PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
Costs, constraints and energy systems in the longer term
Moving to the longer term highlights the dangers of thinking in terms of individual technologies instead of energy systems. Most technologies can be expected to progress further and see unit costs reduced. But all will run into limitations that can be addressed only by developments elsewhere in the energy system. For example:
Energy Storage. With the exception of biofuels, and hydrogen and batteries using low carbon energy sources, all the low carbon technologies are concerned with the instantaneous generation of electricity or heat. A major R&D effort on energy storage and storage systems will be crucial for the achievement of a low-carbon energy system. This is important for progress in transport, and for expanding the use of low- carbon technologies, for reasons discussed below. Decarbonising transport. The transport sector is still likely to remain oil-based for several decades, and efficiency gains will be important for keeping emissions down. Increasing use of biofuels will also be important. In the long term, decarbonising transport will also depend on progress in decarbonising electricity generation and on developments in hydrogen production. The main technological options currently being considered for decarbonising transport (other than the contributions of biofuels and efficiency) are hydrogen and battery-electric vehicles. Much will depend on transport systems too, including road pricing, intelligent infrastructure, public transport and urban design. Nuclear power and base-load electricity generation. A nuclear power plant is cheapest to operate continuously as base-load generation is expensive to shut down. There are possibilities of load following from nuclear power, but this will reduce capacity utilisation and raise costs. Most of the load following (where output of the power plant is varied to meet the changes in the load) will be provided by fossil-fuel plant in the absence of investments in energy-storage systems. In addition, of course, there are issues of waste disposal and proliferation to be addressed Intermittent renewables. Renewables such as solar power and wind power only generate electricity when the natural resource is available. This leads to unpredictable and intermittent supply, creating a need for back-up generation. The cost estimates presented here allow for investment in and the fuel used in doing this, but, for high levels of market penetration, more efficient storage systems will be needed. Bioenergy from crops. Biomass can yield carbon savings in the transport, power generation, industry and building sectors. However exploitation of conventional biomass on a large scale could lead to problems of competition with agriculture for land and water resources, depending on crop practices and policies. This is discussed in Box 9.6. The availability and long-term integrity of sites for carbon capture and storage. This may set limits to the long-term contribution of CCS to a low-carbon economy, depending on whether alternative ways of storing carbon are discovered in time. It nevertheless remains an important option given the continued use of cheap fossil fuels, particularly coal, over the coming decades Electricity and gas infrastructure. Infrastructure services and their management would also change fundamentally with the emergence of small-scale decentralised generation and CHP, and with hydrogen as an energy-carrying and storage medium for the transport and heat markets. There will also be new opportunities for demand management through new metering and information and control technologies. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 227
Box 9.5 PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
Biomass: emission saving potential and costs Biomass, the use of crops to produce energy for use in the power generation, transport, industry and buildings sectors, could yield significant emission savings in the transport, power and industry sectors. When biomass is grown, it absorbs carbon from the atmosphere during the photosynthesis process; when the crop is burnt, the carbon is released again. Biomass is not a zero carbon technology because of the emissions from agriculture and the energy used in conversion. For example, when used in transport, emissions savings from biofuel vary from 10-90% compared to petrol depending on the source of biofuel and production technique used.
Biomass crops include starch and sugar crops such as maize and sugar cane, and oil crops such as sunflower, rapeseed and palm oil. These biocrops are often referred to as first generation biomass because the technologies for converting them into energy are well developed. The highest yielding biocrops tend to be water-intensive and require good quality land, but some other biocrops can be grown on lower quality land with little water.
Research is now focusing on finding ways of converting lignocellulosic materials (such as trees, grasses and waste materials) into energy (so-called second generation technology).
The technical potential of biomass could be very substantial. On optimistic assumptions, the total primary bioenergy potential could reach 4,800-12,000 Mtoe by 205043 (compared with anticipated energy demand under BAU conditions of 22,000 Mtoe in 2050). Half of the primary biomass would come from dedicated cropland and half would be lignocellulosic biomass (residues and waste converted into energy). 125-150 million ha would be required for biomass crops (10% of all arable land worldwide, roughly the size of France and Spain together). However this analysis does not take into account the potentially significant impacts on local environment, water and land resources, discussed in Section 12.6. The extent to which biomass can be produced sustainably and cost effectively will depend on developments in lignocellulosic technology and to what extent marginal and low-quality land is used for growing crops.
The economically viable potential for biomass is somewhat smaller, and has been estimated at up to 2,600 Mtoe, almost a tripling of current biomass use. According to the IEA, this would result in an emission reduction of 2 to 3 GtCO2e/year on baseline levels by 2050 at $25/tCO2 (though the actual estimate can vary widely around this depending on oil prices). If it is assumed that one-third of biomass were used for transport fuels by 2050, for example, it could meet 10% of road transport fuel demand, compared with 1% now. This could grow to 20% under more optimistic assumptions. Biomass costs vary both by crop and by country; current production costs are lowest in parts of Southern and Central Africa and Latin America.
This analysis excludes the possible emission savings from biogas (methane and CO2 collected from decomposing manure). This technology is discussed in Box 17.7.
These limitations mean that all technologies will run into increasing marginal cost as their uptake expands, which will offset to some extent the likely reductions in cost as developments in the technology occur. Some of the constraints might be removed research is ongoing, for example, on storing carbon in solid form (see Box 9.2). On the other hand, economies of scale and induced innovation will serve to bring down costs. Overall, a phased use of technologies across the board is likely to limit the cost burden of mitigating and sequestering GHGs.
In the current and next generation of investments over the next 20 years, the costs of climate change mitigation will probably be low, as some of the more familiar and easier options are exploited first. But as the scale of mitigation activities expands, at some point the problems posed by storage and the need to develop new systems and infrastructures must be 43 All the emission saving and cost estimates in this box come from IEA analysis. IEA (2006) and IEA (in press). STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 228
PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
overcome, particularly to meet the needs of transport. This is expected to raise costs (see below).
When looking forward over a period of several decades, however, there is also significant scope for surprises and breakthroughs in technology. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended that R&D and demonstration efforts are increased, both nationally and internationally (see discussion in Chapters 16 and 24). Such surprises may take the form of discoveries and innovations not currently factored into mainstream engineering analysis of energy futures44.
The conclusion to be drawn from the analysis of the costs and risks associated with developing the various technologies, from the uncertainties as to their rates of development, and from the known limitations of each, is that no single technology, or even a small subset of technologies, can shoulder the task of climate-change mitigation alone. If carbon emissions are to be reduced on the scale shown to be necessary for stabilisation in Chapter 8, then policies must encourage the development of a portfolio of options; this will act both to reduce risks and improve the chances of success. Chapter 16 of this Review discusses how this can be done. 9.8 A technology-based approach to costing mitigation of fossil fuel emissions This section presents the results of calculations undertaken for this review by Dennis Anderson45. It illustrates how fossil-fuel (energy) emissions could be cut from 24 GtCO2e/year in 2002 to 18 GtCO2e/year in 2050 and how much this would cost. Together with the non- fossil fuel savings outlined in Table 9.1, this would be consistent with a 550ppm CO2e stabilisation trajectory in 2050 (outlined in Chapter 8).
