Web site with a system of tasks to contribute to the development of the oral expression skill in eleven grade students
Enviado por yanelis ayala hector
- Introduction
- The theoretical and methodological foundations
- Proposal of the web site with a system of tasks to develop the oral expression skill in 11thgrade students
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- Bibliography
Technology has changed society throughout history. In the past few decades there has been a revolution in computing, and all indications are that technological progress and use of information technology will continue at a rapid pace. The environments in which students learn and the ways in which people work and live are constantly being transformed by existing and emerging technologies; hence ICT needs to be integrated into the everyday school environment.
There are numerous reasons to use ICT in the classroom. Some of these reasons include; technology is fun, it engages students in learning, it is easier for teachers and reduces time spent on planning, it improves student test scores, it reaches different learning styles and it helps students with low attention spans. Educational technology is a tool that can be used by an educator to increase learning as well as more easily design, deliver, facilitate, and manage instruction.
It is imperative that teachers of the 21st century adjust to the technological revolution and not only prepare themselves but prepare their students for the technological real world. Technology has changed the way society looks, and the way the classroom looks and there will be no return to chalk, boards and writing letters. The 21st century society demands a technologically advanced person and the 21st century classroom requires the same.
The Cuban government has made big investments for the acquisition of these teaching aids, they have been put in the teachers and students hands with the objective of achieving a truly developing process. The use of audiovisuals aids exceed the classroom space and go beyond the surroundings if school, so that this means the incorporation of those to the whole educative process, and the English teaching is not an exemption.
It is a fact that during these years, Education in Cuba has been under a number of transformations. These changes such us educative software and the insertion of the TV lessons are intended to improve the quality of the Teaching-Learning Process. However, these transformations cannot be carried out without having checked the update sources.
Through the practice it was determined that the students of "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university have different acting level in the learning of English, or they did not receive English language as a subject and when facing this in the school they have difficulties in the assimilation of the content. In general students find they learn this language just as a means to pass a test and not as a way of widening their knowledge. They prioritize other subjects like Math, History, and Spanish better than English and they feel that lessons do not meet their needs.
Besides, they do not have study habits and interest for it. This has been evidenced in the lack of vocabulary, difficulties in the pronunciation and in the fluency, and a bad use of the grammar, as a result the level of learning in this language is poor, it is very important to point out that among these deficiencies the oral expression skill is the most affected one.
That is why the present investigation set out the following scientific problem: How to contribute to the development of the oral expression skill in eleventh grade students in "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university and the object of study is: the development of the skills in the English subject. The development of the oral expression skill in the students of eleventh grade at "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university is the action field.
To give answer to this problem and keeping in mind the aspects mentioned before, the investigation has to fulfill the following objective: to design a web site with a system of tasks for the development of the oral expression skill in eleventh grade students in the "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university.
The following scientific questions are determined to organize the investigation:
1- Which are the theoretical and methodological foundations in the bibliography consulted about ICT, especially web site and the development of the English language skill, the development of the oral expression skill in English language and the system of tasks?
2-What is the real state of the development of the oral expression skill in the English language in eleventh grade students at "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university in Madruga municipality?
3-What characteristics should have the web site and the system of tasks to improve the development of the oral expression skill in the English language in eleventh grade students in "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university?
4-What results should be obtained with the application of the proposal in eleventh grade students in "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university?
To answer to these scientific questions it was necessary to formulate different scientific tasks:
1-Systematization of the theoretical and methodological foundations in the bibliography consulted about ICT, especially web site and the development of the English language skill, the development of the oral expression skill in English language and the system of tasks.
2-Diagnosis of the real state of the development of the oral expression skill in English language in eleventh grade students in "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university.
3- Determing the characteristics of the web site and the system of tasks to contribute the development of the oral expression skill in the English language in eleventh grade students in "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university.
4-Value of the results in the application of the proposal in eleventh grade students in the "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university.
