
Lecturas complementarias en Inglés

Enviado por ailin alonso

Partes: 1, 2

  1. Introducción
  2. What is Handball?
  3. Chess Grandmaster
  4. Baseball Glove Oil
  5. Baseball Hitting Begins With Proper Balance
  6. Judo Throws
  7. Triathlon Training Guide
  8. Gymnastics Balance Beam
  9. Marathon of Hope
  10. Amateur Boxing Training: A balance of Food and Fitness.
  11. The Greatest
  12. Conclusiones
  13. Bibliografía


De gran importancia ha sido siempre el interés por el estudio de las lenguas extranjeras. El aumento acelerado de los avances tecnológicos, la inminente necesidad de comunicación entre las personas de diferentes especialidades, en todas las sociedades, los países, continentes, en todos los eventos nacionales e internacionales desarrollados en todas las partes del mundo ha impuesto el dominio de los idiomas extranjeros como una necesidad imperiosa en las prioridades educativas y sociales de cada país.

Aprender un idioma no es asunto de adquirir una serie de reglas y un amplio vocabulario. El esfuerzo del profesor debe estar encaminado no sólo a informar y orientar a sus estudiantes en cuanto al idioma, sino a capacitarlos para usarlo.

El quehacer pedagógico de los profesionales de la educación cubana  ha estado caracterizado por la toma de medidas de carácter práctico, dentro del cual la enseñanza del idioma inglés y sus necesarias transformaciones han sido prioridades en la práctica pedagógica. El proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje del Inglés necesita de perfeccionamiento pues todavía existen  dificultades, por lo que  es obligación de los propios profesores de  Inglés responsabilizarse con mejorar, crear, elaborar, diseñar, desarrollar estrategias metodológicas, medios de enseñanza, nuevas técnicas de aprendizaje y todo un sinnúmero de aspectos necesarios para seguir revolucionando la enseñanza del idioma inglés como lengua extranjera para que al final se puedan obtener resultados satisfactorios que es en definitiva el objetivo   y la meta final de todo educador dedicado a este importante tema.

Con este material de apoyo las autoras se proponen brindar a los profesores de Inglés de la Universidad de la Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte, una serie de lecturas complementarias relacionadas con el deporte para ser utilizadas en la clase no 4 " lecturas complementarias" de todas las unidades debido al déficit de materiales en inglés relacionados con la Cultura Física.

What is Handball?

Handball is a combination of basketball, soccer and netball. It is played indoors on a court about the size of two basketball court. At the each end of the court is a net which is 9 feet wide by 6 ½ feet high. The object of the game is simply to score more goals than the other team.

The ball is usually moved around the court by passing. However, the ball can dribble, but like in basketball you can not double-dribble. You can dribble for as long as you want (though you risk getting the ball taken away). You can only take at most three steps after catching a pass. You can not hold the ball for more than three seconds without passing it. If a player is fouled he is allowed a free zone 9 feet wide to restart play. Each team has 12 members, two of which are goalkeepers, 7 team members" play and substitutions can be made at any time. There is a halfway line on the court. There is also a safety area that extends about 20 feet around the goal. A player is not allowed to be in this area. Shooters may leap into this area if they shoot before they land.

If there is a penalty a player is warned. The next two penalties are two-minute suspensions. After that, a player can be disqualified (which means they are removed, but can be replaced after two minutes). They can also be excluded, which means they ca not be replaced and the team will have one less player on the court.

Each goal counts as 1 point. Usually 20 goals are scored in a game. The game consists of two 30 minutes halves with a 10 minute rest period in between the halves. The handball weights 16 ounces (13 ounces for women) and it is about the size of a cantaloupe. There are four types of players: Goalies: Defend goal. Not expected to stop as many goals as goalies in hockey or soccer.

Circle runners: Large players who block shooters and try to disorganize the defence. They also are shooters, usually from close-in range.

Wings: they are offensive players who shoot at odd angles, usually from the sides.

Big Shooters: they are tall, agile players who much like quarterbacks lead the offence. They shoot from the backcourt over the head of defenders.

Chess Grandmaster

Leinier Domínguez Pérez was born in September 23, 1983 in Havana Cuba. He is a Cuban chess grandmaster. He won the Cuban Chess Championship in 2002, 2003 and 2006. During the 2004 FIDE World Chess Championship he reached the quarter finals, losing to Teimour Radjabov in the tie-break.

His best tournament result was Barcelona 2006, where he scored 8/9 and finished first, ahead of Vassily Ivanchuk, with a performance rating of 2932. In 2008, he won CPA 2008 chess tournament, he also won the 43rd Capablanca In Memoriam tournament and in Biel 2008 he is second (he and Evgeny Alekseev had 6.5 / 10, but he lost Alekseev in tie-break), ahead of Magnus Carlsen. On the November 2009 FIDE list his Elo rating is 2719.

On November 8, 2008 he won the World Blitz Championship 2008, held at Almaty in Kazakhstan, with 11.5 points out of 15, ahead of Vassily Ivanchuk, Peter Svidler, Alexander Grischuk and many other top grandmasters.

Partes: 1, 2
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