A key advantage of this exercise is that it is data-driven, transparent, and easy to understand. It builds on the analysis of options in the preceding section. It illustrates one approach and establishes a benchmark. This will lead to an upward bias in the estimated costs, as there are many options, some of which will appear along the way with appropriate R&D, which will be cheaper. Like any such exercise, however, it depends on its assumptions. An independent technology-based study has recently been carried out by the IEA (see Section 9.9), which comes up with rather lower cost estimates. The next chapter reviews studies based on an economy-wide approach that attempt to incorporate some economic responses to policy instruments. These are broadly consistent with the results presented here.
The exercise here assumes that energy-related emissions at first rise and are then reduced to 18 GtCO2/year through a combination of improvements in energy efficiency and switching to less emission-intensive technologies. This calculation looks only at fossil fuel related CO2 emissions, and excludes possible knock-on effects on non-fossil fuel emissions. The precise approach used and assumptions made are detailed in the full paper46.
Figure 9.3 presents the estimated BAU47 energy-related CO2 emissions over the period to 2075 and the abatement trajectory associated with reducing emissions to reach current levels by 2050. The abatement trajectory demonstrates a peak in emissions at 29 GtCO2/year in 2025 before falling back to 18 GtCO2/year in 2050, and falling further to reach 7 GtCO2/year in 2075. 44 Examples might be polymer-based PVs, with prospects for reel-to-reel or batch processing; the generation of hydrogen directly from the action of sunlight on water in the presence of a catalyst (photo-electrolysis); novel methods and materials for hydrogen storage; small and large-scale energy storage devices more generally, including one known as the regenerable fuel cell; nuclear fusion; and new technologies and practices for improving energy efficiency. In addition, the technologies currently under development will also offer scope for learning-by-doing and scale economies in manufacture and use. 45 formerly the Senior Energy Adviser and an economist at the World Bank, Chief Economist of Shell and an engineer in the electricity supply industry. 46 the Energy Sector. 47 slightly greater than the BAU projection of fossil fuel emissions used in Chapter 8 and parts of Chapter 7 (of 58 GtCO2/year in 2050). STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 229
GtCO2 PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
Figure 9.3 Emissions scenarios
Fossil fuel related emissions: BAU and emission abatement scenario (GtCO2) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000 2025 2075 BAU emissions
Abatement scenario
2050 A combination of technologies, together with advances in efficiency, are needed to meet the stabilisation path.
For each technology, assumptions are made on plausible rates of uptake over time48. It is assumed, for the purposes of simplification, that as the rate of uptake of individual technologies is modest, they will not run into significant problems of increasing marginal cost (as discussed above in Section 9.7). Assumptions are also made on the potential for energy- efficiency improvements. These assumptions can be used to calculate an average cost of abatement. Estimates of the additional contribution of energy efficiency and technological inputs to abatement are shown in Figure 9.4. The implications for sources of electricity and composition of road transport vehicle fleet are illustrated in the full paper.
Figure 9.4 The distribution of emission savings by technology Contributions to Carbon Abatement, 2050
Efficiency CCS Nuclear Biofuels dCHP Solar Wind Hydro
Abatement 43 GtCO2 Contributions to Carbon Abatement 2025
Efficiency CCS Nuclear Biofuels dCHP Solar Wind Hydro
Abatement 11 GtCO2 An average cost of abatement per tonne of carbon can be constructed by calculating the cost of each technology (as in Box 9.3) weighted by the assumed take-up, and comparing this with the emissions reductions achieved by these technologies against fossil-fuel alternatives. This is shown in Figure 9.5, where upper and lower bounds represent best estimates of 90% confidence intervals. 48 More detail on the assumptions made can be found in Anderson (2006). STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 230
$/tCO2 PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
Figure 9.5 Average cost of reducing fossil fuel emissions to 18 GtCO2 in 2050*
Cost of carbon abatement ($/tCO2) 150
-50 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 -100
*The red lines give uncertainty bounds around the central estimate. These have been calculated using Monte Carlo analysis. For each technology, the full range of possible costs (typically ± 30% for new technologies, ±20% for established ones) is specified. Similarly, future oil prices are specified as probability distributions ranging from $20 to over $80 per barrel, as are gas prices (£2-6/GJ), coal prices and future energy demands (to allow for the uncertain rate of uptake of energy efficiency). This produces a probability distribution that is the basis for the ranges given.
The costs of carbon abatement are expected to decline by half over the next 20 years, because of the factors discussed above, and then by a further third by 2050. But the longer- term estimates of shifting to a low-carbon energy system span a very broad range, as indicated in the figure, and may even be broader than indicated here. This reflects the inescapable uncertainties inherent in forecasting over a long time period, as discussed above. It should be noted that, although average costs may fall, marginal costs are likely to be on a rising trajectory through time, in line with the social cost of carbon; this is explained in Box 9.6. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 231
Box 9.6 PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
The relationship between marginal and average costs over time It is important not to confuse average costs with marginal costs or the prevailing carbon price. The carbon price should reflect the social cost of carbon and be rising with time, because of increased additional damages per unit of GHG at higher concentrations of gases in the atmosphere (see Chapter 13). Rising prices should encourage abatement projects with successively higher marginal costs. This does not necessarily mean that the average costs will rise. Indeed, in this analysis, average costs are assumed to fall, quickly at first and then tending to level off (Figure 9.5). At any time, marginal costs will tend to be above average costs as the most costly projects are undertaken last.
At the same time, however, innovation, learning and experience driven through innovation policy will lower the cost of producing any given level of output using any specific technology. This is shown in the figure below, which traces the costs of a specific technology through time.
Despite more extensive use of the technology and rising costs on the margin through time (reflecting the rising carbon price), the average cost of the technology may continue to fall. The key point to note is that marginal costs might be rising even where average costs are falling (or at least rising more slowly), as a growing range of technologies are used more and more intensively.
Illustrative cost per unit of GHG abated for a specific technology Average cost Marginal cost Quantity of projects ranked by increasing cost $/tCO2e X X Innovation continues to lower average cost X X Rising social cost of carbon requires higher marginal cost projects X 2005 2025
X 2050 Emission cuts The global cost of reducing total GHG emissions to three quarters of current levels (consistent with 550ppm CO2e stabilisation trajectory) is estimated at around $1 trillion in 2050 or 1% of GDP in that year, with a range of 1.0% to 3.5% depending on the assumptions made.
Andersons central case estimate of the total cost of reducing fossil fuel emissions to around 18 GtCO2e/year (compared to 24 GtCO2/year in 2002) is estimated at $930bn, or less than 1% of GDP in 2050 (see table 9.2). In the analysis by Anderson, this is associated with a saving of 43 GtCO2 of fossil fuel emissions relative to baseline, at an average abatement cost of $22/tCO2/year in 2050. However these costs vary according to the underlying assumptions, so these are explored below. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 232
Table 9.2 PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
Annual total costs of reducing fossil fuel emissions to 18 GtCO2 in 2050 2015 61 2025 33 2050 22 Average cost of abatement, $/t CO2 Emissions Abated GtCO2 (relative to emissions in BAU) Total cost of abatement, $ billion per year: 2.2 134 10.7 349 42.6 930 The sensitivity of the cost estimates to different assumptions is presented in Table 9.349; costs are shown as a percentage of world product. Over the next 20 years, it is virtually certain that the costs of providing energy will rise with the transition to low-carbon fuels, barring shocks in oil and gas supplies. Over the longer term, the estimates are less precise and, as one would expect, are sensitive to the future prices of fossil fuels, to assumptions as to energy efficiency, and indeed to the prices of the low-carbon technologies, such as carbon capture and storage.
