
Tractor columnar dinámico (página 2)

Enviado por Dr. Ramiro Chadid

Partes: 1, 2

INTRODUCTION: The standing position meant in our phylogenetic evolution, moving from monkey to man. This not only brought benefits as evolutionary to homo sapiens, if not also damages of adaptation to the new stance, since these rapid phenotypic changes of position were not in conjunction with the slow and stormy evolution of its genome. This passage was fast and a product of vital needs for the APE, which I don't take into account the physical component or structural support was going to need to so abrupt change. Still to almost four million years of the beginning of the process our genome did not adapt or build solid characters that make possible that we were born to be standing, while it costs us suffering or discomfort in the course of our lives. This standing position rests structurally, as in the single-column armed a large building on our single spine, that despites the evolutionary adaptation has yet a model that allows the full support of all body weight without winning at the end in any of its parts with the course of the years . Page 2 Therefore observing the tough changes in the suffering our column in the standing position several universities of the world in the hands of its best physicists and engineers set out to create a model that will prevent such disorders and concluded as a result of his calculations, in a format for human beings which by their design fit us to a small and rare dinosaur specimen. Characteristics of the spine are no doubt despite what you say of it, one of the most perfect engineering works of nature Made armed support that resists our weight while perforated inside to meet the Mission's solid heath of bone marrow, apart from being protected on both sides in each vertebral body To the given roots of the spinal nerves. Being formed by bending portions of individual structures on each other, (the vertebrae); to do this your mobility and elasticity, are engineering problems which although not resolved at all, only fit in the mind of the creator. The physiology of the spine can be summarized by saying, in a normal healthy person the spine is a structure that is made to cope with more than all its functions in a humidity range of tissue that occurs for up to 20 years. After that age a lower moisture and tissue drying process starts (aging of the spine, which begins at the of age 20 is basically tissue dehydration), which causes you to lose consistency, mobility and elasticity due to a process of drying and hardening calcium of adaptation, which occurs in all its structures – bone, ligaments, connective tissue in general – and that sooner or later well dried and that were mostly used in life, or at least prepared to start failing because of their functional wear. Everyone without exception, if they exceed the average age referred to, you have the functional wear for a part of their spine and there is perhaps no body process that reflects more and a better age that we have, that the condition of our spine. Page 3 THE PAIN AND POSTURAL SYNDROMES. All that alteration of anatomical location that correspond to the vertebrae spaces and/or the related, have allowed us to call it postural syndromes of the column. All postural disorders suffered by the column, the painful pictures by their frequency and clearly diagnosed, they deserve to be specially mentioned and are better known as "sciatica" cervical and lumbar sciatica lumbar and cervical, osteoarthritis. Without reaching the deformation of the column boxes as evident as the grotesque kyphosis of certain elders, in general other postural syndromes (spondylolisthesis) are not named…, but details of function as simple as who writes professionally in computer and tilting for twenty years your head to read better, who performed for decades surgical procedures, or who read lying down with thick pillows in your head These simple positions of need and comfort will bring you in the course of the years, a few modest changes of positions of the vertebrae, and thus, a painful complication of cervical. And neither to say physical efforts that require greater effort that end up pulling through their insertions, the bone portion of his spinal fixation vertebral ligaments and muscles and create the spicules and hooks that can then compress tissue or spinal nerves that are in its proximity. In short, there is no situation of function not involving future consequences and the problems of the column , if you like, also physiological phenomena. Column arthrotic diseases are summarized on the pain symptom, and particularly in neuropathic pain. No matter the deformations or aesthetic aspects. If you have them, you have the pain . And pain occurs primarily by the compressions and injuries of the roots of the spinal nerves, all products of the postural syndromes of the vertebrae. Page 4 In the compression of the spinal nerves, it is common to believe that the only physiological vertebral collapse compresses the cervical and lumbar plexuses giving the ischia known. However that collapse and those compressions can occur in the spine, Giving so incomprehensible and unexplained symptoms that most of the time, they become unknown medical diagnoses. As the roots of the spinal nerves carry within themselves, they make Ortho-sympathetic through gray rami-communicants and white (see Figure 1), understanding includes such diverse and varied symptoms that confuse the most versed. For example; It would not surprise us that a dysfunction of the intestinal peristalsis which leads to constipation and diarrhea, often imputed to digestive and psychosomatic syndromes of vertebral origin; or that "neurotic" Symptoms of dysthermia focused on the soles of the feet, so typical of the old, little-known and less studied, are not excluded as possible consequences of these compressive root disorders. But the pain and discomfort not only finish there: organic, neuropathic pain that is integrated at the central level, may refer well by metameres or pathways unknown teguments, skin, muscles, bony apophysis, or numbness in any part of the body, and they are so nebulous symptoms and you dissimilar times, that they may be confused with fibromyalgia, pathology multifocal pain call whose psychological origin has been refused. Finally, the topic is so vast that I am skeptical on more than one interpretation. More, because in the fast passage through the Faculty of medicine spine subject virtually ignored, despite the important thing that is on our decisive expression of our age. My intention is to expose the issue and it goes beyond not to refer to any method that intends to treat the disorders generated by the column in the course of human life, we should just solve the problem of pain. Page 5 And if we know that the spine can be the motive "complex" of such pain, I have done with logic this reasoning not offending to the observation: IF IN THE COURSE OF OUR LIVES OUR SPINE SHRINKS AND CRUSHES OUR VERTEBRAE, AND THIS CONSEDS TO CUSARNOS PAIN, WHY DON´T WE STRETCH IT? The idea proposed is part of the base that the spine is the culprit of many of our variegated pains. If this is not true the process of shrinkage of the column and the loss of the stature associated with the shrinking due to the product of the years we carry. Therefore I suggest stretching the column for specific therapeutic purposes in case of painful syndromes of postural vertebral origin, for the purpose of attenuating other pains, if there is radiological regarding the same doubts and preventive purposes since the asymptomatic stretching of the spine as a method to avoid future spinal problems. The intention is to make the pain disappear where ever it is and if we cannot make it disappear at least alleviate it and finally avoid it preventing in the hope of no other pain and other discomforts "complexes" of vertebral origin whose origin we were ignorant of can also disappear.

