The body of evidence and the growing quantitative assessment of risks are now sufficient to give clear and strong guidance to economists and policy-makers in shaping a response. 1.1 Introduction Understanding the scientific evidence for the human influence on climate is an essential starting point for the economics, both for establishing that there is indeed a problem to be tackled and for comprehending its risk and scale. It is the science that dictates the type of economics and where the analyses should focus, for example, on the economics of risk, the nature of public goods or how to deal with externalities, growth and development and intra- and inter-generational equity. The relevance of these concepts, and others, is discussed in Chapter 2. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 2
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
This chapter begins by describing the changes observed in the Earths system, examining briefly the debate over the attribution of these changes to human activities. It is a debate that, after more than a decade of research and discussion, has reached the conclusion there is no other plausible explanation for the observed warming for at least the past 50 years. The question of precisely how much the world will warm in the future is still an area of active research. The Third Assessment Report (TAR) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)1 in 2001 was the last comprehensive assessment of the state of the science. This chapter uses the 2001 report as a base and builds on it with more recent studies that embody a more explicit treatment of risk. These studies support the broad conclusions of that report, but demonstrate a sizeable probability that the sensitivity of the climate to greenhouse gases is greater than previously thought. Scientists have also begun to quantify the effects of feedbacks with the natural carbon cycle, for example, exploring how warming may affect the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide by forests and soils. These types of feedbacks are predicted to further amplify warming, but are not typically included in climate models to date. The final section of this chapter provides a starting point for Part II, by exploring what basic science reveals about how warming will affect people around the world. 1.2 The Earths climate is changing An overwhelming body of scientific evidence indicates that the Earths climate is rapidly changing, predominantly as a result of increases in greenhouse gases caused by human activities.
Human activities are changing the composition of the atmosphere and its properties. Since pre-industrial times (around 1750), carbon dioxide concentrations have increased by just over one third from 280 parts per million (ppm) to 380 ppm today (Figure 1.1), predominantly as a result of burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and other changes in land-use.2 This has been accompanied by rising concentrations of other greenhouse gases, particularly methane and nitrous oxide.
There is compelling evidence that the rising levels of greenhouse gases will have a warming effect on the climate through increasing the amount of infrared radiation (heat energy) trapped by the atmosphere: the greenhouse effect (Figure 1.2). In total, the warming effect due to all (Kyoto) greenhouse gases emitted by human activities is now equivalent to around 430 ppm of carbon dioxide (hereafter, CO2 equivalent or CO2e)3 (Figure 1.1) and rising at around 2.3 ppm per year4. Current levels of greenhouse gases are higher now than at any time in at least the past 650,000 years.5 1 2 The fourth assessment is due in 2007. The scientific advances since the TAR are discussed in Schellnhuber et al. (2006) The human origin of the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is demonstrated through, for example, the isotope composition and hemispheric gradient of atmospheric carbon dioxide (IPCC 2001a). 3 dioxide and will include the six Kyoto greenhouse gases. It will not include other human influences on the radiation budget of the atmosphere, such as ozone, land properties (i.e. albedo), aerosols or the non-greenhouse gas effects of aircraft unless otherwise stated, because the radiative forcing of these substances is less certain, their effects have a shorter timescale and they are unlikely to form a substantial component of the radiative forcing at equilibrium (they will be substantially decreasing over the timescale of stabilisation). The definition excludes greenhouse gases controlled under the Montreal Protocol (e.g. CFCs). Note however, that such effects are included in future temperature projections. The CO2 equivalence here measures only the instantaneous radiative effect of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and ignores the lifetimes of the gases in the atmosphere (i.e. their future effect). 4 5 conference of the European Geosciences Union, which suggest that carbon dioxide levels are unprecedented for 800,000 years. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 3
Radiative Forcing in Equivalent Concentration of Carbon Dioxide (ppmv) 430
270 Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
Figure 1.1 Rising levels of greenhouse gases
The figure shows the warming effect of greenhouse gases (the radiative forcing) in terms of the equivalent concentration of carbon dioxide (a quantity known as the CO2 equivalent). The blue line shows the value for carbon dioxide only. The red line is the value for the six Kyoto greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, PFCs, HFCs and SF6)6 and the grey line includes CFCs (regulated under the Montreal Protocol). The uncertainty on each of these is up to 10%7. The rate of annual increase in greenhouse gas levels is variable year-on-year, but is increasing.
450 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 Carbon Dioxide
Kyoto Gases
Kyoto Gases + CFCs Source: Dr L Gohar and Prof K Shine, Dept. of Meteorology, University of Reading
Figure 1.2 The Greenhouse Effect 6 7 Source: Based on DEFRA (2005)
Kyoto greenhouse gases are the six main greenhouse gases covered by the targets set out in the Kyoto Protocol. Based on the error on the radiative forcing (in CO2 equivalent) of all long-lived greenhouse gases from Figure 6.6, IPCC (2001b) STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 4
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
As anticipated by scientists, global mean surface temperatures have risen over the past century. The Earth has warmed by 0.7°C since around 1900 (Figure 1.3). Global mean temperature is referred to throughout the Review and is used as a rough index of the scale of climate change. This measure is an average over both space (globally across the land-surface air, up to about 1.5 m above the ground, and sea-surface temperature to around 1 m depth) and time (an annual mean over a defined time period). All temperatures are given relative to pre-industrial, unless otherwise stated. As discussed later in this chapter, this warming does not occur evenly across the planet.
Over the past 30 years, global temperatures have risen rapidly and continuously at around 0.2°C per decade, bringing the global mean temperature to what is probably at or near the warmest level reached in the current interglacial period, which began around 12,000 years ago8. All of the ten warmest years on record have occurred since 1990. The first signs of changes can be seen in many physical and biological systems, for example many species have been moving poleward by 6 km on average each decade for the past 30 40 years. Another sign is changing seasonal events, such as flowering and egg laying, which have been occurring 2 3 days earlier each decade in many Northern Hemisphere temperate regions.9
Figure 1.3 The Earth has warmed 0.7°C since around 1900.
The figure below shows the change in global average near-surface temperature from 1850 to 2005. The individual annual averages are shown as red bars and the blue line is the smoothed trend. The temperatures are shown relative to the average over 1861 1900. Source: Brohan et al. (2006)
The IPCC concluded in 2001 that there is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over at least the past 50 years is attributable to human activities.10 Their confidence is based on several decades of active debate and effort to scrutinise the detail of the evidence and to investigate a broad range of hypotheses.
