5.4 Impacts of extreme events The costs of extreme weather events, such as storms, floods, droughts, and heatwaves, will increase rapidly at higher temperatures, potentially countering some of the early benefits of climate change. Costs of extreme weather alone could reach 0.5 – 1% of world GDP by the middle of the century, and will keep rising as the world continues to warm. The consequences of climate change in the developed world are likely to be felt earliest and most strongly through changes in extreme events – storms, floods, droughts, and heatwaves.23 This could lead to significant infrastructure damage and faster capital depreciation, as capital-intensive infrastructure has to be replaced, or strengthened, before the end of its expected life. Increases in extreme events will be particularly costly for developed economies, which invest a considerable amount in fixed capital each year (20% of GDP or $5.5 trillion invested in gross fixed capital today). Just over one-quarter of this investment typically goes into construction ($1.5 trillion – mostly for infrastructure and buildings; more detail in Chapter 19). The long-run production losses from extreme weather could significantly amplify the immediate damage costs, particularly when there are constraints to financing reconstruction.24
The costs of extreme weather events are already high and rising, with annual losses of around $60 billion since the 1990s (0.2% of World GDP), and record costs of $200 billion in 2005 (more than 0.5% of World GDP).25 New analysis based on insurance industry data has shown that weather-related catastrophe losses have increased by 2% each year since the 1970s over and above changes in wealth, inflation and population growth/movement.26 If this trend continued or intensified with rising global temperatures, losses from extreme weather could reach 0.5 – 1% of world GDP by the middle of the century.27 If temperatures continued to rise over the second half of the century, costs could reach several percent of GDP each year, particularly because the damages increase disproportionately at higher temperatures (convexity in damage function; Chapter 3).
Box 5.4 Impacts of recent extreme weather events Extreme weather events are likely to occur with greater frequency and intensity in the future, particularly at higher temperatures.
(a) Hurricane Katrina (2005) was the costliest weather catastrophe on record, totalling $125 billion in economic losses (~1.2% of US GDP), of which around $45 billion was insured through the private market and $15 billion through the National Flood Insurance Program. More than 1,300 people died as a result of the hurricane and over one million people were displaced from their homes. By the end of August, Katrina had reached a Category 5 status (the most severe) with peak gusts of 340 km per hour, in large part driven by the exceptionally warm waters of the Gulf (1 – 3°C above the long-term average). Katrina maintained its force as it passed over the oilfields off the Louisiana coast, but dropped to a Category 3 hurricane when it hit land. New Orleans was severely damaged when the hurricane-induced 10-metre storm-surge broke through the levees and flooded several quarters (up to 1 Km inland). The Earth Policy Institute estimates that 250,000 former residents have established homes elsewhere and will not return.
Source: Munich Re (2006) (b) European Heatwave (2003). Over a three-month period in the summer, Europe experienced exceptionally high temperatures, on average 2.3°C hotter than the long-term average. In the past, a summer as hot as 2003 would be expected to occur once every 1000 years, but climate change has already doubled the chance of such a hot summer occurring (now once every 500 years).28 By the middle of the century, summers as hot as 2003 will be commonplace. The deaths of around 35,000 people across Europe were brought forward because of the effects of the heat (often through interactions with air pollution). Around 15,000 people died in Paris, where the urban heat island effect sustained nighttime temperatures and reduced people"s tolerance for the heat the following day. In France, electricity became scarce because of a lack of water needed to cool nuclear power plants. Farming, livestock and forestry suffered damages of $15 billion from the combined effects of drought, heat stress and fire.
Source: Munich Re (2004) Even a small increase in the intensity of hurricanes or coastal surges is likely to increase infrastructure damage substantially. Storms are currently the costliest weather catastrophes in the developed world and they are likely to become more powerful in the future as the oceans warm and provide more energy to fuel storms. Many of the world"s largest cities are at risk from severe windstorms – Miami alone has $900 billion worth of total capital stock at risk. Two recent studies have found that just a 5 – 10% rise in the intensity of major storms with a 3°C increase in global temperatures could approximately double the damage costs, resulting in total losses of 0.13% of GDP in the USA each year on average or insured losses of $100 – 150 billion in an extreme year (2004 prices).29 If temperatures increase by 4 or 5°C, the losses are likely to be substantially greater, because any further increase in storm intensity has an even larger impact on damage costs (convexity highlighted in Chapter 3). This effect will be magnified for the costs of extreme storms, which are expected to increase disproportionately more than the costs of an average storm. For example, Swiss Re recently estimated that in Europe the costs of a 100-year storm event could double by the 2080s with climate change ($50/40 billion in the future compared with $25/20 billion today), while average storm losses were estimated to increase by only 16 – 68% over the same period.30
Rising sea levels will increase the risk of damages to coastal infrastructure and accelerate capital depreciation (Box 5.5). Costs of flood defences on the coast will rise, along with insurance premiums. A Government study calculated that in the UK the average annual costs of flood damage to homes, businesses and infrastructure could increase from around 0.1% of GDP currently to 0.2 – 0.4% of GDP if global temperatures rise by 3 to 4°C.31 Greater investment in flood protection is likely to keep damages in check. Similarly, preliminary estimates suggest that annual flood losses in Europe could rise from $10 billion today to $120 – 150 billion (100 – 120 billion) by the end of the century.32 If flood management is strengthened in line with the rising risk, the costs may only increase two-fold. According to one recent report, storm surge heights all along Australia"s East Coast from Victoria to Cairns could rise by 25 – 30% with only a 2°C increase in global temperatures.33
Heatwaves like 2003 in Europe, when 35,000 people died and agricultural losses reached $15 billion, will be commonplace by the middle of the century. People living and working in urban areas will be particularly susceptible to increases in heat-related mortality because of the interaction between regional warming, the urban heat island and air pollution (Chapter 3). In California, a warming of around 2°C relative to pre-industrial is expected to extend the heat wave season by 17 – 27 days and cause a 25 – 35% rise in high pollution days, leading to a 2 to 3-fold increase in the number of heat related deaths in urban areas.34 In the UK, for a global temperature rise of 3°C, temperatures in London could be up to 7°C warmer than today because of the combined effect of climate change and the urban heat island effect, meaning that comfort levels will be exceeded for people at work for one-quarter of the time on average in the summer.35 In years that are warmer than average or at higher temperatures, office buildings could become difficult to work in for large spells during the summer without additional air-conditioning. In already-dry regions, such as parts of the Mediterranean and South East England, hot summers will further increase soil drying and subsidence damage to properties that are not properly underpinned.36
5.5 Large-scale impacts and systemic shocks Abrupt shifts in climate and rising costs of extreme weather events will affect global financial markets. Well-developed financial markets will help richer countries moderate the impacts of climate change – for example hedging with derivatives to smooth commodity prices. Such markets help to spread the risk across different regional markets and over time, but cannot reduce the risks by themselves. In addition, they are at risk of severe disruption from climate change:
Physical risks. The world"s major financial centres (London, New York and Tokyo) are all located in coastal areas. The insurance industry estimates that in London alone at least $220 billion (£125 billion) of assets lie in the floodplain.38
Correlated risks. At higher temperatures, climate change is likely to have severe impacts on many parts of the economy simultaneously. The shock may well exceed the capacity of markets and could potentially destabilise regions.39 For example, a collapse of the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation would have a massive effect on many parts of the economy of the countries around the Northern Atlantic Ocean and polar seas.40 A collapse in the next few decades would lead to a decrease in temperatures across much of the northern hemisphere, with a peak cooling of around 2°C in the UK and Scandinavia. Preliminary estimates suggest that this would be accompanied by a reduction in rainfall over much of the northern hemisphere,41 reducing agriculture productivity, water supplies and threatening ecosystems.
Capital constraints on insurance. Increasing costs of extreme weather will not only raise insurance premiums – they will also increase the amount of capital that insurance companies have to hold to cover extreme losses, such as a hurricane that occurs once every 100 years (Box 5.6). The insurance industry will have to develop new financial products to gain more widespread access to international capital markets.42 New opportunities for diversifying risk are already emerging, for example weather derivatives and catastrophe bonds, but in future these will require new risk valuation techniques to deal with the changing profile of extreme weather events. If the insurance industry looks to access additional capital from the securities and bond markets, investors are likely to demand higher rates of return for placing more capital at risk, causing a rise in the cost of capital.
