Fidel's educational philosophical thought Castro Ruz (página 2)
The victory of the Cuban Revolution was, mainly, a revolution in the education, in the teaching, in the school, in the pedagogy, in the formation of professionals of the health before the exodus happened toward the USA that which was based in the same fact of the revolution like total transformation. The revolutionary practice overflowed the hardship of any scientific or philosophical mark. The victory of the revolution socialized, it legitimated and he/she carried out changes, overnight, after more than a century of expensive Cuban ideals frustrated by the existence of a Republic Neocolonial.
Important paper in the development of the philosophy of the education in Cuba has been Fidel's political work Castro Ruz who knew how to understand that in accordance with the existent universal and national ideological panorama, the only philosophical system that endowed of a scientific conception–theoretical, methodological and practical to undertake that complex process he/she was the Marxist–Leninist, no other conception of the world gave that possibility.
In the case of Fidel Castro Ruz the educational philosophical thought is appreciated in form of "critical", "praises", "occasional considerations", speeches and "sowed advice." It would be good to add those "absolute asseverations" that reveal the deepest essences in their educational philosophical thought in form of aphorisms. These reflections are in fact based on the discursive style when expressing their Philosophy of the Education. That is to say, it is a way to make a "reflexive critic" and at the same time deep without leaving of "to eulogize" or of "to sow" in form of "advice" and apotegmas, the seeds that have germinated in an exact way in the educational politics of the Cuban Revolution
Their reflections in form of critics formulate the principle basic general of their Philosophy of the Education expressed through the thought martiano "to Educate is to prepare the man for the life." This general principle is summed up in its reflections axiológicas, methodological, epistemológicas and social that could enunciate other principles.
In the multiple forms that it expresses its "philosophy of the education" Fidel Castro contributes elements of universal character that have full validity and they constitute a support for the educational chore of the Cuban school and Latin American.
The principles of the educational preparation that Fidel defends Castro Ruz are imposed as support points and axes that cross all his educational thought as well as the addresses in that it guides his study in those that the edges of the human chore are sketched in that the principles those are captured which are revealed in a specific way in each one of them, they drive to educational reflections that traffic in the methodological planes, axiológico and epistemológico in an integrative sense that has as nucleus to the man and his formation process. For it, it can be defined like general principle: to educate is to prepare the man for the life and as matters: the unit of the intellectual thing and of the affective thing, to educate the intelligence in a natural way, to defend the Latin American identity and the study and the work in harmonic integration.
As addresses they are necessary: The education like human right, the relationship between the nature of the work and the education of the feelings, the formation of the student's personality by means of the creative work of the school and of the teacher, the value of the science, of the knowledge and of the cognitive independence in function of the social problems and the woman's education.
That man is the one that I lower the aegis of his teachings form the Cuban education under the precept martiano in the expert that: "the happiness of a town rests in the individual independence of its inhabitants"
In spite of the inherited underdevelopment conditions of four and a half centuries of exploitation and of the economic war that the government from United States, the Cuban town imposes him he has been able to advance significantly in the field of the education, supported in a group of principles:
I begin of the massive character and the access with justness to the education: the education is a right and a duty of all the Cuban citizens.
2. I begin of the linking of the study with the work: it is the linking of the theory with the practice.
I begin of the democratic participation of the whole society in the tasks of the education: it recognizes to the society like a great school.
I begin of the coeducation and of the school open to the diversity: it is guaranteed the woman and the man the access to the formation centers in anyone of the specialties and professions.
I begin of the gender focus: he/she is carried out the elementary right of girls and women of consenting to the education.
I begin of the differentiated attention and the school integration: the attention is differentiated, in accordance with each person's necessities.
I begin of that of the gratuidad: the teaching is gratuitous in all the levels." (2004, March). Tabloid Spice, p.28
The application of these principles with character of integral, systematic system and participativo in constant development and transformation, it has placed to the Cuban educational pattern to the vanguard in the international scenario as soon as creation of real possibilities of knowledge and opportunities of physical and mental development for all the citizens, without caring their residence place, gender distinction, of age, color, religious or political credo, or social origin; and in absolute correspondence with the legacy martiano.
"To educate is to deposit in each man the whole human work that has preceded, it is to make to each man summary of the alive world until the day in that he/she lives and it is to put it at level of their time so that it floats on him and not to leave it under their time, with what won't be able to leave to it floats, it is to prepare the man for the life." (Martí, José 1963, 428)
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MSc. Omelio Rivero Villavicencio
Professor Ability of Technology of the Health. Camagüey
MSc: Marisela been Worth
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