For the development of the proposal was taking into account the following variable: The development of the oral expression skill, and the author is in agree with the definition given by Arturo Pulido: "it is consider as the systemic evolution of techniques set through the conscious and correct application of assimilated knowledge in the solution of activities with skill and determine the general norms that it continue to communicate orally with effectively, taking into account, a suitable pronunciation, acceptable fluency, the use of the vocabulary according to the knowledge of the language in the grade and the information has a suitable coherence". (Pulido Díaz, A, Enríquez, G.L, 2009)
During this investigation different methods were used:
Theoretical methods:
Induction – deduction: The compiled material was analyzed and it took place to theoretic inferences and generalizations, what it allowed besides conclusions and projections related with the theme of the investigation from what's known.
Analysis – synthesis: It allowed determining the relation that is between the scientific problem and the diagnosis.
Historical – logical: It allowed delving deeply into the history of the development of the abilities in the learning of the English language, mainly the oral expression, systematizing the fundaments theoretic methodologies related to the object of study and the line of research and in the analysis of the transformations in pre-university student.
System Approach: this theoretical method allowed analyzing features, qualities, functions, the level of hierarchization of the different components inside the system, as well as of the own system as such, being able to design the proposal, well-founded in the transformations that are being taking place at the system.
On the other hand, the empirical methods are:
Pedagogical test: to know the current situation of reading comprehension that students have.
Observation: to analyse the phenomenon in its environment in the classroom
Survey: to make a diagnosis of the process of development of reading skills through the English lessons so as to find out about the different criteria of the students and teachers involved in the research.
The statistical mathematical methods:
Percentage analysis procedure: to process the data obtained after applying the instruments.
Descriptive statistic: quantitatively describe the main features of a collection of data.
The instruments applied during this investigation are:
Questionnaire for the pedagogical test
Lesson observation guide
Questionnaire for the survey
The population is formed by 75 students of eleventh grade at "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university that represents the 100% of the population, and 30 students of the goup 4 that represent the 40% of the sample.
The author considers this investigation has a remarkable significance because it contributes to the development of the oral expression skill with a system of tasks in the students of eleventh grade at "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university, taking into account the importance of the use of the web site in English lessons.
This proposal offers students and teachers a tool that backs up the attention individualized in the development of English skills for every student. These tasks emphasize the combined development of the linguistic, discursive, strategic and sociocultural dimensions of the communicative competence. Particularly, they contribute to develop speech coherence, fluency and accuracy. This is a way of giving an adequate preparation with the communicative functions which provide the culture that teenagers of today should have.
Chapter I
The theoretical and methodological foundations
Development of English language skills
Learning a foreign language is defined as acquiring the skill to use its structure within a general vocabulary under essentially the conditions of normal communication among native speakers at conversational speed. More specifically, it means the acquisition of the skill to use, in speaking, the units and patterns of expression of the second language associated with the units and patterns of content that together constitute the language. And it means the acquisition of the skill to grasp the units and patterns of content when listening to the second language. It means, in other words, learning expression, the content, and their association for rapid use in the proper positions within the system of the target language.
Rosa Antich, Phd has outlined" ( ) the foreign language is presented in such way that the student perceives it as communication activity more than as a subject, the student need to feel that the language is something that transcends the learning act like end in himself and he demands the acquisition of the four fundamental skills: to understand that listened, to speak, to read and to write". (Antich de León, R., 1986: 62)
The learning of the English language involves the formation and development of skills that can be developed working the learning in a development way.
Many authors defined skill with diverse meanings: Antich, R. (1988); Avedaño and Labarrere (1989), Acosta, R. (1996), and Silvestre (1999).
Fuentes, H. outlines: […] "is the way of interaction of the subjects with the objects or subject in the activity and the communication, is the content of the actions that the subject carries out, integrated by a group of operations that have an objective and are assimilated in the own process". H. Fuentes (1989)
Delgado characterizes it as: […] the application of successful way of the assimilated knowledge to the solution of the tasks be practice or mental and he adds: […] "correspond to the dexterities that are required to be able to apply the knowledge in concrete situations and it are guided toward the training, through the make power ".