Overall, the estimates range from -1.0% (a positive contribution to growth) to around 3.5% of world product by 2050, and are within the range of a large number of other studies discussed below in the next chapter. The estimates fan out in precisely the same way as those for the costs per tonne of carbon abatement shown in Figure 9.5, and for precisely the same reasons50.
Table 9.3 Sensitivity analysis of global costs of cutting fossil fuel emissions to 18 GtCO2 in 2050 (costs expressed as % of world GDP) a 2015 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 2025 0.7 0.9 0.2 1.1 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.6 2050 1.0 3.3 -1.0 2.4 0.2 1.9 0.7 1.0 Case (i) Central case (ii) Pessimistic technology case (iii) Optimistic technology case (iv) Low future oil and gas prices (v) High future oil and gas prices (vi) High costs of carbon capture and storage (vii) A lower rate of growth of energy demand (viii) A higher rate of growth of energy demand b (ix) Including incremental vehicle costs Means Ranges 0.4 0.3-0.5 0.8 0.5-1.1 1.4 -0.6- 3.5 a The world product in 2005 was approximately $35 trillion (£22 trillion at the PPP rate of $1.6/£). It is assumed to rise to $110 trillion (£70 trillion) by 2050, a growth rate of 2.5% per year, or 1 ½ -2% in the OECD countries and 4-4½% in the developing countries. b Assuming the incremental costs of a hydrogen fuelled vehicle using an internal combustion engine are £2,300 in 2025 and $1400 in 2050, and for a hydrogen fuelled fuel cell vehicle £5000 in 2025 declining to £1700 by 2050. (Ranges of ~ ± 30% are taken about these averages for the fuel cell vehicle.)
Assumptions as to future oil and gas prices and rates of innovation clearly make a large difference to the estimates. Combinations of a return to low oil and gas prices and low rates of innovation lead to higher costs, while higher oil and gas prices and rates of innovation point to possibly beneficial effects on growth (even ignoring the benefits of climate change mitigation). Another cost, which requires attention, is the incremental cost of hydrogen vehicles (case ix). Costly investment in hydrogen cars would significantly increase the costs associated with this element of mitigation. However, in so far as such costs might induce a switch out of mitigation in the transport sector towards alternatives with lower MACs, these estimates are likely to overstate the true cost impact on the whole economy.
The fossil fuel emission abatement costs outlined in table 9.2 together with the non-fossil fuel emission savings presented in Table 9.1 would be sufficient to bring global GHG emissions to 49 50 A full specification of the different cases are set out in the full paper. Rows (ii) and (iii) provide a rough estimate of the confidence intervals associated with the estimates in row (i). STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 233
PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
around 34 GtCO2e in 2050, which is consistent with a 550ppm CO2e stabilisation trajectory. The cost of this is estimated at under $1 trillion in 2050 (or 1% of GDP in that year).
In absolute terms, the costs are high, but are within the capacity of policies and industry to generate the required financial resources. For the economy as a whole, a 1% extra cost would be like a one-off increase in the price index by one percentage point (with unchanged nominal income profiles), although the impact will be significantly more for energy-intensive sectors (see Chapter 11). Economies have in the past dealt with much more rapid changes in relative prices and shocks from exchange-rate changes of much larger magnitude. 9.9 Other technology-based studies on cost Other modellers have also taken a technology-based approach to looking at emissions reductions and costs. The IEA, in particular, have done detailed work based on their global energy models on the technological and economic feasibility of cutting emissions below business as usual, while also meeting other energy-policy goals.
The recent Energy Technology Perspectives report (2006) looks at a number of scenarios for reducing energy-related emissions from baseline levels by 2050. Scenarios vary in their assumptions about factors such as rates of efficiency improvements in various technologies. Box 9.7 sets out the scenarios in the report, and compares this with work by the IPCC, as well as the technology-based estimates by Anderson set out in this chapter.
These studies make different assumptions about the quantity of abatement achieved, and the exact mix of technologies and efficiency measures used to achieve this. But all agree on some basic points. These are that energy efficiency will make up a very significant proportion of the total; that a portfolio of low-carbon technologies will be needed; and that CCS will be particularly important, given the continued use in fossil fuels.
The report also looks at the additional costs for the power-generation sector of achieving emissions cuts. It finds that in the main alternative policy scenario (ACT MAP), which brings energy-related emissions down to near current levels by 2050, additional investments of $7.9 trillion would be needed over the next 45 years in low-carbon power technologies, compared with the baseline scenario. However, there would be $4.5 trillion less spent on fossil-fuel power plants, in part because of lower electricity demand due to energy-efficiency improvements. In addition, there would be significant savings in transmission and distribution costs, and fuel costs; taking these into account brings the total net cost to only $100bn over 45 years. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 234
Power Manufacturing Transport Buid l n i gs Box 9.7 PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
Sources of fossil fuel related emission savings in 2050 IPCC IEA ACT MAP IEA other scenarios Dennis Anderson By sector By technology 31.1 By sector
12.7 GtCO2e in 2020 Low Low nuclear renewables No CCS
28.3 GtCO2e Low efficiency TECH Plus
26.8 GtCO2e 31.3 GtCO2e GtCO2e 32.1 GtCO2e Sectors: Power Manufacturing &construction Transport Buildings Technologies: Energy efficiency CCS Nuclear 37.4 GtCO2e Renewables Fuel mix in buildings & industry Hydrogen andfuel cells 42.6 GtCO2e
dCHP The bars in the diagram above show the composition of emissions reductions achieved in different models. The IPCC work relates to emissions savings in 2020, while the others relate to emissions savings in 2050. Separately, the IPCC have also estimated plausible emissions savings from non-energy sectors (discussed in Section 9.4).
The IPCC reviewed studies on the extent to which emissions could be cut in the power, manufacturing and construction, transport and buildings sectors. They find that for a cost of less than $25/tCO2e, emissions could be cut by 10.8 – 14.7 GtCO2e in 2020. The savings presented in the diagram are around the mid-point of this range.
The IEA Energy Technology Perspectives report sets out a range of scenarios for reducing energy-related CO2 emissions by 2050, based on a marginal abatement cost of $25/tCO2 in 2050, and investment in research and development of new technologies. The ACT MAP scenario is the central scenario; the others make different assumptions on, for instance, the success of CCS technology and the ability to improve energy efficiency. Total emission savings range from 27 to 37 GtCO2/year. In all scenarios, the IEA find that the CO2 intensity of power generation is half current levels by 2050. However there is much less progress in the transport sector in all scenarios apart from TECH PLUS because further abatement from transport is too expensive. To achieve further emission cuts beyond 2050, transport would have to be decarbonised.