Over the past few decades, there has been considerable debate over whether the trend in global mean temperatures can be attributed to human activities. Attributing trends to a single influence is difficult to establish unequivocally because the climate system can often respond in unexpected ways to external 8 9 Hansen et al. (2006) Parmesan and Yohe (2003) and Root et al. (2005) have correlated a shift in timing and distribution of 130 different plant and animal species with observed climate change. 10 the US Climate Change Science Programme (2006). STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 5
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
influences and has a strong natural variability. For example, Box 1.1 briefly describes the debate over whether the observed increase in temperatures over the last century is beyond that expected from natural variability alone throughout the last Millennium. Box 1.1 The Hockey Stick Debate. Much discussion has focused on whether the current trend in rising global temperatures is unprecedented or within the range expected from natural variations. This is commonly referred to as the Hockey Stick debate as it discusses the validity of figures that show sustained temperatures for around 1000 years and then a sharp increase since around 1800 (for example, Mann et al. 1999, shown as a purple line in the figure below).
Some have interpreted the Hockey Stick as definitive proof of the human influence on climate. However, others have suggested that the data and methodologies used to produce this type of figure are questionable (e.g. von Storch et al. 2004), because widespread, accurate temperature records are only available for the past 150 years. Much of the temperature record is recreated from a range of proxy sources such as tree rings, historical records, ice cores, lake sediments and corals.
Climate change arguments do not rest on proving that the warming trend is unprecedented over the past Millennium. Whether or not this debate is now settled, this is only one in a number of lines of evidence for human induced climate change. The key conclusion, that the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will lead to several degrees of warming, rests on the laws of physics and chemistry and a broad range of evidence beyond one particular graph.
Reconstruction of annual temperature changes in the Northern Hemisphere for the past millennium using a range of proxy indicators by several authors. The figure suggests that the sharp increase in global temperatures since around 1850 has been unprecedented over the past millennium. Source: IDAG (2005) Recent research, for example from the Ad hoc detection and attribution group (IDAG), uses a wider range of proxy data to support the broad conclusion that the rate and scale of 20th century warming is greater than in the past 1000 years (at least for the Northern Hemisphere). Based on this kind of analysis, the US National Research Council (2006)11 concluded that there is a high level of confidence that the global mean surface temperature during the past few decades is higher than at any time over the preceding four centuries. But there is less confidence beyond this. However, they state that in some regions the warming is unambiguously shown to be unprecedented over the past millennium.
Much of the debate over the attribution of climate change has now been settled as new evidence has emerged to reconcile outstanding issues. It is now clear that, while natural factors, such as changes in solar intensity and volcanic eruptions, can explain much of the trend in global temperatures in the early nineteenth century, the rising levels of greenhouse gases provide the only plausible explanation for the observed trend for at least the past 50 years. Over this period, the sustained globally averaged warming 11 National Research Council (2006) a report requested by the US Congress STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 6
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
contrasts strongly with the slight cooling expected from natural factors alone. Recent modelling by the Hadley Centre and other research institutes supports this. These models show that the observed trends in temperatures at the surface and in the oceans12, as well as the spatial distribution of warming13, cannot be replicated without the inclusion of both human and natural effects.
Taking into account the rising levels of aerosols, which cool the atmosphere,14 and the observed heat uptake by the oceans, the calculated warming effect of greenhouse gases is more than enough to explain the observed temperature rise. 1.3 Linking Greenhouse Gases and Temperature The causal link between greenhouse gases concentrations and global temperatures is well established, founded on principles established by scientists in the nineteenth century.
The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the Earths surface around 30°C warmer than it would be otherwise. Without this effect, the Earth would be too cold to support life. Current understanding of the greenhouse effect has its roots in the simple calculations laid out in the nineteenth century by scientists such as Fourier, Tyndall and Arrhenius15. Fourier realised in the 1820s that the atmosphere was more permeable to incoming solar radiation than outgoing infrared radiation and therefore trapped heat. Thirty years later, Tyndall identified the types of molecules (known as greenhouse gases), chiefly carbon dioxide and water vapour, which create the heat-trapping effect. Arrhenius took this a step further showing that doubling the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would lead to significant changes in surface temperatures.
Since Fourier, Tyndall and Arrhenius made their first estimates, scientists have improved their understanding of how greenhouse gases absorb radiation, allowing them to make more accurate calculations of the links between greenhouse gas concentrations and temperatures. For example, it is now well established that the warming effect of carbon dioxide rises approximately logarithmically with its concentration in the atmosphere16. From simple energy-balance calculations, the direct warming effect of a doubling of carbon dioxide concentrations would lead to an average surface warming of around 1°C.
But the atmosphere is much more complicated than these simple models suggest. The resulting warming will in fact be much greater than 1°C because of the interaction between feedbacks in the atmosphere that act to amplify or dampen the direct warming (Figure 1.4). The main positive feedback comes from water vapour, a very powerful greenhouse gas itself. Evidence shows that, as expected from basic physics, a warmer atmosphere holds more water vapour and traps more heat, amplifying the initial warming.17
Using climate models that follow basic physical laws, scientists can now assess the likely range of warming for a given level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
It is currently impossible to pinpoint the exact change in temperature that will be associated with a level of greenhouse gases. Nevertheless, increasingly sophisticated climate models are able to capture some of the chaotic nature of the climate, allowing scientists to develop a greater understanding of the many 12 13 14 Barnett et al. (2005a) For example, Ad hoc detection and attribution group (2005) Aerosols are tiny particles in the atmosphere also created by human activities (e.g. sulphate aerosol emitted by many industrial processes). They have several effects on the atmosphere, one of which is to reflect solar radiation and therefore, cool the surface. This effect is thought to have offset some of the warming effect of greenhouse gases, but the exact amount is uncertain. 15 16 the initial increase when concentrations reach around 600ppm, a quarter at 1200ppm and an eighth at 2400ppm. Note that other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, have a linear relationship. 17 would dry out as it warms (Lindzen 2005). Re-analysis of satellite measurements published last year indicated that in fact the opposite is happening (Soden et al. 2005). Over the past two decades, the air in the upper troposphere has become wetter, not drier, countering Lindzens theory and confirming that water vapour is having a positive feedback effect on global warming. This positive feedback is a major driver of the indirect warming effects from greenhouse gases. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 7
Land use change Rising Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Concentration (measured in CO2 equivalent) Radiative Forcing (Change in energy balance) Physical Changes in Climate Rising Global Mean Surface Temperatures (GMT) Rising Sea Levels Changes in rainfall variability and seasonality Changing Patterns of Natural Climate Variability Impacts on physical, biological and human systems Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
complex interactions within the system and estimate how changing greenhouse gas levels will affect the climate. Climate models use the laws of nature to simulate the radiative balance and flows of energy and materials. These models are vastly different from those generally used in economic analyses, which rely predominantly on curve fitting. Climate models cover multiple dimensions, from temperature at different heights in the atmosphere, to wind speeds and snow cover. Also, climate models are tested for their ability to reproduce past climate variations across several dimensions, and to simulate aspects of present climate that they have not been specifically tuned to fit.
