
Living experience for mental disability

Enviado por francisco baquero

Partes: 1, 2

  1. Introduction
  2. Psychosocial program justification
  3. Objectives
  4. Background
  5. Principles and values
  6. Theoretical foundation
  7. Quality of life
  8. Population
  9. Gender
  10. Results
  11. People i weevil
  12. Discussion
  13. References



The purpose of implementing this program is to provide the opportunity to identify significant aspects of themselves that allow them to act on his plan of life, autonomy and independence.According to the current implications of the Special New Life Foundation, the obligations to basic and advanced activities that children should perform are permeated by household dynamics, in the sense that they are dependent against mosttasks of everyday life: food preparation, arrangement of beds, the room, the clothing, in some cases according to the level of cognitive impairment submit personal hygiene, clothing and food.

By the same thinking in the population that does not have those kind of cognitive difficulties, by the by hand with tools to organize your thoughts, expectations, wants and needs it has been decided to implement this project, which will provide the user well as the independence and the fact assume their responsibilities also experience an independent life with specific policies of coexistence.

Thus, coverage will promote basic social needs of accommodation, food, and constant ongoing support in a population with mental conditions, cognitive and neurological severe and prolonged.

This cover fits standard artificial family environment, promoting the participation of users in daily chores and the internal organization of the residency, for which it has a multidisciplinary team providing care and attention within residential 24-hour supervision.It is considered appropriate in the attachment of this assistance program and accompanying institutional process, encouraging users to self-regulated performance through improved personal and social autonomy, so that is guided by the ideas of the Rehabilitation Psychosocial.The intervention offered in the residence is assimilated to the Community model of an overview of the user and its environment, comprehensively addressing it by the various professionals involved.

Thus, it seeks recovery of maximum autonomy of the participants, enabling them to achieve a successful integration and social integration and, therefore, get a better quality of live.

Psychosocial program justification

The program aims to design and implement the program called Pueblo Weevil, it is located outside the headquarters, in an area where participants must be initiated by adaptation and construction of housing and community modules, developing productive workshop programsagriculture, poultry and pigs that can generate its own resources and put into practice the skills acquired to perform in various areas of social life, personal and communal.It is important to recall that according to the sometimes lengthy process of institutionalization, some young people will inevitably go through different stages of development that enable them to transform specific aspects of your life, both concerning corporeality and physical growth, and the acquisition of new elements that determine their emotional and social dynamics, then it is the immediate representative institution must assume not only protection but also their psychosocial development.Therefore it is appropriate to think of a program that allows them to take responsibility for themselves, insofar as they are self-employed, take care of their personal hygiene, care of clothing, food, home care, the personal objects and their peers, as well as the environment shifts, to launch activities involving independent living.

Similarly, when in a space feel ownership is necessary to be aware of your belongings look like themselves, beginning to take a different meaning to the extent that is identified as part of his life. Also the relationship with peers and the strengthening of "family ties" triggered concern about what the other does, feels or needs, ensuring care then a space which is the construction of a benchmark of coexistence.

In this way the program will undoubtedly claim them as subjects who are part of a social environment despite current psychiatric diagnosis determines his mental condition, then constituted as subjects of rights and duties. Which will be fed directly into a social space where they will have contact with people near the site where it will be located Pueblo Weevil, then having to organize their behavior, the way they act and think from the relationship with the other in the development of healthy living.So the idea of ??making use of their own space will allow them to recognize their interests and needs, making decisions regarding immediate needs as well as against the spatial, contextual, personal and family which involve concerns that addressed aspects of daily life such as What dine today?How I get dressed? How will organize my stuff? O What color will paint my house?

It is important to mention as belonging to a model of institutionalization, such approaches are discarded upon loss of individualization as to live under these parameters all members of the protection center falls under general precepts, that if they allow the order and coexistence in a real way not allow continuous deployment autonomy.On the other hand it is important to highlight that the NNA of our institution that will be part of the project counted with Weevil Pueblo independent lifestyle which will help them improve their quality of life to the extent that generate expectations about their future, set up plans action against specific situations, such adopt proactive behaviors that determine the implementation of strategies that lead them to adapt to the environment and act according to the demands of it.

Another important aspect to consider is that with the initiative of the program we approach the idea of ??a family home where basic and advanced activities of daily living are paramount in the effective operation of the space and the dynamics of coexistence, becoming necessary recognition of the particular needs without ignoring the existence of a different one provided wishes, dreams and interests.