Spillover risks to other financial sectors.43 Failure to raise sufficient capital could mean restrictions in insurance coverage. After seven costly hurricanes in the past two years, higher reinsurance prices have pushed up the cost of insurance coverage in the USA and contributed to decisions by some insurers to transfer more risk back to the homeowner or business, for example by raising deductibles or cutting back on coverage in riskier areas.44 In future, if rising weather risks cause insurance to become even less available in high-risk areas like the coast, this could be severely disruptive for other parts of the economy. Banks, for example, would be unable to offer finance where insurance is required as part of the collateral package for mortgages or loans.
Lack of insurance could be particularly damaging for small and medium enterprises that will find it harder to access capital to protect against extreme events.45
Major areas of the world could be devastated by the social and economic consequences of very high temperatures. As history shows, this could lead to large-scale and disruptive population movement and trigger regional conflict. The impacts of climate change will be more serious for developing countries than developed countries, in part because poorer countries have more existing economic and social vulnerabilities to climate and less access to capital to invest in adaptation (Chapter 4). As the impacts become increasingly damaging at higher temperatures, the effects on the developing world may have knock-on consequences for developed economies, through disruption to global trade and security (Box 5.7), population movement and financial contagion. Climate change will affect the prices and volumes of goods traded between developed and developing countries, particularly raw materials for manufacturing and food products, with wider macroeconomic consequences.
Climate change is likely to increase migratory pressures on developed countries significantly, although the potential scale and effect are still very uncertain and require considerably more research.
Income gap. Pressures for long-distance and large-scale migration is likely to grow as climate change raises existing inequalities and the relative income differential between developed and developing countries (Chapter 4). Wage differentials were a strong driver of the mass migration of 50 million people from Europe to the New World in the second half of the 19th century, alongside over-population and the resulting land hunger.48
Environmental disasters. As temperatures rise and conditions deteriorate significantly, climate change will test the resilience of many societies around the world. Large numbers of people will be compelled to leave their home when resources drop below a critical threshold. Bangladesh, for example, faces the permanent loss of large areas of coastal land affecting 35 million people, about one-quarter of its population, while one-quarter of China"s population (300 million people) could suffer from the wholesale reduction in glacial meltwater. The Irish Potato Famine is an important example from history of how a dramatic loss in basic subsistence triggered large-scale population movement.49 The famine took hold in 1845 with the appearance of "the Blight" – a potato fungus that almost instantly destroyed the primary food source for the majority of the population. It led to the death of 1 million people and the emigration of a further 1 million, many of them to the USA.
Developed countries may become drawn into climate-induced conflicts in regions that are hardest hit by the impacts (Chapter 4), particularly as the world becomes increasingly interconnected politically and socially. In the past, climate variability and resource management have both been important contributory factors in conflict.50 So-called "water wars" have started because competition over water resources and the displacement of populations as a result of dam building have led to unrest.51 Direct conflict between nation states because of water scarcity has been rare in the past, but dam building and water extraction from shared rivers has served to heighten political tensions in several regions, including the Middle East (discussed in detail in Chapter 4).
Box 5.7 Potential impacts of climate change on trade routes and patterns Few studies have examined the effects of climate change on global trade patterns, but the consequences could be substantial, particularly for sea-borne trade and linked coastal manufacturing and refining activities.
Rising sea levels will demand heavy investment in flood protection around ports and the export and import related activities concentrated in and around them. Stronger storm surges, winds and heavier rainfall already point to the requirement for stronger ships and sturdier offshore oil, gas and other installations. Multi-billion dollar processing installations such as oil refineries, liquefied natural gas plants and re- gasification facilities may have to be re-located to more protected areas inland.
This would reverse decades of building steel mills, petrochemical plants and other energy-related facilities close to the deepwater ports accommodating bulk cargo vessels, super-tankers and ever larger container ships which have become the key vectors of rising global trade and just-on-time production schedules. Both increased protection and relocation inland would have significant capital and transport costs, and make imports in particular more expensive.
Rapidly rising temperatures in the polar regions will affect trade, transport and energy/resource exploitation patterns. Both Canada"s putative North West passage and the Arctic sea-lanes that Russia keeps open with icebreakers could become safer and more reliable alternative transport routes. But melting permafrost risks damaging high latitude oil and gas installations, pipelines and other infrastructure, including railways, such as Russia"s Baikal-Amur railway, and will also require expensive remedial investment. Stormier seas could raise the attraction of land routes from Asia to Europe, including the planned new Eurasian railway across Kazakhstan.
Any weakening of the Gulf Stream however would have a dramatic cooling impact on water temperatures in the Arctic region. At present the lingering impact of the Gulf Stream keeps Murmansk open all year as an ice-free port. Russian plans to develop the offshore Shtokman gas field and associated export facilities depend on the waterway remaining navigable. In the Middle East higher temperatures and more severe droughts will cause serious problems to both water supply and agriculture.
5.6 Conclusion The costs of climate change for developed countries could reach several percent of GDP as higher temperatures lead to a sharp increase in extreme weather events and large-scale changes. The cooler climates of many developed countries mean that small increases in temperature (2 or 3°C) may increase economic output through greater agricultural productivity, reduced winter heating bills and fewer winter deaths. But at the same time, many developed regions have existing water shortages that will be exacerbated by rising temperatures that increase evaporation and dry out land that is already dry (Southern Europe, California, South West Australia). Water shortages will increase the investment required in infrastructure, reduce agricultural output and increase infrastructure damage from subsidence.
As temperatures continue to rise, the costs of damaging storms and floods are likely to increase rapidly. Losses could potentially reach several percent of world GDP if damages increase, as expected, in a highly non-linear manner.52 Higher temperatures will increase the risk of triggering abrupt and large-scale
changes in the climate system. These could have a direct impact on the economies of developed countries, ranging from several metres of sea level rise following melting of Greenland ice sheet to several degrees of cooling in Northern Europe following collapse of the thermohaline circulation (considered plausible but unlikely this century). Other impacts, such as monsoon failure or loss of glacial meltwater, could have devastating effects in developing countries, particularly on food and water availability, and trigger large-scale population movement and regional conflict. These effects may exacerbate existing political tensions and could drive greater global instability.
References The study by Jorgenson et al. (2004) for the Pew Center on Global Climate Change is one of the most comprehensive top-down assessments of the market impacts of climate change in a developed country (the USA). In contrast, the recent Metroeconomica (2006) study takes a bottom-up approach to calculating the costs and benefits of climate change for key sectors in the UK. Neither of these studies takes a detailed look at the costs of increased frequency or severity of extreme weather events. A new conference paper by Prof Bill Nordhaus (2006) examines the economics of hurricanes, showing that the costs may well double of the course of the century. This supports earlier work by the Association of British Insurers (2005) looking at the financial risks of climate change from hurricanes, typhoons and winter-storms. Hallegatte et al. (2006) develop these arguments further by setting out the potential long-run effects of changes in extreme weather on economic growth. Recent papers by Dr Evan Mills have examined the financial consequences of such changes in extreme weather for the insurance industry and wider capital markets (Mills 2005, Mills and Lecomte 2006).