The forthcoming World Energy Outlook (2006) depicts an Alternative Policy Scenario that shows how the global energy market could evolve if countries were to adopt all of the policies they are currently considering related to energy security and energy-related CO2 emissions. This Alternative Policy Scenario cuts fossil fuel emissions by more than 6 GtCO2/year against the Reference Scenario by 2030, and finds that there is little difference in the investment requirements51. The World Energy Outlook (2006) also looks at a more radical path that would bring energy-related CO2 emissions back to current levels by 2030, through more aggressive action on energy efficiency and transport and energy technologies, including the use of second generation biofuels and carbon capture and storage. 51 The alternative policy scenario entails more investment in energy efficient infrastructure, but less investment in energy production and distribution. These effects broadly cancel one another out so investment requirements are about the same as in the reference case. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 235
PART III: The Economics of Stabilisation
9.10 Conclusion
The technology-based analysis discussed in this chapter identifies one set of ways in which total GHG emissions could be reduced to three-quarters of current levels by 2050 (consistent with a 550ppm CO2e stabilisation trajectory). The costs of doing so amount to under $1 trillion in 2050, which is relatively modest in relation to the level and expansion of economic output over the next 50 years, which in any scenario of economic success is likely to be over one hundred times this amount. They equate to around 1 ± 2½ % of annual GDP with the IEA analysis suggesting that the costs could be close to zero. As discussed in the next chapter, this finding is broadly consistent with macroeconomic modelling exercises. Chapter 10 also looks at the possible cost implications of aiming for more restrictive stabilisation targets such as 450ppm CO2e.
This resource-cost analysis suggests that a globally rational world should be able to tackle climate change at low cost. However, the more imperfect, less rational, and less global policy is, the more expensive it will be. This will also be examined further in the next chapter. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 236
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Relatively little work has been done looking cost effective emission savings possible from non-fossil fuel sources. The IPCC Working Group III Third Assessment Report (TAR, published in 2001) is the best source of non-fossil fuel emission savings, while work commissioned for the Stern Review by Grieg-Gran covers the latest analysis on tacking deforestation. IPCC has also produced estimates of fossil fuel related emission savings (2001). IPCC emission saving estimates are expected to be updated in the Fourth Assessment Report (to be published 2007). The International Energy Agency has produced a series of publications on how to cut fossil fuel emissions cost effectively; their most up to date estimates of aggregate sector-wide results are presented in the Energy Technology Perspectives (2006) and World Energy Outlook 2006 (in press). Dennis Anderson produced a simple analysis of how fossil fuel emissions can be reduced for the Stern Review, looking forward to 2075 (full paper published on Stern Review web site).
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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2001): Climate Change 2001: 'Mitigation'. Contribution of Working Group III to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Metz B, Davidson O, Swart R and Pan J (eds.)], Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Part III: The Economics of Stabilisation
10 Macroeconomic Models of Costs
Key Messages
Broader behavioural modelling exercises suggest a wide range of costs of climate-change mitigation and abatement, mostly lying in the range 2 to +5% of annual GDP by 2050 for a variety of stabilisation paths. These capture a range of factors, including the shift away from carbon-intensive goods and services throughout economies as carbon prices rise, but differ widely in their assumptions about technologies and costs.
Overall, the expected annual cost of achieving emissions reductions, consistent with an emissions trajectory leading to stabilisation at around 500- 550ppm CO2e, is likely to be around 1% of GDP by 2050, with a range of +/- 3%, reflecting uncertainties over the scale of mitigation required, the pace of technological innovation and the degree of policy flexibility.
Costs are likely to rise significantly as mitigation efforts become more ambitious or sudden, suggesting that efforts to reduce emissions rapidly are likely to be very costly.
The models arriving at the higher cost estimates for a given stabilisation path make assumptions about technological progress that are pessimistic by historical standards and improbable given the cost reductions in low-emissions technologies likely to take place as their use is scaled up.
Flexibility over the sector, technology, location, timing and type of emissions reductions is important in keeping costs down. By focusing mainly on energy and mainly on CO2, many of the model exercises overlook some low-cost abatement opportunities and are likely to over-estimate costs. Spreading the mitigation effort widely across sectors and countries will help to ensure that emissions are reduced where is it cheapest to do so, making policy cost-effective.
While cost estimates in these ranges are not trivial, they are also not high enough seriously to compromise the worlds future standard of living unlike climate change itself, which, if left unchecked, could pose much greater threats to growth (see Chapter 6). An annual cost rising to 1% of GDP by 2050 poses little threat to standards of living, given that economic output in the OECD countries is likely to rise in real terms by over 200% by then, and in developing regions as a whole by 400% or more.
How far costs are kept down will depend on the design and application of policy regimes in allowing for what, where and when flexibility in seeking low- cost approaches. Action will be required to bring forward low-GHG technologies, while giving the private sector a clear signal of the long-term policy environment (see Part IV).
Well-formulated policies with global reach and flexibility across sectors will allow strong economic growth to be sustained in both developed and developing countries, while making deep cuts in emissions. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 239
Part III: The Economics of Stabilisation
10.1 Introduction
The previous chapter calculated the price impact of increasing fossil-fuel costs on the economy and then developed a detailed technology-based estimation approach, in which the costs of a full range of low GHG technologies were compared with fossil fuels for a path with strong carbon emissions abatement. A low-carbon economy with manageable costs is possible, but will require a portfolio of technologies to be developed. Overall, the economy- wide costs were found to be around 1% of GDP, though there remains a wide range reflecting uncertainty over future innovation rates and future fossil-fuel extraction costs and prices.
The focus of this chapter is a comparison of more detailed behavioural modelling exercises, drawing on a comparative analysis of international modelling studies. Different models have been tailored to tackle a range of different questions in estimating the total global costs of moving to a low-GHG economy. Section 10.2 highlights the results from these key models. The models impose a variety of assumptions, which are identified in section 10.3 and reflect uncertainty about the real world and differences of view about the appropriate model structure and, in turn, yield a range of costs estimates. The section investigates the degree to which specific model structures and characteristics affect cost estimates, in order to draw conclusions about which estimates are the most plausible and what factors in the real world are likely to influence them. Section 10.4 puts these estimated costs into a global perspective. There are also important questions about how these costs will be distributed, winners and losers, and the implications of countries moving at different speeds. These are examined further in Chapter 11.
The inter-model comparison reaffirms the conclusion that climate-change mitigation is technically and economically feasible with mid-century costs most likely to be around 1% of GDP, +/- 3%.
Nevertheless, the full range of cost estimates in the broader studies is even wider. This reflects the greater number of uncertainties in the more detailed studies, not only over future costs and the treatment of innovation, but also over the behaviour of producers and consumers and the degree of policy flexibility across the globe. Any models that attempt to replicate consumer and producer behaviours over decades must be highly speculative. Particular aspects can drive particular results especially if they are run forward into the distant future. Such are the difficulties of analysing issues that affect millions of people over long time horizons. However, such modelling exercises are essential, and the presence of such a broad and growing range of studies makes it possible to draw judgements on what are the key assumptions.
10.2 Costs of emissions-saving measures: results from other models
A broader assessment of mitigation costs requires a thorough modelling of consumer and producer behaviour, as well as the cost and choice of low-GHG technologies.
