
Hyperactivity concern of parents and teachers

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Necessary explanation
    2. Recommendations for parents and teachers

    Necessary explanation

    Parents and teachers often complain of having children with different behavior to others, because they are not even a quiet moment, they don"t focus on the activity they do, make hasty decisions without thinking beforehand, and in some cases are difficult in learning. Always seems to be hurry and never got tired. The authoress believes that it should be a lot of patience and love to be able to educate them, So it provides recommendations to parents and teachers to learn more generally about some forms of psycho-pedagogical treatment that should be offered to hyperactive children taking into account their individual peculiarities, as is not appropriate to give general recipes for all cases, with respect for their individuality.

    Successes the authoress

    Recommendations for parents and teachers

    1. Enabling environment where children develop is organized, calm and without shouting.

    2. Give short orders at a time.

    3. Establish a disciplinary system that has few rules but well accurate, without exaggerating because it"s important to give them space to be allowed to become dirty, mess up, running, hopping, jumping, interacting with other children of his age.

    4. Be allowed to participate in sports activities to spend excessive energy and kept moving.

    5. Avoid constant scolding and less in front of other people, not reject them, or offend them, as this can lower their self-esteem.

    6. Don"t embarrass them if they break anything, but explain them in a low voice, to do things more slowly and carefully.

    7. Knowing that the work to educate them have perseverance and dedication a lot.

    8. Seizing their fullest potential and motivation to form values as: collectivism, solidarity, companionship, honesty among others.

    Partes: 1, 2
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