
DEFINITION OF SOUND AND DIFFERENCES WITH NOISE Sound: Vibration that is transmitted through the air as a wave and spreads. Noise: Annoying or unwanted sound (Psychological factor) .dB level . Frequency: high, medium, low. SOURCES OF NOISE 1. – Means of transport – Automobiles – Aeroplanes – Railroad 2. -Industries 3. -Construction 4. – Other sources – Sirens – Bells – Electric Bells – Drums 5. – Playful and recreational activities – Voices and screams (Sports) – Musical performances – Parties – Fairs – Discos – Pubs – Background noise
LEGAL FRAMEWORK – Article 40 of the Constitution – Health and Safety at work (ILO); | 1. -Responsibilities of the Administration – To spread techniques for health and safety at work – To inform on the methods to be adopted by companies and workers – To advise and to rule technically on environmental conditions – To authorise or to refuse the opening of working premises. – To exercise supervision. 2. – The companies´ responsibility. – Article 19 of the Workers Statute – Management must abide by legal regulations – To allow training in health and safety – To provide protection means and to demand their use 3. – The workers' responsibility – Article 19 of the workers Statute – To follow health and safety regulations – To cooperate in the prevention of labour risks – To use protection means correctly and to keep them in perfect condition. – To report any damage and deficiencies that may result in danger in any place or position 4. – EEC Directive (1990) – When 85 dBA are surpassed . To receive information on risks . Protection measures and use of protectors – Workers should have access to the results of noise assessment in their company and receive explanations on the results – Above 90 dBA . Appropriate signaling . limited access to the premises . To reduce the workers´ exposure to noise . To receive information on the excess and correcting measures . Compulsory use of protectors . Right to medical examination of their hearing function |
EFFECTS OF NOISE 1. – Hearing-deafness 2. – Hearing: air waves – electric pulses (Cochlea)-nerves-brain. 3. – Audiometry – To prevent deafness (preventive measure) – Apply in workers subject to 80-85 dBA – Without being exposed to noise hearing is lost with age 4. – Effects of noise in the rest of the body -It affects other organs and body systems – It is transmitted to other areas (although the ear captures it) by means of the interconnections existing in the brain between the nerves coming from the ear and other body regions. – Similar effects to those of other types of stress – Increase of the breathing frequency – Arterial hypertension – Stomach and intestine complaints – Decrease of visual sharpness – Alterations in the function of the endocrine glands – Muscular tension – Nervous disturbances – Difficult attention – Interferences in the spoken communication – Effects on rest and sleep – Nuisances and irritation – Resistance of the skin – Bigger possibility of mental illnesses among people subject to noise MEASURING AND ASSESSMENT OF NOISE – The dBA – Noise . dB level . Frequencies that it contains . It is measured with the sound meter ASSESSMENT OF THE EXPOSURE TO NOISE It depends on: – dBA – Time of exposure | DBA Time of exposure in hours 90 8 93 4 96 2 99 1 102 0,5 105 0,25 PREVENTIVE MEASURES -To reduce the level of noise that reaches the ear – Personal protection (last resource) – Measures in project stage and not in operation 1. -To reduce noise in its source – To reduce vibrant surfaces – To diminish the fall height – To muffle the fall – To cover a leaf with a rubber layer – To avoid compressed air outlets. – To avoid machine vibrations by insulating them 2. -To reduce the transmission noise – To keep machines in soundproof enclosures – To place insulating panels in roof and walls 3. -Personal protection – It produces eczema, inflammations – Officially approved hearing protectors – Good placement of helmets and earplugs – Helmets: uncomfortable but more insulating PROGRAMS OF HEARING CONSERVATION – To be applied in noisy businesses – Steps: 1. -To determine the sources of noise 2. -To reduce noise in the source 3. -To reduce the time of exposure 4. -To make audiometry 5. -Personal protection and appropriate use 6. –Control of audiometric assessment 7. -To repeat the measurements of noise level |
Table 3
FINAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE ON NOISE CARRIED OUT AMONG THE CITIZENS OF BAENA I request you to be so kind as to fill this questionnaire on noise as their results will be used to improve the problem of noise in Baena and, thus increase the quality of everybody's life. Thank you. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date: Age: Sex: Profession: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. – Define sound and noise. 2. – Indicate some similarities and differences between sound and noise. 3. – Indicate what you know on what legislation about noise says. 4. – Indicate some of the effects that noise has on people. 5. – Indicate some measures used to prevent the illnesses, ailments or alterations caused by noise. 6. – Do you see fit to carry out campaigns to prevent illnesses, ailments or alterations caused by noise? Why? 7. – Does noise pollution diminish the quality of life? Why? 8. – Indicate the most important sources of noise (agents that produce noise) in cities. 9. – Do you think that Baena is a city with a noteworthy noise pollution? Why? 10. – Indicate some of the measures that you would take to reduce noise. 11. – Has this intervention been useful to make you more aware of the problem generated by noise? Rate from 0 to 10 (0: very little, 10: very high). |
