Isora J. Enríquez O´Farrill, PhD University of Pedagogical Sciences “Enrique José Varona” [email protected] 2012 ELT Materials Development for the Cuban Context
DEFINING TEACHING AND LEARNING MATERIALS Audiovisual, audio, printed or ICT product to provide the practice and systematization of the ELT content, so as to foster the conscious and active role of the learner, in an instructional and educational learning environment, in accordance with communicative and interactive language teaching methodologies and approaches. (Enriquez O´Farrill, 2006)
Correspondence between the syllabus content and the materials content. The integration of linguistic and communicative content (linguistico-comunicativo) , as well as educational and cultural content (educativo-cultural). Communicability. Cognitive/affective relationship drawn from developmental learning theory, based on Vigotsky’s historic/cultural approach. Correspondence between the tasks /activities and the different stages of the learning process. The consideration of the material as an aid that enhances learning and personal growth. The consideration of the active and conscious character of the system of tasks/activities in language learning. (Enriquez O´Farrill, 2006) Principles for writing materials (Zuev, 1987, Tomlinson, 1998, Bernaza, G (2000); Zumbado, H (2004), Borja Alarcón, 2004)
GENERAL DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Communicative, interactive and student-centered
Educational and cultural tasks
English-Spanish instructions (mostly in beginning units)
Structured in sections which consider: – Learning outcomes and instructions – Content presentation – Tasks: controlled, semi-controlled, free, creative – Project work – Cultural section – Reflection or self evaluation – Appendixes
Materials produced Workbooks Video lessons Televised lessons Software (Rainbow for Junior High , Sunrise for Senior High) Booklets to complement the Open University Program: Universityfor All
Video-workbooks for primary education include: Before-viewing activities While viewing activities After viewing activities —–reflection taks —– project works
ELT EDUCATION FOR ALL UNIVERSALIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION At Your Pace. A Cousebook for General English and English for Professional and Academic Purposes ( Designed for blended learning in distance education. Promotes autonomous learning. English-Spanish instructions (mostly in beginning units).
Materials created for Language Teacher Education Textbooks for the Discipline History of Culture of the English Speaking People The British Saga The American Saga ELT Methodology textbooks: A Guide to the teaching of English for the Cuban Context La Clase de lengua extranjera. Teoría y práctica Didáctica Interactiva Coursebooks for language practice : Integrated English Practice 1 Integrated English Practice and 2.
The materials have benn developed locally: To cater for Cubans´ learning and educational needs. Learning materials must be available to every Cuban learner free of charge and financial resources to access international publications are very limited.
The materials have been developed with the solidarious collaboration of ELT professionals in Canada and the UK for revising writing and recording audiotexts.
Dr Isora Enríquez O´Farrill Course writer and curriculum designerConsultant to the Ministry of Education Cuba [email protected]