(1 – What theoretical and methodological assumptions underlying the treatment of predeportivos games in the sport initiation? 2 – What is the current state of implementation of predeportivos games in baseball classes with children from 7-9 years in school sports community Guáimaro? 3 – What alternative predeportivos in tight games shape for increasing the participation of children aged 7-9 years in the classes of the community school baseball sports Guáimaro? 4 – What is the feasibility of an alternative predeportivos games in tight spaces to increase the participation of children aged 7-9 years in the classes of the community school baseball sports Guáimaro? To be consistent with the previous questions, it was considered necessary to perform the following tasks: 1-To characterize the theoretical assumptions underlying methodological treatment predeportivos games in the sports initiation. 2-Determine the current status of implementation of predeportivos games in baseball classes with children from 7-9 years in school sports community Guáimaro 3 – Shaping the alternative predeportivos in tight games for the increased participation of children 7-9 years in the classes of the community school baseball sports Guáimaro. 4-assess the feasibility of the proposed predeportivos games in tight spaces by the criterion of specialists. In this research, from a dialectical materialist approach selected the following methods. The theoretical level. Analysis and synthesis: to analyze and synthesize scientific theories analyzed and the development of the proposal and the literature and data. 1-induction and deduction: to establish generalizations, to draw data and existing theory, characteristics and fundamental relations of the object of study and figure out how in terms of theory it is possible to use the games in the initiation predeportivos sport to increase participation of children of 7-9 years in groups of baseball, to comply with the objectives in this age group.The historical and logical: He allowed a chronological analysis of the evolution of the game, studied the most significant contributions of human knowledge, in relation to the problem from the standpoint of psychological, pedagogical, philosophical.2-Modeling: to develop the alternatives and models in the process of initiation in sports in baseball, depending on the application of predeportivos games.Empirical methods.1-The observation: It is used to evaluate the performance of the indicators that define the problem and the need for the proposal.2-The Interview: It applies to managers of the community school sports, methodologists, parents and teachers baseball community in order to know the levels of dissatisfaction, information and preparation for participation in the development and implementation of predeportivos games.
3-The survey: Applies to children and teachers in order to know the levels of dissatisfaction, application and preparation for the development and implementation of proposed predeportivos games. 4 – Basis of specialists to verify the feasibility of the alternative predeportivos games developed for increasing the participation of children aged 7-9 years in mass groups of the community school baseball sports Guáimaro. Statistical-mathematical method. Technical-percentage: to quantify the empirical data to examine the results in the processing of collected data and make generalizations about the problem and its solution. Techniques and tools 1-Interview Guide: To know the treatment they give the teachers community to the opening of baseball content girders of their classes, as it relates to predeportivos games in tight spaces, the methods used for this purpose and local knowledge on the employment of methods of games at these ages. In the case of specialists to assess the proposal and the views about it. 2-Guide survey: to determine the frequency, degree of acceptance of predeportivos games, level of knowledge and application by teachers in their classrooms play games predeportivos especially in confined spaces. 3-Guide observation: To assess the behavior of the indicators in classes that teachers develop and test the methodological approach that provide content about predeportivos games in tight spaces. 4-Tables and graphs: to process the data and express the qualitative interpretation. New and current scientific research. Practical contribution: is an alternative, happy methodological procedures and actions that lead to the practical orientation of teachers to ensure the implementation of games, especially instructive predeportivos through what sport initiation process in the sport of baseball. New science: the thesis contributes to the work taking place in the sports community schools on the improvement of the work in starting the sport at grassroots level, the alternative predeportivos game means a change in the ways teachers completing the basic work with future sporting talent from the methods used, pending the completion of the programs and integrates the playful to the process of initiation. The topicality of the research lies in the enforcement of appropriate solutions to be applied in the preparation of technical staff, to achieve an efficient work in the sport initiation and particularly in mass groups. The thesis is structured as follows: Introduction. This section reflects an overview of the problem, theoretical and methodological design of research and consulted the principal authors of which are assumed concepts and postulates. Chapter I addresses the philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, and learning that support the games predeportivos treatment in children aged 7-9 years in the sport initiation process and the characterization and determination of the application in games predeportivos spaces for sport initiation in children aged 7-9 years in mass groups of the community school baseball sports Guáimaro. Chapter II: contains the structural design of an alternative functional predeportivos games in tight spaces to help increase the participation of children aged 7-9 years in baseball massive groups, including methodological suggestions to consider to implement
the alternative and the feasibility assessment by criteria of specialists.It also includes the overall conclusions, recommendations, bibliography and appendices that illustrate the work.