MATERIAL AND METHOD A personal experience led me to try a primary invention developed more than 25 years ago, which was the Camilla elongadora or the stretcher in larger , (see Figure 2), built in the workshop of a family and to left it due to the difficult and stormy handling of it which led me to simplify it, to conclude on the tractor of the column that I am presenting today, which appeared without intending it to be the same as the Camilla elongadora, and this is a modification of something that has been as old as medicine itself: the conventional cervical traction. Page 6 It came about that looking for a simplification of the method of traction, it occurred to me in my imagination, placed the stretcher in larger upright (Reader exercise a vertical drawing of it) and thus appeared as a Flash, solution: attaching to a stud the upper pulley cephalic, the weight of the patient would be on the pelvic bottom weight. You could well through a small amendment and interpretation of the problem, pull with ease the column, and improve constrictive precordial pain (angina pectoris, intricate) I discovered that affect myself and that by their complexity confused my cardiologists colleagues. With a simple RX for cervical spine requested by myself I checked the poor state of my cervical spine and my holes of conjunction and suspected that the probable radicular compression would be the reason for this. Despite multiple consultations made to specialized universities who could not give an explanation and teachers refused to accept my suspicion of osteoarthritis how absurd. Ignoring their advice, I started to make me conventional cervical tractor that didn't work, and then with the complex Camilla elongadora difficult in handling, in order to put an end to this modification of the procedure, the dynamic for the column . Not only improved 80% of disabling pain and disturbances of all kinds that are brought through the years that alleviate. The intention was to prove that the treatment was the Diagnostics ad jubantubus was made. Well, it turned out and I understood before evidence of an honest improvement that root compression was most probably the cause of my problem. Then I gave the task of test method with other colleagues who suffered from various discomfort in their columns and the response was generally very good and similar to that obtained by me. This made it 25 years already, and I was my best patient, I can say that the persistent use of the procedure has me today vital and active. Today, knowing that these processes osteoarthritic not only cure once installed, even if you go to the best doctors and medicine and most Page 7 expensive technologies it remains only persist in a simple easy and continued treatment. Current medicine offers beds of traction, which the patient should go periodically in a center of physiotherapy, to pull and stretch his column and be so painless. These sostificados devices, very similar to my stretcher, of great flashiness, many monitors with colored lights, make less than the humble dynamic column tractor that I make today available. It accentuated the difference this tractor is in house at disposal, free of charge, to try to improve and stop every week, a pathology that will accompany the patient throughout their existence. Another of the benefits of this simple device is that it allows to do exercises and dynamic movements of extension and rotation about the axis of the column within the instant of traction, can do anything that is lying in bed tractor, or at least with the intensity and effectiveness achieved with columnar tractor. These exercises are oriented to flexible ligament and tendon joints of all column, breaking calcifications and fijezas that occur in the process of aging, so the column again regains their mobility and elasticity. Therefore today announcing this simple method, which is not only of cervical traction, without which is traction of the spinal cord, where not only exerts traction uphill, if not pull downward, (see Photo 3) simplifying the difficult methods of pelvic traction are known, and all made simple and easy-to-process materials, and using the body weight of the patient. There is some logic in that if my body weight is what did collapse my column, that is the same weight that arrange loads, and although this is true is then what is the risk, by the severe of the procedure. Only the individual test showed it. Also the fact that as the procedure for columnar traction is at first a little complex in handling, would it not be suitable for all patients, but if the Page 8 benefit are provable and checks it the same patient, more than one accepted his discomfort. Moreover, I dare assert that the procedure is sometimes so helpful and such feeling of well-being, I think reckless that it is addictive. I think equal to presumptuously, that this is a method to prevent the natural process of shortening of the column size and the process of progressive crushing imposed by the years. So I believe that one practices traction regularly after the 1940s, most likely to be kept in status-quo natural shrink and therefore process of aging of the spine. So this attachment, small and easy to build, would become one of the many elements needed in a home and an integral part of the family. Understanding well the problem not only enough because traction improves the symptoms or prevent the natural process of shrink columnar to which we made reference. But the core of the problem is the program is the genome. Why heuristic approach believe that it should seek the method associated with a systemic treatment of water retention and aqueous flood of connective tissue, which I investigated and thus two treatments we deliver the first manifestation of old age. Also, as what matters is the symptom of pain, associated treatments complement the benefit of traction such as massages, local heat, the warm baths etc. I advise against the quiropraxis cold and less movements performed without attaching to the same traction as it offers you. So I present this DYNAMIC TRACTOR COLUMNAR OF THE Dr. CHADID, to whose name is the CORRONCHO*** it was given by the address of the Patents Office of Superintendency of Industry and Commerce of Colombia, who retained to give the invention patent for several years, as very primitive and folksy to the invention by a colonized subject. This device is intended to be a construction its refined simplicity and easy handling, a utility item for the poor of the world if you compare it with the Milwaukee brace, table riser, bed elongadora or Dr. Ho. Corset Page 9 it intends to also be the ideal appliance to prevent by effects of traction of all the VERTEBRAL column some of the evils arising from the crushing of her spine and improve headaches already established by one owes and could enjoy many years with the enjoyment of its use. ATTACHMENT OR TRACTOR UNIT CONSISTS OF:

  • 1. A device or harness made of strong fabric (e browband headstall) which conforms to the nape of the neck and jaw to suspend the head, setting two straps with steel handles terminals to Pender to the faces of the horizontal portion of the T of iron (bars tractor).

  • 2. Two medium-sized pulleys to support a weight of not less than 150 kg. To which are added two lugs of good thickness and resistance for fixing.

  • 3. A preferable nylon cord 2 ½mts Long and no less than 150kg of tensile strength.

  • 4. A T of iron (bar tractor) preferably nickel with small notches in the ends of the horizontal portion of the T where the e browband headstall is fixed by its straps tractor Steel handles, and a hole in the end of the vertical portion to attach the other string.

  • 5. A wood slat 40 cms long and 12 wide x 2 cm piece of thickness with a hole in its middle that allows the passage of aforementioned rope, which tied according to the patient's height and to serve as a seat of the same, which we call saddle.

  • 6. A solid wood rail where to fix the bolts and pulleys to hang all the reference system, and we recommend the lower portion of the sill of any door frame (who invented part of the Constitution as solid wood door, thinking that someday something would be hang on it )

  • 7. .A different vertion is allawed

Page 10 Procedure or method pair attached to the tractor system: As shown in the picture (see Photo 3) here is the simple columnar tractor items. In the picture below (see Photo 4) can be observed the way components of the same are placed and how to sit the patient on its "saddle". The separation of the pulleys must be 35 cm. Ideally, the device is placed this to be settled permanently, so that it not cost work use. For this we recommend a door frame of the maste bathroom , which allows at the same time be in visual contact with the TV, so the "exercise" not reverse fatigue and will become something isolated of everyday life or the pleasant satisfaction of watching his favorite TV show. Procedure or methodical to be placed on the tractor device:

  • 1. The patient must first register the e browband headstall tractor, (see Photo 5) then standing, must attach the e browband headstall by their steel handles at the ends of the horizontal portion of the T of iron (bar tractor).

  • 2. standing lightweight traction, (see Photo 6) try to sit astride rope tied in his wooden saddle, while resting your feet and even all the same. At this moment the patient or his assistant fit and value to the distance and true length which must have the rope in keeping with his stature and the height of the fixing of the pulleys to the saddle and the patriotic horse Halter to the horizontal portion of the T tractor. This is to be the knot of the saddle until the level is comfortable for the user.

  • 3. Then you take with both hands the two ends of the horizontal portion of the T iron (bar tractor) and start letting fall .