The results obtained in these "short" didactic interventions show that:
1) In a scale between 0 and 10, they rate above 8.5 the fact that the intervention has been useful to make them more aware of the problem generated by noise.
To illustrate this aspect, we now show the results on the increase in the awareness of the problem of noise produced after the didactic intervention, which was addressed to the citizens of Baena.
Table 4
Yes, the intervention has been useful to raise their awareness of the problem generated by noise: 8 | Yes, the intervention has been useful to raise their awareness of the problem generated by noise: 9.5 |
TOTAL AVERAGE (Men + Women) |
Yes, the intervention has been useful to raise their awareness of the problem generated by noise : 8.9 |
Note: The numbers represent: the average for men, women and total (men and women). |
As it can be seen in Table 4, this didactic intervention has been useful to raise awareness of the problem generated by noise among the citizens of Baena, with an average rating of excellent (8.9), men giving an average rating of high (8) and women of excellent (9.5). As we can see, the didactic intervention has been able to increase their awareness of the problem generated by noise more for women than for men.
It is really satisfying to see that after the analysis of the results, the fundamental objective of the intervention has been achieved: to raise citizens´ awareness of the problem generated by noise, as a previous step to take further action.
2) In all cases, new categories appear after the intervention, as well as new examples within each category which didn't appear before the intervention, which means that there has certainly been short term learning.
As an example, we now show the categories obtained before and after the intervention on the knowledge of legislation referred to the workers of a company in Baena that suffers from high acoustic impact.
Table 5
1. Regarding the decibel limits: (100, 50, 60) – Not to exceed the decibel limits (80 dB) 2. Regarding sanctions: (0, 25, 20) – Sanctions to motorcycles. 3. Regarding the acoustic insulation of premises: (0, 25, 20) – Public establishments are required to fulfil certain conditions
He/she doesn't know: (75, 75, 75) |
1. Regarding the company: (27.3, 32.2, 31) – To inform workers on the repercussions of noise on health – 85 decibels must not be exceeded – To provide workers with personal protection means that comply with Regulations. – To take measures about noise – To inform workers on audiometry the results. – To signal the noisiest places – Safety means against noise must be available 2. Concerning the Administration: (27.3, 29.3, 28.8) – To set the level of exposure to decibels-time. – To see that companies comply with noise Regulations – To introduce legislation and to make it comply with – To demand businesses an insulation project and to carry out controls on noise thereafter – To locate noises – To carry out periodic measurings of noise – Supervision of companies 3. Regarding workers: (0, 26.3, 19.9) – Use of personal protection means – To take care of the protective material – To comply with legislation – To demand the company the means of personal protection 4. Legislation: (36.4, 5.9, 13.3) – Must be complied with by the Administration, managers and workers – It is regulated by the Workers Statute (art. 19) -There is regional Legislation on noise which should be complied with – The Spanish Constitution looks after the health of workers |
Table 5 (Continuation)
5. Insulation: (9.1, 5.9, 6.6) – To soundproof machines – Factory soundproofing He/she doesn't know: (0, 16.7, 12.5) |
Note: The numbers in bracketss represent: the first one, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for men, regarding the total sum of the frequencies of the different categories that appear for men on the question; the second, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for women, regarding the total sum of the frequencies of the different categories that appear for women on the question and, the third, the percentage corresponding to the frequency with which that category appears for the total (men and women), regarding the total sum of the frequencies of the different categories that appear for the total (men and women) on the question. When the answer is he/she doesn't know, the numbers in brackets represent the percentage corresponding to men, women and total. |
First of all, we want to point out that our didactic intervention, as far as legislation about noise is concerned, focused on labour legislation. We also consider important to highlight (see Table 5) that, before the intervention, 75% of the workers don´t know (with identical percentages among men and women). However, after the intervention, this percentage decreases to 12.5% (16.7% of the women). Before the intervention, their knowledge about legislation was, obviously, very scarce.