CHAPTER: a methodological theoretical assumptions underlying the treatment of predeportivos games in the sports initiation. Chapter theoretically based empirical research problem for this, we use the theoretical methods of educational research, analysis and synthesis, and analysis of documents to make a dialectical analysis of the theories that relate to the problem. Besides determining the current status of implementation of predeportivos games in tight spaces in the initiation sport to increase participation in children aged 7-9 years in school sports community Guáimaro. 1.1Caracterizar methodological theoretical assumptions underlying the treatment of predeportivos games in tight spaces for sports initiation in children of 7-9 years in mass groups of the community school baseball sports Guáimaro. SPORT: So let's move then to know the concept about sport some authors define and especially those that appear in the text Games Predeportivos shapes and moves. According Cagigal, "is fun, spontaneous, disinterested, in and for the year understood as overcoming physical or self-employment and more or less subject to rules. " For its part Diem, defines it as, "is a game carrying value and reliability Practiced with commitment, subject to rules, integration and improvement, Ambitious of the highest results. " But we take our work and taking into account some of the many definitions given by authors from different points of view, the following definition of sport which we are pleased by its breadth, depth, timeliness and adequacy, so it comes about our research the following concept. It is a social action that takes place in a fun and competition between two or more parties opponents or against nature and the results is determined by the skill, technique and strategy. Is competitive and is institutionalized, or are governed by regulations, this regulation is controlled by official agents and is organized by a certain structure and governmental institutions or NGOs, this activity is not necessary for human life, so it responds to intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of the individual who practices it. Community. Environmental physical space is defined geographically, where takes place a system of interactions and socio-economic policies that produce a set of interpersonal relationships on the basis of needs. This system is a carrier of traditions, history and identity expressed interest in identifying and sense of belonging that make the group that includes the others. As part of the community is the sport for which the INDER in Cuba has created a structure at EU level, to meet the needs of people in a popular council called community school which offers various services within the terms of Culture Physics. SPORTS INITIATION If we consult the dictionary, initiation means start doing something, and sports belonging or relating to sport as the sport initiation according to the dictionary: "to begin work or related aspects of the sport." Some years ago, Jolibois (1975), quoted by Anton (1990), performs one of the first definitions of sport initiation. For he will be "learning the routines necessary for the practice of each sport," adding that the school will represent a good learning period should not be missed. A few years later, Alvarez del Villar (1987: 677) adds that "the commencement in any sport should seek a broad training base on which to base a subsequent peak performance." Following the period involved this stage, Blázquez (1986: 35) defines the sport initiation as "the period in which the child begins to learn specifically the practice of one or more sports." Other authors see this period more broadly, understanding that the sport initiation should start over 7-8 years, when purchase of some basic physical skills or preparatory stage to the real start in the specialty sports should be about 10 years (Romero Cherry, 1989). Delgado Noguera (1994) interprets the sport initiation as the time in which a person is learning specific skills or a particular sport. Despite the criteria and help me by each author postulates there is a clear coincidence is that all refer to the sport initiation must occur before the onset of puberty. For example, Anton (1990: 21) "is necessary to ensure a series of gestures, harmonic and balanced with an understanding of the concepts of the game, defining or representing the same structure of these ages to be able to deal calmly in time, the crisis of puberty. " In any teaching-learning process of any activity in general and sport in particular, the subject or athlete must evolve through a series of stages in which going to be learning and developing various content (physical, technical, tactical or psychological) adapted both biological and psychological characteristics. In this way will progress in their sport in a serious, rational, educational, and efficient scheduled and avoiding early specialization and improvisation. The sport will involve initiating the first contact of our students with a / os specific / s sport / s. Therefore, the foundation will be the basis on which we are to "build" the training of athletes. It is clear that this phase may determine the future work to be done, because if it is not appropriate due to excessive physical or psychological demands (inappropriate content, specialization too early learning motivation or lack of) training of these young athletes will suffer severe limitations. For all the above and then found a deep and thorough analysis of the principles, theoretical concepts assume reviewed and analyzed as a concept