
A pathway to teacher and learner autonomy: a study on socioaffective language learning strategies

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Summary
    2. Introduction
    3. Action research
    4. Teacher autonomy
    5. Learner autonomy
    6. Conclusion
    7. References
    8. Appendix

    Artículo original aparece en:

    Fandiño, Yamith. (2009). A Pathway to Teacher and Learner Autonomy: A Study on Socioaffective Language Learning Strategies. Investigación en el aula en L1 y L2: Estudios, experiencias y reflexiones. Melba Libia Cárdenas (Ed). Biblioteca abierta, Colección general Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras, pp. 131-145


    With the growing popularity of learning English as a foreign language in Colombia, here appears to be a substantial degree of sociocultural pressure for adults to learn or improve their language skills. However, there also appears to be indications that many Colombian EFL learners do not seem to either have appropriate beliefs, attitudes, anxieties, and motivations or make a good use of proper language learning strategies. Colombian EFL teachers should address these issues by engaging in critical reflections to provide their students with appropriate activities to face up to the emotional difficulties of social interaction and language learning, but more importantly, to open their own work to inspection and to construct valid accounts of their educational practices. Action research (AR) and reflective teacher-learning on socioaffective language learning strategies appear to be powerful means for developing both teacher autonomy and learner autonomy. Teacher autonomy is developed because new methodological and pedagogical opportunities are opened up for teachers to develop an appropriate expertise of their own. Learner autonomy is also developed because students can become aware of and identify their strategies, needs and goals as learners in order to reconsider and refashion approaches and procedures for optimal language learning. A particular action research study examined these issues by focusing explicitly on affective factors and socioaffective language learning strategies among learners in a monolingual EFL classroom at the Centro Colombo Americano in Bogota, Colombia. The results of the study suggested that explicit strategy instruction in socioaffective language learning strategies is helpful in heightening learner awareness of the importance of paying attention to their own feelings and social relationships as part of their learning process, which can improve the frequency and the quality of students" participation and interaction in class. The results also showed that when teachers reflect on their practical pedagogical know-how, it becomes rich personal pedagogical knowledge.


    EFL, language learning strategies (LLS), socioaffective factors, critical reflection, practice-as-inquiry, living educational theories, reflective practice, action research (AR), teacher autonomy and learner autonomy.


    In the current economic climate of our country and the growing integration of the modern world, here appears to be a considerable degree of sociocultural pressure for Colombians to become proficient at English. However, EFL students seem to be unaware of the impact that certain socioaffective and personal factors play in their success in learning and speaking a foreign language (Rubin & Thompson, 1994). Most of them tend to have poor or limited language learning strategies (LLS) such as literal translation, rote memorization, inadequate note-taking, etc. (Griffiths, 2003). Specifically, Colombian EFL students seem to lack the basic skills to start and maintain their language learning process successfully. Many students, for instance, do not display awareness of how to use a dictionary, knowledge about how to store basic vocabulary, familiarity with the use of classroom instructions, etc. (Fandiño, 2007). Noticeably, EFL students in , and Colombian EFL students in particular, are not accustomed to paying attention to their own feelings and relationships in class or taking note of their use of language learning strategies.

    The inadequate familiarity with LLS and the negligible awareness of socioaffective and personal factors that EFL students have are issues that Colombian EFL teachers need to address in order to aid their students successfully in mastering English; a tool that can assist them in satisfying certain personal, social, professional and cultural needs, wants, and goals. With this aim in view, EFL teachers should ponder on the impact of socioaffective factors and the importance of language learning strategies in students" learning process. If EFL teachers want their students to develop their inherent potential to learn, socioaffective factors such as anxiety, motivation, self-esteem, beliefs and attitudes can no longer be denied, the inner needs of the learners can no longer be neglected (Andres, 2002). Similarly, teachers can enhance the language learning process by making students aware of LLS, helping students understand good LLS, training them to develop them and, ultimately, encouraging their use (Graham, 1997). Definitely, socioaffective factors and LLS are issues that EFL teachers need to reflect on, not simply to improve language teaching and education in the process, but also in order to help students live more satisfying lives and be responsible members of society.

    Partes: 1, 2
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