The present work is carried out keeping in mind the necessity of the study of the contribution of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro Ruz to the development of the Cuban educational thought in the XXI century. Their multiple contributions to the development of the Cuban educational thought in the XXI century and to the Philosophy of the Education in Cuba that you/they have not been approached with all the depth, particularly in the field of the Philosophy and the Sociology of the Education, he/she allows to affirm that the selected topic has not been investigated and a lack exists in its presentation in the national and international scientific literature, at least from the optics and in the form in that he/she intends. The mission of the topic allows to not rescue alone what is in the memory, but what has not been taught and that it will facilitate to try to understand the present to transform the future.
The philosophy of the education is one of the most important traditions in the Cuban thought and a topic forced in the contemporary philosophical debate. The knowledge of both aspects is a necessity for everybody who it seeks to assume a conscious attitude toward the educational phenomenon or to carry out theoretical or practical contributions in this land.
The philosophy of the education like theoretical discipline, as long as branch of the knowledge that connects to the philosophy and the pedagogy, didn't reach the due attention in Cuba during the last decades. This lack of attention was without doubts motivated by the little vision of those who organized the programs of studies of the ISP of the country to consider that this subject didn't carry the necessary elements for the interpretation and development of the Cuban education leaving to the Marxist philosophy–Leninist this task. Although it is certain that the Marxist philosophy–Leninist and their principles have constituted the theoretical and methodological foundation of the socialist pedagogy, it is not less certain than they have been too abstract and general, for not being had imbricate appropriately keeping in mind the national tradition and their main figures in the land of the philosophical thought – educational and neither to more particular and more specific problems of the science and the Cuban pedagogic practice.
In the first half of the XX century the dissent with the methods and practical educational settled down by the government inspector starting from January 1 1899 and the desire of reforming the whole education system keeping in mind the best traditions in the Cuban pedagogy, it took to educators of the time, among those that were Alfredo M Aguayo, Diego González and the essayist Medardo Vitier to study minutely, and by the light of the most advanced knowledge in their time, the problems of the man's formation and their projection in the society. Among these figures they crystallized through their works scientific theoretical elaborations on general questions of the education and the pedagogy like science.
Among the most important works they are Philosophy and new orientations of the education (1932), of the outstanding educator Alfredo M Aguayo (1866-1948); Introduction to the Philosophy of the education and Philosophy of the education (1947), of other important educator, Diego González. These books constituted the fundamental texts for the students of that subject in the University of Havana and other centers of study superior of the country. Also for those years a series of articles of great depth and theoretical sharpness were published, like they are those titled Notes on the human formation (1948) and Die of the education (1952), of the philosopher and essayist Medardo Vitier.
The philosophy of the education in Cuba in fact owes its birth to the creation of these important works, since it was the first time that was spoken in the country of the necessity of establishing a reflection environment, like part of the philosophy, which is in charge of of defining an entire conceptual theoretical system able to organize the dispersed data that he/she had gone accumulating the experimental pedagogy.
The philosophy of the education according to the most representative educators in the time, would be the one in charge of replacing the hole left by the positivismo in the pedagogic land, they demonstrate this way it its trials:
. The pedagogy when he/she doesn't settle in a philosophy it lacks transcendency and it becomes routine.
. Only by means of a philosophical exam in that the reflection supplements and interpret the experience, it is possible it clarified and to give consistency and unit to the fundamental problems of the man's formation.
In opinion of the Doctor Josefina Stolen López for. these thinkers, the philosophy would be the one in charge of offering a theoretical orientation to the pedagogic investigation and an unit and address to the educational practice.
Starting from 1959 a decisive factor appears for the sostenibilidad and transcendency of the historical reached victory, it was the educational revolution, so that the changes penetrated until the deepest root in the social organism: the man.
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