To GET off: bajar(se) de (un vehículo o nave ).
*Please, tell me where I have to get off
(plis, tel mí juér ái jav tu guet off)
*Por favor, dígame (indíqueme) donde debo (tengo que) bajarme.
To GET into: conectar(se) a, entrar.
*Get into INTERNET if you want to get good and/or excellent information
(guet íntu ínternet if yiú wuánt tu guet gud and/or ékselent informéishon)
*Conéctese a INTERNET si desea conseguir información buena y/o excelente.
To HAVE to: tener que, deber.
*We have to work very early in the morning
(wuí jav tu wuérk véri érli in de móning)
*Tenemos que trabajar muy de mañana.
*Debemos trabajar muy temprano.
*Tenemos que trabajar tempranísimo.
To HAVE to do with: tener que ver con.
*What do I have to do with that?
(juát du ái jav tu du wuítz dat)
*¿Qué tengo que ver con eso?
*What does that trouble have to do with us?
(juát das dat tróbol jav tu du wuítz as)
*¿Qué tiene que ver ese lío (problema ) con nosotros?
To HAVE on: llevar puesto.
*They have on some hats
(déi javo n som jats)
*(Ellos o ellas) Llevan puestos (unos) sombreros.
To HAVE at: atacar, embestir.
*Bulls have at him suddely
(buls jav at him sádenli)
*Los toros lo atacaron inesperadamente.
To HAVE breakfast (lunch, dinner): desayunar (almorzar, cenar).
*We have lunch at noon
(wuí jav lonch at nun)
*Nosotros almorzamos al mediodía.
*Nosotros almorzamos a las 12 del mediodía.
At that: sin más.
*She went at that
(shi wuént at dat)
*(Ella) se fue sin más.
But then: pero por otro lado, pero al mismo tiempo.
*He says he is Christian but then he doesn"t attend at the church
(ji ses ji is críschan bat den ji dásen aténd at de cherch)
*Él dice que es cristiano, pero por otro lado no asiste a la iglesia.
By the way: a propósito
*By the way, When will you come back?
(bái de wuéi juén wuíl yiú kom bak)
*A propósito ¿Cuándo regresarán ustedes?
From now on: de ahora en adelante.
*From now on I will make my decisions by myself
(from náu on ái wuíl méik mái decíshons bái maisélf)
*De ahora en adelante, tomaré mis propias decisiones.
*De ahora en adelante, decidiré por mí mismo.
On the other hand: de otra parte.
*On the other hand you have nothing to do here
(on di áder jand yiú jav názing tu du jíer)
*De otra parte, no tienes nada que hacer aquí.
From then: de allí en adelante, desde entonces.
*From then he always looks sad
(from den ji ólwuiz luks sad)
*Desde entonces, siempre luce triste.
*Desde entonces, siempre se ve triste.
*Desde entonces, siempre parece estar triste.
From time to time: de vez en cuando.
*They take a rest from time to time
(déi téik e rest from táim tu táim)
*Ellos(as) descansan de vez en cuando.
Now and then (again): de vez en cuando.
*Now and then Politicians visit our community
(náu and den politíshans vísit aúr kamiúniti)
*De vez en cuando, los políticos visitan nuestra comunidad.
*They say they will help us now and again
(déi séi déi wuíl jelp as náu and eguén)
*De vez en cuando, dicen que nos ayudarán.
Now that: ya que.
*Do honor to us now that you came
(du ánor tu as náu dat yiú kéim)
*Ya que viniste, haznos el honor.
Now then: ahora bien.
*Now then listen what we have to do
(náu den lísen juát wuí jav tu du)
*Ahora bien Escuchen lo que tenemos que hacer.
On the contrary: por el contrario.
*On the contrary he is the Evil One
(on de cóntrari ji is de ívol wuán)
*Por el contrario, él es el maligno.
Side by side: lado a lado, uno al lado del otro.
*Please, sit down side by side
(plis sit dáun sáid bái sáid)
*Por favor, siéntense uno al lado del otro.
Then and there: al momento, ahí mismo.
*Catch him then and there
(katch jim den and der)
*Captúrenlo ahí mismo.
To be quiet: quedarse callado, quedarse quieto.
