There is only left to urge the Medical Board of the United States, and the American Psychiatric Association –institutions that should be more concerned with the welfare of society that the one of the profession they represent– to outlaw their associated member, stripping him of his medical license, and decide on public moral misconduct and insanity to a degree that borders on the morbid and unhealthy; and his hallucinatory regressive and progressive therapy, that desecrates the epistemological principles of medical science and undermines the legal heritage of his victims: this is what the nations of the world are obliged to protect.
The U.S. custodial institutions, the international scientific community and the organizations that monitor human rights, cannot assume a non critical position. The dignity and morality of the human person are protected by international and domestic public law. Dr. Weiss" fraudulent crime not only victimizes people who are bereaved by any physical or mental illness, or emotional distress, precipitating them to their nihility, but also attacks the laws of Government, the legal system and customary law.18
Necromancy discredits Medicine. The quackery in any form is unethical and contrary to professional decorum. It is illegal and immoral to use medical practice to lead a criminal enterprise dedicated to committing a permanent collective scam at the planetary level, through a play cruel, ruthless and obscene. Their illegal action is alien to the Unique List of Medical Procedures and to the International Accepted Standards of Diagnosis and Treatment, approved by the World Health Organization, which furthermore foresee the obligation to strive with all effort to respect the human rights of people in regards to their mental health; and require that the health resources that are offered or authorized, conform to scientific criteria of validity and real help.
Under the rule of law and the doctrine of clear and present danger, it is necessary to suppress the wrongdoer who operates his parasitic activities with absolute impunity on both sides of the Atlantic. There is justification for limitations on grounds of public policy: the murky selfish interests of an individual must be subordinated to the general interest of nations. Freedom can be restricted to prevent grave and immediate danger to interests which State or Federal governments have the right to rightfully protect.19 U.S. authorities are obliged to enact measures against damage, even if the cause of danger is uncertain and it is ignored if it"s likely to cause harm. There exists binding international jurisprudential casuistry, so it should be adjusted to the judged matter with respect to earlier proceedings about criminal acts of the same legal status.
To all international organisms presided by WHO and representatives of the U.S. Medical School, American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, World Psychiatric Association, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and to the scientific community of nations: the Code of Ethics, moral heritage of medicine, which contains provisions recognized and enshrined in all latitudes, prohibits the doctor to apply therapies that are not sufficiently contrasted. The professional moral guarantees the praxis; this is established in the Hippocratic Oath and the categorical Kantian imperative20 that is its deontological foundation.
Pedagogy –civilization"s sublime axiological purpose– exhausts its essence in the formation of the learner, contemplates with amazement and bewilderment the successful transformation of liberal professions into criminal ones and vice versa; given the fact that the pseudo-logic obscurantist industry, highly disturbing, ends up canceling the critical faculty of the students, thus degrading their intelligence development, and consequently shaking the dialectic foundations of the science of Education. The culture of death is not only the death of culture, but also the destruction of society itself when two top values of the person disappear: the intelligence that allows you to reach the truth, and the freedom to love and follow that truth.21
It's time to stop being witnesses of the destruction of contemporary culture, which straddles the validity of essential values of life and the human person.22 It is not enough to be indifferent to the imposture of the hooligan who deprives nations of peace and legal certainty. It is necessary to reprove, suppress and banish it. His leniency becomes quintessential, fearful tolerance, which represents omission, concealment and succor to the swindle; this insults intelligence, dishonors the human race, and perverts customs.
Alejandro Cruzado-Balcázar
Attorney at Law
Trujillo – Perú, june 2013
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