Presented by:
Tupak Obando Ingeniero en Geología Máster y Doctorado en Geología y Gestión Ambiental de los Recursos Mineros por la UNIA (Huelva, España)
2008 Landslides Monitoring in Nicaragua
Purpose of landslides monitoring To understand the past and current behavior of instability of lands, which allows to evaluate the hazard that these represent, and particularly, the possibility to preserve constructions. To know parameters that determine the movement of land, for generating engineering works, and to control their final stabilizer effect. To determine the evolution of soil movements to EMIT FORECASTS based on their future behavior. It can be defined by variations of amplitude of the movements which affect the mass of land or the buildings (cracks), so that they work as material test in juridical actions
Daily mensuring: It implies the definition of responsible- observers of rain precipitation or specific landslides
Cortesía de INETER Registrations of datas: This task is characterized by an organized registration. The information is distributed to the drawees of decision (communal representatives and local authorities) by radio communication net
Dipilto, Nueva Segovia
La Tablazon, Nueva Segovia (Nicaragua) 2008 Meteorological Station
Estelí, 2008 Field geology
Santa Teresa, Carazo San Juan de Río Coco, Madriz, 2008
San José de Cusmapa, Madriz. 2008 Volcán Mombacho, Granada, 2008 Centro de Salud de Murra, Madriz, 2008
Dipilto, Nueva Segovia El Cuá, Jinotega Analysis and forecast of the information:
It is an essential task the definition of protocols that guarantee security and validity of the information without generating false alarms and rumors.
Mateare, Managua The analysis of the information allows to settle down preventive orientations for preserving human lives of people living in that place. To reach this, it is required a training process and to have open minds about the meaning of the alerts.
Radio-communication: A support equipment to transmit and transfer information between different places
Dipilto, Nueva Segovia, 2008 Pluviometer: It measures the quantity of rain (in mm) in a specific place through a direct visual reading. The simple pluviometer (of a direct visual reading) has a recipient and a funnel. Data are taken every 12 hours of pluviometer readings.
Dipilto, Nueva Segovia Registration of meteorological variables:
In this place, it’s recorded in format digital data based on weather conditions, temperature, humidity, velocity and direction of wind, and the quantity of daily accumulated rain.
Locate rupture areas in depth Quantify the movements against time Calculate velocity and direction of displacement of landslides (that is, to locate the most instability area) Predict the rupture of soil Emit a STATE ALERT Proposition of Systems for Landslides Detection
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