Three categories are obtained that, from a higher to a smaller percentage, refer to the limit of decibels, with a higher percentage among men than among women (not to exceed limits of decibels: 80 dB), to the sanctions, a category mentioned by women only (sanction to motorcycles), as well as to the acoustic conditioning of premises, a category mentioned by women only (public establishments are required some acoustic conditions).
On the contrary, after the intervention, their knowledge has increased significantly. The answers can be classified in five categories that, from a higher to a smaller percentage, refer to the company, with a higher percentage among women than among men (to inform workers on the repercussions of noise in health; it must not exceed 85 decibels), to the Administration, with a higher percentage among women than among men (to set the level of exposure in decibels/time; to see that companies comply with noise regulations), to workers, a category mentioned by women only (use of personal protection; to take care of the protective material; to comply with legislation), to the legislation, with a higher percentage among men than among women (it must be complied with by the Administration, managers and workers; it is regulated by the Workers Statute, art. 19), as well as to the insulation, with a higher percentage among men than among women (to soundproof machines; factory soundproofing). There is no doubt that, after the intervention, this is the section in which a higher short term learning is observed, since its previous knowledge was minimum. The simple observation of Table 9 confirms this statement.
3) Likewise, the percentage of people that don't know about the question asked decreases after the invervention, which shows that some learning has actually taken place. In this sense, Table 5, which has previously been referred to, shows how after the intervention the percentage of people that don't know about legislation on noise decreases significantly (12.5%), whereas this percentage was much higher (75%) before the intervention.
On the other hand, the "long" didactic interventions refer to formal educational activities (in educational centers). It has not been possible, so far, to carry out long activities with other social communities. Using a methodology close to the new Education Act (LOGSE) with students in the fourth year of Secondary ( E.S.O) of the Sagrada Familia School in Baena, it has been possible to work in depth during a whole school year. The work was carried out with the 28 students of the class, during some hours of tutorship as well as 1.30 hours a week (one afternoon a week, on Mondays from 17 to 18.30 hours). Unfortunately, there have been no opportunities so far to find a human group, preferably adults, with whom to work continually for one year or more with these materials. The conclusions are, therefore, necessarily tentative.
The long didactic interventions addressed to formal education were the following ones:
1. Viewing of didactic videos on noise.
2. The Press and noise: reading, exhibition, comment and discussion.
3. Perception and knowledge of the citizens of Baena about noise.
4. Visit to a noisy factory of the town.
5. Amplification of concepts about noise.
In these "long" interventions, an initial assessment is made in the first place, an exhaustive assessment of the process is developed and, lastly, a final assessment of the didactic activities carried out.
We understand assessment as continuous and formative accompanying the whole teaching-learning process. In the development of these didactic activities there are some suggestions about the initial assessment of previous ideas and the final assessment.