Page 11 Slowly to measure traction and check the weight of your body and its relationship with the traction exerted on his neck and his column in general.

  • 4. Then making sure that it does not "harm" raises the feet from the floor, keeping the locking of the horizontal portion of the TTT's iron hands (bar tractor).

  • 5. The first test exercises should be fixed to the rod hand truck and consist of checking the relationship of its weight and its degree of traction, without any movement. Then tilting movements. So during 4minutos. After this you can remove the hands of T truck (see Photo 7) and check if your weight on the seat, free of any fixing is compensated with only his head locking.

This way, it is exerting traction of the entire column with the body weight of the patient. And this is done through the traction of the head, and body weight that sits on the saddle of wood. For instance if a patient weighs 70 Kg. that weight when sitting down since the same traction to reduce the mass of gravity down. We don't know with precision what amounts that reduction, despite the fact that we have employed several mathematical methods to calculate it. In any case the traction exerted down, hanging from the head is much less than the weight of the patient and we believe that this amounts to approximately 50% of the body weight, the rest of the weight of 35 Kg, the tractor up effect. Traction must be at the beginning for short periods, starting with 1 minute 5 minutes. Naturally elongates traction force the neck and the rest of the column. It can be painful after several minutes, because the total weight receives it up the mandible and occipital and therefore the arrangement of the teeth and jaw should be an essential part of the traction. Page 12 After traction are various discomfort, dizziness, instability etc. Which are the product of the entire neck stretch, including the vertebral arteries that pass through the holes of the Cervical transverse process, but disappear after a while suspend the procedure. For this reason we recommend that traction is performed before bedtime since horizontality immediately banishes these nuisances. If the inconvenience are many, suspend the procedure and restart it at a later time. Only testing will reach a moment of equilibrium in which the patient learns when to suspend the practice. After practicing the traction that we insist before bedtime, we recommend if traction is for cervical syndrome, associated with use of an elastic neck of Thomas, with which sleep since at the beginning of the treatment, and that used during several days and achieve so one quick recovery. Its use will not be needed during the day. And one sash thoraco-abdominal lumbar sciatic syndrome, to be used for a few days during the time in which they are standing.

CONCLUSIONS: ACTION FOR THE DYNAMIC ELONGATION OF THE TRACTOR: Already well placed in the saddle of wood and adapted to the system all kinds of movements and turns can be well done with hands free. All these movements exercised with softness, are loosening and elongation of the ligaments and teguments which unite all the vertebral structures, from the high to the coccyx and that with these drives yielded inexorably after a period commensurate with the degree and the time of traction. Movements can be delicate spins on the shaft of the column to the right or left, both the neck as the pelvis, as well as smooth antero -posterior Page 13 movements of flexion – extension intended to give elasticity to the ligaments. A movement that we recommend for which I am already familiar with the system, is the rotation of the head sideways with the rotation with reversed rotation of the horizontal portion of the T-bar tractor, as well as drafts of all the column on both sides, always under the weight of the tensile and elongation. (Neck or movements without Traction associated, by what we discourage the QUIROPRAXIS column are not recommended). The movements to develop are such a variety and possibilities that you leave everything to the intuition of the patient and their needs, then to understand the procedure, the patient will discover as beneficial. Importantly, become familiar with the method, which in the course of its use, intuition guide the patient to give the utility and service that is better expected to find in it.

BIBLIOGRAFIA Teslut-latarget: Anatomia Humana Rouviere: Anatomia Humana P. Farreras Valenti: Medicina Interna Tomo II J.Michans: Patologia Quirurgica Tomo II Stanley Robbins: Tratado de Patologia Bauer Cª: Ortopedia y Traumatologia (4. Columna) Lee-Rao: R M y TC de la Columna Bradford: Columna 1999 Campbell: Cirugia Ortopedica Ruge y Leon: Disease of the Vertebral column Rene Cailliet: Of neck and arm pain syndromes Netter: Ciba Collection of Medical Ilustration Bradshaw: Some Aspect of Servical Spondylosis Armstrong: Lumbar Disc Lesion S. H. Hochschuler: Rehabilitation of the Vertebral column Internet: Diseases of the spinal column Historia de la Traccion: Mexican Journal of physical medicine and R.

CORRONCHO ***: coastal rural, illiterate Colombianismo, mob, in bad taste.


WWW.SIC.GOV.CO PATENTE DE MODELO DE ULTILIDAD: resolución 53394, Radicado numero 09-093968


Centro integral de diagnósticos : Carrera 19 a nº 14 – 45 barrio la ford. Sincelejo ( sucre) colombia.




Dr. Ramiro a. Chadid

E-mail: rachadi[arroba]


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