Aspirative foreign body converted in ingested foreign body (página 2)
Enviado por Dr. Armando M. Lesmo Iglesias
The physical actions of the epiglottis and arytenoid cartilages is to block the airways.the laryngeal intensive spasm provocated by objets getting near the glottis exhacerbate a highly sensitive reflex cough with afferent impulses at the level of the tracheobronchial tree.
However,none of these mechanisms is perfect and foreign bodies are frequently lodged in the child’s airways.
This is an uncommon case in which a heavy foreign body lodged in to the lower bronchus.different medical options were considered,first there was the possibility to perform a toracotomy.secondly if the child would continue asymptomatic,it was advisable to leave the foreign body in the bronchus due to the fact that the toracotomy is a quite aggressive and dangerrous procedure and might be fatal.the treatment set with steroids and bronchodilators together with the reflex cough , provoked that the foreign body move up to the laryngeal vestivule and afterwards it was swallowed,for the luck of the child getting the normal digestive way to be expelled out in the stools.
The action of steroids and bronchodilator combined with the reflex cough facilitated the conversion from aspirated foreign body to ingested foreign body.
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