*¡Be quiet, please!
(bi kuáeit plis)
*¡Quédese callado, por favor!
To cut one"s way: labrar(se) su camino.
*Everyone has to cut his way himself in this life
(évriwuán jas tu ket jis wuéi in dis láif)
*Cada quien tiene que labrarse su camino en esta vida.
To get married: casarse.
*He is going to get married with Katherine
(ji is góing tu guet mérid wuíz káterin)
*Él va a casarse con Catalina.
To have nothing to see with: no tener nada que ver con.
*I have nothing to see with that
(ái jav názin tu síi wuíz dat)
*No tengo nada que ver con eso.
To make one"s living: ganarse la vida.
*We make our living fishing sharks
(wuí méik áur living físhing sharks)
*Nos ganamos la vida pescando tiburones.
To make up one"s mind: tomar una decisión, resolverse, decidirse.
*Think very well before you make up your mind
(tink véri wuél bifór yiú méik ap yiór máind)
*Piensa con cuidado antes de tomar una decisión.
To put in (on, across, out ): introducir [poner(se), llevar a cabo, sacar ]
*Put these flowers in the water for a while
(put díiz fláwuers in de wuóter for e juáil)
*Introduce estas flores en (el) agua durante un rato.
To shut up: quedarse callado, callarse (expresión muy severa).
*¡Shut up!
(shat ap) or (sharáp)
*¡Cállate &# !
*¡Cállese &# !
To take for (on, off, in, up ): considerar (tomar, quitarse, admitir, subir ).
*What do you take for?
(juát du yiu téik for)
*¿Qué consideras tú?
*¿Qué supone usted?
To take it easy: calmarse, ir con cuidado, descansar, ir despacio
*¡Take it easy!
(téik it ísi)
*¡Tómelo con calma!
*¡Vaya con cuidado!…
Upon that: sobre eso.
*Upon that we have to talk
(epán dat wuí jav tu tok)
*Sobre eso tenemos que hablar.
NOTE: the one"s expression is replaced by the corresponding possessive adjective related to the
ENCLOSE Number 4
Abort (abórt): abortar, salir, finalizar
Accept (acépt): aceptar.
ALU (éi- el- iú or aritzmétiks lóyik iúnit): Unidad Aritmética y Lógica.
Array (eréi): matriz, arreglo, disposición o colocación
Audit trail (ódit tréiol): registro de auditoría.
Backup (bákap): respaldo.
Band Width (band wuítz): banda ancha.
Board (bord): tarjeta, tablero.
Boot (but): inicio, arranque.
Boot Sector (but séktor): sector de inicio (arranque). Broadband (bróudband): banda ancha, ancho de banda. Bubble (bábol): burbuja.
Buffer (bófer): memoria intermedia, memoria simulada.
Bug (bog): error.
Bus (bos): bus, ducto, conducto.
Cache (katch): escondite, escondrijo
Cache memory (katch mémori): memoria inmediata (oculta).
Card (kard): tarjeta.
Cell (cel): celda, celdilla. Chip (chip): chip, pastillita. Close (klóuz): cerrar.
Core (kor): núcleo, centro, corazón.
Crash (crash): caída, conflicto.
Debug (dibóg): depurar, limpiar (un error ) Decline (dikláin): declinar, desistir, no aceptar Default (difót): defecto, omisión
Delay (diléi): retraso.
Delete (delít): borrar, eliminar
Desktop (désktop): escritorio.
Device (diváiz): unidad, dispositivo.
Double Data Rate or DDR (dábol dáta réit or Di Di Ar): Doble tasa de transferencia.
Download (dáun lóud): descarga, descargar. Drive (dráiv): unidad (de disco), dispositivo. Driver (dráiver): controlador.
Dummy (dómi): ficticio(a).
File (fáil): archivo, carpeta.
Floppy Disk (flópi disk): disquete, disco flexible. Frame (fréim): marco, cuadro, fotograma Hard Disk (jard disk): disco duro.
Input (ínput): entrada.
Install (instál): instalar.
Key (ki): llave, clave, cifra, tecla.
Keyboard (kibórd): teclado.
Log (log): registro, registrar, bitácora.
MODEM (móudem): Modulador /Demodulador.