Another defining characteristic Weevil People program is allowing them to self-sufficiency to the extent that sow, cultivate and prepare their own food, making it even more crucial the need to be responsible for most essential aspects of independent living. It is noteworthy that all young people from their arrival at the institution have been trained around the central themes relating to agriculture, planting, harvesting food as well as deal with the preparation of different types of products required for nutrient acquisition in any context. Special New Life Foundation will continue to be the main family reference for members of the scheme, ensure the full enjoyment of fundamental rights, will provide direct intervention of psychosocial staff of the foundation, doing therapeutic work has been the practice in the development of the process of institutionalization .

Just as there are specific changes in the transition from childhood to adolescence where they face complex situations both their physical and their emotional dynamic, just as happens in the passage to adulthood where they no longer are only those determine what changes this stage of development but also what is the connotation that productivity begins to generate in the social sphere where work and occupational activities determined as the social subjects. Accordingly speak of the importance of being recognized as active, as part of an environment that constantly demands results, becoming the tasks of daily life as integral to the functionality of the subject.

Similarly, the search for life project would have an important place within the objectives proposed by the weevil people program to the extent that they will work according to your wishes and needs as well as based on making their own decisions, knowing or reaffirming the idea of ??what they want to become and how they organize to get it, according to the tools we have and demand established by the environment.

Making it necessary to acquire new responsibilities, developing his life a different sense in which it is expected to actively engage in environmental demands, taking charge of your social life, family and work.

Given that the establishment of healthy living is essential in the execution of this project it is necessary for children and adolescents understand the importance of tolerating their peers, to learn to relate to others, to recognize their needs and limitations as well as the others.Considering the importance of the environment in which to conduct the intervention project is necessary to make continuous work with neighbors which of them to meet the project objectives, the implications it entails, the benefits to be gained once set in motion, and above all, sensitize and train the residents of the community, in the treatment of respect, tolerance, rights, welfare, self-determination of people with intellectual disability to become a more inclusive community educate against way to recognize the shape of the NNA work of our institution.



Allow the development of social roles standardized across the organization close as possible to a family home.


• Promote a standardized operation through improved autonomy personal and social.

• To ensure that the basic social needs of housing, constant maintenance and ongoing support.

• Provide guidance to families (if they have any) of people with mental disabilities, their ability and coping resources.

• Contribute to the social, emotional stability and mutual support between residents and the community through their coexistence.



About 30 years ago, in countries such as Colombia, the rehabilitation of people took place in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes for the mentally ill and care centers for special educational needs. This type of care originating a high dependency of people and families to these services, where they felt protected from discrimination and architectural and social barriers, limiting their ability to adapt to disability and subsequent reintegration. This model has recently been modified and in Europe, specifically in Spain, comes forward an action plan for people with disabilities between 2005 and 2008, the methodology focuses on the support from a positive approach to the individual, primarily considering its abilities rather than their disabilities. Therefore, there are programs in Occupational Centers and in special employment centers, improving socio-economic inclusion of people with disabilities.

In operation 1992 System of the person with mental commitment will improve if you are offered appropriate support for a continuous period. For this reason, both conceptual and practical natural supports are used as more efficient and effective means to improve habilitation services. This belief is reflected in the current interest towards programs such as supported employment, sheltered housing or support systems in regular school. The importance of these supports is that are a most natural, efficient and continued to increase interdependence, productivity, community integration and satisfaction of these people.Thus, within the revised Programme for People project Weevil is taken into account among others, the so-called Stela, involving the Down syndrome population and hard intellectual work contexts, supporting the patient in their work tothis gain autonomy in performing their duties and tasks. It encourages a process of continuous development, not only in the workplace, but social and personal. Thus, it helps the subject expresses his needs and desires, claim their rights, give their opinions, decide on the various issues that affect them in their life, to achieve a more independent life and quality. Another project of the studies reviewed is the proposal of the supermini, which is to engage participants in rides and field observations, to identify gaps, deficiencies, damages or alterations in a specific urban or rural area. Thus, although participants present limitations for activities, must keep their attention on certain aspects of the environment, to carry out searches on ideas to contribute to the environment.

