3. Pasado Perfecto
Se forma con had (hubo) y el participio pasado del verbo Yo hube jugado I had played
El hubo ido He had gone
Yo hube trabajado I had worked
Tu hubiste ido You had gone
El hubo pintado He had painted
Ella hubo cantado She had sung
Nosotros hubimos abierto We had opened
Ustedes hubieron manejado You had driven
Ellos hubieron comido They had eaten
Yo no hube trabajado I hadn’t worked
Tu no hubiste ido You hadn’t gone
El no hubo pintado He hadn’t painted
Ella no hubo cantado She hadn’t sung
Nosotros no hubimos abierto We hadn’t opened
Ustedes no hubieran manejado You hadn’t driven
Ellos no hubieron comido They hadn’t eaten
¿Hube yo trabajado? Had I worked?
¿Hubiste tu ido? Had you gone?
¿Hubo él pintado? Had he painted?
¿Hubo ella cantado? Had she sung?
¿Hubimos nosotros abierto? Had we opened?
¿Hubieron ustedes manejado? Had you driven?
¿Hubieron ellos comido? Had they eaten?
¿Hubiste tu estudiado en la universidad? Had you studied in the university? Si, yo si Yes, I had No, yo no No, I hadn’t Si, yo hube estudiado en la universidad Yes, I had studied in the university No, yo no hube estudiado en la universidad No, I hadn’t studied in the university
¿Hube yo trabajado? Had I worked? Si, tu si Yes, you had No, tu no No, you hadn’t Si, tu hubiste trabajado Yes, you had worked No, tu no hubiste trabajado No, you hadn’t worked
¿Hubiste tu ido? Had you gone? Si, yo hube Yes, I had No, yo no hube No, I hadn’t Si, yo hube ido Yes, I had gone No, yo no hube ido No, I hadn’t gone
¿Hubo él pintado? Had he painted? Si, el si Yes, he had No, él no No, he hadn’t Si, él ha pintado Yes, he had painted No, él no ha pintado No, he hadn’t painted
¿Hubimos nosotros abierto? Had we opened? Si, ustedes hubieron Yes, you had No, ustedes no No, you hadn’t Si, ustedes hubieron abierto Yes, you had opened No, ustedes no hubieron abierto No, you hadn’t opened
¿Hubiste tu manejado? Had you driven? Si, yo si Yes, I had No, yo no No, I hadn’t Si, yo hube manejado Yes, I had driven No, yo no hube manejado No, I hadn’t driven
¿Hubieron ellos comido? Had they eaten? Si, ellos si Yes, they had No, ellos no No, they hadn’t Sí, ellos hubieron comido Yes, they had eaten No, ellos no hubieron comido No, they hadn’t eaten
¿Hubo Pedro ido a la escuela? Had Pedro gone to school? Si, él si Yes, he had No, él no No, he hadn’t Si, Pedro hubo ido a la escuela Yes, Pedro had gone to school No, Pedro no hubo ido a la escuela No, Pedro hadn’t gone to school
¿Hubieron los muchachos jugado tenis? Had the boys played tennis? Si, ellos si Yes, they had No, ellos no No, they hadn’t Si, los muchachos hubieron jugado tenis Yes, the boys had played tennis No, los muchachos no hubieron jugado tenis No, the boys hadn’t played tennis
¿Hubo la enfermera practicado en el hospital? Had the nurse practiced in the hospital? Si, ella si Yes, she had No, ella no No, she hadn’t Si, la enfermera hubo practicado en el hospital Yes, the nurse had practiced in the hospital No, la enfermera no hubo practicado en el hospital No, the nurse hadn’t practiced in the hospital
¿Hubo el profesor cantado en Francés? Had the teacher sung in French? Si, él si Yes he had No, él no No, he hadn’t Si, el profesor hubo cantado en Francés Yes, the teacher had sung in French No, el profesor no hubo cantado en Francés No, the teacher hadn’t sung in French
¿Hubiste tú viajado por autobús? Had you traveled by bus? Si, yo si Yes, I had No, yo no No, I hadn’t Si, yo hube viajado por autobús Yes, I had traveled by bus No, yo no hube viajado por autobús No, I hadn’t traveled by bus
