
English/Spanish handbook

Enviado por C.A. Chima Perez

Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4

  1. The alphabet
  2. Numbers
  3. Prepositions
  4. Pronouns
  5. The time
  6. First general vocabulary (complementary)
  7. Singular and plural of some nouns
  8. Complementary vocabulary
  9. Adjective (expressions and/or adverbs) of comparison
  10. The articles (defined and undefined ones)
  11. Next future (be going to: ir a)
  12. Bibliography
  13. Annexes



A (éi) B(bi) C(ci) D(di) E(i) F(ef) G(yi) H(éich) I(ái) J(yéi) K(kéi) L(el, ol)

M(em) N(an) O(óu) P(pi) Q(kiú) R(ar) S(ss) T(ti) U(iú) V(vi) W(dábliu) X(eks) Y(wuái) Z(zi).


  • Cardinal numbers

Uno (1): one (wuán).

Dos (2): two (tu).

Tres (3): three (zrí). Cuatro (4): four (fóar). Cinco (5): five (fáiv). Seis (6): six (siks).

Siete (7): seven (sévan). Ocho (8): eight (éit).

Nueve (9): nine (náin). Diez (10): ten (ten).

Once (11): eleven (ilévan). Doce (12): twelve (tuélv). Trece (13): thirteen (tértín). Catorce (14): fourteen (fortín). Quince (15): fifteen (fíftín).

Dieciséis (16): sixteen (síkstín). Diecisiete (17): seventeen (sévantín). Dieciocho (18): eighteen (éitín).

Diecinueve (19): nineteen (náintín). Veinte (20): twenty (tuénti)


Treinta (30): thirty (térti). (*)

Cuarenta (40): forty (fórti). (*)

Cincuenta (50): fifty (fífti). (*)

Sesenta (60): sixty (síksti). (*)

Setenta (70): seventy (sévanti). (*)

Ochenta (80): eighty (éiti). (*)

Noventa (90): ninety (náinti). (*)

Cien (100): one hundred (wuán jándrit). (**)

Mil (1000): one thousand (wuán dáuzand). (***)

Un millón (1.000.000): one million (wuán mílion). (****)


(*) The intermediate numbers or the tens (between 20 and 30…90 and 100) are built taking the basic numbers (20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90), and adding to them the corresponding digit; for instance: 23 = twenty three (tuénti zri), 81= eighty one (éiti wuán), 95 = ninety five (náinti fáiv).

(**) Basic numbers (the hundreds) between 100 and 1000 (that"s to say, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900) are built changing the digit "one (1)" in the one hundred by the corresponding digit; for example: 200= two hundred, 500= five hundred. For the complementary quantities, which are between 20 and 30…90 and 100, you are to take the basic numbers between 100 and 1000, adding it to them the tens with the respective intermediate quantity; for instance: 628= six hundred twenty eight, 367= three hundred sixty seven…

(***) Basic numbers corresponding to the thousands (1000, 2000…900.000) are built changing the digit "one (1)" by the corresponding digit or quantity; for example: 5.000= five thousand, 19.000= nineteen thousand. 500.000= five hundred thousand, 995.823= nine hundred ninety five thousand eight hundred twenty three.

(****) In the case of basic millions, these are built changing the digit "one (1)" by the corresponding digit or quantity; for instance: 15.000.000= fifteen million, 16.732.124= sixteen million seven hundred thirty two thousand one hundred twenty four. Fort he intermediate quantities, we are to pay attention to this suggestion besides the preceding (three) suggestions, when necessary.

  • Ordinal numbers

Primero (1o) = first (ferst). Segundo (2o) = second (sékond). Tercero (3o) = third (terd).

Cuarto (4o) = fourth (fortz). Quinto (5o) = fifth (fiftz).

Sexto (6o) = sixth (siktz).

Séptimo (7o) = seventh (sévantz). Octavo (8o) = eighth (éitz).

Noveno (9o) = ninth (náintz). Décimo (10o) = tenth (tentz).

Decimoprimero (11o) = eleventh (ilévantz). Decimosegundo (12o) = twelfth (tuélftz).

Decimotercero (13o) = thirteenth (tértintz). Decimocuarto (14o) = fourteenth (fortíntz). Decimoquinto (15o) = fifteenth (fiftíntz).

Decimosexto (16o) = sixteenth (sikstíntz). Decimoséptimo (17o) = seventeenth (sévantíntz). Decimoctavo (18o) = eighteenth (éitíntz).

Decimonoveno (19o) = nineteenth (náintíntz). Vigésimo (20o) = twentieth (tuéntitz).

NOTE: To build basic ordinal numbers (thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth…), change "y" by "ie", adding "th"; in the case of the intermediate ordinal numbers, they are written taking the basic cardinal numbers (20, 30, 40…90), and adding the complementary ordinal number; for example: twenty first (vigésimo primero); forty eighth (cuadragésimo octavo)…


At: en, a, por, de, durante (It indicates relative/ static location).

Above: sobre, encima de, superior a, más arriba de, más alto que.

Against: contra, cerca de, en contraste con, por, para.

Among: entre, en medio de, en el número de (when they are three or more things…).

Before: delante de, enfrente de, antes de, ante (in front of)…

Partes: 1, 2, 3, 4
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