It should be noted that the mental health field has undergone significant changes over the past three decades, these have focused on different levels of care, therapeutic, rehabilitative, legal, etc.. This has forced to leave behind the times in which they built large hospital complexes where entered all kinds of mental patients, most social more psychiatric problems. Such spaces were popularly known as "asylums". Currently these transformations have enabled advocate for the integration of people with mental illness in society.So it gives way to the birth of the Psychiatric Reform, which originated in countries like USA, UK, Italy, in the years 60 and 70, which seeks to respond to a new conception of the mentally ill, is conceived as person who is part of society and as such should live in it the best suited way possible.World is born simultaneously a movement called Antipsychiatry, which will put pressure compared to the closing of mental institutions questioning the actual existence of the mentally ill. Similarly dehospitalization movements arise, which lead us to believe in the possibility of providing therapeutic treatments to patients with mental illness outside hospital compounds, thus promoting social inclusion and the abolition of psychiatric stigma.

When a person assumes the role of inpatient, this is before the beginning of a series of processes that are framed by the fundamentals of the mental hospital as an institution that aims for the recovery of a prior state of health, this aspect will impact on their subjective construction, since it is highly likely to notice an environment that recognizes it as being different owner of a disease that excludes and marginalizes. Although we can not speak of them simply as a measure of exclusion or exercise control; inherited social control mechanisms which keep truths, integrate science, stand figures, it is also producing a unique environment in which forces converge, powers and operate the madness, so closure is seen as a structural element of the psychiatric hospital.

This therapeutic action is founded on the closure in its purest nature. For Castel (1980), how to order the psychiatric hospital has the urgency to ensure isolation, away from the outside world a way to avoid influences that could disrupt the actual disease, in addition to establishing an organization, the provision and distribution of spaces, times , the introduction of a hierarchy, the ordering, regulating daily life of the patient and a bond to the exercise of power that is consistently applied the principles of an asymmetrical relationship is, the doctor and his team of assistants to someone who waiting to be cured.This allows us to glimpse a notion taxpayer who does not have the capacity to solicitation your life according to interests, desires, dreams and individual rights but instead is waiting for an external healing ability.

While the intent is not focused on ignoring the care provided in these spaces hospital, since regardless of the dynamics present offer needed services to the requestor, is also relevant to note the implications of negative order offerings such carries the person who is confined in such institutions. Thus, experience has shown that a prolonged stay in hospital-generated Institutions in patients with mental disorders repeated episodes of aggression, which represents risk to both staff and to other users of the service. Likewise, the increase of stress and signs of gradual improvement tending to chronicity are sample long-term effects of institutionalization with hospital characteristics.

Such findings have led to propose new models of care focused on social inclusion and community of the patient, thus promoting self-organization processes, in which favors autonomy, understood as a condition that the person can generate rules, in order own life, according to the situations to be faced. There is occasionally a misunderstanding of the relationship between autonomy, self-sufficiency and independence. All units have therefore the person with mental disorder depends very little on relationships / things, and this situation may diminish their autonomy limited.It is in this context that the terms of trade constitute an axis marker of the rehabilitation process, giving sequence at various levels of obligation, to be effective, material or symbolic. To the extent that the person increase their power to effect exchanges, grows proportionally to liability, this autonomy can be understood as a condition acquired by the patient through his involvement with the rehabilitation process itself. Being involved, commitment and professional participation are valuable aspects that allow the person in mental suffering can rebuild and return to their own way.

Rehabilitation for social introduction or also known as psychosocial rehabilitation was seen as associated with the idea of ??belonging and movement that brings something to fall asleep itself. In psychiatric institutions subject-object relationship is through the protocols of procedures, depersonalizing the individual, through a silent cycle leading to chronic conditions for both patient and professional institution. This brings up the idea of ??bailout coupled with the possibility of rehabilitation in the social context:

"… Is to rebuild something that was lost in the hospital (…) one can try to promote spaces for you to return to their things, including being able to participate." (Ornellas 2007)


A Little History of the Foundation

Special New Life Foundation, traces its origins to 1995, on the initiative of associations of families of persons with chronic mental illness, who felt the need to develop an entity that could take over the care of people with severe and persistent mental disorders (TMGP) and to give a comprehensive and effective response to the needs for mental health, especially those related to the legal, social and labor of the people.The Foundation is a supervisory body nonprofit, charitable purpose stated for assistance. With no legal personality recognized by 0476 Secretary of Cundinamarca October 2, 1995, and amended on September 19, 2003 with 0,002,702 Resolution of the Ministry of Social Protection. Since its inception, the Foundation has given New Life Special accommodate users belonging to the group called psychiatric care, with a record of chronological and developmental ages too low, your mission is to provide comprehensive social and people with severe mental disorderspersistent, which aims embodied in particular in three areas including:

• Promotion and residential resource management, psychosocial rehabilitation, labor and other obligations to people with TMGP.