Anthoff, D., R. Nicholls, R.S.J. Tol, and A.T. Vafeidis (2006): 'Global and regional exposure to large rises in sea-level: a sensitivity analysis', Research report prepared for the Stern Review, available from http://www.sternreview.org.uk Arctic Climate Impacts Assessment (2004): 'Impacts of a warming Arctic', Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, available from http://www.acia.uaf.edu Arnell, W.N. (2004): 'Climate change and global water resources: SRES scenarios and socio-economic scenarios'. Global Environmental Change 14: 31-52 Association of British Insurers (2005a): 'Financial risks of climate change', London: Association of British Insurers, available from http://www.abi.org.uk/flooding Association of British Insurers (2005b): 'Making communities sustainable: managing flood risks in the growth areas', London: Association of British Insurers, available from http://www.abi.org.uk/housing Benson, K., P. Kocagil and J. Shortle (2000): 'Climate change and health in the Mid-Atlantic Region', Climate Research 14: 245 – 253 Brookings Institution (2005): 'New Orleans after the storm: lessons from the past', Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, available from http://www.brookings.edu/metro/pubs/20051012_NewOrleans.htm Brooks, N., J. Gash, M. Hulme, et al. (2005): 'Climate stabilisation and "dangerous" climate change: a review of relevant issues', Scoping Study, London: Defra Cayan, D., A.L. Luers, M. Hanemann, et al. (2006): 'Scenarios of climate change in California: an overview', California Climate Change Center, available from http://www.climatechange.ca.gov COPA-COGECA (2003): 'Assessment of the impacts of the heatwave and drought of summer 2003 on agriculture and forestry', available from http://www.copa-cogeca.be Crichton, D. (2006): 'Climate change and its effects on small businesses in the UK', London, UK: AXA Insurance, available from http://www.axa.co.uk/aboutus/corporate_publications/climate_change.html Department of Health (2003): 'Health effects of climate change in the UK', The Stationary Office, UK Dlugolecki, A. (2004): 'A changing climate for insurance', London: Association of British Insurers, available from http://www.abi.org.uk/climatechange Environment Agency (2003): 'Deprived communities experience disproportionate levels of environmental threat', Bristol: Environment Agency Environment Agency (2006): 'Addressing environmental inequalities: flood risk', Bristol: Environment Agency Epstein, P.R. and E. Mills (2005): 'Climate change futures: health, ecological and economic dimensions', Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, available from http://www.climatechangefutures.org Hallegatte, S., J-C- Hourcade and P. Dumas (2006): 'Why economic dynamics matter in assessing climate change damages: illustration on extreme events', Ecological Economics, in press Hamilton, J.M., D.J. Maddison and R.S.J. Tol (2005): 'Climate change and international tourism: a simulation study', Global Environmental Change 15: 253 – 266 Hatton, T.J.and J.G. Williamson (2002): 'What fundamentals drive world migration?', Working Paper 9159, Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, available from http://ww.nber.org/papers/w9159 Hayhoe, K., P. Frunhoff, S. Schneider, et al. (2006): 'Regional assessment of climate impacts on California under alternative emission scenarios', in Avoiding dangerous climate change, H.J. Schellnhuber (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 227 – 234 Heck, P., D. Bresch and S. Tröber (2006): 'The effects of climate change: storm damage in Europe on the rise', Zurich: Swiss Re Jorgenson, D.W., R.J. Goettle, B.H. Hurd et al. (2004): 'US market consequences of global climate change', Washington, DC: Pew Center on Global Climate Change, available from http://www.pewclimate.org/global-warming-in-depth/all_reports/marketconsequences London Climate Change Partnership (2002): 'London"s warming', London Climate Change Partnership, available from http://www.london.gov.uk/gla/publications/environment/londons_warming02.pdf McGregor, G.R., M. Pelling and T. Wolf (2006): 'The social impacts of heat waves', Forthcoming Report to the Environment Agency Mendelsohn, R., W.D. Nordhaus and D. Shaw (1994): 'The impact of global warming on agriculture: a Ricardian analysis', American Economic Review 84: 753 – 771 Mendelsohn, R.O. (ed.) (2001): 'Global warming and the American economy: a regional assessment of climate change impacts', Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Metroeconomica (2006): 'Cross-regional research programme – Quantify the costs of impacts and adaptation' (GA01075), Research report for Defra, London: Defra MICE [Modelling the Impacts of Climate Extremes] (2005): MICE Summary of Final Report, available from http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/projects/mice/html/reports.html Mills, E., (2005): "Insurance in a climate of change", Science 309: 1040 – 1044 Mills, E. and Lecomte E (2006): 'From risk to opportunity: how insurers can proactively and profitably manage climate change', Boston, MA: Ceres, available from http://www.ceres.org/pub/docs/Ceres_Insurance_Climate_%20Report_082206.pdf Muir-Wood, R., S. Miller and A. 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Economic modelling of climate-change impacts
Key Messages The monetary cost of climate change is now expected to be higher than many earlier studies suggested, because these studies tended not to include some of the most uncertain but potentially most damaging impacts.
Modelling the overall impact of climate change is a formidable challenge, involving forecasting over a century or more as the effects appear with long lags and are very long-lived. The limitations to our ability to model over such a time scale demand caution in interpreting results, but projections can illustrate the risks involved – and policy here is about the economics of risk and uncertainty.
Most formal modelling has used as a starting point 2 – 3°C warming. In this temperature range, the cost of climate change could be equivalent to around a 0 – 3% loss in global GDP from what could have been achieved in a world without climate change. Poor countries will suffer higher costs.
However, "business as usual" (BAU) temperature increases may exceed 2 – 3°C by the end of this century. This increases the likelihood of a wider range of impacts than previously considered, more difficult to quantify, such as abrupt and large-scale climate change. With 5 – 6°C warming, models that include the risk of abrupt and large-scale climate change estimate a 5 – 10% loss in global GDP, with poor countries suffering costs in excess of 10%. The risks, however, cover a very broad range and involve the possibility of much higher losses. This underlines the importance of revisiting past estimates.
Modelling over many decades, regions and possible outcomes demands that we make distributional and ethical judgements systematically and explicitly. Attaching little weight to the future, simply because it is in the future ("pure time discounting"), would produce low estimates of cost – but if you care little for the future you will not wish to take action on climate change.
Using an Integrated Assessment Model, and with due caution about the ability to model, we estimate the total cost of BAU climate change to equate to an average reduction in global per- capita consumption of 5%, at a minimum, now and forever.
The cost of BAU would increase still further, were the model to take account of three important factors:
First, including direct impacts on the environment and human health ("non-market" impacts) increases the total cost of BAU climate change from 5% to 11%, although valuations here raise difficult ethical and measurement issues. But this does not fully include "socially contingent" impacts such as social and political instability, which are very difficult to measure in monetary terms; Second, some recent scientific evidence indicates that the climate system may be more responsive to greenhouse gas emissions than previously thought, because of the existence of amplifying feedbacks in the climate system. Our estimates indicate that the potential scale of the climate response could increase the cost of BAU climate change from 5% to 7%, or from 11% to 14% if non-market impacts are included. In fact, these may be only modest estimates of the bigger risks – the science here is still developing and broader risks are plausible; Third, a disproportionate burden of climate change impacts fall on poor regions of the world.
Based on existing studies, giving this burden stronger relative weight could increase the cost of BAU by more than one quarter.
Putting these three additional factors together would increase the total cost of BAU climate change to the equivalent of around a 20% reduction in current per-capita consumption, now and forever. Distributional judgements, a concern with living standards beyond those elements reflected in GDP, and modern approaches to uncertainty all suggest that the appropriate estimate of damages may well lie in the upper part of the range 5 – 20%. Much, but not all, of that loss could be avoided through a strong mitigation policy. We argue in Part III that this can be achieved at a far lower cost.
6.1 Introduction The cost of climate change is now expected to be larger than many earlier studies suggested.
This Chapter brings together estimates from formal models of the monetary cost of climate change, including evidence on how these costs rise with increasing temperatures. It builds on and complements the evidence presented in Chapters 3, 4 and 5, which set out the effects of climate change in detail and separately considered its consequences for key indicators of development: income, health and the environment.
In estimating the costs of climate change, we build on the very valuable first round of integrated climate-change models that have come out over the past fifteen years or so. We use a model that is able to summarise cost simulations across a wide range of possible impacts – taking account of new scientific evidence – based on a theoretical framework that can deal effectively with large and uncertain climate risks many years in the future (see Section 6.4). Thus our focus is firmly on the economics of risk and uncertainty.
