Tesis subjetivo.- La teoría puede ser válida, porque antes en la era de los primitivos, primates, eran prácticamente monos, un siglo sucede CATASTROFISMO ECOLÓGICO, entonces en la evolución ha habido un cambio brusco e cualitativo, de ahí los primates diseminan a diferentes continentes e islas, entonces la evolución ha tenido distintos rumbos; hoy percibimos del ADN mitocondrial, de la Eva genética, es decir nosotros somos descendientes o hermanos con los asiáticos, europeos, etc.
Ejemplo.- Un chimpancé es casi similar en sus patrones de comportamiento, al de los humanos. También somos hermanos más cercanos con los chimpancés.
¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre los sistemas forrajeos y la evolución multilineal?
Tenemos dos evidencias notorias:
Como sabemos que las sociedades de banda o los de estadio SALVAJE, vivían exclusivamente de la caza y recolección; los forrajeos al igual viven de la caza y la pesca. Ambos dependen del medio geográfico, es decir de la NATURALEZA.
Las sociedades de banda pertenecen a la evolución unilineal y los forrajeos multilineal. Mira un claro prototipo: en ÁFRICA MERIDIONAL las bandas se agrupan entorno a pozos de agua durante la estación seca y se dividen en estación húmeda; entonces esto es un claro ejemplo, de que ESTO ES UN REFLEJO DE LA VARIACIÓN MEDIOAMBIENTAL. Los que carecen de agua permanentemente tienen que DISPERSARSE Y RECOLECTAR SOBRE TODAS LAS PLANTAS DE CONTENIDO HÍDRICO. Referencia para todos los evolucionistas, pero para los Cristianos no. (Fuente de 2do nivel – 20 – 03 – 11).
"Por el momento les agradecemos de todo corazón a ustedes estimados hermanos, colegas, discípulos y compañeras; por haberme accedido a sus tiernas perspectivas epistemológicas y por haber deleitado con está invención gnoseológica sutil". (Atentamente LUIS SUCARI).
Nuance of life / culture, theological and scientific
SummaryPsychosocial events today have become a research, because in today's society there is good and evil, atheist – God, two conflicting angles, as well as educational reality is still in a state of collapse, but educators of various kinds, do not promote any approach for addressing the education crisis, in various media, and also the illusion is part of life but does have the negative side, that destroys human beings, and a host of knowledge concerning the life, science, culture, God, and so on. Welcome to the themes developed.
Perception of philosophy Compuyina
First we will want to know the spatial location of Compuyo
Today and history tells us. The philosophy Compuyo still do not feel momentum, because there are cultural impositions, from a subjective position in society is perceived Compuyina two dogmas or doctrines, in which one of them are called 1. Conspicuous presence of intellectuals, 2. Psychosocial inept. Two parallel positions form the epistemological IMBALANCE also the tedious among individuals, so vice versa, then one side takes the disinterest of the population. Although some authors claim that philosophy is useless, only the philosophy is the product of practical necessity, a mechanism to solve problems, not a matter of philosophy, but critical thinking environment around us raises NEED A PHILOSOPHY, perception peculiar philosophy can be built under the conditions futuristic, i.e. the hypothesis of an idea of ??science fiction events. Distantly man, I mean the 70 were locked in their world is like saying your birthday was a result of Compuyo, experiential development also his funeral late too, but the man finally did not know what has existed in this world, then from there arises a question so hard, that sometimes breaks the brain adrenaline, appeal what is man's greatest crime?, most complete reference on the next page: the response to them is very simple – it sin of not obeying the laws of our Divine Creator Decalogue. The answer if you break it down as SOFTWARE Hermeneutics is not sin, but to be born in this world. So the philosophy is for that, in some cases the exponents were saying that philosophy should be productive, is saying "A TRANSCENDENTAL IDEA FEED INTO A PRECIOUS OBJECT ¨. As noted Compuyo philosophy is out of place, only individuals Compuyinos Decalogue"s supported their common ancestor, there is no creativity. In order to ascertain whether it is a biped man has no beginning, no ideology, it is that has no ideology, no philosophy or culture, how important is the principle. The principle is the essence of a subject (PROBLEM) – Compuyinos to wake up and think, and that reflection is one of the dogs, vagrants and crooks! (Top -level source – Luis Sucari -14 to 10 – 2010).
"At the moment I sincerely thank you dear brothers, colleagues, disciples and colleagues, for having agreed to tender their epistemological perspectives and have delighted in being subtle epistemological invention." (Sincerely LUIS Sucari).
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