Motherboard (máder bord): tarjeta madre.
Next (nekst): siguiente.
Off- line (of- láin): desconectado(a), fuera de (la) línea.
On- line (on- láin): conectado(a), en línea.
Output (áutput): salida.
Pack (pak): empacar, paquete.
Password (páswuord): contraseña, clave de acceso.
Power Off (páwuer of): apagar. Power On (páwuer on): encender. Reboot (ribút): reiniciar, rebutear.
Recovery (rikóveri): recuperación, restauración.
Restart (restárt): reiniciar.
Restore (ristór): restaurar.
Retrieve (retrív): recuperar, reencontrar, reintentar.
Run (ran): ejecutar.
Search (serch): búsqueda, buscar. Sheet (shit): hoja (de cuaderno, libro ) Shortcut (shórkot): acceso directo, atajo. Shutdown (shat dáun): cerrar, apagar. Slave (ssléiv): esclavo(a).
Slot (sslát): ranura.
Telephone message or Telephone call [télefon mésich (t. kol)]: telefonema.
Teleprompter (téleprómter): tele apuntador, tele anotador.
Teletype (téletáip): teletipo. Uninstall (aninstál): desinstalar. Unpack (anpák): desempacar. Update (ap- déit): actualizar.
Upload (ap lóud): subir, cargar, montar (un archivo).
A4.1.2. AUTOMOBILE'S PARTS (tools)
Brake light (bréik láit): luz de frenado.
Cable (kéibol): cable.
Carburetor (cárberéitor /cárbiuréitor): carburador.
Chassis (chásaiz): chasises. Chassis (chási): chasis, armazón. Coil (cóil): bobina.
Compressor (compresor): compresor(a).
Crank (krank): cigüeñal.
Cylinder (sílinder): cilindro.
Flat tyre (flat táir /flat táiar): llanta pinchada (desinflada).
Front lights (front láits): luces principales (delanteras).
Fuel (fiúol): combustible.
Fuel gauge (fiúol guéich): indicador de nivel de combustible.
Fuel tank (fiúol tank): tanque (depósito) de combustible.
Fuse (fiús): fusible.
Gas (gas): gasolina.
Gasket (gásket): empaque.
Gauge (guéich): medidor, indicador
Gear (guíer): engranaje, engrane. Generator (yeneréitor): generador. Grille (gril): parrilla, rejilla.
Hood (jud): capó, capot. Hosepipe (joz páip): manguera. Lever (léver): palanca.
Main lights (méin láits): luces principales (delanteras).
Nut (not): tuerca.
Petrol (pétrol): gasolina.
Piston (píston): émbolo, pistón.
Pliers (pláiers): alicates.
Pulley (póli): polea.
Pump (pomp): bomba, bombear.
Rear lights (rir láits): luces traseras (posteriores).
Rear- view mirror (ríer viú míror): (espejo) retrovisor. Screwdriver (sskru dráiver): destornillador, atornillador. Spare tyre (sspér táir /sspér táiar): llanta de repuesto. Spark plug (sspárk plog): bujía.
Steering Wheel (sstíring juíl /juíol): volante, timón. Tail lights (téil láits): luces traseras (posteriores). Toolbox (tul boks): caja de herramientas.
Trunk (tronk): baúl, portaequipaje(s).
Tyre (táir /táiar): llanta, neumático.
Valve (velv): válvula.
Wheel (juíol): rueda.
Windshield (wuíndshild wuáiper): limpiaparabrisas, lavaparabrisas.
Windshield (wuíndshild): parabrisas.
Windshield washer (wuíndshild wuósher): limpiaparabrisas, lavaparabrisas.
Wire cutters (wuáiar káters): alicates.
A4.1.3. PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY (Additional vocabulary)
(Continuation of the Apart 18, PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY, page 23)
Aorta (éiora): aorta.
Artery (áreri /árteri): arteria.
Balls (bols): bolas, pelotas, cojones, polainas.
Bladder (bláder): vejiga (urinaria, biliar ).
Brain (bréin): cerebro.
Cell (cel): célula.
Colon (kóulon): cólon.
Cubitus (kiúbitos): cúbito.
Cunt (kent/ kont/ kant): raja, grieta, vagina.