Our estimate of the total cost of "business as usual" (BAU) climate change over the next two centuries equates to an average welfare loss equivalent to at least 5% of the value of global per-capita consumption, now and forever. That is a minimum in the context of this model, and there are a number of omitted features that would add substantially to this estimate. Thus the cost is shown to be higher if recent scientific findings about the responsiveness of the climate system to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions turn out to be correct and if direct impacts on the environment and human health are taken into account. Were the model also to reflect the importance of the disproportionate burden of climate- change impacts on poor regions of the world, the cost would be higher still. Putting all these together, the cost could be equivalent to up to around 20%, now and forever.
The large uncertainties in this type of modelling and calculation should not be ignored. The model we use, although it is able to build on and go beyond previous models, nonetheless shares most of their limitations. In particular, it must rely on sparse or non-existent observational data at high temperatures and from developing regions. The possibilities of very high temperatures and abrupt and large-scale changes in the climate system are the greatest risks we face in terms of their potential impact, yet these are precisely the areas we know least about, both scientifically and economically – hence the uncertainty about the shape of the probability distributions for temperature and impacts, in particular at their upper end. Also, if the model is to quantify the full range of effects, it must place monetary values on health and the environment, which is conceptually, ethically and empirically very difficult. But, given these caveats, even at the optimistic end of the 5 – 20% range, "business as usual" climate change implies the equivalent of a permanent reduction in consumption that is strikingly large.
In interpreting these results, economic models that look out over just a few years are insufficient.1 The impacts of GHGs emitted today will still be felt well over a century from now. Uncertainty about both scientific and economic possibilities is very large and any model must be seen as illustrative. Nevertheless, getting to grips with the analysis in a serious way does require us to look forward explicitly. These models should be seen as one contribution to that discussion. They should be treated with great circumspection. There is a danger that, because they are quantitative, they will be taken too literally. They should not be. They are only one part of an argument. But they can, and do, help us to gain some understanding of the size of the risks involved, an issue that is at the heart of the economics of climate change.
Although this Review is based on a multi-dimensional view of economic and social goals, rather than a narrowly monetary one, models that can measure climate-change damage in monetary terms have an important role.
A multi-dimensional approach to development is crucial, as our discussions in Part II make clear and as is embodied, for example, in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In this Chapter, we focus on three dimensions most affected by climate change: income/consumption, health, and the environment. Chapters 3 to 5 have laid out how these dimensions are affected individually. Here we consider how they might be combined in a single metric of damage2.
Our preference is to consider the multiple dimensions of the cost of climate change separately, examining each on its own terms. A toll in terms of lives lost gains little in eloquence when it is converted into dollars; but it loses something, from an ethical perspective, by distancing us from the human cost of climate change.
Nevertheless, in this chapter the Review does engage with formal models of the monetary cost of climate change. Such models produce useful insights into the global cost of climate change. In making an analytical assessment in terms of the formal economics of risk and uncertainty, our models incorporate, systematically and transparently, the high risks that climate change is now thought to pose. Estimating those costs is essential for taking action (although we have emphasised strongly the dangers of taking them too literally). Once the aggregate cost of climate change is expressed in monetary terms, it is possible to compare this cost with the anticipated cost of mitigating and adapting to climate change. This is covered in Chapter 13, where the Review also considers other ways, beyond this modelling, of examining the case for action.
6.2 What existing models calculate and include Modelling the monetary impacts of climate change globally is very challenging: it requires quantitative analysis of a very broad range of environmental, economic and social issues. Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), though limited, provide a useful tool.
IAMs simulate the process of human-induced climate change, from emissions of GHGs to the socio- economic impacts of climate change (Figure 6.1). We focus on the handful of models specially designed to provide monetary estimates of climate impacts. Although the monetary cost of climate change can be presented in a number of ways, the basis is the difference between income growth with and without climate change impacts. To do this, the part of the model that simulates the impacts of climate change is in effect "switched off" in the "no climate change" scenario.
Income in the "no climate change" scenario is conventionally measured in terms of GDP – the value of economic output. The difficulty is that some of the negative effects of climate change will actually lead to increases in expenditure, which increase economic output. Examples are increasing expenditure on air conditioning and flood defences. But it is correct to subtract these from GDP in the "no climate change" scenario, because such expenditures are a cost of climate change. As a result, the measure of the monetary cost of climate change that we derive is really a measure of income loss, rather than output loss as conventionally measured by GDP.
Making such estimates is a formidable task in many ways (discussed below). It is also a computationally demanding exercise, with the result that such models must make drastic, often heroic, simplifications along all stages of the climate-change chain. What is more, large uncertainties are associated with each element in the cycle. Nevertheless, the IAMs remain the best tool available for estimating aggregate quantitative global costs and risks of climate change.
The initial focus of IAMs is on economic sectors for which prices exist or can be imputed relatively straightforwardly. These "market" sectors include agriculture, energy use and forestry. But this market- sector approach fails to capture most direct impacts on the environment and human health, because they are not priced in markets. These important impacts – together with some other effects in agriculture and forestry that are not covered by market prices – are often described as "non-market".
Economists have developed a range of techniques for calculating prices and costing non-market impacts, but the resulting estimates are problematic in terms of concept, ethical framework, and practicalities. Many would argue that it is better to present costs in human lives and environmental quality side-by-side with income and consumption, rather than trying to summarise them in monetary terms. That is indeed the approach taken across most of the Review. Nevertheless, modellers have tried to do their best to assess the full costs of climate change and the costs of avoiding it on a comparable basis, and thus make their best efforts to include "non-market" impacts.
Estimates from the first round of IAMs laid an important foundation for later work, and their results are still valuable for informing policy. However, they were limited to snapshots of climate change at temperatures now likely to be exceeded by the end of this century.
The first round of estimates from a wide range of IAMs, presented in the IPCC"s 1996 Second Assessment Report,3 were based on a snapshot increase in global mean temperature. The models estimated the effects of a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations from pre-industrial levels, which was believed likely to lead to a 2.5°C mean temperature increase from pre-industrial levels. The costs of such an increase were estimated at 1.5 – 2.0% of world GDP, 1.0 – 1.5% of GDP in developed countries, and 2 – 9% in developing countries.
Because they took a snapshot of climate change at 2.5°C warming, these early IAM-based studies did not consider the risks associated with higher temperatures. Since then, a smaller number of models have traced the costs of climate change as temperatures increase, although their parameters are still largely calibrated on estimates of impacts with a doubling of atmospheric CO2. These models have also covered new sectors and have looked more carefully at adaptation to climate change.
Figure 6.2 illustrates the results of three important models (whose assumptions are reported in detail in Warren et al. (2006)) at different global mean temperature rises:
The "Mendelsohn" model4 estimates impacts only for five "market" sectors: agriculture, forestry, energy, water and coastal zones. The global impact of climate change is calculated to be very small (virtually indistinguishable from the horizontal axis) and is positive for increases in global mean temperature up to about 4°C above pre-industrial levels.
The "Tol" model5 estimates impacts for a wider range of market and non-market sectors: agriculture, forestry, water, energy, coastal zones and ecosystems, as well as mortality from vector-borne diseases, heat stress and cold stress. Costs are weighted either by output or by equity-weighted output (see below). The model estimates that initial increases in global mean temperature would actually yield net global benefits. Since these benefits accrue primarily to rich countries, the method of aggregation across countries matters for the size of the global benefits. According to the output-weighted results, global benefits peak at around 2.5% of global GDP at a warming of 0.5°C above pre-industrial. But, according to the equity-weighted results, global benefits peak at only 0.5% of global GDP (also for a 0.5°C temperature increase). Global impacts become negative beyond 1°C (equity-weighted) or 2 – 2.5°C (output-weighted), and they reach 0.5 – 2% of global GDP for higher increases in global mean temperature.