There have been a number of modelling exercises that attempt to determine equilibrium allocations of energy and non-energy emissions, costs and prices (including carbon prices), consistent with changing behaviour by firms and households. The cost estimates that emerge from these models depend on the assumptions that drive key relationships, such as the assumed ease with which consumers and producers can substitute into low-GHG activities, the degree of foresight in making investment decisions and the role of technology in the evolution of costs.
To estimate how costs can be kept as low as possible, models should cover a broad range of sectors and gases, as mitigation can take many forms, including land-use and industrial-process emissions.
Most models, however, are restricted to estimating the cost of altered fossil-fuel combustion applied mostly to carbon, as this reduces model complexity. Although fossil-fuel combustion accounts for more than three-quarters of developed economies carbon emissions, this STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 240
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simplifying assumption will tend to over-estimate costs, as many low-cost mitigation opportunities in other sectors are left out (for example, energy efficiency, non-CO2 emissions mitigation in general, and reduced emissions from deforestation; see Chapter 9). Some of the most up-to-date and extensive comparisons surveyed in this section include:
Stanford Universitys Energy Modelling Forum (EMF); the meta-analysis study by Fischer and Morgenstern (Resources For the Future (2005)); the International Energy Agency accelerated technology scenarios; the IPCC survey of modelling results; the Innovation Modelling Comparison Project (IMCP); the Meta-Analysis of IMCP model projections by Barker et al (2006); the draft US CCSP Synthesis and Assessment of Scenarios of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions and Atmospheric Concentrations and Review of Integrated Scenario Development and Application (June 2006).
The wide range of model results reflects the design of the models and their choice of assumptions, which itself reflects the uncertainties and differing approaches inherent in projecting the future.
Figure 10.1 uses Barkers combined three-model dataset to show the reduction in annual CO2 emissions from the baseline and the associated changes in world GDP. Although most of the model estimates for 2050 are clustered in the 2 to 5% of GDP loss in the final-year cost range, these costs depend on a range of assumptions. The full range of estimates drawn from a variety of stabilisation paths and years extends from 4% of GDP (that is, net gains) to +15% of GDP costs. A notable feature, examined in more detail below, is the greater-than- proportionate increase in costs to any rise in the amount of mitigation.
This variation in cost estimates is driven by a diversity of characteristics in individual models. To take two examples, the AIM model shows a marked rise in costs towards 2100, reflecting the use of only one option energy conservation being induced by climate policy, so that costs rise substantially as this option becomes exhausted. At the opposite extreme, the E3MG global econometric model assumes market failures due to increasing returns and unemployed resources in the base case. This means that additional energy-sector investment, and associated innovation driven by stabilisation constraints, act to increase world GDP. The fact that there is such a broad range of studies and assumptions is welcome, making it possible to use meta-analysis1 to determine what factors drive the results. 1 In statistics, a meta-analysis combines the results of several studies that tackle a set of related research hypotheses. In order to overcome the problem of reduced statistical power in individual studies with small sample sizes, analysing the results from a group of studies can allow more accurate data analysis. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 241
Global andUSGWP differencefrombase (%) Figure 10.1 Part III: The Economics of Stabilisation
Scatter plot of model cost projections Costs of CO2 emissions reductions as a fraction of GDP against level of reduction 10 -100 20 CO2 difference from base (%) IMCP dataset post-SRES dataset WRI dataset (USA only) Source: Barker et al. (2006). Note: GWP should read GDP.
Model comparison exercises help to identify the reasons why the results vary.
To make sense of the growing range of estimates generated, model comparison exercises have attempted to synthesise the main findings of these models. This has helped to make more transparent the differences between the assumptions in different models. A meta- analysis of leading model simulations, undertaken for the Stern Review by Terry Barker2, shows that some of the higher cost estimates come from models with limited substitution opportunities, little technological learning, and limited flexibility about when and where to cut emissions3.
The meta-analysis work essentially treats the output of each model as data, and then quantifies the importance of parameters and assumptions common to the various models in generating results. The analysis generates an overarching model, based on estimates of the impacts of individual model characteristics. This can be used to predict costs as a percentage of world GDP in any year, for any given mitigation strategy. Table 10.1 shows estimated costs in 2030 for stabilisation at 450ppm CO2. This corresponds with approximately 500-550ppm CO2e, assuming adjustments in the emissions of other gases such that, at stabilisation, 10- 20% of total CO2e will be composed of non-CO2 gases (see Chapter 8).
A feature of the model is that it can effectively switch on or off the factors identified as being statistically and economically significant in cutting costs. For example, the worst case assumption assumes that all the identified cost-cutting factors are switched off in this case, costs total 3.4% of GDP. At the other extreme, the best case projection assumes all the identified cost-cutting factors are active, in which case mitigation yields net benefits to the world economy to the tune of 3.9% of GDP. (Table 10.1 lists the individual estimated contributions to costs from the identified assumptions a positive percentage point contribution represents the average reduction in costs when the parameter is switched on). 2 Terry Barker is the Director of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research (4CMR), Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Leader of the Tyndall Centres research programme on Integrated Assessment Modelling and Chairman of Cambridge Econometrics. He is a Coordinating Lead Author in the IPCCs Fourth Assessment Report, due 2007, for the chapter covering mitigation from a cross-sectoral perspective. 3 STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 242
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Table 10.1 Meta-analysis estimates, contributions to cost reduction
Average impact of model assumptions on world GDP in 2030 for stabilisation at 450ppm CO2 (approximately 500-550ppm CO2e) (% point levels difference from base model run)
Full equation Worst case assumptions Active revenue recycling4 CGE model Induced technology Non-climate benefit International mechanisms Backstop technology Climate benefit Total extra assumptions Best-case assumptions -3.4 1.9 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.2 7.3 3.9 Source: Barker et al. 2006
It is immediately obvious that no model includes all of these assumptions to the extent suggested here. This is because in practice, not all the cost-cutting factors are likely to apply to the extent indicated here, and the impact of each assumption is likely to be exaggerated (for example the active recycling parameter is based on the data from only one model2).
Nevertheless, the exercise suggests that the inclusion in individual models of induced technology, averted non-climate-change damages (such as air pollution) and international emission-trading mechanisms (such as carbon trading and CDM flows), can limit costs substantially.
The time paths of costs also depend crucially on assumptions contained within the modelling exercises. A number of models show costs rising as a proportion of output through to the end of the century, as the rising social cost of carbon requires ever more costly mitigation options to be utilised. Other models show a peak in costs around mid-century, after which point costs fall as a proportion of GDP, reflecting cost reductions resulting from increased innovation (see Section 10.3). In addition, greater disaggregation of regions, sectors and fuel types allow more opportunities for substitution and hence tend to lower the overall costs of GHG mitigation, as does the presence of a backstop technology5.