Diaphragm (dáiefram): diafragma. Esophagus (ésofagos): esófago. Femur (fímor): fémur.
Fibula (fíbiula): peroné.
Gums (goms): encías.
Gutts (gots): tripas, intestinos.
Heart (jart): corazón.
Humerus (jiúmeros): húmero.
Jaw (yo): mandíbula, quijada. Jawbone (yóbon): quijada, mandíbula. Kidney (kídni): riñón.
Ligament (lígament): ligamento.
Liver (líver): hígado.
Lung (long): pulmón.
Mandible (mándibol): mandibula. Maxilla (máksila): maxila, maxilar. Muscle (mósol): músculo.
Nasal fossa (néisol fósa): fosa nasal. Ovary (óuvari/ óuveri/ óuvri): ovario. Pancreas (páncrias): páncreas.
Pubes (piúbis): pubis. Radius (réidios): radio. Rectum (réktom): recto.
Scrotum (sscróutom): escroto.
Shinbone (shínbon): tibia. Sperm (sspérm): esperma. Spleen (ssplín): bazo.
Stomach (sstómak): estómago.
Tendon (téndon): tendón.
Testicles (tésticols): testículos, pelotas.
Throat (zróut): garganta.
Tibia (tíbia): tibia. Tighbone (táibon): fémur. Tongue (tong): lengua.
Urethra (iurítra): uretra.
Uvula (iúviula): úvula, campanilla.
Vagina (vayáina): vagina.
Vein (véin): vena.
Vulve (velv): vulva.
ENCLOSE Number 5
*Either or : o o
*Neither nor : ni ni
*Something /Anything : algo, cualquier cosa.
*Nothing /Anything : Nada.
*Someone /Anyone : alguien.
*not only but also: no sólo sino también
The previous expressions, by separated, mean the following:
Either: (adjective): uno u otro, cualquier de los dos; cada (uno de los dos).
Either (when is a pronoun): uno u otro, cualquiera de los dos.
Either (when is an adverb): tampoco.
Either (when is a conjunction): o sea.
Or: o, u, de otro modo.
Neither (when is an undefined pronoun): ninguno (de los dos), ni uno ni otro, ni lo uno ni lo otro.
Neither (undefined adjective): ninguno (de los dos).
Neither (conjunction): ni, tampoco, ni tampoco.
Something: alguna cosa, algo, un poco. Nothing: nada, cero, de ninguna manera. Anything: nada, algo, alguna, cualquier cosa. Someone: alguien.
Anyone: alguien, alguno, cualquiera.
Not: no.
Only: solo, único, sólo, solamente, únicamente.
But: pero, sólo, solamente, excepto, menos, sino, mas.
Also: también.
ENCLOSE Number 6
A6.1.1. Direct imperative form:
Direct imperative form (affirmative case): for this direct imperative form, the following thing should keep in mind:
Firstly, the verb is written without the infinitive mark (that is to say, the particle TO preceding the verb when this is not conjugated is suppressed) and, then,
The complement is written (when necessary).
All imperative expression is written between signs of admiration (¡ !). Examples:
¡Go to the hell!
(góu tu de jel)
¡Vete o váyase al infierno!
¡Go fuck yourself!
(góu fak yiorsélf)
¡Jódete o Jódase!
¡Open the door!
(óupen de door)
¡Abre o Abra la puerta!
¡Shut up!
(shat ap /sharáp)
¡Cállese o Cállate!
¡Cierre la jeta!
¡Cállese ¥#$£!
¡Wash all the Windows now!
(wuósh ol de wuíndous náu)
¡Láve todas las ventanas ahora!
¡Go to bed right away!
(góu tu bed ráit ewuéi)
¡Vaya a acostarse de inmediato!
¡Throw the trash into the trash can!
(zróu de trash íntu de trash can)
¡Eche o Arroje la basura en la caneca!
Direct imperative form (negative case): for this one is necessary to do the following thing:
Firstly, DO auxiliary is utilized, followed by the negation (NOT) and later the corresponding verb (besides the complement, if exists). From time to time, the auxiliary and the negation appear contracted.
In the second case, a non personal form of the verb (which finishes in -ING) is utilized; this expression is preceded by the adverb of negation (NO).