The "Nordhaus" model6 includes a range of market and non-market impact sectors: agriculture, forestry, energy, water, construction, fisheries, outdoor recreation, coastal zones, mortality from climate-related diseases and pollution, and ecosystems. It also includes what were at the time pioneering estimates of the economic cost of catastrophic climate impacts (the small probability of losses in GDP running into tens of percentage points – see below). These catastrophic impacts drive much of the larger costs of climate change at high levels of warming. At 6°C warming, the "Nordhaus" model estimates a global cost of between around 9 – 11% of global GDP, depending on whether regional impacts are aggregated by output (lower) or population (higher). The Nordhaus model also predicts that the cost of climate change will increase faster than global mean temperature, so that the aggregate loss in global GDP almost doubles as global mean temperature increases from 4°C to 6°C above pre- industrial levels. As Section 6.3 explains, this reflects the fact that higher temperatures will increase the chance of triggering abrupt and large-scale changes, such as sudden shifts in regional weather patterns like the monsoons or the El Niño phenomenon (and see Chapter 3 for a discussion of increasing marginal damages).
Models differ on whether low levels of global warming would have positive or negative global effects. But all agreed that the effects of warming above 2 – 3°C would reduce global welfare, and that even mild warming would harm poor countries.
These results are quite difficult to compare, because of the many differences between the models and the inputs they use, but some key points can be made:
Up to around 2 – 3°C warming, there is disagreement about whether the global impact of climate change will be positive or negative. But, even at these levels of warming, it is clear that any benefits are temporary and confined to rich countries, with poor countries suffering significant costs. For example, Tol estimates a cost to Africa of 4.1% of GDP for 2.5°C warming, very close to Nordhaus and Boyer"s estimate of 3.9%.
For warming beyond 2 – 3°C, the models agree that climate change will reduce global consumption. However, they disagree on the size of this cost, ranging from a very small fraction of global GDP to 10% or more. In this range too, the models agree that poor countries will suffer the highest costs, although in the Nordhaus model the estimated cost to Western Europe of 6°C warming is second only to the cost to Africa.7
These results depend on key modelling decisions, including how each model values the costs to poor regions and what it assumed about societies" ability to reduce costs by adapting to climate change.
Each model"s results depend heavily on how it aggregates the impacts across regions, and in particular how it values costs in poor regions relative to those in rich ones. The prices of marketed goods and services, as well as the hypothetical values assigned to health and the environment, are typically higher in rich countries than in poor countries. Thus, in these models, a 10% loss in the volume of production of an economic sector is worth more in a rich country than in a poor country. Similarly, a 5% increase in mortality, if "values of life" are based on willingness to pay, is worth more in purely monetary terms in a rich country than a poor country, because incomes are higher in the former. Many ethical observers would reject both of these statements. Thus some of the authors have used welfare or "equity" weighting. Explicit functions to capture distributional judgements are also used in this Review – see Chapter 2 and Appendix. In summary, if aggregation is done purely on the basis of adding incomes or GDP, then very large physical impacts in poor countries will tend to be overshadowed by small impacts in rich countries.
Nordhaus and Boyer and Tol both adopt equity-weighting approaches, a step which in our view is supported by the type of ethical considerations discussed in Chapter 2 and its Appendix, as well as empirical observations of the attitudes that people actually hold towards inequality in wealth.89
Mendelsohn does not use equity weights.
Adaptation to climate change is another important factor in these models, because it has the capacity to reduce the cost of BAU climate change. The key questions are how much adaptation can be assumed without extra stimulus from policy (financial, legal and otherwise), how much will it cost, because the costs of adaptation themselves are part of the cost of climate change, and what would it achieve? Again, it is difficult to compare the models, because each treats adaptation in a different manner. In general, the models do assume that households and businesses do what they can to adapt, without extra stimulus from policy.
The "Mendelsohn" model is most optimistic about adaptation, and – not coincidentally – it estimates the lowest cost of climate change.10 In their method, future responses to climate change are calibrated against the relationship between output and climate that can be seen from region to region today, or that can be determined from laboratory experiments.11 The former method models adaptation most completely. In effect, as temperatures increase, and controlling for other climate and non-climate variables, environmental and economic conditions migrate from the equator towards the poles. High- latitude regions climb a hill of rising productivity for a time as temperatures make conditions easier (e.g. for agriculture), while low-latitude regions fall further into more difficult conditions. This method encompasses a variety of ways a region can adapt, because regions can be assumed to be well adapted to their current climates. Its major drawback, however, is that it makes no provision for the costs and difficulties of transition from one climate to another or the potential movement of people. Whether these are small or large, it is, on balance, an underestimate of the cost of climate change.
A final point to keep in mind is that all three models are based on scientific evidence up to the mid- to late 1990s. Since then, new evidence has come to light, most importantly on the possibilities of higher and more rapidly increasing temperatures than envisaged then, as well as possibilities of abrupt and large-scale changes to the climate system. Section 6.3 explores the consequences of these risks at greater length.
6.3 Do the existing models fully capture the likely cost of climate change? Existing estimates of the monetary cost of climate change, although very useful, leave many questions unanswered and omit potentially very important impacts. Taking omitted impacts into account will increase cost estimates, and probably strongly.
Understanding of the science and economics of climate change is constantly improving to overcome substantial gaps, but many remain. This is particularly true of the existing crop of IAMs, due in part to the demands of modelling and in part to their reliance on knowledge from other active areas of research. Indeed, the knowledge base on which the cost of climate change is calibrated – specialised studies of impacts on agriculture, ecosystems and so on – is particularly patchy at high temperatures.12 In principle, the gaps that remain may lead to underestimates or overestimates of global impacts. In practice, however, most of the unresolved issues will increase damage estimates.
Existing models omit many possible impacts. Watkiss et al.13 have developed a "risk matrix" of uncertainty in projecting climate change and its impacts to illustrate the limitations of existing studies in capturing potentially important effects. Figure 6.3 presents this matrix and locates the existing models on it.
As the figure shows, most existing studies are confined to the top left part of the matrix and are thus limited to a small subset of the most well understood, but least damaging, impacts (for example, the "Mendelsohn" model, which is also most optimistic about adaptation: see previous section). By contrast, because the impacts in the bottom right corner of the matrix are surrounded by the greatest scientific uncertainty, they have not been incorporated into IAMs. Yet it is also these paths that have the potential to inflict the greatest damage.
Extreme weather events are not fully captured in most existing IAMs;14 the latest science suggests that extreme events will increase in frequency and severity with climate change.
Chapters 1 and 3 laid out the newer evidence that climate change will spur an increase in extreme weather events – notably floods, droughts, and storms. Experience of weather disasters in many parts of the world demonstrates that the more extreme events can have lasting economic effects, especially when they fall on an economy weakened by previous weather disasters or other shocks, or if they fall on an economy that finds it difficult to adjust quickly.15 Thus it is very important to consider the economic impacts of variations in weather around mean trends in climate change.
However, it is at least as important to consider the climatic changes and impacts that will occur if GHG emissions lead to very substantial warming, with global mean temperatures 5 – 6°C above pre- industrial levels or more. High temperatures are likely to generate a hostile and extreme environment for human activity in many parts of the world. Some models capture aspects of this, because costs both in market and non-market sectors accelerate as temperatures increase.16 At 5 – 6°C above pre- industrial levels, the cost of climate change on, for example, agriculture can be very high.
Further, Chapter 1 detailed emerging evidence of risks that higher temperatures will trigger massive system "surprises", such as the melting and collapse of ice sheets and sudden shifts in regional weather patterns like the monsoons. Thus there is a danger that feedbacks could generate abrupt and large-scale changes in the climate and still further losses.
Existing IAMs largely omit these system-change effects; including them is likely to increase cost estimates significantly. Although many factors can produce differences in results from model to model, it is nevertheless intuitive that the Nordhaus estimates17, produced by the only model to include catastrophic "system change/surprise", were the highest among the existing IAMs. For increases in global mean temperature of 5 – 6°C above pre-industrial levels or more, costs were estimated to approach and even exceed 10% of global GDP.
The Nordhaus method is based on polling a number of experts on the probability that a very large loss of 25% of global GDP, roughly equivalent to the effect of the Great Depression, will result from increases in global mean temperature of 3°C by 2090, 6°C by 2175 and 6°C by 2090. Taking account of estimated differences in regional vulnerability to catastrophic climate change, the model uses survey data to estimate people"s willingness to pay to avoid the resulting risk. This approach is simple, but it takes us some way towards capturing the economic importance of complex, severe responses of the climate system.