Subsequently, we present in Table 6, as an example, the initial assessment questionnaire on previous ideas that was handed to the pupils of 4th year of E.S.O of the SA.FA School in Baena.
This questionnaire consists of 44 open-end and closed questions (the former being the great majority). The questions as a whole encompass all the environments that intervene in the problem of noise as a polluting agent, i.e., they treat noise comprehensively. Making the questionnaire open is due to the great quantity of information which is thus obtained and to the fact that it allows to express shades of meaning which are so necessary in the topic of noise.
Table 6
INITIAL ASSESSMENTQUESTIONNAIRE ON NOISE CARRIED OUT AMONG THE STUDENTS OF 4TH OF E.S.O AT THE SA.FA. SCHOOL IN BAENA. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date: September 23 2005 Age: Men (between 14 and 16 years); Women (between 14 and 16 years, a coed with 18 years) Sex: (15, 13, 28) Profession: Students of 41 of E.S.O. Observations: The classroom of these students is opposite (about 20-25 m) a building site that causes plenty of noise. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1.-Define sound and noise. 2.-Point out some similarities and differences between sound and noise. 3.- Point out some of the effects that noises produce on people. 4.-Point out how the illnesses, ailments or alterations caused by noises can be prevented 5.-What should public and private Health Centers do to prevent citizens against the dangers of noise? 6.-What should City councils do to prevent citizens against the dangers of noise? 7.- What should citizens do to prevent against the dangers of noise? 8.-What should the Local Police Headquarter do to prevent the citizens against the dangers of noise? 9.-What should the workers of noisy companies do to prevent against the dangers of noise? 10.-What responsibilities have rmagistrates regarding the topic of noises? 11.-What should the media (the press, radio and television) do to prevent against the dangers of noise? 12.-What should the managers of noisy companies do to prevent against the dangers of noise? 13.-What do you mean by quality of life? 14.-What factors lower the quality of life in cities? 15.-Do you consider noise pollution as a problem that lowers the quality of life? Why? 16.-Do you think fit to carry out campaigns to prevent illnesses, ailments or alterations caused by noises? Why? 17.-Is Baena a city with a noteworthy noise pollution? Why? 18-What are the most important sources of noise (agents that produce noise) in cities? 19.-What are the noisiest areas in Baena in your opinion? 20-What measures would you take to reduce noises? 21.-What would you do to reduce noises in your class? And in your school? and in your home? 22.-To fight efficiently against noises, which of these two options do you choose?: a) Legislation with tough penalties. b) Education to make citizens aware of the topic of noise. 23.-Point out what you know on what legislation about noises says. 24.-Do you know the ordinances of Baena about noise?. Point out what you know about them. 25-Point out what you know on what labor legislation about noise says. 26-What does acoustic insulation mean? 27.- How, when and where should acoustic insulation be applied? 28- What is an audiometry? What is it used for? 29.-How is noise measured? 30.-What is a sound map? What is it used for? 31.-What is the meaning of personal protection against noise? 32.-Point out the name of some personal protectors against noise. 33.-What is a Hearing Conservation Programme? 34.-Point out the parts of the human ear. 35.-How does the human ear work? 36.-Do the workers of noisy companies see their quality of life lowered? Why? 37.-Should those responsible for noisy companies provide workers with training courses or lectures on the problem of noise in the work place? Why? 38.-Should those responsible for trade unions provide workers with training courses or lectures on the problem of noise in the work place? Why? 39.-Point out the most efficient ways to educate citizens on the problem of noise. 40.-Point out the most efficient ways to educate workers of noisy companies on the problem of noise. 41.-Do you consider noise to be a negative factor in the school educational process? Why? 42.-Does noise hinder the communication teacher/student? Why? 43.-If you had been able to choose the location of your School, which of the following would you prefer?: a) A place with few noises farther away from your home. b) A place near your home with a higher level of noise. 44.-Comment your opinion on the questionnaire. |
Likewise, in Table 7, we show, as an example, the final assessment questionnaire on the 5 didactic interventions carried out with the pupils of 4th of E.S.O during the School Year 2005/06.