• Generation of employment for people with TMGP, promoting the creation of social economy enterprise (special employment centers) that constitutes a real alternative labor market access.

• Assumption of protection of people with chronic and persistent mental disorders.

At the outset attention was paid in one venue, then and in response to the need for specialized care for developmental deficits, widened preparation workshops. For the year 2006, will be the opening of the first resource for Social Care (Flat protected from Buitrera), leading to the Foundation achieve considerable growth in its expansion, increasing the number of guards, people with chronic and persistent mental disorders, resources social, professional contracted, and the implementation of new care programs and other activities to fulfill its reason for being.

Foundation currently has 174 users, and social care resources are sheltered housing, psychosocial rehabilitation centers, physical rehabilitation center, day care (day hospital).Similarly, as every organization has a mission and vision that embodies the essence of this as well as principles and values. These describe.

MISSIONSpecial New Life Foundation is a private non profit organization responsible for the provision of family welfare services nationally and member of Family Welfare System, whose purpose is the protection, housing and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with mental and protection of children and youth who are in situations of neglect or risk of damage to their physical, moral and / or mental impairment that promotes research and develops comprehensive care program for people developing behavioral and emotional disorders and alterations associated behaviors, to contribute to the habilitation and rehabilitation, promoting independence and individual achievement, social, work and family.VISIONAware of the need for specialized care, our goals and processes are geared towards family reintegration, be it biological or artificial, social, school, work to improve the quality of life of users to be self-advocates promoting your process, thus becoming a organization that dignifies and assists those who are at risk of damaging their physical, moral or mental, neglect, physical or mental limitations, seeking recovery and potentiation of existing capacities.

Principles and values

Foundation programs are proposed as an alternative trans-disciplinary care for behavioral and emotional disorders that require intense and widespread support to development of adaptive and intellectual skills and maximum independence in daily living.

• All services are guided by the principles of normalization, equal

opportunities and self-determination, issued by the UN in the universal declaration of human rights of people with disabilities in 1994.

• The program is framed online since 1995 in the current paradigm of disability.

• The programs are developed in four dimensions: Intellectual-adaptive

Psychological and emotional

Health-SafetyEnvironment and social

• The programs are addressed from an individualized treatment plan forrespond to the particular needs of each user.

• Man is seen in a comprehensive and proactive, which is considereda unique and indivisible that must be addressed transdisciplinary, with constructional view, support the strengths and limitations for growth from the difficulties generated.

• It helps people with severe behavioral and emotional disorders and their families have the best quality of life possible.

It is to recognize that programs and models of care have grown foundation, while allowing the development of activities and strategies that result in changes in personality and performance in the area of ??occupation and daily lives of users, leading managers to create a more comprehensive, most likely independent performance for a youth group. And when born Weevil People program initiative.

Arises an idea

In a society like ours, where there has been the idea that psychiatric hospitals are deposits reducideros incurably and humans, in which each of the mentally ill do not have the ability to recognize the reality and adapt to the conditions of the life, much less belong to a community, which implies being institutionalized and interned for many years or for life and live totally isolated not only on the margins of society, but outside themselves.The need arises in the programs of the foundation to create an individualized housing modality that allows and promotes the independence and privacy of young people to be respected and protected with the possibility of living in a semi-independent within the institutional environment.This program aimed primarily to enforce fundamental rights as they are to life and survival, development, protection and participation; endorse management of equal opportunities, promote and ensure respect for privacy and offeryoung people the best stimulation and learning opportunities to develop their potential, making it necessary that young people meet at least the requirements of optimal psychosocial development, an appropriate level of autonomy, be aware of their fundamental rights and an excellent performance in prevocational activities offered by the institution where the most important condition is the participation in the construction of all the cabins, facilitating and promoting social interaction reaffirming the need for teamwork, solidarity and sense of belonging, which which requires both supervision and constant guidance institutional staff concerned, as a level of engagement in the activities to be developed by each user.