Most existing IAMs also omit other potentially important factors – such as social and political instability and cross-sectoral impacts. And they have not yet incorporated the newest evidence on damaging warming effects.
One factor omitted at least in part from most models is "socially contingent" responses – the possibility that climate change will not only increase the immediate costs of climate change, but also affect investment decisions, labour supply and productivity, and even social and political stability.
On the one hand, these knock-on effects could dampen the negative effect of climate change, if the economic response is to adapt, for example, by shifting production from the most climate-sensitive sectors into less climate-sensitive sectors. As mentioned, recent models have taken adaptation more fully into account.
On the other hand, knock-on effects could amplify the future consequences of today"s climate change, for example if they reduce investment. This possibility has yet to be taken fully into account. In some models, baseline income is taken from outside the model, so that the impacts in any one time period do not affect growth in future periods. In other models, such as that employed by Nordhaus and Boyer,18 the economy makes investment and saving decisions based on the level of income it starts off with and on expectations of how that income will grow in the future. Climate change reduces investment and saving, as the income available to invest and the returns to saving fall.19
How important might these effects be? Fankhauser and Tol20 unpack the "Nordhaus" estimates to show that the knock-on cost of depressed investment on the total, long-run cost of 3°C warming is at least an additional 90% over and above the immediate cost. Furthermore, substituting for a more powerful model of economic growth that is better able to explain past and present growth trends, world GDP losses are almost twice as high as they are for immediate impacts alone. These dynamic effects may be especially strong in some developing regions, where the further effect of climate change may be to precipitate instability, conflict and migration (see Chapters 3 and 4).
A second omitted factor is possible interactions between impacts in one sector and impacts in another, which past IAMs have not generally taken into account. Climate damage in one sector could multiply damage in another – for example, if water-sector impacts amplify the impacts of climate change on agriculture. The reasons for excluding these effects have to do with the modelling approach: in the basic IAM method, impacts are characteristically enumerated on a sector-by-sector basis, and then added up to arrive at the overall economy-wide impact.
Finally, even in market sectors that the IAMs do cover well, the latest specialised impact studies suggest that IAM-based estimates may be too optimistic.21 The underlying impacts literature on which the IAMs are based dates primarily from 2000 or earlier. Since then, many of the predictions of this literature have become more pessimistic, for example, on the possible boost from CO2 fertilisation to agriculture (Chapter 3).
The building of the IAMs has been a valuable contribution to our understanding of possible effects. Any model must necessarily leave out much that is important and can use only the information available at the time of construction. The science has moved quickly and the economic analysis and modelling can move with it.
6.4 Calculating the global cost of climate change: an "expected-utility" analysis Modelling the global cost of climate change presents many challenges, including how to take account of risks of very damaging impacts, as well as uncertain changes that occur over very long periods.
A model of the monetary cost of climate change ideally should provide:
Cost simulations across the widest range of possible impacts, taking into account the risks of the more damaging impacts that new scientific evidence suggests are possible.
A theoretical framework that is fit for the purpose of analysing changes to economies and societies that are large, uncertain, unevenly distributed and that occur over a very long period of time.
This section begins with the first challenge, illustrating the consequences of BAU climate change in a framework that explicitly brings out risk. The second challenge is addressed later in the chapter, allowing consideration of how to value risks with different consequences, particularly the risks, however small, of very severe climate impacts.
The model we use – the PAGE2002 IAM22 – can take account of the range of risks by allowing outcomes to vary probabilistically across many model runs, with the probabilities calibrated to the latest scientific quantitative evidence on particular risks.
The first challenge points strongly to the need for a modelling approach based on probabilities (that is, a "stochastic" approach). The PAGE2002 (Policy Analysis of the Greenhouse Effect 2002) IAM meets this requirement by producing estimates based on "Monte Carlo" simulation. This means that it runs each scenario many times (e.g. 1000 times), each time choosing a set of uncertain parameters randomly from pre-determined ranges of possible values. In this way, the model generates a probability distribution of results rather than just a single point estimate. Specifically, it yields a probability distribution of future income under climate change, where climate-driven damage and the cost of adapting to climate change are subtracted from a baseline GDP growth projection23.
The parameter ranges used as model inputs are calibrated to the scientific and economic literatures on climate change, so that PAGE2002 in effect summarises the range of underlying research studies. So, for example, the probability distribution for the climate sensitivity parameter – which represents how temperatures will respond in equilibrium to a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations – captures the range of estimates across a number of peer-reviewed scientific studies. Thus, the model has in the past produced mean estimates of the global cost of climate change that are close to the centre of a range of peer-reviewed studies, including other IAMs, while also being capable of incorporating results from a wider range of studies.24 This is a very valuable feature of the model and a key reason for its use in this study.
PAGE2002 has a number of further desirable features. It is flexible enough to include market impacts (for example, on agriculture, energy and coastal zones) and non-market impacts (direct impacts on the environment and human mortality), as well as the possibility of catastrophic climate impacts. Catastrophic impacts are modelled in a manner similar to the approach used by Nordhaus and Boyer.25 When global mean temperature rises to high levels (an average of 5°C above pre-industrial levels), the chance of large losses in regional GDP in the range of 5 – 20% begins to appear. This chance increases by an average of 10% per ºC rise in global mean temperature beyond 5°C.
At the same time, PAGE2002 shares many of the limitations of other formal models. It must rely on sparse or non-existent data and understanding at high temperatures and in developing regions, and it faces difficulties in valuing direct impacts on health and the environment. Moreover, like the models depicted in Figure 6.3, the PAGE2002 model does not fully cover the "socially contingent" impacts. As a result, the estimates of catastrophic impacts may be conservative, given the damage likely at temperatures as high as 6 – 8°C above pre-industrial levels. Thus the results presented below should be viewed as indicative only and interpreted with great caution. Given what is excluded, they should be regarded as rather conservative estimates of costs, relative to the ability of these models to produce reliable guidance.
We present results based on different assumptions along two dimensions: first, of how fast global temperatures increase in response to GHG emissions and, second, different categories of economic impact.
To reflect the considerable uncertainty about likely probability distributions and difficulties in measuring different effects, we examine models that differ along two dimensions:
Response of the climate to GHG emissions. We run the model under two different assumed levels of climatic response. The "baseline climate" scenario is designed to give outputs consistent with the IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR)26. The "high climate" scenario adds to this a risk of there being amplifying natural feedbacks in the climate system.
This is based on recent studies showing that there is a real risk of additional feedbacks, such as weakening carbon sinks and natural methane releases from wetlands and thawing permafrost. This scenario gives a higher probability of larger temperature changes. These scenarios are discussed in more detail in Box 6.1. Both climate scenarios give temperature outputs that are roughly consistent with other studies.
Categories of economic impact. Our analyses also vary in the comprehensiveness with which they measure the impacts of climate change on the economy and on welfare. The first set of estimates includes only the impacts of "gradual climate change" on market sectors of the economy. In other words, it takes no account of the possibility of catastrophic events that we now know may occur. The second set also includes the risk of catastrophic climate impacts at higher temperatures. Figure 6.3 illustrated that these also fall on market sectors of the economy, but are much more uncertain. Finally, the third set includes market impacts, the risk of catastrophe and direct, non-market impacts on human health and the environment. This chapter shall argue that attention should be focused on the second and third cases here, since there is very good reason to believe that both are relevant.
These dimensions combine to produce a 2×3 matrix of scenarios (Figure 6.4). For example, the lowest cost estimates would be expected to come from the scenario that (i) uses the baseline-climate scenario and (ii) considers only those impacts from gradual climate change on market sectors.
Preliminary estimates of average losses in global per-capita GDP in 2200 range from 5.3 to 13.8%, depending on the size of climate-system feedbacks and what estimates of "non-market impacts" are included.