¿Hubimos nosotros comido en la cafetería? Had we eaten in the cafeteria? Si, nosotros hubimos Yes, you had No, nosotors no hubimos No, you hadn’t Si, nosotros hubimos comido en la cafetería Yes, you had eaten in the cafeteria No, nosotros no hubimos comido en la cafetería No, you hadn’t eaten in the cafeteria
¿Hubieron los hombres policías descansado en Mante? Had the policeman rested in Mante? Si, ellos si Yes, they had No, ellos no No, they hadn’t Si, los hombres policías hubieron descansado en Mante Yes, the policemen had rested in Mante No, los hombres policías no hubieron descansado en Mante No, the policemen hadn’t rested in Mante
¿Quién hubo jugado? Who had played? Yo I had Yo hube jugado I had played Tu hubiste jugado You had played Ellos They had Ellos hubieron jugado They had played El hombre policía The policeman had El hombre policía hubo jugado The policeman had played Los hombres policies The policemen had Los hombres policías hubieron jugado The policemen had played
¿Quién hubo nadado? Who had swum? Yo I had Yo hube nadado I had swum Tu You had Tu hubiste nadado You had swum Nosotros We had Nosotros hubimos nadado We had swum Ustedes You had Ustedes hubieron nadado You had swum
¿Quién hubo comprado? Who had bought? Chicoché Chicoche had Chicoché hubo comprado Chicoche had bought
¿Quién hubo pintado? Who had painted? El muchacho The boy had El muchacho hubo pintado The boy had painted Las muchachas The girls had Las muchachas hubieron pintado The girls had painted La muchacha The girl had La muchacha hubo pintado The girl had painted Los muchachos The boys had Los muchachos hubieron pintado The boys had painted
¿Quién hubo jugado? Who had played? El chofer The driver had El chofer hubo jugado The driver had played Los choferes The drivers had Los choferes hubieron jugado The drivers had played La enfermera The nurse had La enfermera hubo jugado The nurse had played Ella She had Ella hubo jugado She had played Ellas They had Ellas hubieron jugado They had played
¿Quién hubo tocado? Who had played? Ellos They had Ellos hubieron tocado They had played
¿Qué hubieron ellos tocado? What had they played? Ellos hubieron tocado el piano They had played the piano
¿Dónde hubieron ellos tocado el piano? Where had they played the piano? Ellos hubieron tocado el piano en la fiesta They had played the piano in the party
¿Cuándo hubieron ellos tocado el piano en la fiesta? When had they played the piano in the party? Ellos hubieron tocado el piano en la fiesta desde 1995 They had played the piano in the party since 1995
¿Quién hubo comido? Who had eaten? Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta had Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta hubieron comido Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta had eaten
¿Qué hubieron comido Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta? What had Lupe, Concha and Enriqueta eaten?
Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta hubieron comido pescado Lupe, Concha and Enriqueta had eaten fish
¿Dónde hubieron comido pescado Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta? Where had Lupe, Concha and Enriqueta eaten fish? Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta hubieron comido pescado en la playa Lupe, Concha and Enriqueta had eaten fish in the beach
¿Cuándo hubieron comido pescado en la playa Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta? When had Lupe, Concha and Enriqueta eaten fish in the beach? Lupe, Concha y Enriqueta hubieron comido pescado en la playa ayer Lupe, Concha and Enriqueta had eaten fish in the beach yesterday
¿Quién hubo pintado? Who had painted? Dalí Dalí had Dalí hubo pintado Dalí had painted
¿Qué hubo pintado Dalí What had Dalí painted? Dalí hubo pintado cuadros Dalí had painted pictures
¿Dónde hubo pintado cuadros Dalí? Where had Dalí painted pictures?