This questionnaire consists of 15 questions, all closed ones (rating them from 0 to 10), except for an open one (making a comment). They are questions on the concepts, procedures, attitudes and values dealt with, on the activities carried out, on the materials and resources used, on the actions carried out, on the process followed, on the work of the group, on their own work, on the teacher and his/herr work, as well as on the experience carried out.
Table 7
FINAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE ON THE DIDACTIC INTERVENTIONS CARRIED OUT WITH THE PUPILS OF 4TH ESO AT THE SAFA-BAENA, DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR 2005/06 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Date: Age: Sex: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1.-Rate from 0 to 10 what you have learned on the concepts dealt with () 2.-Rate from 0 to 10 what you have learned on the procedures dealt with () 3.-Rate from 0 to 10 what you have learned about the attitudes and values dealt with () 4.-Rate from 0 to 10 what you have learned with the group of activities carried out () 5.-Rate from 0 to 10 the activities carried out as a whole () 6.-Rate from 0 to 10 the materials and resources used for carrying out the activities () 7.-Rate from 0 to 10 the actions carried out () 8.-Rate from 0 to 10 the process followed for the learning on noise () 9.-Rate from 0 to 10 the work carried out by the teacher () 10.-Rate from 0 to 10 the teacher's attitude () 11.-Rate from 0 to 10 the methodology used by the teacher () 12.-Rate from 0 to 10 the work of the group of students () 13.-Rate from 0 to 10 your own work () 14.-Rate from 0 to 10 what the use of this experience has been to you () 15.- Make a comment in which you give your opinion about the experience carried out on noise |
Note: 0: very little, 10: very high. |
In the same way, as far as assessment is concerned, we now show as guidance some assessment instruments that we have also used during the process.
Other assessment instruments:
-Follow-up Guide for the fundamental contents (concepts, procedures, attitudes and values).
-Observation lists on attitudes and values. They should be made for all the attitudes and values which have been dealt with during the didactic activity or, at least, for those which the teacher considers more outstanding. In the observation lists that we present below, we show an example (for an attitude or concrete value) for each didactic activity done.
– Record of anecdotes.
-Student's workbook. Where they write down everything related to the didactic activity that they are developing. This workbook is exclusively for the work on noise that they carry out.
– The teacher's diary (teacher's logbook). Where he/she notes down in detail all that happens during the activity, in which aspects it is necessary to insist, what he/she should clear up, the students' behavior, evolution of the concepts, procedures, attitudes and values which the didactic activity implies, etc, that is to say, all that is carried out in each of the didactic activities is described in this notebook.
– The student's and teacher`s diary. In order that the student takes part in his learning process (and thus see his needs, difficulties, opinions…) we have used as resource the "student's and teacher`s diary". The process followed is this:
. In the classroom there is a notebook titled << the student's and teacher`s diary >>, located in a visible place and each session the date is noted.
.Students express their thoughts, queries, ideas, difficulties, etc. at any time and the teacher writes down aspects that he considers relevant in connection with the didactic activity that is being carried out.
. Each session the professor will read and he will comment those points that he considers of interest.
-Written Tests
To illustrate this, we subsequently show, as an example, the assessment instruments used in the didactic activity on the press and noise: reading, exhibition, comment and discussion.
CONCEPTS: 1. Generalities on noise | ATTITUDES AND VALUES: 1. Attention 2. Concentration 3. Respect 4. Critique 5. Pleasure for knowing 6. Responsible participation 7. Appreciation 8. Interest |
PROCEDURES: 1. Reading Comprehension 2. Oral exhibition 3. Comment of impressions 4. Asking questions | REPORT: A. S/he progresses satisfactorily B. S/he knows but some aspects are confusing. C. S/he has not internalized new concepts. |
PROCEDURES 1 2 3 4 | ATTITUDES AND VALUE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
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