Estimates of losses in per-capita income over time are benchmarked against projected GDP growth in a world without climate change. The baseline-climate/market-impacts scenario generates the smallest losses, where climate change reduces global per-capita GDP by, on average, 2.2% in 2200. However, as discussed in the previous section, the omission of the very real risk of abrupt and large-scale changes at high temperatures creates an unrealistic negative bias in estimates.
Figure 6.5 shows the results of scenarios including a risk of "catastrophe". The lower-bound estimate of the global cost of climate change in Figure 6.5 uses the baseline climate and includes both market impacts and the risk of catastrophic changes to the climate system (Figure 6.5a). In this scenario, the mean loss in global per-capita GDP is 0.2% in 2060. By 2100, it rises to 0.9%, but by 2200 it rises steeply to 5.3%.
There is a substantial dispersion of possible outcomes around the mean and, in particular, a serious risk of very high damage. The grey-shaded areas in Figure 6.5 give the range of estimates in each year taken from the 5th and 95th percentile damage estimates over the 1000 runs of the model. For the lower-bound estimate in 2100, the range is a 0.1 – 3 % loss in global GDP per capita. By 2200, this rises to 0.6 – 13.4%.
Figures 6.5b to d demonstrate the loss in global GDP per capita when first, the risk of more feedbacks in the climate system is included (the high-climate scenario), and second, estimates of non-market impacts of climate change are included.
In the high-climate scenario, the losses in 2100 and 2200 are increased by around 35%. In 2200, the range of losses is increased to between 0.9% and 17.9%.
The inclusion of non-market impacts increases these estimates further still. In this Review, non-market impacts, on health and the environment, are generally considered separately to market impacts. However, if the goal is to compare the cost of climate change in monetary terms with the equivalent cost of mitigation, then excluding non-market costs is misleading. For the high-climate scenario with non-market impacts (Figure 6.5c), the mean total losses are 2.9% in 2100 and 13.8% in 2200. In 2200, the 5th and 95th percentiles increase significantly, to 2.9% to 35.2%.
These estimates still do not capture the full range of impacts. The costs of climate change could be greater still. For example, recent studies demonstrate that the climate sensitivity could be greater than the range used in the PAGE2002 climate scenarios (Chapter 1). Were this to be the case, costs would rise again. The potential impacts of higher climate sensitivity are explored speculatively in Box 6.2.
Box 6.2 Exploring the consequences of high climate sensitivity.
The climate scenarios described in Box 6.1 are based on a climate sensitivity (the equilibrium temperature increase following a doubling in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations) range of 1.5 – 4.5°C, as outlined in the IPCC TAR28. However, studies since the TAR have shown up to a 20% chance that the climate sensitivity could be greater than 5°C.
In order to explore the possible consequences of recent scientific evidence on a higher climate sensitivity, we develop a "high+" climate scenario that combines the amplifying natural feedbacks explained in Box 6.1 with a higher probability distribution for the climate sensitivity parameter. We use the climate sensitivity distribution estimated by Murphy et al. (2004). This is has a 5 – 95% range of 2.4 – 5.4°C, and a mode of 3.5, with a loglogistic distribution (Box 1.2).
This scenario is particularly speculative, but we cannot rule out that this is the direction that further evidence might take us. Combining the high+ scenario with market impacts and the risk of catastrophe, the mean loss in global per-capita GDP is 0.4% in 2060. In 2100, it rises to 2.7%, but by 2200 it rises to 12.9%. Adding non-market impacts, the mean loss is 1.3% in 2060, 5.9% in 2100 and 24.4% in 2200.
In addition, these results reflect the aggregation of costs across the world, but aggregating simply by adding GDP across countries or regions masks the value of impacts in poor regions. A given absolute loss is more damaging for a person on lower incomes. Nordhaus and Boyer29 and Tol30 demonstrate that giving more weight to impacts in poor regions increases the global cost of climate change.
Nordhaus and Boyer estimate that the global cost increases from 6% to 8% of GDP for 5°C warming, one quarter higher. Tol estimates that the global cost is almost twice as high for 5°C warming, if he uses welfare weights (see Section 6.2).
Only a small portion of the cost of climate change between now and 2050 can be realistically avoided, because of inertia in the climate system.
Past emissions of GHGs have already committed the world to much of the loss in global GDP per capita over the next few decades. Over this period, market impacts are likely to be relatively small. This is, in large part, because the risk of catastrophic, large-scale changes to the climate system, as well as amplifying natural feedbacks (which boost the temperature response to GHG emissions), become a bigger factor later. Non-market impacts are significant in the period to 2050, reaching around 0.5% of per-capita global GDP in 2050 in both the baseline and high-climate scenarios.
In all scenarios, the highest impacts are in Africa and the Middle East, and India and South- East Asia.
For example, in the baseline-climate scenario with all three categories of economic impact, the mean cost to India and South-East Asia is around 6% of regional GDP by 2100, compared with a global average of 2.6%.
In all scenarios, the consequences of climate change will become disproportionately more severe with increased warming.
Figure 6.6 examines the relationship between mean losses in per-capita GDP and average increases in global mean temperature produced by the baseline and high-climate scenarios. The figure makes two important points graphically:
The first is that the climatic effects suggested by the newer scientific evidence have the potential to nudge global temperatures, and therefore impacts, to higher levels than those suggested by the IPCC TAR report. In the high scenario, global mean temperature rises to an average of nearly 4.3°C above pre-industrial levels by 2100, compared with an average of 3.9°C above pre-industrial levels in the baseline scenario. The difference between the two scenarios increases beyond 2100, because the effect of the amplifying natural feedbacks becomes more marked at higher temperatures. By 2200, the rise in global mean temperature increases to 8.6°C in the high-climate scenario, while the baseline reaches only 7.4°C. These numbers should be treated as indicative, as climate models have not yet been used to explore the high temperatures that are likely to be realised beyond 2100. They do demonstrate that, if emissions continue unabated, the climate is very likely to enter unknown territory with the potential to cause severe impacts.
Second, scenarios that include the risk of catastrophe and non-market impacts project higher costs of climate change at any given temperature. The figure makes an additional point that the incremental cost associated with including these non-market and catastrophic impacts increases as temperatures rise, so that the wedge between the economic scenarios becomes more and more substantial.
Estimates of income effects and distribution of risks can also be used to calculate the overall welfare cost of climate change.
Whereas the first part of Section 6.4 estimated how BAU climate change would affect income, the remainder of the section tackles a still more important challenge: estimating the global welfare costs of climate change, taking explicitly into account the risks involved. Because the forecast changes are large, uncertain, and unevenly distributed, and because they occur over a very long period of time, this exercise must take on the problem of aggregating across different possible outcomes (risk), over different points in time (inter-temporal distribution), and over groups with different incomes (intra- temporal distribution). It should carry out these three types of aggregation consistently. At this stage of the analysis, we have not incorporated intra-temporal distribution.
First, the analysis requires evaluation of the significance of severe climate risks that would result in very low levels of global GDP relative to the world without climate change. In the high-climate scenario with market impacts, the risk of catastrophe and non-market impacts, for example, the 95th percentile estimate is a 35.2% loss in global per-capita GDP by 2200. This is not the statistical mean, but it is nevertheless a risk that few would want to ignore. As discussed below, such risks have a disproportionate effect on welfare calculations, because they reduce income to levels where every marginal dollar or pound has greater value. That is indeed how risk is generally treated in economics.
Second, it requires deciding how to express the future costs of BAU climate change in terms that can be compared with current levels of well-being: we have to evaluate costs occurring at different times on a common basis. The process of warming builds over many decades. In the baseline-climate scenario, 5°C warming is not predicted to occur until some time between 2100 and 2150. By then, growth in GDP will have made the world considerably richer than it is now.
To make these calculations, the model uses the standard tools of applied welfare economics, as described in Chapter 2 and its Appendix.