sports initiation in our work the following : It is the teaching-learning process, followed by an individual, to acquire practical implementation capacity and knowledge of a sport. We rely on the criterion of (Hernandez, 1986) suggests that knowledge of a sport at this stage extends from the individual makes contact with the sport until it is able to play with relevance to its functional structure. Massiveness: Adjective comes from the massive, according to the dictionary of the Spanish language refers to something that is small, or is made in large quantities, second to some of the human body or on it, such as mass demonstrations, mass participation etc. . In our research is applicable with regard to the mass of humanity, given that the sporting activity in question is the massiveness of a child for a sport, which presupposes a period of massive deportations, which in our case is assumed as part number of children in the initiation of baseball. Importantly, this fact is, the massive participation of children in the initiation of sport is a prime indicator of the initiation as it enables teachers to first ensure a successful selection of children for prospective groups, based on a large number of participants, ensuring the evolution and development of a greater number of children in sport, ensuring the improvement of physical conditions and not only technical but also on their overall health, increasing the quality of life participants. Of these groups is where the talent comes in the future will become the representatives of the sport in the country, fulfilling a d Fidel's ideas since the beginning of the revolutionary triumph: the massive people's right sport.
HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF THE GAME Mammals play to hunt in groups, define hierarchies, explore, divide labor, canines, among others. The game between mammals (cats, aquatic primates) is based on imitation and exploration by trial and error. In mammals there is an absence of symbolic play. Chimpanzees and other primates have the ability to use representations, could for example use some words, but not on them any form of symbolic play. The Game of the chimpanzee has the same characteristics as that of all mammals. The emergence of symbolic play occurs only in human children, along with language-inherently symbolic. This type of symbolic play on representations made and not real things. The cave paintings are the first example of symbolic play. Prehistoric men used them to act on the animals through their representations. Symbolic play is clearly present in all normal children from 2 years old. This is present when a child takes a rock and plays with it like a car. This child is playing with the cart, not the stone. Moreover, recently, are appearing very serious studies focused on symbolic play (Ortega, 1991, 1992) that highlight their importance to the child or the child organize their knowledge about the world and others. In humans, after the emergence of symbolic play at age 2, began a phase of social game in which children play more and more among themselves and with adults, using the language. This social play increasingly requires the establishment of agreements and finally ends in the formal game, whose essential characteristic is that it is a game with clear rules. The game of marbles (ball nail) are an excellent example of children's games with rules, about 6 years old. In the history of the human species is likely to appear formal game after settling a result of agriculture and writing. In the formal game the object of the game are the rules themselves, not representations. Thanks to this ability to establish rules and play within them the human species has been building as the key games, science, religion and democracy. Creating games with rules is the essence of the evolution of civilization. From age 7 children can use rules to manipulate objects, interact socially or to generate knowledge, the three basic uses of the game and rules. Tracing the origins of the games may reveal their contribution to the human species. No humanity where there is no game. It is something that anthropologists have discovered us, and if we think that the game is tied to children, deepening about him come to consider the role of children throughout history and in different places occupied by the game and work. The work of Caillois (1958), Leif and Brunelle (1978), Vygotsky (1979, 1984), Elkonin (1980), Piaget (1984.1985), Bruner (1989) and Ortega (1990, 1992), among others, and is posited. Reflecting on the play of children is always an opportunity to deepen their personality and get closer to deciphering its development. Even Plato said: "By teaching young children Assist with any game and you will see more clearly the natural tendencies in each of them" (Cratty, 1984). And since then, there have been many philosophers, educators, psychologists, anthropologists, historians have focused on assessing the game from their different perspectives. As today think most educators we believe that childhood is not a simple step to adulthood, but has value in itself and play its driving force. We now know that there are keys that will be the man of tomorrow. Freud already said that "every man is his childhood." If we agree, that this stage is crucial in building the individual and the game is what characterizes childhood, we have a fundamental reason to establish its relevance to their use in schools. And, at this point, we must ask ourselves what the game needs to develop in areas of sports. M. Vaca (1987) insists that three