The author of this work is attributed to the definition expressed by L.S. Vigotsky who defined the skill like: "To advantage the data"s, knowledge or concepts that are had, to operate with them for the elucidation of the substantial properties of the things and the successful resolution of the theoretical or practical tasks. The skills are a complex system of necessary psychic and practical activities for the convenient regulation of the activity, of the knowledge and habits that the subject possesses. A skill constitutes a complex system of necessary operations for the regulation of the activity". Vigotsky L.S. (1987)
In correspondence with this definition, in this work the author assumed that skill is the assimilation for the subject of the ways of realization of the activities that have as base a certain group of knowledge, habits and values.
The skills are complex actions that favor the development of the capacities, are ways of acting that let to operate in the knowledge like:
Ways of acquisition of the knowledge"s, means for which can express what knows, transfer, bigger easiness to form some skills when before it has developed others that have components, similar operations.
Summarizing, the author attributes to the skill the possibility to carry out certain activities being the knowledge the fundamental premise. In each skill you can determine the operations whose integration allows the domain for the student in a performance way. One self-action can be part of different skills, as well as skill can be carried out through different actions.
Taking into account the communicative linguistic skill, Rodolfo Acosta said, "the skill to use the language system appropriately in any circumstances. It must include not only the linguistic forms of a language but also knowledge of when, how and where it is appropriated to use these forms".
In the dictionary of applied linguistics, communicative competence is defined as: "the Skill not only to apply the grammatical rules but to form grammatically correct sentences and to whom. It includes:
a) Notion of grammar and vocabulary of the language
b) Notion of oral communication skill rules (e.g. knowing how to begin and end a conversation. Knowing what topics may be tackled in different types of speech events, knowing what address form should be used with different persons one speaks to and in different situations)
c) Knowing how to use and respond to different types of speech, such as requests, apologies, thanks and invitations.
d) Knowing how to use the language ".Richard, Jack C. (1997)
According to Penny Ur, "of all the four skills, speaking seems to be the handiest. People who know a language are referred as "speakers' of that language, as if speakers include other kinds of knowing; and many of them, if not must foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning how to speak…" (Ur, Penny., 1996).
The author consider that speaking is the skill to express meanings orally in a coherent way. It intimately relates to the other language skills, particularly it is closely connected to listening.
Porro, M., Domínguez, M. A. y Grass, E. (1980). point out that the oral expression has an origin in the social function of the language like means of communication, it is the art of conversing with other, ¨ saying what say and think", saying it clearly, listening the other ones and ¨ to make sure that we listen to ¨with accuracy, it is according to all the indications, the most necessary ability to create and to maintain relationships.
Speaking is the ability to combine sounds, words chunks of the language in a logical form.
Many people devote most of the time learning a foreign language. As Penny Ur, (1996).,said through this phrase "people who know a language are referred to as speakers of that language, as if speaking included all other kinds of knowledge, and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak. "Speaking is a productive skill into the verbal activity which (along with listening) makes the oral communication possible. Ideas expressed orally make up the content of speaking. Pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar habits constitute the essence of speaking.
The oral expression is a linguistic communicative skill that consists in the capacity to use correctly a statement for expose a content that is acquired in the passing of activities for part of the student and this statement will be explain more clearly in the next epigraph.
1.2- Development of English oral expression skill in the eleventh grade students.
A greatest importance is particularly given to the development of speaking which is either achieved independently or as a way to develop the other skills.
As Acosta Padron, R. (2000) has stated "as a general rule, speaking is a teaching point and this is reflected in the objectives of most school courses in English at all levels."
Font S., (2006) offers a cycle based on a problem conception of the communicative approach which favors the learning of English as a foreign language. It consists of the following stages:
1. Initial problematic communicative practice: This step is expressed somehow in the first stage proposed by Finocchiaro. In this initial communicative activity the students use the communicative experience that they already have to interact about a topic. This gradually leads them to feel the need to use the new elements of the language to express their ideas. The elicitation of the new elements by the teacher helps to create an additional motivational element. The new elements become necessary and meaningful. The students become aware of the fact that there is a new communicative situation in which they cannot operate just with the knowledge and abilities they already have. Practice is communicative because the teacher allows the students to use the linguistic means freely. He does not impose anything; he becomes another participant in the process, guiding the students towards the need of the new knowledge. Thus, the student gets involved in a communicative activity from which contradictions arise in one or more of the components of communicative competence. There is a contradiction the student has to solve.
