
The contents like component (página 2)

Enviado por Ernesto Alvarez

Partes: 1, 2

The contents constitutes a didactic category that has had different interpretations and evaluations within different didactic tendencies. In present-day conceptions in didactics they enlarge the significance that has the contents to whatever the pupil learns, in a learning meaning that has to do with the integral growth of the personality. That is, the knowledge of the scientific object, but besides the of the society, the of nature and the one belonging to the very man and his way of thinking, train this man like a transforming entity that does not limit itself to preserving the culture itself reproducing it, but to create it and to enrich it.

The contents does not constitute something inert, preestablished and immutable within the process, it is regarded as the configuration of the process that expresses the linkage of this with culture, result of a multidimensional process that he is present in is the gnoseológico, the professional and the methodological, and in the one that breaks of that object of culture, necessary for the student's integral formation.

Under the circumstances, the contents, acquire dimensions gnoseológicas, professionals and methodological, in a process that the establishment of cognitive conflicts through the problematization is consubstantial to. This does itself promoting the creation of significances as from culture, experiences and interests of students, in an interactive space where activity and communication develop in dialectics among the individual and what social. All which he expedites and enrich the contents, to participating subjects and to the process as such.

In such sense, the contents includes scientific knowledge: Made empiricists, models, concepts, magnitudes, laws, theories, focuses, paradigms; Manners and methods of thought and acting accepted in a historic moment by the society for the effective understanding of scientific knowledge; Attitudes and moral values, the human action's product. Therefore, integration, of knowledge, is in essence abilities and personal and social moral values, that is, of elements of character gnoseológico, how-to and attitudes, selected candidates with pedagogic criteria in order to instruct ( instructing, educating and developing ) the student.

The contents like expressed configuration the than of education: Knowledge, abilities and moral values, that is to say, what competitions are known that to take shape in students, in what the individual develops sense himself, to what aspects of the personality assisting, what type of project of life constructing, what he will have relations with the other ones, what aspects of the society have to do with the professionals's process of formation.

He characterizes the present-day epoch for big volúmenes's generation of information, the accelerated renewal and I process the shoot of accumulation and incorporation of new knowledge in time terms more and more short, where culture in general ( science, art and technology ) constitutes the referent gnoseológicos of the contents.

This suggests the need to optimize the process of selection, structuring and systematization of contentses, seeing that thereby the achievement depends on proposed objectives to a large extent and in fact effectiveness, efficiency and professionals's efficacy of the process of formation.

He is not enough with that the student acquire solid knowledge in given branch of culture, rather conveniently that he know how to apply the aforementioned knowledge requires itself to it, and for it evidently he has to have ability and moral values that they make possible giving oneself him solution, of manner compromised, to the inherent problems to his professional life.

The University has to bend her efforts to the professional formation of manners of acting, like aspect in his competitions that they permit him once left confronting with success the more dissimilar problems of his profession and most of all, that the problems that will turn up to him in the future make possible resolving it. The the aforementioned professional must be ready to acquire the knowledge and abilities by itself that he need to confront a world's challenges more and more tecnificado and changing, this is, he must be ready to learn to learn and learning how to transform, developing intellectual potentialities, abilities, moral values, capabilities, in short: Transforming his personality.

Hence the named invariants of contents, that have a level of essence and generality such, that they permit to confront the student multiple particular problems manage to get in, in order to optimize the students's acquisition of contentses in the process of formation,.

These invariantes of contents, music professional and social competitions. The competitions constitute the integration of nuclei or invariantes of knowledge, of invariantes of ability and generalized and professional- and- social- moral values abilities. Although knowledge and abilities, together with moral values, constitute inseparable aspects of the whole that he goes away configuring in the own dynamics of the process and he gets to constitute a higher-order configuration, for intrinsic their nature.

Scheme 2.

Dimensions of the Contents

System of Knowledge

The object of a science, art or technology, he will be in favor of a system of knowledge, methods and logic givenly, than to being carried to the professionals's process of formation, they configure themselves in the contents of the process, in terms of knowledge, abilities and moral values. Within the contents, the system of knowledge he understands so much the personal knowledges of the object of culture (science, art, technology, beliefs and traditions), like his methods and internal logic.

Knowledge are essential in any event of theoretic character or pilot, insuring the formation of a worldly image and contributing to the man a focus metodológico for his cognoscitive activity and practice.

Knowledge are essential expressions of the thought; For his form to structure m they constitute moments or significant stadiums in the development of the man's intelectual capacities.

Classification of knowledge

Based on facts: Doings, phenomena, processes, data, and characteristics of objects.

Conceptual: Concepts.

Relational: Causes, laws, beginnings, theories, models.

First level of Sistematicidad.