conditions are essential: time, space and security framework. And add that it is fundamental change in the mentality of the teacher to take you to restore the educational value of the game without becoming, as claimed by Bruner (1989) 'Engineer Child Behavior. " These statements provide incentives for the development of our research that offer to teachers in the community school baseball Guáimaro a triad of games, which will become clear tool for the development of sport initiation process in children aged 7 – 9 years old in baseball, for the satisfaction and viable solution of a problem through our proposal. Conceptualizing GAME Etymologically, the researchers report that the word play comes from two Latin words: "iocum and ludus-ludere" both refer to joke, fun, joke, and are often used interchangeably with the term recreational activity. $ 4 will have set countless definitions about the game, well, the dictionary of the Royal Academy sees it as a recreational exercise subject to rules in which one wins or loses. However, the polysemy of it own and the subjectivity of the different authors imply that any definition is not just a playful approach to the phenomenon in part. We can say that gambling, like any sociocultural reality, it is impossible to define in absolute terms and definitions that describe certain characteristics. Despite the above mean pausing to consider some definitions of the game reflect the views of several authors, highlighting the importance attached to it by what you intend to highlight why we chose this topic to our investigation, expression of the importance of this medium to transmit knowledge about sports. The criterion that we offer Johan Huizinga (1972) thinker who developed and wrote one of the most comprehensive theories and serious about the game, he points out that the game is a "voluntary activity or occupation is conducted within certain limits of space and time attending to rules freely accepted, but unconditionally row which has its aim in itself and is accompanied by a feeling of tension and joy. " From this theory we can draw the game has a nuance that makes itself while we may feel different sensations tensions and joys incredible. The game is fun and always involves the active participation of the player, but always respecting a set of rules that enable acquisition of certain rules of behavior in children hence its educational effect, exerting great influence on the child's psychological development as it contributes to the formation of his personality. Among the most popular conceptualizations aim as follows: According to Huizinga (1987), Team sports text, "the game is an action or voluntary activity, conducted in certain fixed limits of time and place, as a rule freely accepted but absolutely imperative , provided with an end in itself, accompanied by a feeling of tension and joy and consciousness to be otherwise than in real life. The game is the origin of culture. " On the other hand, in the same text, Lin Yutang define the game as follows: "What defines a game is played without reason, and that there should be no reason to play. Play is reason enough, in which he is the joy of free action, unhindered, with the direction the player wants to give, as it resembles the art, the creative impulse. " Russell Alnolf and concerned about the significance of play in children "children's game is seen as a pleasure-generating activity that is not done for a purpose external to it but for itself." Gutton, P (1982): It is suggested that a privileged form of expression for children. In children, the game is an important element, essential in the game externalize feelings like pleasure, satisfaction in making something desired, allowing the exchange of the child with objects, with the media and himself, since through the game energy overflow by A. VZaporozhete. "The game is the first form of activity available to the child who assumes a constant reproduction and refinement of new movements." From this point the game becomes invaluable particularly for children, as a wonderful charm that invites everyone to run through their practice children acquire, develop and refine motor skills. Games adorn and enrich the lives of children, are happier with him, understand and adapt to the reality that surrounds them. Terry Orlieck (1900) describes the game as the magical kingdom of children "and says" Playing in an ideal medium for positive social learning because it is natural, active and highly motivating for most children. It follows from the following question What kid does not like to play?, For them the game is a sacred action without knowing the way to life, because there are many features that characterize it and make it special. About This Johan Huizinga (1968) describes. The main feature is that it is free, is freedom ", noting that it presents, as a leisure activity, leisure determined by a time limit, making it possible to simultaneously creates order and is order. Huizinga also states that: "The game press releases, snatches and enchants." This is reaffirmed by Cagigal, JM (1996): to define the game as a free action, spontaneous, selfless and ordinary that occurs in a temporal and spatial limitations of normal life, according to certain rules, set or improvised, whose element information is the tension. As follows from the criterion of the child to play the game describes the world and by inserting in the social environment because according Verdu Medina (1987 "Learning to play is learning to live." Gerngross Vsevolodsri other hand, report that the game is a "social