10.3 Key assumptions affecting cost estimates
Other model-comparison exercises, including studies broadening the scope to include non- carbon emissions, draw similar conclusions to the Barker study. A number of key factors emerge that have a strong influence in determining cost estimates. These explain not only the different estimates generated by the models, but also some of the uncertainties surrounding potential costs in the real world. These considerations are central, not only to generating realistic and plausible cost estimates, but also to formulating policies that might keep costs 4 The parameter can be interpreted as switched 'off' for models where no account is taken of revenues (effectively only the changes in relative prices are modelled) and 'on' for models where the revenues are recycled in some way. Unfortunately, the data underpinning this parameter are thin: among the IMCP models, only E3MG models the use of revenues at all. 5 determined independently of the level of demand. Thus, backstop technologies imply lower abatement costs with the introduction of carbon taxes. The backstop price may vary through technical change. For example, wind, solar, tidal and geothermal resources may serve as backstop technologies, whereas nuclear fission is generally not, because of its reliance on a potentially limited supply of uranium. In practice, very few technologies will be entirely elastic in supply: even wind farms may run out of sites, and the best spots for catching and transporting electricity from the sun may be exhausted quickly. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 243
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low for any given mitigation scenario. The overarching conclusion of the model studies is that costs can be moderated significantly if many options are pursued in parallel and new technologies are phased in gradually, and if policies designed to induce new technologies start sooner rather than later. The details will be quantified bellow, but the following key features are central to determining cost estimates.
Assumed baseline emissions determine the level of ambition.
The cost of stabilising GHG emissions depends on the amount of additional mitigation required. This is given by the mitigation gap between the emissions goal and the 'business as usual' (BAU) emissions profile projected in the absence of climate-change policies. Scenarios with larger emissions in the BAU scenario will require greater reductions to reach specific targets, and will tend to be more costly. Large differences in baseline scenarios reflect genuine uncertainty about BAU trends, and different projected paths of global economic development.
The 2004 EMF study found a marked divergence in baseline Annex 1 (rich) country emissions projections from around 2040. Rich-country emissions begin at around 26GtCO2 at the start of the century and then rise to a range of 40-50GtCO2 by mid-century. By 2100, the range of BAU projections fans out dramatically. Some baseline scenarios show emissions dropping back towards levels at the start of the century while others show emissions rising towards 95 GtCO2; there is an even spread between these extremes. These different paths encompass a variety of assumptions about energy efficiency, GHG intensity and output growth, as well as about exogenous technological progress and land-use policies.
Technological change will determine costs through time.
Costs vary substantially between studies, depending on the assumed rate of technological learning, the number of learning technologies included in the analysis and the time frame considered6. Many of the higher cost estimates tend to originate from models without a detailed specification of alternative technological options. The Barker study found that the inclusion of induced technical change could lower the estimated costs of stabilisation by one or two percentage points of GDP by 2030 (see table 10.1). All the main studies found that the availability of a non-GHG backstop (see above) lowered predicted costs if the option came into play. Chapter 16 shows that climate policies are necessary to provide the incentive for low-GHG technologies. Without a loud, legal and long carbon price signal, in addition to direct support for R&D, the technologies will not emerge with sufficient impact (see Part IV).
How far costs are kept down will depend on the design and application of policy regimes in allowing for what, where and when flexibility in seeking low-cost approaches. Action will be required to bring forward low-GHG technologies, while giving the private sector a clear signal of the long-term policy environment (see Part IV).
Abatement costs are lower when there is what flexibility: flexibility over how emission savings are achieved, with a wide choice of sectors and technologies and the inclusion of non-CO2 emissions.
Flexibility between sectors. It will be cheaper, per tonne of GHG, to cut emissions from some sectors rather than others because there will be a larger selection of better-developed technologies in some. For example, the range of emission-saving technologies in the power generation sector is currently better developed than in the transport sector. However, this does not mean that the sectors with a lack of technology options do nothing in the meantime. Indeed, innovation policies will be crucial in bringing forward clean technologies so that they are ready for introduction in the long term. The potential for cost-effective emission saving is also likely to be less in those sectors in which low-cost mitigation options have already been undertaken. Similarly, flexibility to cut emissions from a range of consumption options and economic sectors is also likely to reduce modelled costs. Models that are restricted to a 6 Grubb et al. (2006). See also Grubler et al. (1999), Nakicenovic (2000), Jaffe et al. (2003) and Köhler (2006) STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 244
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narrow range of sectors with inelastic demand, for example, parts of the transport sector, will tend to estimate very high costs for a given amount of mitigation (see Section 10.2).
Flexibility between technologies. Using a portfolio of technologies is cheaper because individual technologies are prone to increasing marginal costs of abatement, making it cheaper to switch to an alternative technology or measure to secure further savings. There is also a lot of uncertainty about which technologies will turn out to be cheapest so it is best to keep a range of technology options open. It is impossible to predict accurately which technologies will experience breakthroughs that cause costs to fall and which will not.
Flexibility between gases. Broadening the scope of mitigation in the cost-modelling exercises to include non-CO2 gases has the potential to lower the costs by opening up additional low-cost abatement opportunities. A model comparison by the Energy Modelling Forum7 has shown that including non-carbon greenhouse gases (NCGGs) in mitigation analysis can achieve the same climate goal at considerably lower costs than a CO2-only strategy. The study found that model estimates of costs to attain a given mitigation path fell by about 3040% relative to a CO2-only approach, with the largest benefits occurring in the first decades of the scenario period, with abatement costs on the margin falling by as much as 80%. It is notable that the impacts on costs are very substantial in comparison to the much smaller contribution of NCGGs to overall emissions, reflecting the low-cost mitigation options and the increase in flexibility of abatement options from incorporating a multi-gas approach8 9.
However, given that climate change is a product of the stock of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the lifetime of gases in the atmosphere also has to be taken into account (see Chapter 8). Strategies that focus too much on some of the shorter-lived gases risk locking in to high future stocks of the longer-lived gases, particularly CO2.
Some countries can cut emissions more cheaply than other countries, so where flexibility is important.
Flexibility over the distribution of emission-saving efforts across the globe will also help to lower abatement costs, because some countries have cheaper abatement options than others10.
The natural resource endowments of some countries will make some forms of emissions abatement cheaper than in other countries. For example, emission reduction from deforestation will only be possible where there are substantial deforestation emissions. Brazil is well suited to growing sugar, which can be used to produce biofuel cheaply, although, to the extent that biofuels can be transported, other countries are also likely to benefit. Brazil, like many other developing countries, also has a very good wind resource. In addition, the solar resources of developing countries are immense, the incident solar energy per m2 being 2-2.5 times greater than in most of Europe, and it is better distributed throughout the year (see Chapter 9).
Countries that have already largely decarbonised their energy sector are likely to find further savings there expensive. They will tend to focus on the scope for emissions cuts elsewhere. Energy-efficiency measures are typically among the
7 8 low cost. The study looked at how the world might meet a stabilisation objective if it selected the least-cost abatement among energy-related CO2 emissions and non-CO2 emissions (but not land use). Two stabilisation scenarios were compared (aimed at stabilising emissions to 650ppm CO2e): one in which only energy-related CO2 emissions could be cut; and another in which energy-related CO2 emissions and non-CO2 gases could be reduced. In the energy- related CO2 emissions only scenario, CO2 emissions fall by 75% on baseline levels in 2100. Some non-CO2 gases also fall as an indirect consequence. In the multi-gas scenario, CO2 emissions fall by a lesser extent (67% by 2100) and there are significant cuts in the non-CO2 gases (CH4 falling by 52%, N2O by 38%, F-gases by 73%). CO2 remains the major contributor to emission savings, because it represents the biggest share in GHG emissions. 9 10 policy should be designed to achieve emissions reductions, while Chapter 11 examines the possible impacts on national competitiveness. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 245
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cheapest abatement options, and energy efficiency varies hugely by country. For example, unit energy and carbon intensity are particularly low in Switzerland (1.2toe/$GDP and 59tc/$GDP respectively in 2002), reflecting the compositional structure of output and the use of low-carbon energy production. By contrast, Russia and Uzbekistan remain very energy- and carbon-intensive (12.5toe/$GDP and 840tc/$GDP respectively for Uzbekistan in 2002), partly reflecting aging capital stock and price subsidies in the energy market (see, for example, Box 12.3 on gas flaring in Russia).