Dalí hubo pintado cuadros en el estudio Dalí had painted pictures in the studio
¿Cuándo hubo pintado Dalí cuadros en el estudio? When had Dalí painted pictures in the studio? Dalí hubo pintado cuadros en el estudio el año pasado Dalí had painted pictures in the studio last year
¿Quién hubo manejado? Who had driven? Nosotros We had Nostros hubimos manejado We had driven
¿Qué hubieron manejado ustedes? What had you driven? Nosotros hubimos manejado motocicletas We had driven motorcycles
¿Dónde hubieron ustedes manejado motocicletas? Where had you driven motorcycles? Nosotros hubimos manejado motocicletas en el centro We had driven motorcycles downtown
¿Cuándo hubieron ustedes manejado motocicletas en el centro? When had driven motorcycles downtown?
Nosotros hubimos manejado motocicletas en el centro anoche We had driven motorcycles downtown last night
4. Condicional
Had Tuviera Were Fuera Could Pudiera
María cantaría en la fiesta si ella tuviera tiempo Maria would sing in the party if she had time Yo estudiaría Matemáticas en la universidad si yo tuviera tiempo I would study math in the university if I had time Tú pintarías cuadros si tú fueras un buen pintor You would paint pictures if you were a good painter El viajaría a Europa si él tuviera dinero He would travel to Europe if he had money Ella bailaría tangos si ella pudiera She would dance tangos if she could Nosotros copiaríamos en el examen si nosotros tuviéramos buena vista We would copy in the exam if we had good sight Ustedes comprarían los libros si ellos pudieran You would buy the books if they could Ellos descansarían en Cancún si ellos tuvieran tiempo They would rested in Cancun if they had time
Pedro escribiría poemas si él fuera un escritor Pedro would write poems if he were a writer Susana cantaría opera si ella tuviera Buena voz Susana would sing opera if she had good voice Los estudiantes tocarían el piano si ellos pudieran The students would play the piano if they could
Forma negativa Would not – Wouldn’t Yo no estudiaría matemáticas en la universidad si yo tuviera tiempo I wouldn’t study math in the university if I had time Tú no pintarías cuadros si tú fueras un buen pintor You wouldn’t paint pictures if you were a good painter El no viajaría a Europa si él tuviera dinero He wouldn’t travel to Europe if he had money Ella no bailaría tangos si ella pudiera She wouldn’t dance tangos if she could Nosotros no copiaríamos en el examen si nosotros tuviéramos buena vista We wouldn’t copy in the exam if we had good sight Ustedes no comprarían los libros si ellos pudieran You wouldn’t buy the books if they could Ellos no descansarían en Cancún si ellos tuvieran tiempo They wouldn’t rested in Cancun if they had time
Pedro no escribiría poemas si él fuera un escritor Pedro wouldn’t write poems if he were a writer Susana no cantaría opera si ella tuviera Buena voz Susana wouldn’t sing opera if she had good voice Los estudiantes no tocarían el piano si ellos pudieran The students wouldn’t play the piano if they could
¿Jugaría ella tenis si ella pudiera? Would she play tennis if she could?
¿Estudiaría yo Matemáticas en la universidad si yo tuviera tiempo? Would I study math in the university if I had time?
¿Pintarías tú cuadros si tú fueras un buen pintor? Would you paint pictures if you were a good painter?
¿Viajaría él a Europa si él tuviera dinero? Would he travel to Europe if he had money?
¿Bailaría ella tangos si ella pudiera? Would she dance tangos if she could?
¿Copiaríamos nosotros en el examen si nosotros tuviéramos buena vista? Would we copy in the exam if we had good sight?
¿Comprarían ustedes los libros si ellos pudieran? Would you buy the books if they could?
¿Descansarían ellos en Cancún si ellos tuvieran tiempo? Would they rested in Cancun if they had time
¿Escribiría Pedro poemas si él fuera un escritor? Would Pedro write poems if he were a writer?
¿Cantaría Susana opera si ella tuviera buena voz? Would Susana sing opera if she had good voice
¿Tocarían los estudiantes el piano si ellos pudieran? Would the students play the piano if they could?