All science, in order to explain the object and his phenomena, goes into his different characteristics than, with help of preceding knowledge, they make a translation in concepts, that they are the rational knowledge's cornerstone therefore. The concepts of a science appear like one of the forms to reflect the world in conscience with help, of whom knows the essence of phenomena and objects itself, when abstracting and generalizing his features or more significant aspects.

The concept is the more important expression of the logical thought. It is a generalized image that the multitude of similar objects by means of his essential characteristics reflects . In any concept always a contents is necessary to he does not reside in individual experience of an isolated subject. Any concept expresses always a social contents, it stems from all of the previous knowledge of the society.

Category: It is a concept that is a fundamental aspect of the scientific theory.

Property: He shows characteristics or aspects of the objective that the differences or similarities with another objective determine.

Magnitude: He presupposes that proprietary type of the objective that is measurable in an opinion of quantity.

The another element of importance fundamental in sistematicidad's first level is the model. When complex processes which it results in difficult examine to observe and explaining the causal relations and principal laws due to the existence of everything a relational series and complementary outbuildings, to separate from the principal relations secondary schools becomes necessary.

Analyzing the phenomenon, the principal and important of the secondary and nonessential stands out ; That way he creates for himself a certain conventional scheme of the phenomenon, using scientific abstractions. This process of separation of connections and outbuildings that they are not fundamental in a phenomenon, it leads to the establishment of a model. Thus, a model is a performance simplified of the object or process that is analyzed, bearing in mind that he shows only some characteristics that are essential in the phenomenon in point, from the point of view of the investigator, obviating the ones that play second fiddle .

In science and in technical contemporaries the modelation fulfills an extremely important role. His essence, like right now has seen itself, consists in the reproduction of given properties of the object of knowledge. The modelation is based on the analogy that in turn he departs of the explanation, in a lot of objects, of similar properties, matches, common. The modelation simplifies essentially the process of knowledge and it permits concentrating all of the dedication of the investigator in the aspects that are been interested in, when reducing the phenomenon investigated of the one that the nonessential ones belonging to the phenomenon in point abstract themselves.

Second Sistematicidad's Level.

Sistematicidad's following level is the law. They find all of the objects of the real world in an eternal change process and movement. That is, the objects show phenomena and susceptible doings to be gone into by the man. However, where these changes seem casual, without link among themselves, the science discovers internal deep linkages. On this base it is possible not only to explain the existent facts, but foreseeing new others and strangers. The law, in his more general form, is a determined necessary relation among components of the object among phenomena or and processes.

But no all relation among phenomena, no all linkage, he is a law. The law expresses the internal linkages that have essential character. He performs on the law if and when they give themselves the conditions demanded for it.

The necessary and essential character of fastened relations to law determines, in turn, another characteristics of this. The law is the universal one belonging to phenomena. It wants to say that the necessary relation expressed by the law is inherent no to these or another singular phenomena, but to all of the phenomena or processes of the type that one tries . The law is such because expresses the universal in the presence of determined conditions and causes, produce always and everywhere, with iron need, the phenomena or correspondent effects.

The beginnings are in the same sistematicidad's level. They find themselves in the base of sciences and result from the generalization of practical activity. His confirmation is possible to find her only to I deliver it of all the process of development of own science and as a consequence of the scrutiny of an enormous quantity of phenomena and experimental doings.

Third Sistematicidad's Level.

In developed sciences, the laws join together in all its parts only in a determined theory's frames Traditionally he admits like scientific recognized theory that harmonious system of laws and beginnings related structural and dialectically, with stable and essential linkages among magnitudes, concepts and another elements of the contents, expressed in a logical adequate language that the essence of the object shows with great approximation.

All theory is a system of knowledge ordered that he reflects and it explains the set of the phenomena of objective reality; He obeys besides certain rules, roads and logical structures of application, so much as such, like in a philosophical diagram.

The knowledge insofar as integrate and they recreate, the essential properties of the object in a minimal, harmonious set, and monopolizer of magnitudes, concepts and laws come under a system in the theory.

The portal theory fundamental contradictions of the object that his properties characterize insofar as he establishes linkages and structural, functional outbuildings and dialectics among terms.

This integration of scientific knowledge in all its parts only, a superior estadío in the process is of systematization and it loves one another with the third level.

The scientific theory must satisfy the following fundamental requirements:

She must be adequate to his object.

She must be complete, it is, to explain all of the set of phenomena that they are in his field.

It must be exempt of contradictions formal logics.

On the theory's base it is possible, therefore, to explain the behavior of the object softly determined concrete conditions, as well as forecasting how he would behave if they know such conditions.

