Short PQ interval plus long QT interval on same person

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For many authors (See References), there's a great relation between in altered duration of electrical cardiac system and the risk apparition of serious ventricular disturbances and even of sudden cardiac death. We're according with them. We have the conviction firm of the existence of more electric cardiac problems than haven't been published yet. This presentation could be its corroboration. OBJECTIVE: Show the existence of new electrocardiographic parameters to clinicians. METHODS: Evaluation of electrocardiographic parameters with measurement of its length, both manually as computerized way. RESULTS: A pattern of short PQ interval plus a long QT interval in the same person. CONCLUSIONS: Draw conclusions about a pattern, without previous support of bibliography would be a temerity and speculation. We just want to expose this clinical case. In none moment has been our intention make any type of conclusion; only has been show to doctors that these entities exist.

Since more of 3000 year ago, we are studying the heart and in the two last centuries (XX and XXI), its electrical system. However, the last studies over its structure and there functions are related, almost all them, with entities already published (Variations on a same theme). This should not be necessarily so. Not only the entities as for example, short and long PQ interval or short and long QT interval (as well as its variations) are the only entities that have an own existence. They’re more than possible, the combinations between the values of duration of electrocardiographic intervals in same person. The Heart may have altered its conduction system in many more occasions that in the mentioned entities, because also are manifold its mathematical possibilities. It would be great errors no consider these criteria.

Keywords: Cycle cardiac. Short PR interval. Long QT interval. Tachycardia. Cardiac Rhythm.



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Enviado por Francisco Ramón Breijo Márquez


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