¿Jugaría ella tenis si ella pudiera? Would she play tennis if she could? Si, ella si Yes, she would No, ella no No, she wouldn’t Si, ella jugaría tenis si ella pudiera Yes, she would play tennis if she could No, ella no jugaría tenis si ella no pudiera No, she wouldn’t play tennis if she could
¿Estudiaría yo matemáticas en la universidad si yo tuviera tiempo? Would I study math in the university if I had time? Si, tu si Yes, you would No, tu no No, you wouldn’t Si, tu estudiarías matemáticas en la universidad si tu tuvieras tiempo Yes, you would study math in the university if you had time No, tu no estudiarías matemáticas en la universidad si tu no tuvieras tiempo No, you wouldn’t study math in the university if you had time
¿Pintarías tú cuadros si tu fueras un buen pintor? Would you paint pictures if you were a good painter? Si, yo si Yes, I would No, yo no No, I wouldn’t Si, yo pintaría cuadros si yo fuera un buen pintor Yes, I would paint pictures if I were a good painter No, yo no pintaría cuadros si yo fuera un buen pintor No, I wouldn’t paint pictures if I were a good painter
¿Viajaría él a Europa si el tuviera dinero? Would he travel to Europe if he had money? Si, él si Yes, he would No, él no No, he wouldn’t Si, él viajaría a Europa si el tuviera dinero Yes, he would travel to Europe if he had money No, él no viajaría a Europa si él tuviera dinero No, he wouldn’t travel to Europe if he had money
¿Bailaría ella tangos si ella pudiera? Would she dance tangos if she could? Si, ella si Yes, she would No, ella no No, she wouldn’t Si, ella bailaría tangos si ella pudiera Yes, she would dance tangos if she could No, ella no bailaría tangos si ella pudiera No, she wouldn’t dance tangos if she could
¿Copiaríamos nosotros el examen si nosotros tuviéramos buena vista? Would we copy in the exam if we had good sight? Si, ustedes si Yes, you would No, ustedes no No, you wouldn’t Si, ustedes copiarían en el examen Yes, you would copy in the exam if you had good sight No, ustedes no copiarían en el examen si ustedes tuvieran buena vista No, you wouldn’t copy in the exam if you had good sight
¿Comprarías tu los libros si tu tuvieras tiempo? Would you buy the books if you had time? Si, yo si Yes, I would No, yo no No, I wouldn’t Si, yo compraría los libros si yo tuviera tiempo Yes, I would buy the books if I has time No, yo no compraría los libros si yo tuviera tiempo No, I wouldn’t buy the books if I had time
¿Descansarías tú en Cancún si tú pudieras? Would you rest in Cancun if you could? Si, yo si Yes, I would No, yo no No, I wouldn’t Si, yo descansaría en Cancún si yo pudiera Yes, I would rest in Cancun si yo pudiera No, yo no descansaría en Cancún si yo pudiera No, I wouldn’t rest in Cancun if I could
¿Escribiría Pedro poemas si él fuera escritor? Would Pedro write poems if he were writer? Si, él si Yes, he would No, él no No, he wouldn’t Si, Pedro escribiría poemas si él fuera escritor Yes, Pedro would write poems if he were writer No, Pedro no escribiría poemas si el fuera escritor No, Pedro wouldn’t write poems if he were writer
¿Cantaría Susana opera si ella tuviera buena voz? Would Susana sing opera if she had good óbice? Si, ella si Yes, she could No, ella no No, she wouldn’t Si, Susana cantaría opera si ella tuviera buena voz Yes, Susana cantaría opera si ella tuviera buena voz No, Susana no cantaría opera si ella tuviera buena voz No, Susana wouldn’t sing opera if she had good voice
¿Tocarían los estudiantes el piano si ellos pudieran? Would the students play the piano if they could? Si, ellos si Yes, they would No, ellos no No, they wouldn’t Si, los estudiantes tocarían el piano si ellos pudieran Yes, the students would play the piano if they could No, los estudiantes no tocarían el piano si ellos pudieran No, the students wouldn’t play the piano if they could
Leopoldo de la Fuente Silva. Estudiante del Instituto Tecnológico de Cd. Victoria
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