The theory does not imply the simple sum of existent laws, but a nucleus that shuts in a relatively little number of essential general and fundamental laws of which everything are derived exists in all theory them besides laws. In all theory exists a foundation that he contains the more important phenomena of which the laws of the nucleus are inferred. In the foundation the concepts, properties, magnitudes, models, of the theory appear also.

Exists, finally, the derivation that encloses all of the secondary laws and enclosure some that not yet are uncovered, as well as the application of laws.

Fourth Sistematicidad's Level.

The fourth and last level of systematization of knowledge is the than has named him I balance out or paradigm, the picture a generalization at the same level as conceptual system of the fundamental elements of the different theories is that they hold themselves in a model determined of the matter and the movement. Through him concretizing concepts of a grade of generality such is possible the different theories leak out .

The worldly Picture, therefore, permits to generalize the essential aspects of the part of the reality that the science goes into and includes a fundamental system of the ideas that characterize a historic stage of its development, concepts, laws and more general beginnings, described from the point of view of his moving object.

The concept of worldly picture, according to what's been shown, it is necessary to understand it in the context of a historic epoch determined, to the one that reciprocates a certain grade of scientific development to him. In the measure in than scientific knowledge goes penetrating into the essence of phenomena, the basic ideas that support the worldly picture they go evolving, becoming general more and sustituyéndose for new ideas, that they love one another better with the new estadío of scientific development.

Together with these four levels, the concept, the law, the theory and the picture, another elements of character incorporate gnoseológico that is necessary specifying . In sciences the experiment is very utilized, once this like one of fundamental methods of empiric knowledge in those sciences that it is possible in was understood to develop it.

The empiric knowledge represents a cognoscitive level whose contents comes from experience submitted to certain rational elaboration, that is to say, expressed with a determined language, in what fundamental,. In this level, the object manifests properties and accessible relations to sensorial contemplation.

Within empiric knowledge, the experiment constitutes the more complex and efficacious method. The method comes from study of the object which the investigator has influence in actively on him by means of the creation of artificial, necessary conditions for the explanation of correspondent properties.

The experiment understands :

The creation of necessary conditions for his realization.

The elimination of the factors that constitute obstacles and influences.

The realization of the experiment: The observation, the measurement, applying the technical correspondent items.

The interpretation of results.

In each science, the experiment performs an essential role like instrument to corroborate the validity of different laws and theories as well as starting point to cause the theory's nucleus.

Invariante of knowledge or nuclei of knowledge

In the professionals's design of the process of formation, it is necessary to specify the more general or essential knowledge than, as invariantes or nuclei, they underlie in the base of all the structure of the system and the ones that is inferred from the rest of the the knowledge on the object of study. The determination of invariantes and the mode to enrich them is a fundamental road that allows to the professionals's rationalization of the process of formation and the increment of its pertinence, optimization and I impact .

Determining the invariantes or nuclei of knowledge, he signifies above all to find those concepts, models, experiments, laws, methods, theories, among others, than in the shape of conceptual, stable nucleus and monopolizer leak out, for his importance and application, the professionals's frame of the process of formation, becoming theoretic essential base to understand, confronting and resolving, not only the general problems, individuals or singulars of areas or subjects of study, but besides contributing to conform the manners of acting of the professional future.

The conceptual, stable and transcendent nucleus is such because is constituted for theoretic knowledge and pilots of essential character than, summarized and synthesized for historic social practice, pay tribute of direct form to the conformation of the manners of acting of that professional, presenting a height grade of temporary stability, so what, therefore, once established in science and expressed of form modeled in the professionals's process of formation, they do not change essentially.

Relations among the development of the object of culture and the contents of an area

In the system of knowledge out of every area, it is necessary to specify the more general or essential knowledge than, as invariante or nucleus of knowledge, they underlie in the base of all the structure of knowledge on the object.

Invariantes's determination and the mode to enrich them, he is a road that allows to the professional's rationalization of the process of formation and the increment of his efficiency and efficacy.

I object the development attained in the own object of culture and the logic of saying, that it is configured like contents of the process of formation of professionals, he has influence so much in the system of knowledge like in abilities and moral values.

System of Abilities

The fundamental abilities can link up with the components of the system of knowledge, as it is appreciated from now on:


Characterizing the fundamental features that are observed

Specifying the conditions that it occurs in

Establishing his essence and his development's mechanism

Utilizing in practical examples





Making a comparison


Measuring ( In Case Of treating myself of a magnitude, specifying his units )


Specifying and explaining phenomena or experiments that characterize the law

Establishing and interpreting the qualitative relations among the characteristics that intervene

Establishing and interpreting the quantitative relations ( in the event of being magnitudes ) that intervene in the law

Analyzing the limits of law enforcement

Applying the law in the explanation of acknowledged or new phenomena

I experiment

Laying plans and laying plans

Mounting the experimental scheme


Utilizing the instruments of measurement, measuring

Representing the results

Developing the calculations

Appraising the errors of the measurement

Interpreting the results

In short, of all the set of contentses that the science possesses, so much in the system of knowledge like in the one belonging to abilities, those will sit up to the contents of discipline that they be feasible, in dependence of the paper and place that the aforementioned discipline have in the curriculum, that is, of the objectives that have to get for oneself in the professional's formation. However, and in that he establishes his dialectics, he structures it and scientific logic in point they will influence the possibilities that she possess as a mere formality the planned objectives.