Figure 1.4 The link between greenhouse gases and climate change.
Local and global feedbacks, for example: changes in the clouds, the water content of the atmosphere and the amount of sunlight reflected by sea ice (albedo) Rising Atmospheric Temperatures Rising Ocean Temperatures (Lagged) Emissions Melting of, Ice Sheets, Sea-ice and Land Glaciers Feedbacks including a possible reduction in the efficiency of the land and oceans to absorb carbon dioxide emissions and increased natural releases of methane
The accuracy of climate predictions is limited by computing power. This, for example, restricts the scale of detail of models, meaning that small-scale processes must be included through highly simplified calculations. It is important to continue the active research and development of more powerful climate models to reduce the remaining uncertainties in climate projections.
The sensitivity of mean surface temperatures to greenhouse gas levels is benchmarked against the warming expected for a doubling of carbon dioxide levels from pre-industrial (roughly equivalent to 550 ppm CO2e). This is called the climate sensitivity and is an important quantity in accessing the economics of climate change. By comparing predictions of different state-of-the-art climate models, the IPCC TAR concluded that the likely range of climate sensitivity is 1.5° 4.5°C. This range is much larger than the 1°C direct warming effect expected from a doubling of carbon dioxide concentrations, thus emphasising the importance of feedbacks within the atmosphere. For illustration, using this range of sensitivities, if greenhouse gas levels could be stabilised at todays levels (430 ppm CO2e), global mean temperatures would eventually rise to around 1° – 3°C above pre-industrial (up to 2°C more than today)18. This is not the same as the warming commitment today from past emissions, which includes the current levels of aerosols in the atmosphere (discussed later in this chapter).
Results from new risk based assessments suggest there is a significant chance that the climate system is more sensitive than was originally thought.
Since 2001, a number of studies have used both observations and modelling to explore the full range of climate sensitivities that appear realistic given current knowledge (Box 1.2). This new evidence is important in two ways: firstly, the conclusions are broadly consistent with the IPCC TAR, but indicate that 18 Calculated using method shown in Meinshausen (2006). STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 8
Relative Frequency Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
higher climate sensitivities cannot be excluded; and secondly, it allows a more explicit treatment of risk. For example, eleven recent studies suggest only between a 0% and 2% chance that the climate sensitivity is less than 1°C, but between a 2% and 20% chance that climate sensitivity is greater than 5°C19. These sensitivities imply that there is up to a one-in-five chance that the world would experience a warming in excess of 3°C above pre-industrial even if greenhouse gas concentrations were stabilised at todays level of 430 ppm CO2e. Box 1.2 Recent advances in estimating climate sensitivity Climate sensitivity remains an area of active research. Recently, new approaches have used climate models and observations to develop a better understanding of climate sensitivity. Several studies have estimated climate sensitivity by benchmarking climate models against the observed warming trend of the 20th century, e.g. Forest et al. (2006) and Knutti et al. (2002),
Building on this work, modellers have systematically varied a range of uncertain parameters in more complex climate models (such as those controlling cloud behaviour) and run ensembles of these models, e.g. Murphy et al. (2004) and Stainforth et al. (2005). The outputs are then checked against observational data, and the more plausible outcomes (judged by their representation of current climate) are weighted more highly in the probability distributions produced. Some studies, e.g. Annan & Hargreaves (2006), have used statistical techniques to estimate climate sensitivity through combining several observational datasets (such as the 20th century warming, cooling following volcanic eruptions, warming after last glacial maximum). These studies provide an important first attempt to apply a probabilistic framework to climate projections. Their outcome is a series of probability distribution functions (PDFs) that aim to capture some of the uncertainty in current estimates. Meinshausen (2006) brings together the results of eleven recent studies (below). The red and blue lines are probability distributions based on the IPCC TAR (Wigley and Raper (2001)) and recent Hadley Centre ensemble work (Murphy et al. (2004)), respectively. These two distributions lie close to the centre of the results from the eleven studies.
– 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Climate Sensitivity (degC) Source: Reproduced from Meinshausen (2006)
The distributions share the characteristic of a long tail that stretches up to high temperatures. This is primarily because of uncertainty over clouds20 and the cooling effect of aerosols. For example, if cloud properties are sensitive to climate change, they could create an important addition feedback. Similarly, if the cooling effect of aerosols is large it will have offset a substantial part of past warming due to greenhouse gases, making high climate sensitivity compatible with the observed warming. 19 20 Meinshausen (2006) An increase in low clouds would have a negative feedback effect, as they have little effect on infrared radiation but block sunlight, causing a local cooling. Conversely, an increase in high clouds would trap more infrared radiation, amplifying warming. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 9
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
In the future, climate change itself could trigger additional increases in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, further amplifying warming. These potentially powerful feedbacks are less well understood and only beginning to be quantified.
Climate change projections must also take into account the strong possibility that climate change itself may accelerate future warming by reducing natural absorption and releasing stores of carbon dioxide and methane. These feedbacks are not incorporated into most climate models to date because their effects are only just beginning to be understood and quantified.
Rising temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns are expected to weaken the ability of the Earths natural sinks to absorb carbon dioxide (Box 1.3), causing a larger fraction of human emissions to accumulate in the atmosphere. While this finding is not new, until recently the effect was not quantified. New models, which explicitly include interactions between carbon sinks and climate, suggest that by 2100, greenhouse gas concentrations will be 20 200 ppm higher than they would have otherwise been, amplifying warming by 0.1 1.5°C.21 Some models predict future reductions in tropical rainforests, particularly the Amazon, also releasing more carbon into the atmosphere22. Chapter 8 discusses the implications of weakened carbon sinks for stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations.
