Uso y colocación de rejas en la vía pública; efectos en el tránsito vehicular y peatonal (página 2)
Enviado por Arturo Alejandro ZEA MANRIQUE
The subject of this job is, analyzed from a legal point of view the use and construction of the gates, and the way they threaten buildings or contribute to supporting alternative means as to the rights and needs for the proper and safe coexistence of all person.
The pervasive sense of fear that we live in today has spawned a series of demonstrations by citizens: From extreme measures as To get justice on their own hands is a popular behavior until preventive measures such as organizing rounds urban and, more recently, the widespread use and Installation of metal gates on public roads.
Obviously that all people and societies in general looking for a system of governance that ensures a company that offers peace and prosperity to its people, no one would like to be a victim of assault or some form of threats and assaults that affect their welfare. Thus, one of the main ideals behind progress in any society is to live in harmony, and in a situation of public security and citizen.
But the problem is not purely regulatory or only relates to the increase in violence and crime, the main inconvenience caused by this conflict is the feeling of insecurity, the citizen was "imprisoned" and because it feels unsafe, their often opts to build protective railings, in its urbanization, even in their own homes, because they perceive that there is confidence in the ability of the government to ensure their security and to implement justice, bearing in mind that public safety is one of the primary functions of the state, since it is inconceivable to a state that does not ensure the security of its citizens
Result natural then that citizenship, intends to take measures to be translated into active participation in the fight against crime in the face of these circumstances is that the people placed, build or construct the gates at the entrances, and routes of entry estates and residential areas.
But this also means that the citizenry is split many times and proceed to solve their problems privately so to speak; finishes building fences as protection mechanisms, seeking to meet needs in a particular way. You could say it is "privatized security", contrary to the "integration" of society. Probably because although we have common interests and needs, (such as the public security) we have not yet come to set up a community of citizens who feel they belong to a society demanding equal rights. A gate usually not only separates the two neighboring housing estates but also can cause the disintegration of these.
Moreover the spread of disorderly bars, has caused a problem in trying to regulate their use, has touched off a controversy, since neither the Constitution nor the Organic Law of Municipalities explicitly empower local government to adopt safety measures involving the restriction of the right to free movement.
While it is true that local governments cannot restrict the right of free transit, it has the duty to provide public safety, however, the violation of freedom of movement, which materializes presumably in bars installed in would result unconstitutional and according to article 2, paragraph 11 of the Constitution, everyone has the right "(…) to choose their place of residence, to travel through its territory and to leave and enter it, except limitations due Health, or by court order or by operation of law on foreigners. "
Often neighbors face a difficult decision, the use of these buildings represents an alternative to deal with crime. However the purpose of the construction and use of grills on the public highway, on the grounds of public safety cannot restrict freedom of movement, but simply to safeguard the security and tranquility of citizens.
Another dispute focuses on the effectiveness of the gates as a protection mechanism, and the perception of the people with regard to security that these provide. One might ask if these buildings really provide security to districts that have a greater number of gates installed? Finally, faced with this situation, it is first necessary to analyze and conclude whether or bars infringe on the constitutional right of free transit. The topic is so broad that are deployed in a number of controversies that intend to discuss the development of this investigation.
Durante el trayecto de mi vida y en relación a mi entorno social, encontré situaciones que bajo determinadas circunstancias vulneran los derechos fundamentales y necesarios para el normal desarrollo de toda persona y progreso integral y equilibrado de toda sociedad.
La elección del presente tema obedece a diferentes motivos que a menara de ejemplo, toman forma al verse vulnerado y restringido el derecho de un particular a transitar libremente por alguna calle publica, el sujeto se ve impedido de ejercer este derecho reconocido constitucionalmente, la causa de este impedimento son edificaciones tales como las rejas, que impiden la circulación normal de todas las personas.
Este comportamiento es producto de diferentes causas entre ellas el sentimiento de inseguridad existente en la población de nuestra ciudad y nuestro país. Ahora bien, como planteamiento del problema en este caso, me he abocado a establecer y buscar, bajo que marco jurídico es que las personas edifican e instalan las rejas en determinadas calles que forman parte de la vía pública y asimismo, demostrar la manera en que estas edificaciones influyen en el normal transcurso de la vida de las personas.
En síntesis, de lo anterior se desprende los siguientes problemas:
¿Si efectivamente existe un marco jurídico que regule a nivel nacional el uso y edificación de estos dispositivos?, ¿De qué manera las rejas vulneran el libre tránsito tanto vehicular como peatonal?, ¿Cuáles son las verdaderas causas que originan este comportamiento que trata de dividir las calles?
Por lo tanto, desde un punto de vista personal sostengo que este es un tema de relevancia jurídica y de actualidad que forma parte de la sociedad en que vivimos, y debido a esto es que pretendo dar un humilde aporte a fin de solucionar el problema planteado.
Arequipa, 2008
"Quienes pueden renunciar a su libertad esencial para obtener una pequeña seguridad temporal no merecen ni libertad ni seguridad"
Benjamín Franklin
Agradezco primeramente a Dios por darme todo lo que tengo y lo que llegaré a tener y no dejarme caer nunca.
A mis padres y a mi familia por ser los mejores y estar conmigo incondicionalmente,
Gracias porque sin ellos y sus enseñanzas no estaría aquí ni sería lo que soy ahora, a ellos les dedico esta tesis
A mis profesores y docentes quienes me guiaron en cada paso de mi vida, y por haberme transmitido sus conocimientos y sus experiencias incondicionalmente
Arturo Alejandro Zea Manrique
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