2. Definition, analysis and solution to the problem: This stage comprises Penny Ur"s first two stages, and Finocchiaro"s stages 5 and 6. This moment of the process is favorable to the student"s immersion in a situation in which he has to solve a problem. The new communicative-linguistic element can bring about contradictions with what was previously learned. The contradiction is assimilated by the student. The problematic situation is what is unknown to him, and he cannot solve just from his experience. When the student understands what he should look for, then he has defined his problem.
The teacher isolates the example of the means to be used on the board, and he includes some others similar examples associated with the problematic-communicative situation described in the first stage of the cycle.
The student discovers the regularities, the rule through guided discovery and heuristic conversation. This is a stage where consciousness plays a governing role. In the analysis of a communicative linguistic phenomenon, its use must be contextualized in specific social situations, i.e. the analysis should not cover only form, but meaning and use as well.
3. Controlled practice aimed at form: This stage becomes vital for habit formation after the phenomenon has been understood. The previous stage does not make it possible for them to talk. The most important focus here is form, i.e. accuracy in reproducing phonetic, lexical and grammatical patterns. The teacher must be able to listen to each student, to make the necessary corrections in order to ensure a minimum of success in later stages. "Wilga Rivers considers that teaching grammar also means leading the student to carry out activities that will allow him to put the rules into practice in such a way that he becomes acquainted with the structures, and he is able to accumulate an action memory and to integrate the material into his semantic systems".
4. Guided practice: Unlike controlled practice, in this stage the teacher gives rise to the use of the linguistic means without making explicit his intention that the student should use it. The student faces exercises demanding the use of the new linguistic means, not in a mechanical way, but simulating real communication. The activities within this stage are also known as pseudo communicative. This practice is carried out gradually increasing the level of difficulty. Guided practice favors the understanding of sociolinguistic and sociocultural components underlying communication in the target tongue. The student becomes gradually aware of the social implication of the linguistic means he uses.
5. Integrated free practice: In this stage the student is ready to participate in communicative activities involving free-expression, in which he puts into practice the skills developed in the new unit together with the other skills that were previously acquired.
6. Creative application: This stage takes place mainly out of the classroom. The student applies the acquired knowledge and abilities to solve communicative problems by himself, in the social context he is preparing to face.
Teacher"s guidance in this stage is provided through the correct orientation of students" creative production. It has to be done in a way that the student puts into practice creatively, the cultural and linguistic contents, communication skills, learning strategies, and the values and modes of action acquired in the classroom.
Students should be able to interact correctly and appropriately in situations that can be distant from those used in the classroom. The student"s performance will be more creative in as much as the communicative situation drifts away from what was exercised, reproduced and produced in the classroom.
On the other hand "Speaking is a productive skill into the verbal activity which (along with listening) makes the oral communication possible. Ideas expressed orally make up the content of speaking. Pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar habits constitute the essence of speaking. Most of the teaching methods describe speaking as one of the most important goals of the teaching process". E.G Azimov, A.N.Schukin. (1999.p.59)
Here, it is necessary to add that although the author points out pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar habits as the essence of speaking, the teacher of English should also bear in mind language use and all the dimensions of the communicative competence.
Speaking is a productive skill. It is the ability to combine sounds ,words, chunks of the language in a logical form, it is seen as one of the four basic language skills to be developed in the teaching – learning process of English as a foreign language, it is in fact a very difficult one and it is closely connected with listening.
Penny Ur stated ´´Of all the four skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing), seems to be intuitively the most important one. People who know a language are referred to as ´´speakers´´ of that language, as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing, and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak´´ .Ur Penny, .(1999)
Speaking is one of the language skill to be developed in most of school courses in English at all levels of the general system of education in Cuba. Speaking is a teaching point and this is reflected in the objectives of such courses.