Widespread thawing of permafrost regions is likely to add to the extra warming caused by weakening of carbon sinks. Large quantities of methane (and carbon dioxide) could be released from the thawing of permafrost and frozen peat bogs. One estimate, for example, suggests that if all the carbon accumulated in peat alone since the last ice age were released into the atmosphere, this would raise greenhouse gas levels by 200 ppm CO2e.23 Additional emissions may be seen from warming tropical wetlands, but this is more uncertain. Together, wetlands and frozen lands store more carbon than has been released already by human activities since industrialisation began. Substantial thawing of permafrost has already begun in some areas; methane emissions have increased by 60% in northern Siberia since the mid-1970s24. Studies of the overall scale and timing of future releases are scarce, but initial estimates suggest that methane emissions (currently 15% of all emissions in terms of CO2 equivalent25) may increase by around 50% by 2100 (Box 1.3).
Preliminary estimates suggest that these positive feedbacks could lead to an addition rise in temperatures of 1 – 2°C by 2100.
Recent studies have used information from past ice ages to estimate how much extra warming would be produced by such feedbacks. Warming following previous ice ages triggered the release of carbon dioxide and methane from the land and oceans, raising temperatures by more than that expected from solar effects alone. If present day climate change triggered feedbacks of a similar size, temperatures in 2100 would be 1 – 2°C higher than expected from the direct warming caused by greenhouse gases.26
There are still many unanswered questions about these positive feedbacks between the atmosphere, land and ocean. The combined effect of high climate sensitivity and carbon cycle feedbacks is only beginning to be explored, but first indications are that this could lead to far higher temperature increases than are currently anticipated (discussed in chapter 6). It remains unclear whether warming could initiate a self- perpetuating effect that would lead to a much larger temperature rise or even runaway warming, or if some unknown feedback could reduce the sensitivity substantially27. Further research is urgently required to quantify the combined effects of these types of feedbacks. 21 22 23 24 25 26 Friedlingstein et al. (2006) Cox et al. (2000) with the Hadley Centre model and Scholze et al (2006) with several models. Gorham et al. (1991) Walter et al. (2006) Emissions measured in CO2equivalent are weighted by their global warming potential (see chapter 8). These estimates come from recent papers by Torn and Harte (2006) and Scheffer et al. (2006), which estimate the scale of positive feedbacks from release of carbon dioxide and methane from past natural climate change episodes, e.g. Little Ice Age and previous inter-glacial period, into current climate models. 27 (Cox et al. 2006). It remains unclear how the risk of run-away climate change would change with the inclusion of other feedbacks. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 10
Box 1.3 Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
Changes in the earth system that could amplify global warming Weakening of Natural Land-Carbon Sinks: Initially, higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will act as a fertiliser for plants, increasing forest growth and the amount of carbon absorbed by the land. A warmer climate will increasingly offset this effect through an increase in plant and soil respiration (increasing release of carbon from the land). Recent modelling suggests that net absorption may initially increase because of the carbon fertilisation effects (chapter 3). But, by the end of this century it will reduce significantly as a result of increased respiration and limits to plant growth (nutrient and water availability).28
Weakening of Natural Ocean-Carbon Sinks: The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the oceans is likely to weaken in the future through a number of chemical, biological and physical changes. For example, chemical uptake processes may be exhausted, warming surface waters will reduce the rate of absorption and CO2 absorbing organisms are likely to be damaged by ocean acidification29. Most carbon cycle models agree that climate change will weaken the ocean sink, but suggest that this would be a smaller effect than the weakening of the land sink30.
Release of Methane from Peat Deposits, Wetlands and Thawing Permafrost: Thawing permafrost and the warming and drying of wetland areas could release methane (and carbon dioxide) to the atmosphere in the future. Models suggest that up to 90% of the upper layer of permafrost will thaw by 2100.31 These regions contain a substantial store of carbon. One set of estimates suggests that wetlands store equivalent to around 1600 GtCO2e (where Gt is one billion tonnes) and permafrost soils store a further 1500 GtCO2e32. Together these stores comprise more than double the total cumulative emissions from fossil fuel burning so far. Recent measurements show a 10 15% increase in the area of thaw lakes in northern and western Siberia. In northern Siberia, methane emissions from thaw lakes are estimated to have increased by 60% since the mid 1970s33. It remains unclear at what rate methane would be released in the future. Preliminary estimates indicate that, in total, methane emissions each year from thawing permafrost and wetlands could increase by around 4 10 GtCO2e, more than 50% of current methane emissions and equivalent to 10 25% of current man-made emissions.34
Release of Methane from Hydrate Stores: An immense quantity of methane (equivalent to tens of thousands of GtCO2, twice as much as in coal, oil and gas reserves) may also be trapped under the oceans in the form of gas hydrates. These exist in regions sufficiently cold and under enough high pressures to keep them stable. There is considerable uncertainty whether these deposits will be affected by climate change at all. However, if ocean warming penetrated deeply enough to destabilise even a small amount of this methane and release it to the atmosphere, it would lead to a rapid increase in warming.35 Estimates of the size of potential releases are scarce, but are of a similar scale to those from wetlands and permafrost. 1.4 Current Projections Additional warming is already in the pipeline due to past and present emissions.
The full warming effect of past emissions is yet to be realised. Observations show that the oceans have taken up around 84% of the total heating of the Earths system over the last 40 years36. If global emissions were stopped today, some of this heat would be exchanged with the atmosphere as the system 28 Friedlingstein et al. (2006) found that all eleven climate models that explicitly include carbon cycle feedbacks showed a weakening of carbon sinks. 29 30 31 32 33 34 GtCO2/yr and studies project that this may rise by up to 80%. Davidson & Janssens (2006), Gedney et al. (2004) and Archer (2005). 35 36 STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 11
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
came back into equilibrium, causing an additional warming. Climate models project that the world is committed to a further warming of 0.5° – 1°C over several decades due to past emissions37. This warming is smaller than the warming expected if concentrations were stabilised at 430 ppm CO2e, because atmospheric aerosols mask a proportion of the current warming effect of greenhouse gases. Aerosols remain in the atmosphere for only a few weeks and are not expected to be present in significant levels at stabilisation38.