Functions are established for residents

Given the importance of internal organization in residence, quepermita developing personal and social roles through the incorporation of standards, maintenance and commitment to community residents the best possible quality of life for them, it is necessary to define the routine duties that relate to the standardized operation and increased personal and social autonomy evidenced through the basic tasks within their village, cottage and personal level, set as follows:

• Activities within the village: consists of grooming your cabin and the toilet from the restrooms, if that product, and maintenance of village general meet established schedules: get up on time and arrive on timethe dining room.

• Personal Care: includes bathing, using tools such as bath soap, shampoo, toothbrush, etc..

• Care of uniforms and other garments: refers to the daily toilet uniforms, as well as tights and underwear, just as proper maintenance of the shoes.

The incorporation and maintenance of these routines promotes social integration and mutual support residents through coexistence.

Thus, this project presents a hosting service community, avoiding as far as possible institutionalization, which serves family housing when this is not provided, strengthening the maintenance of social and family ties, as noted RIDRUEJO (1996) Family-cultural environment is favorable because it stimulates the mental level.Ultimately hosting service is a place to live as close to a home as much as possible to suit your needs and preferences.The implementation of this modality in the management of this population with mental disabilities is a step to be able to cover accommodation to a group that can not currently access it for their own state based, and belonging to the group of abandonment part of the biological families.

It is also assumed the residence, as a form of community-oriented ward accommodation, so that integration activities conducted outside the residence, and all therapeutic activities, with greater resemblance to a village for people with mental illness .People Weevil then becomes independent living experience for people with mental disabilities have generated changes in relation to the intervention system, almost to the independence or intermittent monitoring.

The Protagonists

There is no denying the impact that generated the participation in the project on people's daily life, as she said Heller, had a development in the immediate environment of the subjects, which took advantage of the conditions that people have innate within cultivated and the ability to use them to appropriate everyday life. It stemmed from the idea of ??working with unique and unrepeatable beings, capable of manipulating the world from their own experience and according to their special needs and motivations.The protagonists are disabled by severe and prolonged mental illness who present the following profile:

Level of self-care deficit and personal autonomy, and self-medication compliance adherence.

Low awareness of disease.

Refractory to treatment with persistent positive and negative symptoms that affect psychosocial functioning areas, with moderate or severe.

Deinstitutionalization person or at risk of social exclusion.

People of both sexes, regardless of age, with some level of personal and social autonomy to meet the demands posed by life and living in the residence.

Psychopathological situation stabilized and not be in crisis by his illness.

Have the need for accommodation and support, not available due to absence, inadequacy or inability of a family environment to submit the necessary supports to live with an acceptable level of quality of life.

Theoretical foundation

At this point set the conceptual underpinning this project, as are the definitions used in the field of health to discuss subjects with mental, and physical development as well as program guidelines currently being developed , employees intervention models and legal considerations.Background and evolution of the concept of disability

The conceptual elements about disability have evolved from a biomedical perspective, which views disability as a problem or illness that is overcome by the care and support of technological advances toward a broader vision that involves the environment, the society and culture, for which, in the FENV disability is considered not just a problem of the individual or family, but is defined by a number of environmental, economic and cultural.Thus, it is established that there is a disease or attribute of the person, because it is related to the presence of practical, social and cultural factors that limit negative social integration of people, affecting recognition, skills development and functionality as individuals in society.

According to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-CIF-, (Vazquez 2001) is a generic term that includes shortfall, deficiencies or alterations in body function or structure, activity limitations and restrictions onparticipation. Indicates the negative aspects of the relationship between an individual (with a health condition) and contextual factors.

Are taken as a conceptual framework-the-CIF, to be applicable to the care, health promotion and improved by allowing participation and mitigate social obstacles and promote the development of social media and enablers for subject's participation.The functioning and disability of a person is conceived as a "dynamic interaction between health conditions (diseases, disorders, injuries, traumas, etc.) And contextual factors. The contextual factors include both personal factors such as environmental factors. The ICF includes a comprehensive scheme of contextual factors as an essential component of the classification. The basic construct of the Environmental Factors consists of the facilitator or barrier effect of the characteristics of the physical and social world. "

Cognitive Disabilities

This type of disability includes not only those who have mental retardation, but those who have, among others, difficulties in performing global mental functions (consciousness, energy, momentum), in specific functions (memory, attention, calculation); in emotional functions (feelings and emotions), in the functions of thought and cognition (abstraction, organization, judgment), to acquire and apply knowledge, people with difficulties to recognize and to meet other people, objects or environment, difficult to navigate, to be located in time and space, to provide care and / or counseling skills, due all intellectual deficits.It refers to people with severe or significant difficulties to meet and assimilate information and learning elements, those with difficulty recognizing the nature of the problems, analyze, choose the best alternative, do it, check the result and make adjustments or corrections of the activities.