Classification of abilities

In token of the contents in the process of formation of professionals, the study of abilities like configurations is gone aboard, for which they specify some important concepts on abilities and his relation with psychological categories. As from these considerations, invariante's concept of ability and of essential logic of the profession presents the systematization of abilities managing to get in itself.

The classification of abilities responds to various criteria assumed by distinct authors, depending on his conceptions on abilities.

A classification of abilities regarding them as part of the contents of a discipline that the stock that the student sells off when interacting for the purpose of study or of work characterize in the didactic diagram and is assumed in this book. In this light, the abilities classify in:

Specific abilities ( linked to a branch of culture or profession ): They constitute the type of ability that the subject develops in his interaction with an object of study or concrete work and than, in the tuitional process learning, once they are sufficiently systematized and generalized, they concretize in methods of one's own of the different object of the culture that are configured like contents.

Logical abilities: The ones that are permitted to the man are to assimilate, to understand, to forge the knowledge. Synthesis, abstraction keep a narrow relation with fundamental processes of the thought, such like analysis concretion and generalization. They develop through specific abilities. They are in the development's base of the rest of abilities and in general of the man's all cognoscitive activity.

Abilities of information processing and communication: The ones that permit the man themselves processing the information are, and they include those that permit obtaining the information and reelaborar the information. We included those abilities here own of the teaching process like taking notes, making resúmenes, as well as expounding the knowledge so much of written form like oral.

Regardless of the classification of general character, in the context of the didactics of superior education a specific type of ability needs the professionals itself. The professional abilities constitute the contents of those stock of the subject guided to the transformation of the object of the profession. ( H. Fuentes 1997 ). The fellow is ability than to I deliver it of the process of formation of the professional that he permit applying him the knowledge, acting and transforming his object of work will have to systematize itself even becoming an ability with a grade of generality such, and therefore resolving the more general and frequent problems that they encounter in the different spheres of acting, this is, the professional problems. They constitute, the essence of the acting of the professional and starting point of the model of the professional; They rest on the base of theoretic knowledge and pilots acquired by the subject and in the above-mentioned rest of abilities.

Invariantes of the System of Abilities

Saving the particularities of the distinct manners of professional acting, common abilities of obliged formation in all professional exist, related with:

The utilization of the techniques of the information.

The job of the methods of scientific investigation.

The relations with the social context.

The steps of human resources.

The steps of material resources and financiers.

The System of Abilities

The abilities constitute a subsystem of the contents than he calls for the precision of his levels of structuring, in accordance with which he comes under a system, just like knowledge,. They define these levels like:

Level of elementary ability.

Level of automated ability.

Level of perfected ability.

Level of generalized ability.

Once the narrow link among ability was given and knowledge, inasmuch as they go away systematizing the abilities also the knowledge come under a system . Hence, on the base of the systematization of abilities, we can achieve the one belonging to knowledge.

The competition is essentially a kind of knowledge leagued to certain realizations or performances, that they surpass memorization, the routine. He has to do with a knowledge derived of a significant learning. The same is associated to the performance expressed concretely in the manifestation of resources that an individual tells a task or an activity to realize with.

The forms of acting of an individual on his reality ( otherwise called performances ), when solving problems, when interacting with others, when situations, music to confront the ones that COMPETITIONS called . An individual is more competent inasmuch as his internal performances favor a better acting on his life, immersed in a determined context.

Thus, what he is coming in for is the development of competitions than give it to be able to an individual for the better his quality of life.

The competitive notion, it implies a understanding of themes with an obvious significance and a sense for the little boy and the adolescent. The curricular is coming in for a knowledge placed beyond a very request. A knowledge that he integrate into the student's experiences, to his manner to be in the world.

The notion that one has of a competition, bears the result of a process of integration of abilities and of knowledge ( knowing, knowing how to do, knowing how to be, knowing how to undertake … ).

For competition I refer to knowledge, abilities and qualifications, or knowing how to do, and attitudes and moral values, or knowing how to be.

Classification of competitions

Multiple classifications of competitions exist, Fuentes ( 2002 ) proposes the following:

Levels of competitions

  • Professional competitions

  • Basic competitions

  • General jurisdictions

How the competition does formulate?