Speaking implies a much more complex ´´ here several interrelated actions both, mental and psychical must take place instantaneously´´, in a close connection with listening understanding which is the other oral skill.
According to Rodolfo Acosta ´´Developing speaking requires knowledge of the language system skills in the mastery of language (linguistic skills) and skills in its functioning as speech (communicative skills). Thus when learning a language as a means of communication, the learners must assimilate its components pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar and use them in the speech. Learning to speak, then, requires much practice in the functions and forms of the language. The teacher´s main purpose is to develop the linguistic and communicative skills interactively and progressively until free and spontaneous speech attained´´ Acosta Padrón R., (1997).
Reportedly Arturo Pulido: "it is consider as the systemic evolution of techniques set through the conscious and correct application of assimilated knowledge in the solution of activities with skill and determine the general norms that it continue to communicate orally with effectively, taking into account, a suitable pronunciation, acceptable fluency, the use of the vocabulary according to the knowledge of the language in the grade and the information has a suitable coherence". (Pulido Díaz, A, Enríquez, G.L, 2009)
Moreover the author agrees with these definitions previously stated and thinks that speaking is one of the main communicative skill students should acquire because through speaking students take into account very important aspects like rhythm, pronunciation, intonation, coherence and also the degree of formality in accordance to the listeners and the grammatical patterns in order to get a good understanding of the whole.
On the other hand the web site achieved a better use of technologies. It enrich and improves the quality of the educational process offering visual and sound support, and in this way, it help to the development of the teaching of the foreign languages, giving execution to the objective of the same one.
1.3 Web site technology and the system of tasks.
The word "technology" is used to refer to a collection of techniques. In this context, it is the current state of humanity's knowledge of how to combine resources to produce desired products, to solve problems, fulfill needs, or satisfy wants; it includes technical methods, skills, processes, techniques, tools and raw materials.
Technology is often considered too narrowly: according to Thomas P. Hughes "Technology is a creative process involving human ingenuity". This definition emphasizing on creativity avoids unbounded definition that may mistakenly include cooking "technologies". But it also highlights the prominent role of humans and therefore their responsibilities for the use of complex technological systems.
Yet, because technology is everywhere and has dramatically changed landscapes and societies, Hughes argued that engineers, scientists, and managers often have believed that they can use technology to shape the world as they want. They have often supposed that technology is easily controllable and this assumption has to be thoroughly questioned.
Rivers, W. (1987) set up: We see the need of use the computer as a teaching aid when the pedagogic problem that we have to propose to solve and the strategy to do it requires specifically of a teaching interactive aid.
A website is a page or collection of pages on the World Wide Web that contains specific information which was all provided by one person or organization.
And that"s not a bad choice to use this kind of web site but the negative aspect in Octavio Hernandez Dominguez pre-university is that in the informatics lab there is no connection to internet, so for that, the author decided to design a static website will generally provide consistent, standard information for an extended period of time. Although the website owner may make updates periodically and it is a manual process to edit the text, photos, audio and video.
An special report of the magazine PC Magazine (1994), it define that; "… website it is polyvalent concept, that as much serves to define a technology as a means of communication or like a communicative support based in the integration of various digital means for the creation of an interactive document.
Taking in to account the previously outlined it is necessary to keep in mind that it is more feasible for the students and the educational ones the use it for the learning of the language and later practice the contents imparted in class. The same one will save time, it will allow a bigger interaction of them with the technology and it will develop skills as much in English as in computer science.
This website leaves the biggest participation to the student so that it is not a simple passive object of pedagogic influences in the teaching process, but an active participant and conscious.
ICT, sights like resource can contribute to a re-conceptualization of the contents of study depending of the tuitional model that it want to assume and putting them in terms of informing, controlling, and evaluating the teaching activity, so students can attain its objectives with quality.