It will also be cheaper to pursue emission cuts in countries that are in the process of making big capital investments. The timing of emission savings will also differ by country, according to when capital stock is retired and when savings from longer-term investments such as innovation programmes come to fruition. Countries such as India and China are expected to increase their capital infrastructure substantially over coming decades, with China alone accounting for around 15% of total global energy investment. If they use low-emission technologies, emission savings can be locked in for the lifetime of the asset. It is much cheaper to build a new piece of capital equipment using low-emission technology than to retro-fit dirty capital stock.
The Barker study also found that the presence of international mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol (which include international emissions trading, joint implementation and the Clean Development Mechanism) allow for greater flexibility about where cuts are made across the globe. This has the potential to reduce costs of stabilising atmospheric GHG concentrations at approximately 500-550ppm CO2e by almost a full percentage point of world GDP1112. Similarly, Babiker et al. (2001) concluded that limits on where flexibility, through the restriction of trading between sectors of the US economy, can substantially increase costs, by up to 80% by 2030.
Changes in consumer and producer behaviour through time are uncertain, so when flexibility is desirable.
The timing of emission cuts can influence total abatement cost and the policy implications. It makes good economic sense to reduce emissions at the time at which it is cheapest to do so. Thus, to the extent that future abatement costs are expected to be lower, the total cost of abatement can be reduced by delaying emission cuts. However, as Chapter 8 set out, limits on the ability to cut emissions rapidly, due to the inertia in the global economy, mean that delays to action can imply very high costs later.
Also, as discussed above, the evolution of energy technologies to date strongly suggests that there is a relationship between policy effort on innovation and technology cost. Early policy action on mitigation can reduce the costs of emission-saving technologies (as discussed in Chapter 15).
Cost-effective planning and substituting activities across time require policy stability, as well as accurate information and well-functioning capital markets. Models that allow for perfect foresight together with endogenous investment possibilities tend to show much reduced costs. Perfect foresight is not an assertion to be taken literally, but it does show the importance of policy being transparent and predictable, so that people can plan ahead efficiently. 11 Richels et al (1998) found that international co-operation through trade in emission rights is essential to reduce mitigation costs of the Kyoto protocol. The magnitude of the savings would depend on several factors including the number of participating countries and the shape of each countrys marginal abatement cost curve. Weyant and Hill (1999) assessed the importance of emissions permits and found that they had the potential to reduce OECD costs by 0.1ppt to 0.9ppt by as early as 2010. 12 non-CO2 gas abatement, and a regime that is globally less comprehensive and mimics the present ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. The study found that, by 2100, the abatement programme that is globally comprehensive, but has limited coverage of gases (non-CO2only), might be as much as twice as effective at limiting global mean temperature increases and less expensive than the Kyoto framework. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 246
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The ambition of policy has an impact on estimates of costs.
A common feature of the model projections was the presence of increasing marginal costs to mitigation. This applies not just to the total mitigation achieved, but also the speed at which it is brought about. This means that each additional unit reduction of GHG becomes more expensive as abatement increases in ambition and also in speed. Chapter 13 discusses findings from model comparisons and shows a non-linear acceleration of costs as more ambitious stabilisation paths are pursued. The relative absence of energy model results for stabilisation concentrations below 500ppm CO2e is explained by the fact that carbon-energy models found very significant costs associated with moving below 450ppm, as the number of affordable mitigation options was quickly exhausted. Some models were unable to converge on a solution at such low stabilisation levels, reflecting the absence of mitigation options and inflexibilities in the diffusion of backstop technologies.
In general, model comparisons find that the cost of stabilising emissions at 500- 550ppm CO2e would be around a third of doing so at 450-500ppm CO2e.
The lesson here is to avoid doing too much, too fast, and to pace the flow of mitigation appropriately. For example great uncertainty remains as to the costs of very deep reductions. Digging down to emissions reductions of 60-80% or more relative to baseline will require progress in reducing emissions from industrial processes, aviation, and a number of areas where it is presently hard to envisage cost-effective approaches. Thus a great deal depends on assumptions about technological advance (see Chapters 9, 16 and 24). The IMCP studies of cost impacts to 2050 of aiming for around 500-550ppm CO2e were below 1% of GDP for all but one model (IMACLIM), but they diverged afterwards. By 2100, some fell while others rose sharply, reflecting the greater uncertainty about the costs of seeking out successive new mitigation sources.
Consequently, the average expected cost is likely to remain around 1% of GDP from mid-century, but the range of uncertainty is likely to grow through time.
Potential co-benefits need to be considered.
The range of possible co-benefits is discussed in detail in Chapter 12. The Barker meta- analysis found that including co-benefits could reduce estimated mitigation costs by 1% of GDP. Such models estimate, for example, the monetary value of improved health due to reduced pollution and the offsetting of allocative efficiency losses through reductions in distortionary taxation. Pearce (1996) highlighted studies from the UK and Norway showing benefits of reduced air pollution that offset the costs of carbon dioxide abatement costs by between 30% and 100%. A more recent review of the literature13 came to similar conclusions, noting that developing countries would tend to have higher ancillary benefits from GHG mitigation compared with developed countries, since, in general, they currently incur greater costs from air pollution.
Analyses carried out under the Clean Air for Europe programme suggest cost savings as high as 40% of GHG mitigation costs are possible from the co-ordination of climate and air pollution policies14. Mitigation through land-use reform has implications for social welfare (including enhanced food security and improved clean-water access), better environmental services (such as higher water quality and better soil retention), and greater economic welfare through the impact on output prices and production15. These factors are difficult to measure with accuracy, but are potentially important and are discussed further in Chapter 12. 13 14 15 OECD et al. 2000 Syri et al. 2001 A difficulty in evaluating the exact benefits of climate polices to air pollution is the different spatial and temporal scales of the two issues being considered. GHGs are long-lived and hence global in their impact while air pollutants are shorter-lived and tend to be more regional or local in their impacts. STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 247
Box 10.1 Part III: The Economics of Stabilisation
The relationship between marginal and average carbon cost estimates It is important to distinguish marginal from average carbon costs. In general, the marginal cost of carbon mitigation will rise as mitigation becomes more expensive, as low-cost options are exhausted and diminishing returns to scale are encountered. But the impact on overall costs to the economy is measured by the average cost of mitigation, which will be lower than those on the margin.
In some cases, for example, where energy efficiency increases or where induced technology reduces the costs of mitigation, average costs might not rise and could be zero or negative, even where costs on the margin are positive and rising. The correlation from plotting carbon tax against losses in GDP from the IMCP study is only 0.37; a survey for the US Congress by Lasky (2003) showed that a similar low correlation can be seen from model results on the US costs of Kyoto (2003, p.92).