A6.1.2. Indirect imperative form:
For the indirect imperative form is necessary to keep in mind the following thing:
At first, an expression indicating desire appears (that is to say, it expresses "hope", "petition", "suggestion" )
Then, the expression (relative pronoun) THAT followed by the verb (in Subjunctive Mode) in the Spanish Language, when passing into English, is replaced by the corresponding objective pronoun (me, you, him, her, us, them), followed by the verb in infinitive.
Finally, the complement that cited expression has is written. Examples:
In Spanish:
*Quiero que me contestes ahora.
In English:
*I want you to answer me now.
(ái wuánt yiú tu ánser mi náu)
In Spanish:
*Espero que llegues temprano.
In English:
*I hope you to be on time /I hope you to be early.
(ái jóup yiú tu bi on táim /ái jóup yiú tu bi érli)
In Spanish:
*Quiero que me quieras como yo te quiero.
In English:
*I want you to love me how I love you.
(ái wuánt yiú tu lov mi jáu ái lov iu)
In Spanish:
*Dime que quieres que (yo) haga.
In English:
*Tell me what you want me to do. (tel mi juát yiú wuánt mi tu du)
ENCLOSE Number 7
A7.1. VERBS: GENERAL LIST (from Spanish into English) Abandonar: to abandon, to leave.
Abrazar: to embrace.
Abrir: to open. Absorber: to absorb. Aburrir: to bore.
Acariciar: to caress.
Acceder: to agree (estar de acuerdo); to access (tener acceso a). Aceptar: to accept.
Acertar: to succeed. Aclarar: to clear up. Acordar: to agree.
Acosar: to harass.
Acostarse: to go to bed (relativo a dormir). Activar: to activate.
Acusar: to accuse.
Administrar: to manage, to administrate. Adquirir: to acquire, to get.
Afanar: to toil.
Afanarse: to toil oneself. Afectar: to affect.
Afeitar: to shave. Afinar: to tune up. Afirmar: to affirm. Afligir: to afflict.
Aflojar: to loose, to loosen. Agarrar: to catch, to get, to take. Agitar: to shake, to agitate.
Agotar: to exhaust. Agotarse: to get exhaust. Agrandar: to enlarge.
Agredir: to attack.
Aguantar: to endure; to bear (soportar). Ahogar: to drown.
Ahorrar: to save. Ahuyentar: to scare away. Ajustar: to adjust.
Alcanzar: to reach (llegar a ) Alimentar: to feed.
Alinear: to align. Aliviar: to alleviate. Amar: to love.
Amarrar: to hitch, to tie. Amparar: to project.
Ampliar: to expand.
Analizar: to analyze.
Animar: to encourage, to cheer (relativo a Dar ánimo). Apagar: to turn off, to turn out, to put off, to put out.
Aparentar: to pretend. Aplicar: to apply.
Apoyar: to support. Aprender: to learn.
Aprehender: to apprehend (rel. a tomar, asimilar ) Apretar: to press; to tighten.
Archivar: to file, to archive. Armar: to assemble.
Arreglar: to fix, to repair. Arrojar: to trot.
Asegurar: to assure, to affirm. Asfixiar: to suffocate.
Asistir: to attend, to assist. Asombrar: to amaze; to astonish. Asustar: to frighten.
Atar: to tie up, to tie.
Atender: to wait on, to attend. Atrapar: to trap, to catch, to capture. Aumentar: to enlarge, to increase.
Avisar: to notify; to inform; to warn; to report on. Ayudar: to help.
Bailar: to dance.
Bajar: to climb down, to descend. Balancear: to swing, to balance. Balancearse: to swing oneself.
Bañar: to bathe.
Bañarse: to take a bath, to get bathed. Barrer: to sweep.
Beber: to drink. Besar: to kiss. Bloquear: to block.
Borrar: to erase, to delete. Botar: to throw away.
Brillar: to shine. Brindar: to offer.
Bromear: to joke, to tease, to make a joke. Broncearse: to get suntanned.
Bucear: to dive.
Buscar: to search, to look for, to search for, to seek. Calentar: to heat.
Callar: to silence, to shut up. Calumniar: to calumniate.
