We obtain:
The character of the sign is because the own charge of the apple is opposite to that of the Earth, and is located in the mass center of the apple.
First takin account (1) and (2) we obtain:
So, for the moon; considering your mass MM=7.347 x 1022 Kg, we obtain:
For the own charge over moon.
The idea into the electric theory is that the own charge in the moon is made by the own charge in the Earth; just in the center of mass of the moon _ also for anybody that is located at a distance (h) meters over the surface of the Earth _ .
To give the answer to our question let considered an ideal apple tree on the moon surface. Let considered that:
mo; is the mass of the apple.
qo; is the own charge in the apple.
qM; is the own charge on the moon.
RM= 1.7374 x 106m; is the radius moon.
Starting for the second law of Newton:
By Coulomb:
But (4):
We obtain:
Here we must consider that the sign of qo is opposite to that of the moon; and that is located at their own center of mass.
Let us considered the behavior of the moon in the Newton focus and in the Electric theory first start that:
FE; is the force of Earth on the moon.
FS; is the force of sun on the moon.
FA; is the resulting force on the moon, when there is at the point next to the sun in the vector between the sun and the Earth.
FB; is the resulting force in the opposite side of FA.
In FA; we have an angle N= 180°, so:
FA2= FS2+FE2+2FSFECOS (180°)
This is a minimum; so the moon is farest to the Earth.
We must consider that:
FE < O
FS > O
In FA; we have an angle E= 0°, so:
FA2=FS2+FE2+2FSFE COS (0°)
This is a minimum, so the moon is farest to the Earth.
The solution for FB is as the same. So; this is an equal resulting the Newton and Electric theory.
We have that:
Considering (4):
We have (5)
Resulting that:
We can now be able to know the different quantities in the electrics scene; so; for example, for the field of Earth we have:
The electric field is
In reality, we must considered that the gravitational force (F) between masses M and m, that contain electric charges Q and q; that are at a distance (R) between theirs mass centers; is given by:
For the sun.
; is the own charge on the planet (m)
R0.,is the distance on the third
Law of Kepler
In the equinoccius; where R=Ro
So; in the fall and in the spring:
In the summer; where; RRo,
So: Newtons
that is, there exist attraction.
First, we must consider than the "own charge" is located just in the center of mass of anybody, and this for make a first, approximation to the Electric theory over gravitation.
All November of 2006 year was traied to know the quantities the electric field for the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, but not was possible obtain that quantities; the only was possible considered is found in the 9-1 and 9-2 sections of the "Feynman Lectures on physics" just in the second book.
Feynman write . " In a common day, if we go up over the sea level, the electric potential increases to a reason of 100 volts over meter. there exist a electric field over the vertical, the sign is negative. the human beam is a good conductor of the electric charge so that if you have in contact with the surface of the Earth, the potential is equal between yours feets and your nose; because the equipotential surface is deformed around our body"
A second information was encountered at the: Resnick-Holliday-Krane in the four edition; at the page called "Some physics properties"; where is encountered that. "The electric field is of 150 volts over meter and negative", for our planet.
If we considered the equation (6) ; we can said that the Electric field of the Earth is of: 113.7 volts over meter, and negative.
There exist on the Newton focus the question that the artificial satellites fall earlier to the Earth.
The explication in the Electric theory is that the satellite have a own positive charge, and so the moon, and positive the sun; and that is the reason for the earlier fall into the Earth The Electric theory made us to think that, if we have 3 spheres shells of aluminum; the first with excessive positive charge, the second without charge and the third with excessive negative charge; theirs fall in different times: first the positive, and last the negative.
We don"t have a reason to attempt against the hypothesis that in the celestial space their exist invisible stars, because their can radiated in the ultraviolet, or in the infrared region.
The Electric theory have a problem because of Maxwell; nevertheless we must assumed that in the future that difficulty will die.
At the last, we can propose a first application in the Electric theory; taking in account that: "Electric charges of the same sign have a repulsion force"; is to said that we can construct a "body" with electric charge per unit mass (S= q/m), and unit area that can equal or superior their weight, because the gravitational field in the celestial surface of planets into our solar system.
Adelaido Flores Montejano, Gravitation; Rev. Tecámatl del ITT; Vol 8, núm. 7 Nueva Época, Tijuana; Baja California, September-2000. México.
Adelaido Flores Montejano: The Gravitational Fish tank. Monografias.com, First of December 2006.
Feynman/ Leighton / Sands – Volumen 2 Electromagnetismo y Materia, Fondo Educativo Interamericano; S.A. México; 1980.
Resnick / Holliday / Krane. Física; Volumen 2 compañía Editorial Continental; México-2005.
Adelaido Flores M. Av. Durango No 1990 Col. Santa Clara C.P 21110 Mexicali Baja California México.
Adelaido Flores Montejano
Universidad Aut?noma de Baja California
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