If annual emissions continued at todays levels, greenhouse gas levels would be close to double pre-industrial levels by the middle of the century. If this concentration were sustained, temperatures are projected to eventually rise by 2 5ºC or even higher.
Projections of future warming depend on projections of global emissions (discussed in chapter 7). If annual emissions were to remain at todays levels, greenhouse gas levels would reach close to 550 ppm CO2e by 205039. Using the lower and upper 90% confidence bounds based on the IPCC TAR range and recent research from the Hadley Centre, this would commit the world to a warming of around 2 5°C (Table 1.1). As demonstrated in Box 1.2, these two climate sensitivity distributions lie close to the centre of recent projections and are used throughout this Review to give illustrative temperature projections. Positive feedbacks, such as methane emissions from permafrost, could drive temperatures even higher.
Near the middle of this range of warming (around 2 3°C above today), the Earth would reach a temperature not seen since the middle Pliocene around 3 million years ago40. This level of warming on a global scale is far outside the experience of human civilisation. Table 1.1 Temperature projections at stabilisation Meinshausen (2006) used climate sensitivity estimates from eleven recent studies to estimate the range of equilibrium temperature changes expected at stabilisation. The table below gives the equilibrium temperature projections using the 5 95% climate sensitivity ranges based on the IPCC TAR (Wigley and Raper (2001)), Hadley Centre (Murphy et al. 2004) and the range over all eleven studies. Note that the temperature changes expected prior to equilibrium, for example in 2100, would be lower. However, these are conservative estimates of the expected warming, because in the absence of an effective climate policy, changes in land use and the growth in population and energy consumption around the world will drive greenhouse gas emissions far higher than today. This would lead greenhouse gas levels to attain higher levels than suggested above. The IPCC projects that without intervention 37 38 39 40 Wigley (2005) and Meehl et al. (2005) look at the amount of warming in the pipeline using different techniques. In many countries, aerosol levels have already been reduced by regulation because of their negative health effects. For example, 45 years at 2.5 ppm/yr gives 112.5ppm. Added to the current level, this gives 542.5ppm in 2050. Hansen et al. (2006) STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 12
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
greenhouse gas levels will rise to 550 700 ppm CO2e by 2050 and 650 1200 ppm CO2e by 210041. These projections and others are discussed in Chapter 7, which concludes that, without mitigation, greenhouse gas levels are likely to be towards the upper end of these ranges. If greenhouse gas levels were to reach 1000 ppm, more than treble pre-industrial levels, the Earth would be committed to around a 3 10°C of warming or more, even without considering the risk of positive feedbacks (Table 1.1). 1.5 Large Scale Changes and Regional Impacts This chapter has so far considered only the expected changes in global average surface temperatures. However, this can often mask both the variability in temperature changes across the earths surface and changes in extremes. In addition, the impacts on people will be felt mainly through water, driven by shifts in regional weather patterns, particularly rainfall and extreme events (more detail in Part II).
In general, higher latitudes and continental regions will experience temperature increases significantly greater than the global average.
Future warming will occur unevenly and will be superimposed on existing temperature patterns. Today, the tropics are around 15°C warmer than the mid-latitudes and more than 25°C warmer than the high latitudes. In future, the smallest temperature increases will generally occur over the oceans and some tropical coastal regions. The largest temperature increases are expected in the high latitudes (particularly around the poles), where melting snow and sea ice will reduce the reflectivity of the surface, leading to a greater than average warming. For a global average warming of around 4°C, the oceans and coasts generally warm by around 3°C, the mid-latitudes warm by more than 5°C and the poles by around 8°C.
The risk of heat waves is expected to increase (Figure 1.5). For example, new modelling work by the Hadley Centre shows that the summer of 2003 was Europes hottest for 500 years and that human- induced climate change has already more than doubled the chance of a summer as hot as 2003 in Europe occurring.42 By 2050, under a relatively high emissions scenario, the temperatures experienced during the heatwave of 2003 could be an average summer. The rise in heatwave frequency will be felt most severely in cities, where temperatures are further amplified by the urban heat island effect.
Changes in rainfall patterns and extreme weather events will lead to more severe impacts on people than that caused by warming alone.
Warming will change rainfall patterns, partly because warmer air holds more moisture, and also because the uneven distribution of warming around the world will lead to shifts in large-scale weather regimes. Most climate models predict increases in rainfall at high latitudes, while changes in circulation patterns are expected to cause a drying of the subtropics, with northern Africa and the Mediterranean experiencing significant reductions in rainfall. There is more uncertainty about changes in rainfall in the tropics (Figure 1.6), mainly because of complicated interactions between climate change and natural cycles like the El Niño, which dominate climate in the tropics.43 For example, an El Niño event with strong warming in the central Pacific can cause the Indian monsoon to switch into a dry mode, characterised by significant reductions in rainfall leading to severe droughts. These delicate interactions could cause abrupt shifts in rainfall patterns. This is an area that urgently needs more research because of the potential effect on billions of people, especially in South and East Asia (more detail in Part II). 41 42 Based on the IPCC TAR central radiative forcing projections for the six illustrative SRES scenarios (IPCC 2001b). According to Stott et al. (2004), climate change has increased the chance of the 2003 European heatwave occurring by between 2 and 8 times. In 2003, temperatures were 2.3°C warmer than the long-term average. 43 Pacific warming significantly. This radically alters large-scale atmospheric circulations across the globe, and causes rainfall patterns to shift, with some regions experiencing flooding and others severe droughts. As the world warms, many models suggest that the East Pacific may warm more intensely than the West Pacific, mimicking the pattern of an El Niño, although significant uncertainties remain. Models do not yet agree on the nature of changes in the frequency or intensity of the El Niño (Collins and the CMIP Modelling Groups 2005). STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 13
Increase in frequency of extreme events (multiplier) Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
Figure 1.5 Rising probability of heatwaves
There will be more extreme heat days (relative to today) and fewer very cold days, as the distribution of temperatures shifts upwards. The figure below illustrates the change in frequency of a one-in-ten (blue) and one-in-one-hundred (red) year event. The black arrow shows that if the mean temperature increases by one standard deviation (equal to, for example, only 1°C for summer temperatures in parts of Europe), then the probability of todays one-in-one-hundred year event (such as a severe heatwave) will increase ten-fold. This result assumes that the shape of the temperature distribution will remain constant. However, in many areas, the drying of land is expected to skew the distribution towards higher temperatures, further increasing the frequency of temperature extremes44.