Cambiar: to change. Caminar: to walk.
Camuflar: to camouflage.
Cantar: to sing.
Capturar: to capture, to catch. Cargar: to carry, to load, to enter. Casar: to marry, to get marry.
Castigar: to punish. Cazar: to hunt.
Centrar: to center. Ceñir: to gird.
Cerrar: to close, to shut. Charlar: to chat.
Chequear: to check.
Chillar: to scream. Chismosear: to gossip. Chupar: to suck.
Cocinar: to cook. Coger: to catch, to take.
Colaborar: to collaborate. Colgar: to hang.
Colocar: to put, to place. Combinar: to combine. Comenzar: to begin, to start. Comer: to eat.
Comparar: to compare. Compartir: to share.
Comprar: to buy.
Comprender: to comprehend, to understand. Comunicar: to comunicate.
Conducir: to drive, to lead.
Confiar: to hope (rel. a tener esperanza), to trust (tener confianza en alguien). Configurar: to configure.
Conquistar: to conquer. Conseguir: to get, to obtain. Conservar: to conserve, to keep. Construir: to build.
Contar: to count, to tell. Controlar: to control.
Convertir: to convert. Cooperar: to cooperate. Copiar: to copy.
Corregir: to correct. Correr: to run.
Cortar: to cut. Cosechar: to harvest. Coser: to sew.
Crear: to create.
Creer: to believe, to think, to think so. Cruzar: to cross.
Cultivar: to cultivate.
Curar: to cure. Dañar: to damage. Dar: to give.
Deber: to must (de obligación), to owe (de deuda). Debilitar: to weaken.
Decidir: to decide. Decir: to say, to tell. Declinar: to decline. Deducir: to deduce.
Defecar: to do shit, to defecate. Defender: to defend.
Dejar: to leave, to let, to abandon. Derribar: to knock down.
Desactivar: to deactive. Descansar: to rest, to take a rest.
Descomponer: to break down, to disassemble. Desempacar: to unpack.
Desencriptar: to desencrypt. Desenredar: to untangle.
Desenvolver: to unfold, to manage, to act. Desgarrar: to tear off, to tear.
Deshacer: to undo. Desinflar: to deflate. Desinstalar: to uninstall. Desintegrar: to desintegrate. Deslizar: to slide.
Desmenuzar: to cut into pieces.
Desmontar: to disassemble, to climb down, to get down. Desnudar: to strip.
Desnudarse: to strip oneself. Desobedecer: to disobey.
Despedazar: to tear up, to tear off. Destacar: to emphasize.
Destrozar: to destroy, to tear off Destruir: to destroy.
Desvestir: to undress. Desvestirse: to undress oneself. Detener: to stop.
Dibujar: to draw. Difamar: to defame.
Difundir: to diffuse, to cast Digerir: to digest.
Dilatar: to dilate. Disculpar: to excuse. Discutir: to discuss. Diseñar: to design.
Disfrutar: to enjoy Disimular: to dissemble.
Disminuir: to diminish, to reduce.
Disparar: to shoot. Dispersar: to scatter. Disponer: to arrange. Distribuir: to distribute. Divertir: to entertain.
Divertirse: to entertain oneself. Dividir: to divide.
Doblar: to double, to turn Donar: to donate.
Dormir: to sleep. Drenar: to drain. Durar: to last.
Echar: to throw, **Echar de menos (extrañar): to miss.
Editar: to edit.
Elaborar: to elaborate, to make. Elegir: to elect, to choose.
Eliminar: to eliminate, to delete. Elogiar: to praise.
Empacar: to pack. Empañar: to blur. Empaquetar: to package. Empezar: to begin, to start. Empujar: to push.
Emular: to rival. Encabezar: to head.
Encender: to light, to put on, to take on. Encerrar: to enclose.
Encoger: to shrink. Encontrar: to find. Encriptar: to encrypt.
Enfurecer: to enrage, to get furious, to get angry. Engañar: to declive.
Enlistar: to enlist. Enredar: to entangle. Enseñar: to teach.
Ensuciar: to dirty, to do shit. Entender: to understand.
Entrenar: to train. Entristecer: to get sad.
Entristecerse: to get sad oneself. Enviar: to send.