Competitions that must develop?

The moral values in the development of professional competitions

The study on the human behavior has been and the interest of different sciences is that they share a common objective, the to understand and to interpret the causes of the proceedings of human beings to guide his behavior within the requests that he imposes the society,, of there than, in the center of his analyses be conflicts and solutions among being and should have been, and, by-product thereby, among knowledge doing and knowing how to be and being of value.

The education in moral values refers to learning like change of conduct itself. The competition does not determine itself only so that people know, so that they know how to do do making, they have the nerve to do that and, fundamentally, for what they are .

This postulate is based in fact-finding works that they came to an end like doctoral theses in themes of Educación in Valores and Educación Científico Tecnológica developed at universities Cubans and the fact that they have proven to be diligent in educational practice.

Moral values.

Things are the existing in reality, and men that get connected with those things. The concept, knowledge it stems from the man's relations when transforming the world to satisfy his needs and logically to know it as a result of that same transformation.

Well then concepts, laws, theories, they are not generalizations in the subjective diagram of reality in an objective subjective relation as a consequence of the link among the man,,, and the midway more than. We can say than concepts, than knowledge, they express an objective subjective dialectics. Equal may say with the value.

The value is not objective only, neither subjective, it is a dialectics of two elements. We defined the value, like the significance of the object for the subject, that is to say, the grade of importance that the thing, for the man has that links up with that object. All objects are bearers of moral values, in the meantime the subject process it and need it. That is very important for us professors: All that we taught, absolutely everything everything, the object can be of evaluation for us.

The contradiction enter objective and the subjective makes up its mind in the process, than in the case our, it is the teaching educational process. Out of the process, they do not create moral values. Else the man immersed in the process is and transforming the object, there are no moral values, they do not create moral values; The value is not a thing that one has filed in one loosen the rope or in a file, in I join which in a determined moment he opens it and get moral values. The value takes shape, as a result of being for the immersed student in the process.

As soon as we reached the conclusion the value has in the significance of things its cell, and step by step he goes coming true in the personality, conforming the convictions.

Education in moral values

All educational process has one what for explicit or implicit. Any educational act comes true with a purpose, but not always that purpose has responded to the ideals of humanism; Many examples in civilization's history, like Fascism, the consumerism and the individualism exist, for only putting some examples. The problems cheap to run, politicians and social that he crosses they are humanity generated by educated subjects.

He is largely known the global society and in particular the our enjoys a crisis of transcendence that surpasses aspects cheap to run, scientists, technological and industrials. He can correct an error in anyone their in short time ( perhaps apart from the ambient midway ). But errors in what social tens of years, centuries in becoming solvent again delay, and manifest his contradictions during several generations.

Their one in the educational space is the not much development of humanism, be more than enough which the philosophical conceptions of all times in his basics and objectives look for the public interest, promoting and enjoying a culture of peace toward a society of peace with justice, equity and well-being. Far away we are in to be congruent like humans with beginnings humanists.

Humanism is simply an attempt and I process an attitude of the human spirit in permanent of evolution, that it starts off the moment that we woke up to our difference with them besides species biological, that he looks for the respect, the dignity and the rights of the human being for the integral formation of his individuality and of his personality, which as it requires and he bears social standings that they propitiate his transformation and realization like being human.

In an ample sense the humanizador can define the education in moral values as a process itself, individual, social, vertical and horizontal to I deliver it of the life of people, determining his personality from his birth to old age; Various factors intervene in the aforementioned process contradictions in dependence of educational policies.

Reasons that justify the education in moral values:

Intencionar: To put on the right road the teaching educational process toward the ideal model of formation. Developing the link with intervening reality the socially significant of this in the teaching educational process, giving felt to the formation member humanist.

Explicitar: Connoting the socially significant of reality toward the human re-sizing in the process's all of the components. Specifying the contentses of the systems of moral values to form and developing according to the social aspiration.

Particularizing : Integrating the particularities of the formation and the development of moral values to the didactics of the process of formation ( knowing the particularities of the subject and his relations and evaluating the carry-out conditions to end the process ). Enriching the didactics of the knowledge of knowledge and to do; Of the contents and of the method, etc., As well as leaning on them. Determining didactic strategies that they implicate the individuals of the process in a conscious activity, protagónica and engaged.

The education in moral values must not limit oneself to the ethical; Also he must have present than in the process it is necessary to develop another moral values that are important like esthetic moral values, politicians, the intellectuals, that in aggregate contribute to the development of the personality. He is hence so that education in moral values is pluridimensional.

