
Climate challenges for Nicaragua Legal and economic context (página 3)

Partes: 1, 2, 3

[13] Comité Regional de Recursos Hidráulicos del Istmo Centroamericano: Regional comité of hydraulic resources of the Central American Isthmus. Created on 9 September 1966, this intergovernmental technical organism supported the Central American Hidrometeorological project. When this project finished in 1975, the Committee was kept as an independent organism. Since the creation of SICA in 1991, it has resorted under SICA. The committee is specialized in the fields of meteorology, climate, hydrology and hydraulic resources. Current members are All Central American countries and Belize.

[14] Plan de accion ambiental nicaraguense (PAA-NIC)

[15] Ley 217 – 06 June 1996

[16] Inventario de Gases de Efecto Invernadero, Commonly referred to in the spanish original texts as INGEI.

[17] Ley de Conservación, Fomento y Desarrollo Sostenible del Sector Forestal (Noviembre 2003); Ley para la promoción de generación eléctrica con fuentes renovables (abril 2003)

[18] MARENA: Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales

[19] Decreto No. 1-94

[20] SINIA: Sistema Nacional de Información Ambiental; National System for Environmental Information

[21] Resolución Ministerial No. 014-99

[22] Decreto Ejecutivo No. 21-2002

[23] NIC/01/008

[24] Decreto 27-94

[25] Decreto 31-97

[26] Segundo inventario Nacional de Gases de Efecto Invernadero.pdf, pp. 10-11

[27] Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal (MAGFOR), El Instituto Nacional Forestal (INAFOR), Ministerio de Fomento, Industria y Comercio (MIFIC), Empresa Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillado (ENACAL)

[28] Law 311 Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales, Nicaraguan Institute for territorial studies

[29] SINAPRED: Sistema Nacional de Prevención, Mitigación y Atención de Desastres; National System for the Prevention, Mitigation and Response to Disasters

[30] Consejo del Poder Ciudadano

[31] Nicaragua has a young population overall, with an average of 22; see




[35] water, forestry, soil, waste management, environmental education

[36] Ibid P 39

[37] National Environmental Strategy and Climate Change Action Plan 2010-2015,

[38] Central American System of Integration


[40] ibid

[41] Coordination Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America, see

[42] Regional Committee for Hydraulic Resources, see

[43] Central American Bank for Economic Integration, see


[45] It reminds the Annex I parties of their obligations to send in the necessary reports on time. The reports that need to be submitted are the following: Report demonstrating progress which outlines programmes for domestic compliance and enforcement, as well as the trends in and projections of greenhouse gas emissions Initial report (art 7.4) to facilitate the calculation of assigned amount and demonstrate capacity to account for emissions and assigned amount, with a complete GHG inventory for all years from 1990 to the most recent year National communications, specifying inventory systems, registries, policies, measures, domestic programmes, technology transfer and financial resources provided Annual report (art 7.1), information on Kyoto Protocol Units and GHG inventories


[47] Some parties also reported on HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and SO2.

[48] This is the amount of greenhouse gases released into or absorbed from the atmosphere if the only gas emitted were carbon dioxide. For example, 1 unit of Methane (CH4) equals 21 units of Carbon dioxide (CO2).



[51] Report of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol on its first session, held at Montreal from 28 November to 10 December 2005, Decision 11/CMP.1 Modalities, rules and guidelines for emissions trading under Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol,





[56] from 122 out of 148 non Annex I parties; the 6th and last of these compilations can be found at

[57] when Land use Change and Forestation are taken into account









[66] ESL_San_JacintoPDDforvalidation.pdf

[67] San Jacinto-Tizate Geothermal project monitoring period 25 Feb 2008 to 31 Dec 2008, Polaris SA, 1 January 2009, see|RX9ip9DdGvVUMb9rrklIk76xbLA

[68] Daniel Ortega inaugura obras de expansión de una planta geotérmica en Nicaragua, see

[69] $ 77 Million for Geothermal Plant San Jacinto Tizate, see

[70] Nicaragua: Geothermal plant receives $18 million, see

[71] Nicaragua to expand geothermal energy with IDB help, see

[72] IpC apoya inversion en central geotermica para promover energia removable y combater el cambio climatico en Nicaragua, see

[73] 4th MONITORING REPORT MONTE ROSA BAGASSE COGENERATION PROJECT (MRBCP), Monitoring period from 1 May, 2008 to 28 February, 2009, prepared by Econergy Brasil Ltd.

[74] with three backpressure turbo generators and pressure boilers

[75] a back up for the 15 MW turbo installed in 2001

[76] Issued 21 October 2009, for the monitoring period 12 April – 30 September 2009

[77] This results are presented in the attached excel book “Carbon Credits Analysis CERs.xlsx”. Presentation of Monitoring Results. The excel book contains two sheets: Summary, which contains a monthly overview of the calculation of net power delivered to the grid and project baseline emissions; and CERs Analysis, which presents detailed emissions reductions calculations on an hourly basis. Input data is taken from the project´s operational database and pasted into the spreadsheet.

[78] 30 September 2009, monitoring period 3 June 2003- June 30 2008

[79] Landscape fragmentation and forest fuel accumulation: effects of fragment size, age and climate, William Gould, USDA Forest Service, see

[80] Marco Legal e Institucional del Sector Forestal con respecto al Cambio Climatico, MARENA, 9 December 2007, see

[81] Ibid, pp 24- 37

[82] Fondo Nacional del Ambiente


[84] p 75

[85] “A Review of 25 Readiness Plan Idea Notes from the World Bank, Forest Carbon Partnership Facility”. WRI Working Paper. World Resources Institute, Washington DC

[86] “World Resources Institute review of World Bank-approved R-PINs finds critical issues are conspicuously missing”, Chris Lang, 12th March 2009,

[87] “Analisis comparativo de experiencias de pago por servicios ambientales en Nicaragua“, Sonia Wheelock Diaz & Mariana Barrios Jackman, Cuaderno de investigacion 28, 2007, see


[89] “The Top 10: What’s wrong with REDD?”, By Chris Lang, 3rd December 2010, Dartmouth College,

[90] And the one that provides its current impetus

[91] Estimated on 30$ by Indonesia

[92] Voluntary Carbon Standard,

[93] Discurso del Compañero Samuel Santos López, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la Republica de Nicaragua, anta la 15ava. Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático, Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 17 de diciembre de 2009.


[95] XV Conferencia de partes en Copenhague; Posiciones de Nicaragua, 25 puntos de lucha para la utopia de la supervivenvia


[97] “A new era of living in harmony with Nature is born at the Nagoya Biodiversity Summit”, CBD Press release, 29 October 2010, Nagoya

[98] “Message from Nagoya to Cancun and beyond: A sustainable future is founded on climate-resilient ecosystems and communities”, press release CBD Cancun, Mexico, 29 November 2010


[100] Climate Change Is Expected to Cost Latin American Countries at Least 1% of Annual GDP,

[101] “Tango in the Atmosphere: Ozone and Climate Change”, Jeannie Allen, NASA Earth Observatory, February 2004.

[102] Montreal was signed on 22 March 1985, and entered into force on 22 September 1988, now ratified by 196 countries;

[103] ibid

[104] This convention was prepared based on a draft that took more than fifteen years of work by The International Law Commission United Nations. Its goal was codifying the customary International Law of Treaties.

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