Envolver: to wrap. Escapar: to escape. Esconder: to hide.
Esconderse: to hide oneself. Escribir: to write.
Escuchar: to listen.
Espantar: to frighten.
Esperar: to wait for, to expect, to hope. Espiar: to spy.
Esquiar: to ski. Establecer: to stablish. Estar: to be.
Estirar: to stretch.
Estirarse: to stretch oneself. Estudiar: to study.
Evitar: to avoid. Explorar: to explore. Exponer: to expose. Expresar: to express. Exprimir: to squeeze. Expulsar: to expel.
Extender: to extend. Extenderse: to extend oneself. Extraer: to extract.
Extrañar: to miss.
Fallar: to fail. Favorecer: to favor.
Felicitar: to congratulate.
Finalizar: to finalize, to finish, to end. Fingir: to pretend.
Firmar: to sign.
Flaquear: to become weakened. Formatear: to format.
Formular: to formulate.
Fornicar: to make love, to fuck, to fornicate. Fortalecer: to fortify.
Fragmentar: to fragment, to divide. Frenar: to brake.
Ganar: to win, to gain. Gastar: to spend Gemir: to moan.
Generar: to generate. Girar: to turn.
Golpear: to hit.
Grabar: to record, to tape. Gritar: to shout.
Guardar: to keep.
Guiar: to lead, to drive, to guide.
Gustar: to like. Haber: to have. Habitar: to inhabit.
Hablar: to speak, to talk. Hacer: to do, to make.
Herir: to hurt.
Huir: to flee, to escape, to run away. Iluminar: to illuminate.
Imaginar: to imagine. Imprimir: to print.
Incomodar: to disturb, to annoy, to bother. Inducir: to induce.
Inflar: to inflate. Inhalar: to inhale.
Iniciar: to initiate, to begin. Insertar: to insert.
Instalar: to install.
Instruir: to instruct, to teach. Intercambiar: to exchange. Interpretar: to interpret.
Ir: to go.
Jugar: to play, to gamble Juntar: to join.
Juntarse: to join oneself. Justificar: to justify.
Lanzar: to throw. Leer: to read.
Liberar: to free. Licuar: to liquefy. Liderar: to lead. Limpiar: to clean. Llamar: to call.
Llegar: to arrive, to get. Llenar: to fill.
Llevar: to carry, to take, to bring. Llorar: to cry.
Luchar: to fight.
Manejar: to handle, to drive (a car ) Mantener: to maintain, to keep.
Marcar: to mark. Masticar: to chew. Matar: to kill.
Matizar: to tint. Maximizar: to maximize. Mear: to do pis.
Mentir: to lie. Meter: to put.
Minimizar: to minimize. Mirar: to look, to look at.
Molestar: to bother, to annoy, to disturb, to tease. Montar: to mount, to get on
Morder: to bite. Mostrar: to show. Multiplicar: to multiply.
Murmurar: to whisper. Nadar: to swim.
Narrar: to narrate, to tell. Negar: to deny.
Notar: to note, to notice. Obedecer: to obey.
Observar: to match, to observe. Obtener: to obtain, to get.
Ocultar: to hide. Ocupar: to occupy.
Ocurrir: to happen, to occur. Odiar: to hate.
Oír: to hear. Oler: to smell.
Olfatear: to smell, to sniff, to detect. Operar: to operate.
Oprimir: to press. Ordenar: to order. Organizar: to organize.
Orinar: to urinate (relativo a oxidar), to do pis (relativo a mear). Oxidar: to oxidize.
Pagar: to pay, to pay for. Parar: to stop.
Partir: to leave (relativo a salir, irse) Pasear: to walk, to stroll.
Patear: to kick. Patinar: to skate.
Pedir: to ask, to ask for. Pegar: to hit.
Peinar: to comb.
Peinarse: to comb oneself. Pelear: to fight.
Penalizar: to penalize. Pensar: to think.
Perder: to lose. Perdonar: to forgive. Permitir: to permit, to let.
Perseguir: to chase, to pursue. Personalizar: to personalize.
Pintar: to paint. Pisar: to step. Poner: to put.
Ponerse: to put oneself, to put on, to take on.