Changes in the marginal carbon cost are related, but do not correspond one-for-one, to the average cost of mitigation. The social cost of carbon will tend to rise as the stock of atmospheric GHGs, and associated damages, rises. The marginal abatement cost will also rise, reflecting this, but average abatement costs may fall (see Chapter 9). This explains why some of the models with a high social cost of carbon, and corresponding high carbon price, show very low average costs. The high carbon price is assumed to be necessary to induce benefits from energy efficiency, technological innovation and other co-benefits such as lower pollution. In some cases, these result in a reduction in average costs that raise GDP above the baseline when a stabilisation goal is imposed. This also explains why the work by Anderson (Chapter 9) shows a falling average cost of carbon through time consistent with rising costs on the margin.
Most models represent incentives to change emissions trajectories in terms of the marginal carbon price required. This not only changes specific investments according to carbon content, but also triggers technical change through the various mechanisms considered in the models, including through various forms of knowledge investment. The IMCP project (Grubb et al. 2006) charts the evolution of carbon prices required to achieve stabilisation and shows that they span a wide range, both in absolute terms and in the time profile. For stabilisation at 450ppm (around 500-550ppm CO2e), most models show carbon prices start off low and rise to US$360/tCO2 +/- 150% by 2030, and are in the range US$180-900/tCO2 by 2050, as the social cost of carbon increases and more expensive mitigation options need to be encouraged on the margin in order to meet an abatement goal.
After that, they diverge significantly: some increase sharply as the social cost of carbon continues to rise. Others level off as the carbon stock and corresponding social cost of carbon stabilise and a breadth of mitigation options and technologies serve to meet the stabilisation objective. Rising marginal carbon prices need not mean that GDP impacts grow proportionately, as new technologies and improved energy efficiency will reduce the economy's dependence on carbon, narrowing the economic base subject to the higher carbon taxation.
10.4 Understanding the scale of total global costs
Overall, the model simulations demonstrate that costs depend on the design and application of policy, the degree of global policy flexibility, and, whether or not governments send the right signals to markets and get the most efficient mix of investment. If mitigation policy is timed poorly, or if cheap global mitigation options are overlooked, the costs can be high.
To put these costs into perspective, the estimated effects of even ambitious climate change policies on economic output are estimated to be small around 1% or less of national and world product, averaged across the next 50 to 100 years provided policy instruments are applied efficiently and flexibly across a range of options around the globe. This will require early action to retard growth in the stock of GHGs, identify low-cost opportunities and prevent locking-in to high GHG infrastructure. The numbers involved in stabilising emissions are STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 248
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potentially large in absolute terms maybe hundreds of billions of dollars annually (1% of current world GDP equates to approximately $350-400 billion) but are small in relation to the level and growth of output.
For example, if mitigation costs 1% of world GDP by 2100, relative to the hypothetical no climate change baseline, this is equivalent to the growth rate of annual GDP over the period dropping from 2.5% to 2.49%. GDP in 2100 would still be approximately 940% higher than today, as opposed to 950% higher if there were no climate-change to tackle. Alternatively, one can think of annual GDP being 1% lower through time, with the same growth rate, after an initial adjustment. The same level of output is reached around four or five months later than would be the case in the absence of mitigation costs16.
The illustration of costs above assumes no change in the baseline growth rate relative to the various mitigation scenarios, that is, it takes no account of climate-change damages. In practice, by 2100, the impacts of climate change make it likely that the business as usual level of world GDP will be lower than the post-mitigation profile (see Chapters 6 and 13). Hence stabilising at levels around 500-550ppm CO2e need not cost more than a years deferral of economic growth over the century with broad-based, sensible and comprehensive policies. Once damages are accounted for, mitigation clearly protects growth, while failing to mitigate does not.
The mitigation costs modelled in this chapter are unlikely to make the same kind of material difference to household lifestyles and global welfare as those which would arise with the probable impact of dangerous climate change, in the absence of mitigation (see section II). The importance of weighing together the costs, benefits and uncertainties through time is emphasised in Chapter 13.
10.5 Conclusion
This chapter draws on a range of model estimates with a variety of assumptions. A detailed analysis of the key drivers of costs suggests the estimated effects of ambitious policies to stabilise atmospheric GHGs on economic output can be kept small, rising to around 1% of national and world product averaged over the next fifty years.
By 2050, models suggest a plausible range of costs from 2% (net gains) to +5% of GDP, with this range growing towards the end of the century, because of the uncertainties about the required amount of mitigation, the pace of technological innovation and the efficiency with which policy is applied across the globe. Critically, these costs rise sharply as mitigation becomes more ambitious or sudden.
Whether or not the costs are actually minimised will depend on the design and application of policy regimes in allowing for what, where and when flexibility, and taking action to bring forward low-GHG technologies while giving the private sector a clear signal of the long-term policy environment.
These costs, however, will not be evenly distributed. Issues around the likely distribution of costs are explored in the next chapter. Possible opportunities and benefits arising from climate-change policy also need to be taken into account in any serious consideration of what the true costs will be, and of the implications of moving at different speeds. These are examined further in Chapter 12. 16 See, for example, Azar (2002) STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Change 249
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Volume 2 of Jorgensons book Growth and also Ricci (2003) provide a rigorous and thorough basis for understanding the theoretical framework against which to assess the costs of environmental regulation and GHG mitigation. The special edition of Energy Economics 2004 is also recommended and includes a crystal-clear introduction to modelling issues by John Weyant. The study by Fischer and Morgenstern (2005) also offers a comprehensive introduction to the key modelling issues, explaining divergent modelling results in terms of modelling assumptions, while highlighting the importance of what, where when flexibility. Van Vuuren et al. (2006) are among those who take this a step further by allowing for multi-gas flexibility in modelling scenarios.
Edenhofer et al. (2006) review the results of ten IMCP energy modelling exercises examining the costs associated with different stabilisation paths, the dynamics of carbon prices and the importance of key assumptions, in particular, induced innovation. Barker et al. (2006) use a more a quantitative approach to synthesise the results of different model projections and examine the importance of induced technological innovation. Using a meta-analysis estimation technique, they attempt to quantify how important various modelling assumptions are in determining cost estimates for different mitigation scenarios.
Azar C. and S.H. Schneider (2002): 'Are the economic costs of stabilising the atmosphere prohibitive?' Ecological Economics 42:(2002) 7380
Babiker M.H., J. Reilly, J.M. Mayer, et al. (2001): 'The emissions prediction and policy analysis (EPPA) model: revisions, sensitivities and comparisons of results', Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Babiker M.H., J. Reilly, J.M. Mayer, et al. (2004): 'Modelling non-CO2 Greenhouse-Gas Abatement', Netherlands Springer pp175-186, October.
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11 Structural Change and Competitiveness
Key Messages
The costs of mitigation will not be felt uniformly across countries and sectors. Greenhouse-gas-intensive sectors, and countries, will require the most structural adjustment, and the timing of action by different countries will affect the balance of costs and benefits.
If some countries move more quickly than others in implementing carbon reduction policies, there are concerns that carbon-intensive industries will locate in countries without such policies in place. A relatively small number of car
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