Concept of Self-Determination

According to the revised texts, in recent years this concept is part of the theoretical models and some psychosocial rehabilitation programs, which focuses on patients cope with symptoms, showing various strategies designed to recovery and offering more opportunities to enjoy your free time.

Thus, the self is understood as "the ability of the individual to personal autonomy, control over their actions and the environment in which it operates, and set goals and have personal values ??in life.And that must be expressed with the ability to choose and decide on different aspects of their daily lives. "

Similarly, it is important to mention that exercise self-determination is to act as an engine of their own lives. There is so much you can do regarding itself a person, if not with the fact that you own your life as part of the community.

Being self-determined is different from full autonomy, autonomous behavioral performance is a partial goal. It is so important to what extent can live independently, if not how are their lives themselves. Ask for help, take risks, doubts, mistakes are situations allowed to "normal".Being self-determined is to make choices and decisions.

The principle of Normalization

In order to allow through the experience of living in a Foundation users perform as members of the surrounding community and develop new relationships and experiences, it incorporates the concept of standardization for the development of rehabilitation program in Pueblo Weevil which allows them to develop a personal daily rhythm with regard to getting up in the morning, eating at regular times, have a schedule for the development of duties and obligations within the village, leisure time and bed time. In addition, this will lead to a normal weekly routine which will give the opportunity to participate in cultural activities or otherwise, depending on individual interests.

The general idea is that children, youth and adults participating in this experience, should be given access to living conditions and daily routines as similar as possible to those of ordinary citizens.

Moreover according, W. Wolfensberger: Standardization is the use of culturally normative means (family, valued techniques, tools, methods, etc..), To allow the living conditions of a person (income, housing, health services, etc..) Are at least as good as those of an average citizen, and improve or support as much as possible their behavior (skills, competencies, etc..), appearance (clothing, toiletries, etc..), experience (adaptation, feelings, etc..), status and reputation (labels, attitudes, etc.).

In other words, standardization means that the lives of children and adolescents in Pueblo Weevil, should be the same as that of any citizen as his rhythm, opportunities and options. It implies, therefore, put at its disposal modes and daily life conditions as similar as possible to the forms and conditions of life of the rest of society.For example visits, go visit friends at social gatherings such as lunches, birthdays, visits to malls, stores to buy clothes, hairdressers, in general everything that is an ideal standard.

ENABLEIt is the process through which people acquire new skills, abilities and knowledge.To give two contents empowerment, personal empowerment refers to training in general valimiento self of the person (toiletries, clothing, food, communication, security, etc.. And social empowerment refers to the appropriate relationships of the person with the environment, their performance in society.

Enabling includes "… a person, according to their own possibilities, to participate in daily activities and help in their personal development, with more opportunities to participate in community activities.

That information and knowledge, the NNA and staff have a good chance to support the person.The aim of the qualification is to enable people with disabilities to live their lives as full citizens.

Helps people with disabilities who face barriers in the environment and thus may have greater opportunities to live a quality life and greater opportunities to influence their own lives. "

Quality of life

Quality of life is a concept that refers to the living conditions desired by a person in connection with eight basic needs: emotional wellness, relationships, material well-being, personal development, physical fitness, self-determination, social inclusion and rights (Schalock, 1996).In 2000, Professor Schalock Seattle formally proposed in a consensus document on quality of life with the following conceptual principles:

The quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities consists of the same factors as for the rest of the people.

The person with intellectual disabilities experience a quality of life when their needs are met and when they have opportunities to enrich your life in different aspects and dimensions of the same (personal, work, social, etc.)

Quality of life is a construct containing objective and subjective components, the latter being essential, because it is the subject who perceives the quality of life you are experiencing. The quality of life is based on individual needs, the ability to make choices and take control of their lives

And finally, is a multidimensional concept influenced by environmental and personal factors (intimate relationships, family, friends, work, neighborhood, city of residence, home, education, health, etc..)

