Why and how to reform the educative organization

Enviado por evaristo_22

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This essay has two goals: 1. Explain the reasons why the Venezuelan educative system and particularly our Universities are confronting their worst crisis. 2. Design an organizational and management model that will enable us to overcome said crisis in short, medium and long term.

The methodology employed converged the discipline of Sociology, Management and Pedagogical Science. Normative, theoretical and empiric studies on the matters were carried out. Formation and application essays of the proposed model were performed at both the Faculty of Humanities and Education and the Faculty of Economical and Social Sciences of the Universidad del Zulia.

Research results were as follows: The university is encountering one of its major paradoxes, while presenting a defficient level of institutional performance, it also has an immense resource of human values, which are at the present sub-utilized. This paradox is explained by the institutions’ phased out organizational structure which is incapable of attending the present day needs of the university. Without discarding other causes, we find that the highly centralized organization impedes the full participation and development of the institution. These organizational problems are related with the crisis affecting our nation as well as with the crisis of the paradigm of modernity which has ended up materializing human relations.

To the previous representation, we must add the absence of a management system with the capability of integrating existent structures. The constitution of a holistic and humanistic administrative and management system is propsed to attend this problem in La Universidad del Zulia. New government and cogovernment structures are delimited that will guarantee the quality of education as well as its’ social efficiency.

Finally, the reform of the career program structure is recommended, in a way to facilitate the personal, scientific-human and professional formation of the university graduate. The Author emphasizes the community to use its’ educative force to start making the changes required.

Key words: Academic Management – Human Quality – Career Programs



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