0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Change in mean (standard deviations from the mean) Source: Based on Wigley (1985) assuming normally distributed events.
Figure 1.6 Consistency of future rainfall estimates
The figure below indicates the percentage of models (out of a total of 23) that predict that annual rainfall will increase by 2100 (for a warming of around 3.5°C above pre-industrial). Blue shading indicates that most models (>75%) show an increase in annual rainfall, while red shading indicates that most models show a decrease in rainfall. Lightly shaded areas are where models show inconsistent results. The figure shows only the direction of change and gives no information about its scale. In general, there is agreement between most of the models that high latitudes will see increases in rainfall, while much of the subtropics will see reductions in rainfall. Changes in rainfall in the tropics are still uncertain. Source: Climate Directorate of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading 44 Schär C et al. (2004) STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 14
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
Greater evaporation and more intense rainfall will increase the risk of droughts and flooding in areas already at risk.45 It could also increase the size of areas at risk; one recent study, the first of its kind, estimates that the fraction of land area in moderate drought at any one time will increase from 25% at present to 50% by the 2090s, and the fraction in extreme drought from 3% to 30%46.
Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become more intense in a warmer, more energised world, as the water cycle intensifies, but changes to their location and overall numbers47 remain less certain. There is growing evidence the expected increases in hurricane severity are already occurring, above and beyond any natural decadal cycles. Recent work suggests that the frequency of very intense hurricanes and typhoons (Category 4 and 5) in the Atlantic Basin has doubled since the 1970s as a result of rising sea- surface temperatures.48 This remains an active area of scientific debate49. In higher latitudes, some models show a general shift in winter storm tracks towards the poles.50 In Australia, this could lead to water scarcity as the country relies on winter storms to supply water51.
Climate change could weaken the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation, partially offsetting warming in both Europe and eastern North America, or in an extreme case causing a significant cooling.
The warming effect of greenhouse gases has the potential to trigger abrupt, large-scale and irreversible changes in the climate system. One example is a possible collapse of the North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation (THC). In the North Atlantic, the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic drift (important currents of the North Atlantic THC) have a significant warming effect on the climates of Europe and parts of North America. The THC may be weakened, as the upper ocean warms and/or if more fresh water (from melting glaciers and increased rainfall) is laid over the salty seawater.52 No complex climate models currently predict a complete collapse. Instead, these models point towards a weakening of up to half by the end of the century53. Any sustained weakening of the THC is likely to have a cooling effect on the climates of Europe and eastern North America, but this would only offset a portion of the regional warming due to greenhouse gases. A recent study using direct ocean measurements (the first of its kind) suggests that part of the THC may already have weakened by up to 30% in the past few decades, but the significance of this is not yet known.54 The potential for abrupt, large-scale changes in climate requires further research.
Sea levels will continue to rise, with very large increases if the Greenland Ice Sheet starts to melt irreversibly or the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) collapses.
Sea levels will respond more slowly than temperatures to changing greenhouse gas concentrations. Sea levels are currently rising globally at around 3 mm per year and the rise has been accelerating55. According to the IPCC TAR, sea levels are projected to rise by 9 – 88 cm by 2100, mainly due to expansion of the warmer oceans and melting glaciers on land.56 However, because warming only penetrates the oceans very slowly, sea levels will continue to rise substantially more over several centuries. On past emissions alone, the world has built up a substantial commitment to sea level rise. One study estimates an existing commitment of between 0.1 and 1.1 metres over 400 years.57 45 Huntington (2006) reviewed more than 50 peer-reviewed studies and found that many aspects of the global water cycle have intensified in the past 50 years, including rainfall and evaporation. Modelling work by Wetherald & Manabe (2002) confirms that warming will increase rates of both precipitation and evaporation. 46 these results. The study uses one commonly used drought index: The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). This uses temperature and rainfall data to formulate a measure of dryness. Other drought indices do not show such large changes. 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 15
Box 1.4 Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
Ice sheets and sea level rise Melting ice sheets are already contributing a small amount to sea level rise. Most of recent and current global sea level rise results from the thermal expansion of the ocean with a contribution from glacier melt. As global temperatures rise, the likelihood of substantial contributions from melting ice sheets increases, but the scale and timing remain highly uncertain. While some models project that the net contribution from ice sheets will remain close to zero or negative over the coming century, recent observations suggest that the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets may be more vulnerable to rising temperatures than is projected by current climate models:
Greenland Ice Sheet. Measurements of the Greenland ice sheet have shown a slight inland growth,58 but significant melting and an acceleration of ice flows near the coast,59 greater than predicted by models. Melt water is seeping down through the crevices of the melting ice, lubricating glaciers and accelerating their movement to the ocean. Some models suggest that as local temperatures exceed 3 – 4.5°C (equivalent to a global increase of around 2 – 3°C) above pre-industrial,60 the surface temperature of the ice sheet will become too warm to allow recovery from summertime melting and the ice sheet will begin to melt irreversibly. During the last interglacial period, around 125,000 years ago when Greenland temperatures reached around 4 – 5°C above the present61, melting of ice in the Arctic contributed several metres to sea level rise. Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet:62 In 2002, instabilities in the Larsen Ice Shelf led to the collapse of a section of the shelf the size of Rhode Island (Larsen B over 3200 km2 and 200 m thick) from the Antarctic Peninsula. The collapse has been associated with a sustained warming and resulting rapid thinning of Larsen B at a rate of just under 20 cm per year63. A similar rapid rate of thinning has now been observed on other parts of the WAIS around Amundsen Bay (this area alone contains enough water to raise sea levels by 1.5 m)64. Rivers of ice on the ice-sheet have been accelerating towards the ocean. It is possible that ocean warming and the acceleration of ice flows will destabilise the ice sheet and cause a runaway discharge into the oceans. Uncertainties over the dynamics of the ice sheet are so great that there are few estimates of critical thresholds for collapse. One study gives temperatures between 2°C and 5°C, but these remain disputed.