Mental Health Rehabilitation Community Based RSMC

Process that integrates and involves the analysis of resources and community media, and the training of its authorities and social partners to ensure their participation and acceptance of joint responsibility with health services and family socio-professional reintegration of people withmental disorders within their community.

The purpose is to ensure disabled chelae can take full advantage of their physical and mental faculties, benefit from the opportunities and common services and reach full social integration within the community and society.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Model

The RP is intended to help individuals to enjoy their full rights as expressed in the international legal standards and national laws. Psychosocial Rehabilitation is a process that provides the opportunity for individuals (who are disabled or affected by a mental disorder) to achieve the highest level of independent functioning in the community. It involves both the improvement of individual competition and the introduction of changes in the environment to achieve the best quality life possible for those who have experienced a mental disorder or suffering from a deteriorating mental capacity to produce some level of disability . With this model, it aims to provide the optimal level of functioning of individuals and societies, and minimizing disabilities, enhancing individual choices about how to live successfully in the community.

The actors involved in the PR are also varied: users, professionals, families, workshop, general services, managers and administrators of community and institutional community itself as a whole. Given this complexity, the meaning varies RP provide the geographic, cultural, economic, political, social and organizational of frames from which to stand.It draws on a review of studies on interventions and psychosocial rehabilitation treatment according to Anthony, who raises a rehabilitation program should help the person to increase their ability to function, so you can feel satisfied and successful in the medium of your choice and achieve skills development rather than reduction of symptoms in themselves.So, you need to see the person in relation to their environment and achieve ownership commitment and hope in all phases of rehabilitation, helping people back into the community and improve their psychosocial functioning so that they can stay intheir social and family environment in standardized conditions and independent as possible, for valuable social role performance.This will take into account two main elements:• The development of skills

• The development of resources in the medium or environment

Teaching skills must occur IN the middle and everyone should be individualized goals in terms of skills. The teaching of skills must be designed on an assessment of what the user needs today, knowing what to do in relation to a specific situation in which they would like to happen (Cohen, Ridley and Cohen, 1983).

Therapy Models

Working in mental health is long and deep, aimed at restructuring (if not structure) the personality of a patient suffering from a serious mental disorder that eteriora (affects higher functions of the person) and extends in time. In this regard it is essential to facilitate this process deestructuración (or growth) the existence of a parental role (paternalistic – maternalist similar to what is equally essential in the model development and psychological growth of the individual from birth to structuring your personality necessary to complete the process of individuation-independence. It is known that the consequences of the lack of such reference or parental figure (lost or abandoned), in terms of serious personality destructurations manifested in a significant mismatch of the person with multiple repercussions on the life of it.

A good parental role exerted by professionals involved in the rehabilitation process, it is essential as a reference or model, will facilitate a progressive structuring of the person, boost growth, and as a result, the acquisition or retrieval functions and capabilities not acquired or lost, designed to achieve greater autonomy possible final goal of any rehabilitation process.

Without that parental function as a reference for the person, it is difficult, that any model and care interventions can lead to the objective pursued. It is also true that you can enact opposites models.On one side would be the application of a process end patronage. Would enter another concept that is authoritarianism, a response classically associated isolate the problem. It is considered that it is only possible to make protective care, both for the good of the grave, "unable" to stand on its own, as in the present (as in earlier times), to protect society a possible danger. The end result is the institutionalization in various fields.

At the other extreme is the advocate to suppress and deny the need for any parental role, even as a reference. It is considered to be respected the decision of the people, in the strict sense. Is autonomism end, the end result is applied to people serious exclusion also occurs in different fields (the homeless, prison, etc..). These people usually disappear excluded healthcare network, and therefore clinical and professional statistics, based on which calls for a particular model.

At both ends we can say we are not doing restoration, since not structure or recover anything (quite the contrary), we could say that we are making a pseudorehabilitación or as if.

In any case, the rehabilitation intervention models will be based on two pillars:

• Professionals.

• Relief Services.

A level professionals are the key element in the implementation of any intervention model:• The ability to interact with the person and their family (whether biological and / or artificial) as the interrelation is very important in rehabilitation.

• Attitude: friendly, positive and involvement.

• Motivation, in the sense of believing in what you're doing and in their results. It is common to hear the comment from mental health professionals, with these patients that there is nothing to do.

• Training, rehabilitation is also based on various intervention techniques that require a level of knowledge and appropriate training.

Partes: 1, 2
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