I dress thus, the process of teaching learning, acquire a new contents for his integral character. The reflection of the professor on the educational value of stock in the process, the intencionar and appraising the learning method, not like simple procedure signifies likewise, but thinking about communication, personal relations, and also examining the component member humanist of the science that is taught and of how to do it, that represents offering an integral focus and dialectician to learning, that is, acknowledging that two separate cultures do not exist, but reflecting on the totality of this, in his history, in his contradictions, in his present time, in his methods, in hisOutcome and impacts and, of course in his ethics.

The education in moral values contributes to defining a project of effective and efficacious life, turning it into a real project, doing to reciprocate the individual's internal possibilities and the ones belonging to the surroundings, by means of the development of moral values, the worldly conception, the capability of reasoning, the knowledge, the motivation and interests.

Education in moral values whole humanism in two senses. The reality brings the process near of education in order that it may be appraised and transformed; Likewise, mold and make interests, motivations and pupils's arrangements in order that the necessary human interrelations may establish that they permit the mail among the project of individual and social life suitable.

The education in moral values has an effect on following aspects:

Develop the appraising capability in the individual and he contributes to showing adequately the objective system.

Develop the transforming and participative capability with positive significance toward the society.

Develop the spirituality and the personality toward the integralidad and the human perfecting.

The education in moral values has depended on the own evolution of philosophical educational conceptions of the value approach and, to axiology, to points related with the sense of life and the history, to orientation and base of knowledge, to the relation among the individual and the society, and to the objective and justification of human activity. In general, to the worldly vision and of his transformation.

It is difficult to find opposition in the diagram of education on the need to have an effect on moral values through educational processes of explicit manner; In general he is accepted that it is part inseparable of a coherent educational philosophy about the integration of what human to the formation. The dispute is in related subjects be more than enough what moral values take shape and develop, existing a loud tendency toward the ethical and what moral. Another questions and answers hierarchize the ethical, accepting political, esthetic moral values, scientists, etcetera. Something else that is debated is how educating in moral values, his models and strategies.

They identify the operated models like: Process of socialization or of adaptation and assimilation to social existent standards; Process of personal explanation, put on the right road to the explanation and development of moral values with that the subject is identified, according to his likes and dislikes and culture; Process of development of judging capabilities, that permits evaluations and reasonings in agreement when should have been; And the own model of process of formation of character or of the set of virtuoso habits correlated to a culture of the context and the one belonging to development of the personality.

The model of the construction of the moral personality, that one will not try in this work, development of the personality will name itself.

The model of development of the personality requires of:

A process of adaptation of the individual toward the society toward oneself and.

Acquisition for part of the subject of cultural elements, the fact that they have a positive significance and the fact that they constitute normative horizons, that they have been desired by humanity in all of the times: Justice, solidarity, equality.

Determined judging capabilities, understanding and self-regulation that the autonomy of the subject in front of determined situations and conflicts permit .

In this model it is understood to attain a preparation for life for self-realization in a context determined, with the obvious condition that has to do with creating and to moral values like a cultural product, search do not stop acceptance, but also transformation in search of the human re-sizing.

The real process of formation of the personality must split of the possibilities that the society offers, in order that this occupy a place made suitable within social activity and may constitute him in social subject, that he influence the transformation of these possibilities of course.

Evaluation of the model:

He focuses in the development of the personality.

He takes the needs and students's motivations into account.

He confers the contentses and the paper of the teacher and to communication in the development of evaluations great importance.

The dialectic unit among the social and the individual and the affective and what cognitive in the tuitional process highlights learning.

He regards the value as positive significances that the subject assumes, incorporate or construct in the process of his activity and of his inter-subjective relations.

Hence, this model highlights the value of the contents of the teacher of the motivation that these produce like aspects of singular importance in education in moral values and and.

The moral values in technical training

The accelerated scientific and technological advance generates new complexities in organizations and productive systems, which produce transformations in all of the spaces and sectors of the society, originating a social and cultural irreversible change. Second natures grow weak, standards and models of conducts transmute with relative celerity toward new social connections that to face with moral values it is precise and attitudes that they give answer to the change leading it toward human progress.

Of the above the vivencial follows that the university has to instruct a professional with capability to confront the challenge of the contemporary epoch with scientific knowledge, and suitable technicians, bearer of human moral values for an optimal performance like member of the society, with a projection and labor that he combine the labor competitions with personal attributes.

The education in moral values in Education Superior must head toward fundamentally the formation and to the development of professional moral values, once these like human moral values were understood contextualizados and guided toward the profession. His significances relate with universal requests and the individuals of the profession. They constitute the professional personality's features and they contribute to defining an integral conception of the exercise of the profession.

Education in moral values in technical training is the process to humanize and intencionar the social one belonging to the profession in professional competitions. He means developing the professional integral personality, by means of the modelation of the practice of a profession in the teaching process and in all the university developmental life of the futures professional manners of acting.