The informatics lab, the internet, the educational software, multimedia, web site, are useful tools that are available in the teaching of the English language.
Some advantages and disadvantages of computing.
The use of computing motivates the students to learn.
The video, photography and sounds presented in computing stimulate the audition and vision more than the traditional ways of the teaching and learning process.
Contribute to the development of skills related with the independent work.
It favors to create the discipline of habits in the students.
It gives us help in the learning strategies in the students.
It let us get access to the authentic materials surround the world.
Some students and professors reject the use of computers because they prefer the traditional classes.
It's very hard to some students to get in touch with the independent learning.
The computers do not provide the communicative real situations.
The computers are machines and they need be repaired and this can affect the teaching and learning process.
The computers can't not replace the professors.
It is important to stand out that although it has disadvantages in the use of computers in the education; those are not numerously, because any negative aspect is minimized with all what this technology provides us.
To continuing basing the proposal this are the characteristics of system and tasks.
A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole.
A system is a set of elements (often called 'components' instead) and relationships which are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets.
After having systematized the different meanings on the definition of system, according to Encyclopedic Dictionary Grijalbo, Encyclopedic Diccionary Ocean, the book of Methodological Educational of the Investigation of Afanasiev, Sadovsky in The Systemic Focus once the social knowledge was applied for and the definition that appears in the tabloids of Methodological Educational Sciences, module II, the authoress assumes Leontiev's definition (1986), on a system of tasks, putting forward: "It is a continuous process and permanent, on the other hand constitute an educational, besides propitious dimension than in this process become real the acquisition of knowledge and development of habits and of skill ".Leontiev, A. N.(1986).
The structure of the components of the content is based on the types of contents, the ones that constitute the system base:
– Action (Habits, skills, capacities, manners of behavior)
– Knowledge (Concept, principles, judgments, laws, categories)
– Assessments (Convictions, ideals, interests, values)
– Creative Experience (imagination, future projection, contributions to the search, methodology).
Every systemic totality presents a chain of command, since it is integrated for different parts and components that can be considered like subsystem of this totality. In turn, the own system can be considered like a subsystem that is a part of a bigger system.
As part of the conclusions of the English lesson, is assign a task for house (homework). "This constitutes one of the activities extra lesson that with bigger frequency applies in the teaching process. It is orientated generally in the final stage of the lesson, before the end of the same and after having done the conclusions" (González, 2009, p.191).
The teaching task makes the systemic crystallization of all the considerations possible. Another category with similar possibilities of generalizing all the results in the didactic science. This category allows learning to the researcher to accomplish adaptations in determined contexts to achieve the proposed, the objectives and to make perfect from a genetic perspective, the process of teaching.
The criteria contributed by Silvestre, M and Zilberstein, J. (2000) " task where actions and operations realize for the pupil, as much in the lesson become concrete, as to out of this, in the study, constitutes one essential remove in this investigation, just like communicative teaching of the tongue constitutes in the same way the join of them referents stop propose the present.
The specialist Davidov,(2008) points that " The teaching task, with whose proposal, begins to develop the teaching activity, it is led to that the pupil analyzes the conditions of the origin of the theoretic concepts and dominate the generalized corresponding procedures to the actions guided toward some of the general actions of the sphere objective that understands, with other words, the control on behalf of the students of the procedure theoretically generalized of solution of certain kind of concrete particular tasks itself, constitutes the substantial characteristic of the teaching task".
The theoretic criteria put forward by Álvarez, C., (1990) that retake themselves in this thesis are:
The teaching task in the meantime process of teaching learning contains all the components of the process and the teaching tasks should be used forming systems and no of isolated way.
The theoretic criteria put forward by Silvestre, M., (2001) that are retaken in this thesis are:
-The teaching task should discuss of intentional mode the different knowledge"s in a systemic interrelation where the educational, the instructive and the developer integrate coherently.
-The proposal and solution of the teaching tasks should imply the realization of
Individual and collective actions like working method with the same.
-The teaching tasks should be varied, enough and differentiated.