As global temperatures continue to rise, so do the risks of additional sea level contributions from large- scale melting or collapse of ice sheets. If the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets began to melt irreversibly, the world would be committed to substantial increases in sea level in the range 5 12 m over a timescale of centuries to millennia.65 The immediate effect would be a potential doubling of the rate of sea level rise: 1 – 3 mm per year from Greenland and as high as 5 mm per year from the WAIS.66 For illustration, if these higher rates were reached by the end of this century, the upper range of global sea level rise projections would exceed 1m by 2100. Both of these ice sheets are already showing signs of vulnerability, with ice discharge accelerating over large areas, but the thresholds at which large-scale changes are triggered remain uncertain (Box 1.4). 58 59 60 61 For example, Zwally et al. 2006 and Johannessen et al. 2005 For example, Hanna et al. 2005 and Rignot and Kanagaratnam 2006 Lower and higher estimates based on Huybrechts and de Wolde (1999) and Gregory and Huybrechts (2006), respectively. North Greenland Ice Core Project (2004). The warm temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere during the previous interglacial reflected a maximum in the cycle of warming from the Sun due to the orbital position of the Earth. In the future, Greenland is expected to experience some of the largest temperature changes. A 4-5°C greenhouse warming of Greenland would correspond to a global mean temperature rise of around 3°C (Gregory and Huybrechts (2006)). 62 63 64 65 66 Huybrechts and DeWolde (1999) simulated the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet for a local temperature rise of 3°C and 5.5°C. These scenarios led to a contribution to sea level rise of 1m and 3m over 1000 years (1mm/yr and 3mm/yr), respectively. Possible contributions from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) remain highly uncertain. In an expert survey reported by Vaughan and Spouge (2002), most glaciologists agree that collapse might be possible on a thousand-year timescale (5mm/yr), but that this contribution is unlikely to be seen in this century. Few scientists considered that collapse might occur on a century timescale. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 16
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach 1.6 Conclusions Climate change is a serious and urgent issue. While climate change and climate modelling are subject to inherent uncertainties, it is clear that human activities have a powerful role in influencing the climate and the risks and scale of impacts in the future. All the science implies a strong likelihood that, if emissions continue unabated, the world will experience a radical transformation of its climate. Part II goes on to discuss the profound implications that this will have for our way of life.
The science provides clear guidance for the analysis of the economics and policy. The following chapter examines the implications of the science for the structuring of the economics. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 17
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
The Third Assessment Report of the IPCC gives the most comprehensive assessment of the science of climate change up to 2001 (IPCC 2001a,b). The summary for policymakers gives a good introduction to the more in-depth analyses of the three working groups. Maslin (2004) provides a more narrative description of climate change, including an overview of the history. Schellnhuber (2006) gives a good summary of the evolution of the science from early 2001 to 2005, including articles describing temperature projections based on new estimates of climate sensitivity (e.g. Meinshausen (2006)), positive feedbacks in the carbon cycle (e.g. Cox et al. (2006)) and several articles on the impacts of climate change.
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Church, J.A., and N.J. White (2006): 'A 20th century acceleration in global sea-level rise', Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L01602, doi: 10.1029/2005GL024826.
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Cox, P.M., R.A. Betts, C.D. Jones, et al. (2000): 'Acceleration of global warming due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model', Nature 408: 184-187
Cox P.M., C. Huntingford and C.D. Jones (2006): 'Conditions for Sink-to-Source Transitions and Runaway Feedbacks from the Land Carbon Cycle', in Avoiding dangerous climate change, H.J. Schellnhuber et al. (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.155 163.
Davidson and Janssens (2006): 'Temperature sensitivity of soil carbon decomposition and feedbacks to climate change', Nature 440: 165-173
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Forest, C.E., P.H. Stone and A.P. Sokolov (2006): 'Estimates PDFs of climate system properties including natural and anthropogenic forcings', Geophysical Research Letters 33: L01705, doi: 10.1029/2005GL023977
Friedlingstein, P., P. Cox, R. Betts et al. (2006): 'Climate-carbon cycle feedback analysis: results from C4MIP model intercomparison', Journal of Climate, 19: 3337-3353
Fyfe, J.C. (2003): 'Extratropical southern hemisphere cyclones: Harbingers of climate change?' Journal of Climate 16, 2802-2805
Gedney, N., P.M. Cox and C. Huntingford (2004): 'Climate feedback from wetland methane emissions', Geophysical Research Letters 31 (20): L20503
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Hadley Centre (2005): 'Stabilising climate to avoid dangerous climate change a summary of relevant research at the Hadley Centre', available from
Hanna, E., P. Huybrechts, and I. Janssens, et al. (2005): 'Runoff and mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet: 1958-2003'. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, D13108, doi: 10.1029/2004JD005641
Hansen, J., M. Sato, R. Ruedy, et al. (2006): 'Global temperature change, Proceedings of the National Academy', 103: 14288-14293
Hope, P.K. (2006): 'Projected future changes in synoptic systems influencing southwest Western Australia. Climate Dynamics' 26: 765-780, doi: 10.1007/s00382-006-0116-x
Huntington, T.G. (2006): 'Evidence for intensification of the global water cycle: review and synthesis', Journal of Hydrology 319: 1 13
Huybrechts, P. and J. de Wolde (1999): 'The dynamic response of the Greenland Ice Sheet and Antarctic ice sheets to a multiple century climatic-warming', Journal of Climate 12: 2169-2188
International ad hoc detection group (2005): 'Detecting and attributing external influences on the climate system: a review of recent advances', Journal of Climate 18: 1291-1314
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2001a): 'Climate change 2001: summary for policymakers, A contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change' [Watson RT, and the Core Writing Team (eds.)], Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Johannessen, O.M., K. Khvorostovsky, M.W. Miles et al. (2005): 'Recent ice-sheet growth in the interior of Greenland'. Science 310: 1013-1016 STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 19
Part I: Climate Change Our Approach
Knutti, R., T.F. Stocker, F. Joos and G-K Plattner (2002): 'Constraints on radiative forcing and future climate change from observations and climate model ensembles', Nature 416: 719 723
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2 PART I: Climate Change Our Approach
Economics, Ethics and Climate Change Key Messages
Climate change is a result of the externality associated with greenhouse-gas emissions it entails costs that are not paid for by those who create the emissions.
It has a number of features that together distinguish it from other externalities: It is global in its causes and consequences; The impacts of climate change are long-term and persistent; Uncertainties and risks in the economic impacts are pervasive. There is a serious risk of major, irreversible change with non-marginal economic effects.
These features shape the economic analysis: it must be global, deal with long time horizons, have the economics of risk and uncertainty at its core, and examine the possibility of major, non-marginal changes.