practice varied activity is active play any phenomenon of life, partial or total out of real practical situation. The social significance of the game in the early stages of human development, lies in its role collectivist. "Chateau (1955-56) reaffirmed the approach of the authors mentioned above, by emphasizing the moral value of the game considering it as" a moral pleasure " arguing that the game is subject to certain rules that are more or less stringent. The implementation of the same moral satisfaction occurs in children because they consider the game as a serious matter that involves self-affirmation. Also Gkoin (1978) reaffirms the above criteria by stating that the game is a source for moral development and the rules that appear in the foundation of human relationships as well enabling children play children's collective training, encouraging independence and positive attitude towards working children. Notably, the game will not only contributes to the formation of certain moral qualities, the game also encourages the child's intellectual environment. J. Piaget (1959) established one of the most elaborate ideas about the game within the framework of the intellectual intellectual development without taking into account the role exerted by this transformation. In this regard Piaget emphasized that the child-oriented games known to the unknown, the incomprehensible to understand for him, the game was the expression of a thought back to a weak stock or would be enhanced by the child's links environment, and furthermore VA Niedospasova (1972) highlights "Through play intellectual operations are not developed in isolation, but dramatically changes the position of the child into the world around them and creates a mechanism for positioning and coordinate their views with other possible points of view, precisely this change I will have the possibilities and ways of thinking over to a new level for the formation of new intellectual operations. " Brunner (1972) also appreciates the significance of the game for the intellectual development noting that in the course of play may arise such as combinations and focus on their qualities, which may lead to further use of learning as a tool to solve a task. Oscar A. Zapata (1968) reinforces our view of the extraordinary importance of play for children in their comprehensive development, saying. "Just remember that the vital activity of the child is the game to understand that well-targeted are school learning through games engines, achieved significant learning that will develop the cognitive factors, affective and social." This games not escape the sport initiation we add, which are inexhaustible in the establishment of these contradictions between what is learned and new to learn and change of positions in which the child reaches predeportivos games. Zapata, also emphasizes that "It is interesting to note that the possibility for the teacher to create the link between the material learned and the student's background can be achieved in the most natural and simple game through teaching, children receive the greatest number of spontaneous learning experiences for the game. As the game is an ideal operative tool for the teacher to make meaningful learning in their students. " In conclusion, many studies have been around the games, however there is no precise definition that can encompass all that it stands the game, especially in the lives of children. The game features a complex, varied and rich content that makes it impossible to offer a comprehensive view of their nature, taking into account the influence in disparate areas of activity of man. These and other authors include in their definitions a number of characteristics common to all views and to which we joined because its premise for our research from the conceptual point of view, where the most representative are: The game is a free activity: it is a voluntary event, no one is forced to play. It is located in a limited space and in a predetermined time constraint or improvised at the time of the game. It has an uncertain nature. As a creative, spontaneous and original, the final outcome of the game is constantly fluctuating, which motivates the presence of a pleasant uncertainty that captivates us all. It is a manifestation that has an end in itself, is free, disinterested and inconsequential. This feature will be very important in children's play and that does not permit any failure. The game takes place in a world apart, fictional narrative is like a game with action, away from everyday life, a continuous symbolic message. It is a conventional activities is the result of a social agreement established by the players, who designed the game and determine its internal order, its limitations and its rules. Moreover highlight around the game that is the most important learning environment for children in early ages. With practice the game, students will always be much more motivated and willing to perform the different activities that raise, that if we use static and boring as situations have been used in traditional teaching of the sport. In the field of E.F. and sport, the game engine will be the way in which we will work not only different skills but will also be an excellent tool to work in cognitive and social (Fuster, 1996). The skills and develop motor skills starting with the simplest such as perceptual, we will work through simple games to complex as the generic or specific, developed using complex games, including games predeportivos.
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