The system of tasks and the website that it proposes this investigation, seek that the students can learn among them with the teacher help. Their learning can make easier dividing the classroom in groups or couples to develop conversations.
Chapter II
2.1-Analysis of the initial results
To make the investigation, it was taken as a population 75 students of eleventh grade at "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" pre-university that represents the 100% of the population, and 30 students of eleventh grade 4 that represents the 40% of the sample, from them 19 female and 11 male. They were 8 in the third assimilation level, 13 in the second and 9 in first level.
For the diagnosis of this Research Paper about the development of the oral expression in the lessons of the English language related with the students of the study sample, in this first part was applied the following instruments: observation"s guide to lesson to the performance of the students ,pedagogical test and survey.
The investigation takes in consideration the skill of oral expression in English that is considered the rector skill and the indicators of those that the investigator had been worth to measure the behavior of this variable, they are the following ones:
Variable; development of the of oral expression skill.
Indicators: – Pronunciation.
– Fluency.
– Vocabulary.
– Coherence
To understand more easily the variable it was necessary the use of the following scale: Good, Fair and Bad.
It is G, if the student is well in the 4 indicators, he/she pronounces well, with appropriate fluency and coherence and if he/she uses the vocabulary acceptably. He or she is also given G if in an indicator he/she has some imprecisions but in essence it is well.
It is F, if the student obtains 2, 3 or 4 regulators but none bad.
It is B, when the student has a wrong in some indicator, although the other ones are well.
The first instrument applied was the observation"s guide, the skills that students had not developed in the lessons to determine which one or which ones correct mind, how the utilization of the oral expression was shown at the language and if inside the program of the degree there was a workspace with the oral aspect.
The observation guide to lesson to the performance of the students (annex 1) was applied to check the development level of the skill in English lessons including the work with the four macro skills of English: listening, reading, writing and oral expression. Results of the application of the guide (annex 2). The oral expression skill is hardly affected for the following reasons:
In the classroom, the student understands what the professor says and exercises the contents in a written way, but they don't know how to be expressed freely neither they demonstrate interest to practice besides that there are not enough exercises to practice the oral skill in the notebook.
When the teacher makes the work corrective phonetic he/she does not keep in mind the individual differences.
The students have domain of certain relating contents to the vocabulary and some structures but they do not demonstrate independence and they cannot use the content to solve a problem.
The students demonstrate indifference for the tasks, and little desire to participate.
In the observation to classes to value to the variable the author could verify that the students of the group, very few of them have developed the skill (annex 2), because the exercises to develop the oral expression skill are not too much. All this demonstrated that the situation of this variable is faulty and English classes do not contribute to the development of the skill. The observation"s guide showed that the 30 students that constitute the sample, only 10 have developed the skill, constituting 33.3 % of the sample, since they do not accomplish speaking exercises that are enabled developing this skill. The lessons agreed on a first level of assimilation.
With the initial pedagogical test that was applied to the selected sample had the objective of weigh the initial real state that the skill of oral expression is in the English language. To measure this variable it was given a role to each and they had to interact using the communicative functions and was taken into account the indicators, the variable was operated to weight with a better precision (annex 3)
For measuring of this variable were used some situations in cards in order that the students select among them randomly and act it out in couples, right after a previous preparation. These cards were elaborated with communicative functions according to the pre-university program.
The result obtained were the ones that are been expecting and expressed in the problematic situation in the introduction: the level of the development of the oral expression of the English language is very low (annex 6). But if it only considers the ones who have a certain development of this skill it could be a 56, 6% between good and not so good students.
The aspects that were more affected in this instrument (annex 4) were pronunciation and vocabulary. In pronunciation were evaluated B 19 students that is a 63, 3% of sample. In other side vocabulary was evaluated B, 14 students that represent 63, 3 %. The fluency and coherence were fair in 46, 6 % and 50% respectively, although the author considers that is still a problem and need to someone take care with it.