For it the model or aspiration of competitions and professional attitudes must be defined and a character must have pluridimensional, that comprises the following dimensions to develop: Intellectual, technique, ethics, esthetics, policy and another one according to the profession, and of another factors to consider.

Some of the reasons that justify the education in moral values in technical training are :

The image than of science and of technology he exists in the professional futures, that he varies according to conceptions and paradigms with that they interpret themselves and understand the aforementioned processes, product of the contentses of the race: Knowledge, focuses, abilities, relations, teachers's behaviors, styles and manners to determine and to solve problems of university life in general.

The adaptation of designs curriculares of racing to scientific technological and social changes, and his reflection in objects and of the manners of acting of the professional futures.

The contents of technical training refers to the culture that a professional must get to for to exercise adequately his profession itself, and that he comprises not only the scientific and technological necessary knowledge that they answer to that branch and specific object of knowledge and knowing to do, but I eat this to a professional culture as a result of a specific type of scientific technological, understood education: The continuous process of acquisition of theoretic knowledge and pilots and of formation of moral values relating to the practical tecnocientífica, that he propitiate a critical attitude of contradictory present aspects in relations among scientific technological activity and the another ways of social activity.

The subject does not rest on the bigger or younger information that a professional possess, but in beginnings and the conceptions that this possess to understand to the society and, in her, his profession's place to try to obtain adequately the science to the technology.

Under these conditions the professionalism's two pillars are the integral and specialized formation. Of there than the formation member humanist in particular acquire principal meant to as to the creation of a culture that it permit interpreting the paradigm in use and achieving the sustainable development.

The solution finds in conceiving the formation member itself humanist as from the professional's model, that he integrate as a whole the possibilities that the social sciences, natives offer and exact, as well as techniques, from interdisciplinary focuses and to I deliver it of all the process of technical training.

The formation member the humanist is a part of the development of the personality, so that she can not be separate neither simply added to the professional's model separated simply add to the professional's model, rather it is part intrinsic of the development of moral values.

Education in moral values in young people with exceptional capabilities

Checking in Internet, several parents's associations manifest his strangeness and worry for the scarcity of works on the subject of super-endowment with respect to young people. And furthermore on young people in the making professional.

It was a surprise to read the reflection than with regard to this matter toward a youth with these characteristics: "Sincerely, we thought that the only thing that the prodigy person needs is to have like friends prodigy someone elses. Then he will be at peace with the world, with the people that are not like her; Because, in a manner of speaking, he will ask for and he will give what each part can give him, to each part, and receiving hers, and no longer. And this will be the road, although it may sound paradoxical, for that he integrate in the society ".

He contrasts the aforementioned reflection at the beginning of that the human being is happier giving than receiving, that he depends on the delivery, the solidarity, the responsibility, the love, the friendship and respect to the difference of others. The essence of creativity is to live creatively and his principal success is found in than the project of life, the fact that it be defined offer happiness toward oneself and to the other ones.

Parents's worry of young people and of these because they take them into account like people, the same way that some problems of irrealization and personal conflicts not to have affected appear in his attitudes and conducts through education better becomes evident .

It is difficult to respond what the own is for exceptional young people, because this can be considered like the general to develop in all human being, because the own one belonging to the man consists in learning the human one belonging to its relatives.

At the same time, the own can refer to the particular one belonging to people's set with exceptional capabilities itself, that they have his specific features but that the general does not exclude . The own also contains the singular out of every individual, as to its motivations, interests, the personality's features, context in that he develops, etcetera.

It is necessary to take the harmony of these three components to be able to define coherent strategies of appraising formation and actitudinal into account.

In general, in given definitions on talent these devote themselves to breaking of the qualifications that surpass clearly young people's of your age half capability and to have a creative talent in one or several fields; Then the talent is spoken of excepcionalidad in competitions, capabilities and exceptional potential on whole in scientific capability and designer, that is, he refers to the existence of real predisposals to confront more complex problems.

A talented student's characterization depends on his identification as such and of the conception that with regard to this matter it be had, having influence it in the particularities of the formation in moral values.

The appraising and attitudes formation is only an educational aspect in moral values, because attitude is only a predisposal to a behavior, it is a durable organization of beliefs, cognitions, sentiments than, therefore, they conform a tendency. Not always exists a mail among the attitude and the behavior for different factors.

The education in moral values must promote an attitude and appraisive capability, and a conscious conduct in the pupil. That is, knowing what responsibility, knowing how to appraise on responsibility in concrete doings and acting with responsibility is .