Portar: to bear, to behave. Preguntar: to ask.
Preparar: to fix, to prepare. Presionar: to press.
Probar: to test, to prove.
Proponer: to propose. Proteger: to protect. Protestar: to protest. Quebrar: to break.
Quemar: to burn. Querer: to want, to love.
Quitar: to remove, to put aside. Razonar: to reason.
Realizar: to carry out. Rechazar: to reject. Recibir: to receive.
Reconocer: to recognize. Recortar: to trim, to cut out Recostar: to recline.
Recostarse: to recline oneself. Recuperar: to recover, to recuperate. Recurrir: to resort.
Reducir: to reduce. Reemplazar: to replace. Referir: to refer, to tell. Refrescar: to cool.
Regalar: to give.
Regar: to water, to diffuse. Rehacer: to redo.
Reír: to laugh.
Renunciar: to quit, to give up (give up: darse por vencido). Reparar: to fix, to repair.
Repetir: to repeat. Replicar: to retort, to reply. Reponer: to replace.
Reproducir: to reproduce. Resaltar: to stand out.
Rescatar: to rescue. Resolver: to solve, to resolve. Respirar: to breathe.
Responder: to answer, to respond. Restar: to reduce.
Restringir: to restrict. Retirar: to retire.
Retirarse: to retire oneself. Revisar: to check, to revise. Reunir: to gather.
Reunirse: to gather oneself. Revisar: to revise, to check. Robar: to steal.
Rogar: to beg. Romper: to break. Saber: to know.
Saborear: to savor.
Sacar: to remove, to put out, to get rid of Sacudir: to shake.
Salir: to go out, to get out, to leave. Saludar: to greet.
Salvar: to save. Secuestrar: to kidnap.
Seguir: to go on, to follow, to continue. Seleccionar: to select.
Sembrar: to sow. Sentar: to sit.
Sentarse: to sit down. Sentir: to feel.
Separar: to separate. Ser: to be.
Significar: to mean, to signify. Sobresalir: to excel.
Sobrevivir: to survive. Solucionar: to solve. Soñar: to dream.
Soportar: to bear. Sorber: to sip.
Subir: to rise. Suceder: to happen. Sumar: to add.
Sumergir: to submerge. Sumergirse: to submerge oneself. Suministrar: to supply.
Suprimir: to supress. Susurrar: to whisper. Teclear: to type.
Temblar: to tremble. Tender: to spread.
Tenderse: to spread oneself. Tener: to have.
Terminar: to finish, to end. Tirar: to throw.
Tocar: to touch (rel. al tacto), to play (rel. a inst. musicales), to turn (turno). Tomar: to take (rel. a coger, abordar ), to drink (rel. a beber).
Torcer: to twist. Tostar: to toast. Traducir: to translate. Traer: to bring, to take. Tragar: to swallow
Tranquilizar: to calm down, to take it easy. Trapear: to mop.
Trazar: to draw.
Triunfar: to triumph, to succeed.
Trotar: to trot. Trozar: to cut.
Unir: to unite, to join. Usar: to use.
Vaciar: to empty. Variar: to vary.
Vender: to sell. Venir: to come. Ventilar: to ventilate. Ver: to see.
Vestir: to dress.
Vestirse: to dress oneself. Viajar: to travel, to take a trip. Vigilar: to watch.
Violar: to violate. Virar: to turn.
Vivir: to live. Volcar: to overturn. Vomitar: to vomit. Votar: to vote.
"I expect this manual (English- Spanish) be useful for you to overcome little by little the barrier of these two languages and that it contribute to improve the adaptation and/or joining to the irrepressible phenomenon of the economical, cultural, political globalization"
I hope you to be lucky, and also I want you to live in peace; have a good luck in your actions, in your paths
X.U. Chimá Pérez
C.A. Chimá Pérez
Lic. in Education: Spanish and Literature (Antioquia"s University)
English, french, italian and others.
Thesis / Monographs and Investigation projects, Pre- ICFES
Maintenance and fixing: Laptops, Desktops; use and management of softwares; PC"s unlocking (pbp); recovery of information from damaged disks (hard disks, CD"s, DVD"s, USB )
Teacher (F.T.): E.I. LACEBE
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