With this test is being corroborated that the problem exist, that is the development of oral expression in English. The diagnostic it can be confirm the difficulties with the developing of the oral expressions. The pronunciation has a development of 36, 6 % and vocabulary 40 %. Fluency is in 53, 3% and coherence 50 %. (Annex 5)
From the sample, that is 30 students, 9 students are G that represents a 30 % of because the student communicates when they speaks. He has a proper vocabulary and he expresses his ideas with coherence and corrects grammatical structures. He has a right intonation, fluency and pronunciation. He interacts very well with his partners. 8 students are F to a 26, 6% because the student is capable of being understood when he speaks most of the times, but he has some mistakes in the vocabulary. He expresses his ideas with lack of precision concerning to coherence and grammatical structures. Acceptable intonation, fluency and pronunciation. He interacts with his partners partially.
And 13 students are B that means a 43 % of the sample because the student is incapable of being understood when he speaks. He has a few or almost any good vocabulary. He does not express his ideas with coherence and correct use of grammatical structures. He does not have a right intonation, fluency and pronunciation. He does not interact with his partners.
Just a 56, 6 % of students are considered good and regular in the developing of oral expression.
That"s why the author of this investigation considered that website can solve the investigated problem.
Based on these results, the author of this research paper decided to elaborate a website with a set of tasks to develop the oral expression skill in English language in eleventh grade students.
Another instrument applied was the survey to 8 teacher of English (annex 7). The applied instrument had the objective knowing how they were the English lessons before the use of the new technologies and the benefits that these could bring on the process of teaching learning. Besides, how it is the motivation of the students when they interact with them and which ones were the skills more difficult to develop and why.
The results evidenced that the 8 teachers of English coincide in which before the use of the new technologies, the teacher have not the means that provide a good lessons themselves, most of her activities did not take effect the way that they should be taken, which is why its lessons were boring and the students for this reason lost the motivation for the subject of study, for 100 % of the polls. In this time the teacher almost have not teaching aids like: pictures, videos, maps, songs and others. That is why the subject do not satisfy the interest of the students and the teaching learning process.
This survey show the importance of the Tics for the motivation of the students and for that reason they can learn more easily and develop their own skills and strategies, they receive the help of the computer, videos, television, software"s, for 100 % of the polls.
The question 4, the 8 teachers coincided in pointing out that the skill with more problems to develop was the oral expression and the reasons which this happened for were that students were not feeling motivated by the study program, besides the activities accomplished in classes were not enough neither potentiated the development of oral expression skill, for 100 % of the polls.
Taking into account the benefits of the ICTs in the lessons of English the author decided to make a survey (annex 8) to the 30 students of eleventh grade 4 from the school "Octavio Hernandez Dominguez" with the objective of know if they are satisfied with the software "Sunrise".
The survey done to the 30 students of the sample showed that (annex 9) 16 likes the subject that represent 53,3%, 7 likes just a little that represent 23,3%, and 7 students does not like the subject of English that represent the 23,3%. But the students have some reasons. They consider that the activities that were worked in the classroom are not varied and did not satisfy hisher interests and needs, neither also many times they do not understand the exercises that are assigned. Where the students should have indicated the activities that accomplishes the teacher in the classroom, 14 students indicated the item that contained the role play (for a 46, 7 %), and the others three selected the item b relative to act it out (for a 53, 3%). These results reveal the not much utilization of means and activities for develop active participation of the different skills and specifically, the oral expression.
In the question related with the use of the software to develop skills of learning, all the students coincided (for a 100 %), in pointing out that with the use of the software the student could be in an environment of real communication, controlling hisher own learning, they could go to dictionaries if they needed it upon answering tasks and therefore the understanding could be faster and effective.
The author of this investigation got to the following results: students do not feel motivated by the subject, the activities that are worked in the lesson do not satisfy their interests and needs, they do not like it much or the subject of study have lack of means that propitiate a learning upsets, reflecting it in their answers where they manifest that they do not many times understand the assigned exercises. Also they consider that the use of the software could help the development of hisher learning, with varied activities, pleasant and they do not become boring with them, allowing the interaction student – machine to stimulate motivation and cognition in the process.
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