General considerations that concern all of the education are what's been shown, once the one belonging to children was included and talented young people. Intellectual superiority, for this same reason is inferred that who have his convictions and moral values will have to correspond to excepcionalidad's conditions.

The intellectual superiority does not entail like necessary condition and enough success or the achievement accelerated of the personality. For his own character definitely he must put his exceptional capabilities in agreement with the development of the society for his correspondent autorrealization and. The intellectual superiority a few times is prepared to accept the failure, because they inculcate constantly his superiority to him and no his exceptional capabilities, that it is not all the same, it as impede that they get comfortable to a reality that surpasses his individuality and that can influence his realization.

The education in moral values must help in talented young people when transforming development of that personality developed to a bigger adaptation to surroundingses, to understand and to know with collective judgment, social and human social their participation, a bigger motivation and interest in being acknowledged and in recognizing the human differences attaining the necessary tolerance to partake and to get in touch adequately.

The psicosocial has not enough it of parallelism among intelectual capacity and maturity affective he can suppose an internal and social inadaptation and enclosure avoiding the success in his activity.

The innate predisposals have a narrow relation with biological maturity; Some express themselves in more premature ages than another one.

At the university the Cuban takes I finish a job told apart of technical training with high-performance students, or talented, associating them to teams of professional investigation or scientists, of social practice, to complex tasks of leadership, to the teaching work of the academy like pupils assistants, looking for to train his exceptional capabilities with attitudes of the same character for his contents of delivery and responsible consecration, but in tasks of importance social, developing thus his independence, creativity, originality, flexibility, objectivity accompanied of communication, solidarity, etcetera.

In general example for his capabilities is worked with them in little groups in a tutorial workout for more outstanding professors and than music and conducts. These are young people that next the society selects like the integral the accomplishments that incorporate to the centers of science and technological innovation of the country, besides to the academy, etcetera.

In this sense the talented conception not only is associated to the predisposal for an activity for exceptional capabilities, but to the development of an integralidad of that personality for an exceptional conduct,.

Proven to be General

3, with 40 students's average at each classroom in the same, were the total of classrooms visited in the Center Universitario we noted irregularities for part of professors like music,:

Absence of the date in the blackboard.

Roll call.

Violation of the five minutes of recess.

Like summary, we noticed that professors possess ample knowledge about correspondent subjects of study, a centralization in the objective, form made suitable tuitional, pleasant communication with the student, dynamic classrooms, open, with ample participation of the group. The professors comprise the cultural policy joined to the subject of study. The tuitional midways are efficiently, give an ample bibliography for the elaboration of the independent study, providing that pupils be able to conquer the given contents.


The Process Docente Educativo's no component finds isolated, on the contrary they are narrowly related, since each one possesses a grade of lofty participation than if he loses their his one the other would not develop properly. All the above is objective manifestation of Sistema's Theory General.

After having analyzed the scientific tasks exposed, by means of a deep analysis of the Contained component, approaching on knowledge, abilities, moral values and his distinct systems, we can conclude that the student must take possession of the same to achieve his objectives.

Finalizing with visited classrooms, generally the professors of the headquarters center his objective well, the contents is quite extensive, tuitional the way is adequate, achieving an efficient use of the tuitional midways according to the possibilities of the center. Everything this has had influence of adequate manner in that students had achieved satisfactory results in his Proceso Docente Educativo.


In order to achieve a better functioning of the Process Docente Educativo the professor must develop a pleasant communication with his pupils, asking the because of missing students, if somebody knows the motive, in case of a problem, how he can help to him and offering them support.

It must be safe when talking, because he provides the bigger student self-confidence. Having a classroom opened, where the contents of the subject of study may be examined by touch not only, but any another one theme that he may relate with the classroom, either policy, cultural even some student's personal aspects.

It is seen very well that a professor when culminating the course accomplish an opinion poll to the students where they number positive aspects and minus signs that they could observe in him to the passing of the year, that permits the professor surpassing the committed errors and serving as an example for his course.

A professor must not stop in his studies and must experience dynamic encounters and you form news from broadcasting his knowledge to the student.


Sayas's Álvarez, Carlos ( 1999 ). Didactics. "School in my whole life ". I populate Editorial and Education, Havana. Third edition corrected and increased.

Martí Pérez, Joseph. " You act Complete "

Hogshead. Ministry of Education ( 1894 ). Pedagogy. I populate Editorial and Education. Havana.

Sources, Homer, Sylvia Cross and ISA B. Álvarez ( 1998 ). I model holistic configuracional of didactics. Center of Studies of Superior Education Emmanuel F. Great University of Orient, James of Hogshead.

Lecture 3 and 4 Dr. Pedagogic sciences given by Dr., Hipólito Peralta et all.




Msc. Ernesto Jesús Baracaldo Alvarez.


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