In these highly aggregated models, the basic approach has to be simple, but it does depend on key assumptions. It is important to lay them out transparently. First, in applying this basic welfare- economics theory to the PAGE2002 model, we follow many other studies in calculating overall social welfare (or global "utility", to use the standard economic term) as the sum of social utilities of consumption of all individuals in the world. In practice, for this exercise, this means that we convert per-capita global GDP at each point in time into consumption31, and then calculate the social utility of per-capita consumption. This is then multiplied by global population (Box 6.3).
An approach that would better reflect the consequences of climate change on different world regions would take regional per-capita utility (e.g. for India and South-East Asia) and multiply by regional population to get "regional utility". Global utility would then be the sum of regional utilities32. Doing so was beyond the scope of this exercise, given the limited time available for analysis, but it is possible to provide some assessment of the bias from this omission. Taking this regional approach would increase the climate-change cost estimates, as illustrated in Section 6.2, so our decision to use a simpler global aggregation approach will bias our model toward lower cost estimates.
Second, we use the assumption of diminishing marginal utility as we evaluate risks and future welfare. This standard assumption in economics, generally supported by empirical evidence on behaviour and preferences, holds that the extra utility produced by additional consumption falls as the level of consumption rises. That is, an extra dollar or pound is worth more to a poor person than it is to a rich person. This assumption plays an important role in the welfare calculations, in that it places greater weight on:
Near-term consumption than on consumption in the distant future, because even with climate change, the world will be richer in the future as a result of economic growth; and The most severe climate impacts, because they reduce consumption to such low levels (see Chapter 2 and its Appendix for the underlying welfare economics).
Third, consumption growth is allowed to vary in the future in systematic ways. Traditionally, economic appraisal of projects and policies has taken a simplified approach to this basic welfare-economics framework. Consumption is simply assumed to grow at a certain rate in the future, with uncertainty entering the projection only to the extent that there will be perturbations around this assumed path. In our case, however, climate change could substantially reduce consumption growth in the future, and so two probabilistic model runs with different climate impacts produce different growth rates. So the simplified approach will not work here. Instead, we have to go back to the underlying theory, which implies that consumption paths must be valued separately along each of the model"s many (1000, say) runs.
Fourth, in carrying out the expected-utility valuation process, we use a pure rate of time preference (or "utility discount rate") to weight (or value) the utility of consumption at each point in the future. Thus utility in the future has a different weight simply because it is in the future.33 This assumption is difficult to justify on ethical grounds, as discussed in Chapter 2 and its Appendix, except where we take into account the probability that individuals will be alive in the future to enjoy the projected consumption stream. In other words, if we know a future generation will be present (that is, apart from discounting for the small chance of global annihilation), we suppose that it has the same claim on our ethical attention as the current one.
Putting all this together, we can:
Calculate the aggregate utility of the different paths over the future by adding utilities over time, as described, and then; Average utility across all 1000 runs to calculate the expected utility under each scenario.
Finally, we need to decide in what terms to express the loss in expected future welfare due to climate change. If the result is to guide policy, it must be easily understandable. When we calculate social utility and aggregate over time for risk, the resulting measure might most immediately be expressed in expected "utils", but this would not be easily understood. Instead, we introduce the idea of a "Balanced Growth Equivalent" (hereafter BGE)34 to calibrate welfare along a path. The BGE essentially measures the utility generated by a consumption path in terms of the consumption now that, if it grew at a constant rate, would generate the same utility.35
Taking the difference between the BGE of a single consumption path with climate damage and a consumption path without it gives the costs of climate change, measured in terms of a permanent loss of consumption, now and forever. One can think of the costs measured in this way as like a tax levied on consumption now and forever, the proceeds of which are simply poured away.
We have to go beyond the simple BGE generated in this way to take account of uncertainty. Thus the BGEs calculated here calibrate the expected utility in a particular scenario (with many possible paths) in terms of the definite or certain consumption that, if it grew at a constant rate, would generate the same expected utility. One can, therefore, think of the BGE measure of climate-change costs not as a tax but as the maximum insurance premium society would be prepared to pay, on a permanent basis, to avoid the risk of climate change (if society shared the policy-maker"s ethical judgements). In practice, as we shall see, society will not in fact have to pay as much as this. Thus the BGE here combines the growth idea of Mirrlees and Stern42 with the certainty equivalence ideas in, say, Rothschild and Stiglitz43. The next step, if intra-temporal income distribution is taken into account explicitly, would be to combine it with the "equally distributed equivalent" income of Atkinson44. Box 6.3 outlines our calculations in more detail.
The welfare costs of BAU climate change are very high. Climate change is projected to reduce average global welfare by an amount equivalent to a permanent cut in per-capita consumption of a minimum of 5%.
Table 6.1 presents results in terms of Balanced Growth Equivalents (BGEs), based on defensible values for the utility discount rate (0.1% per annum) and for the elasticity of the marginal utility of consumption (1.0) (see Chapter 2 and its Appendix for an explanation and justification). For each of our six scenarios of climate change and economic impacts, we calculate three BGEs:
For mean total discounted utility; For total discounted utility along the 5th percentile run; For total discounted utility along the 95th percentile run.
Table 6.1 shows the results. In each case, we quote the difference between the BGEs with and without climate change – the cost of climate change – in percentage terms. These are our headline results from the modelling. The numbers express the cost of "business as usual" (BAU) climate change over the next two centuries in terms of present per-capita consumption for each scenario as a whole and for specific paths with impacts at the low and high end of the underlying probability distributions.
The results under the different scenarios range greatly, but virtually all project that BAU climate change will have very significant costs. In our lower-bound scenario, comprising the baseline climate scenario and including both market impacts and the risk of catastrophe, the BGE of the mean outcome is 5% below the equivalent BGE without climate change, meaning that the expected welfare cost of BAU climate change between 2001 and 2200 is equivalent to a 5% loss in per-capita consumption, now and forever. The BGE of the 95th percentile run amounts to a 12.3% loss in consumption now and forever, while the BGE of the 5th percentile run amounts to a 0.6% loss.
Climate change will reduce welfare even more if non-market impacts are included, if the climatic response to rising GHG emissions takes account of feedbacks, and if regional costs are weighted using value judgements consistent with those for risk and time. Putting these three factors together would probably increase the cost of climate change to the equivalent of a 20% cut in per-capita consumption, now and forever.
Adding the possibility of the feedbacks involved in the high-climate scenario reduces the BGE of mean total discounted utility to 6.9% below the equivalent BGE without climate change. The BGE of the 95th percentile run is 16.5% below, while the BGE of the 5th percentile run is just 0.9% below.
In the high-climate scenario and with all three categories of economic impact (that is, adding the non-market impact), the BGE of the mean outcome is reduced to 14.4% below the equivalent BGE without climate change. The BGE of the 95th percentile run is 32.6% below, while the BGE of the 5th percentile run is 2.7% below. If the possibility of still higher climate sensitivities is taken into account, the incremental cost might be higher still.
Calculating the BGE cost of climate change after including value judgements for regional distribution is beyond the scope of this Review, given our limited time. But if we take as an indication of how much estimates might increase the results of Nordhaus and Boyer45, then estimates might be one quarter higher. In addition, because their deterministic approach could not take into account the valuation of risk, there is good reason to believe that the weighting would in our model increase estimates still further (see the Appendix to Chapter 2). In total, the global cost of climate change would probably be equivalent to around a 20% reduction in the BGE compared with a world without climate change.
Finally, we should discuss where one might place the evaluation of the losses from climate change between the 5 and 20% figures. There are two types of issue. The first is the inclusion of relevant effects and the second is the presence of different possible probability distributions.
On the first, it is reasonable to include what we consider to be relevant effects. This means catastrophic events, non-market effects and distribution of impacts within a generation. We have calculated the first two of these. However, we have conceptual, ethical and practical reservations about how non-market impacts should be included, although there is no doubt they are important. We have yet to calculate the distributional effects – that is for further work – but, based on previous studies, we can hazard a guess.
The second type of issue concerns the fact that we are unsure of which probability distribution to use. This takes us back to the distinction between risk and uncertainty discussed in Chapter 2 and the Appendix. We argued there that we now have some theory to guide us. Essentially, it points to taking a weighted average of the best and worst expected utility.
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