The impacts of climate change are very broad ranging and interact with other market failures and economic dynamics, giving rise to many complex policy problems. Ideas and techniques from most of the important areas of economics, including many recent advances, have to be deployed to analyse them.
The breadth, magnitude and nature of impacts imply that several ethical perspectives, such as those focusing on welfare, equity and justice, freedoms and rights, are relevant. Most of these perspectives imply that the outcomes of climate-change policy are to be understood in terms of impacts on consumption, health, education and the environment over time but different ethical perspectives may point to different policy recommendations.
Questions of intra- and inter-generational equity are central. Climate change will have serious impacts within the lifetime of most of those alive today. Future generations will be even more strongly affected, yet they lack representation in present-day decisions.
Standard externality and cost-benefit approaches have their usefulness for analysing climate change, but, as they are methods focused on evaluating marginal changes, and generally abstract from dynamics and risk, they can only be starting points for further work.
Standard treatments of discounting are valuable for analysing marginal projects but are inappropriate for non-marginal comparisons of paths; the approach to discounting must meet the challenge of assessing and comparing paths that have very different trajectories and involve very long-term and large inter-generational impacts. We must go back to the first principles from which the standard marginal results are derived.
The severity of the likely consequences and the application of the above analytical approaches form the basis of powerful arguments, developed in the Review, in favour of strong and urgent global action to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and of major action to adapt to the consequences that now cannot be avoided. 2.1 Introduction The science described in the previous chapter drives the economics that is required for the analysis of policy. This chapter introduces the conceptual frameworks that we will use to examine the economics of climate change. It explores, in Section 2.2, the distinctive features of the externalities associated with greenhouse-gas emissions and draws attention to some of the difficulties associated with a simplistic application of the standard theory of externalities to this problem. Section 2.3 introduces a variety of ethical approaches and relates them to the STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 23
PART I: Climate Change Our Approach
global and long-term nature of the impacts (the discussion is extended in the appendix to the chapter). Section 2.4 examines some specifics of intertemporal allocation, including discounting (some further technical details are provided in the appendix to the chapter). Sections 2.5 and 2.6 consider how economic analysis can get to grips with a problem that is uncertain and involves a serious risk of large losses of wellbeing, due to deaths, extinctions of species and heavy economic costs, rather than the marginal changes more commonly considered in economics. For most of economic policy, the underlying ethical assumptions are of great importance, and this applies particularly for climate change: that is why they are given special attention in this chapter.
The economics introduced in this chapter applies, in principle, to the whole Review but the analysis of Sections 2.2 to 2.6 is of special relevance to Parts II and III, which look at impacts and at the economics of mitigation assessing how much action is necessary to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Parts IV, V, VI of this report are devoted to the analysis of policy to promote mitigation and adaptation. The detailed, and often difficult, economics of public policy and collective action that are involved in these analyses are introduced in the sections themselves and we provided only brief coverage in Sections 2.7 and 2.8. In the former section, we refer briefly to the modern public economics of carbon taxation, trading and regulation and of the promotion of research, development and deployment, including the problems of various forms of market imperfection affecting innovation. It also covers an analysis of the role of responsible behaviour and how public understanding of this notion might be influenced by public policy. Section 2.8 explores some of the difficulties of building and sustaining global collective action in response to the global challenge of climate change.
In these ways, this chapter lays the analytical foundations for much of the economics required by the challenge of climate change and which is put to work in the course of the analysis presented in this Review.
The subject demands analysis across an enormous range of issues and requires all the tools of economics we can muster and indeed some we wish we had. In setting out some of these tools, some of the economic analysis of this chapter is inevitably technical, even though the more mathematical material has been banished to an appendix. Some readers less interested in the technical underpinnings of the analysis may wish to skim the more formal analytical material. Nevertheless, it is important to set out some of the analytical instruments at the beginning of the Review, since they underpin the analysis of risk, equity and allocation over time that must lie at the heart of a serious analysis of the economics of climate change. 2.2 Understanding the market failures that lead to climate change Climate change results from greenhouse-gas emissions associated with economic activities including energy, industry, transport and land use.
In common with many other environmental problems, human-induced climate change is at its most basic level an externality. Those who produce greenhouse-gas emissions are bringing about climate change, thereby imposing costs on the world and on future generations, but they do not face directly, neither via markets nor in other ways, the full consequences of the costs of their actions.
Much economic activity involves the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs). As GHGs accumulate in the atmosphere, temperatures increase, and the climatic changes that result impose costs (and some benefits) on society. However, the full costs of GHG emissions, in terms of climate change, are not immediately indeed they are unlikely ever to be borne by the emitter, so they face little or no economic incentive to reduce emissions. Similarly, emitters do not have to compensate those who lose out because of climate change.1 In this sense, human-induced climate change is an externality, one that is not corrected through any institution or market,2 unless policy intervenes. 1 2 Symmetrically, those who benefit from climate change do not have to reward emitters. Pigou (1912). STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 24
PART I: Climate Change Our Approach
The climate is a public good: those who fail to pay for it cannot be excluded from enjoying its benefits and one persons enjoyment of the climate does not diminish the capacity of others to enjoy it too.3 Markets do not automatically provide the right type and quantity of public goods, because in the absence of public policy there are limited or no returns to private investors for doing so: in this case, markets for relevant goods and services (energy, land use, innovation, etc) do not reflect the consequences of different consumption and investment choices for the climate. Thus, climate change is an example of market failure involving externalities and public goods.4 Given the magnitude and nature of the effects initially described in the previous chapter and taken forward in Parts II and III, it has profound implications for economic growth and development. All in all, it must be regarded as market failure on the greatest scale the world has seen.
The basic theory of externalities and public goods is the starting point for most economic analyses of climate change and this Review is no exception. The starting point embodies the basic insights of Pigou, Meade, Samuelson and Coase (see Part IV). But the special features of this particular externality demand, as we shall see, that the economic analysis go much further.
The science of climate change means that this is a very different form of externality from the types commonly analysed.
Climate change has special features that, together, pose particular challenges for the standard economic theory of externalities. There are four distinct issues that will be considered in turn in the sections below.
Climate change is an externality that is global in both its causes and consequences. The incremental impact of a tonne of GHG on climate change is independent of where in the world it is emitted (unlike other negative impacts such as air pollution and its cost to public health), because GHGs diffuse in the atmosphere and because local climatic changes depend on the global climate system. Whi
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