
Diversity of electrical systole cardiac

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Explanation
    4. Clinical history
    5. Results (Table I)
    6. Discusion (Interpreting the results)
    7. Conclusions
    8. Bibliography



    The cardiac cycle is the term that encompasses the whole of events related to blood flow that should happen from the beginning of a heartbeat until the beginning of the next. The frequency of a heart cycle is the heart rate. Each heartbeat includes three main stages: atrial systole, ventricular systole and diastole heart. The electrical systole cardiac comprises: Atrial Systole or P wave; Ventricular Systole or QRS complex; Ventricular Diastole or wave T; PQ interval; ST segment; QT interval.

    It is well established that the myocardium is more unstable and more vulnerable when there are variations in the duration of electrical systole.

    These disturbances can cause serious arrhythmias and even sudden cardiac death. BACKGROUND: The electrocardiogram, invented in the early twentieth century by Einthoven W. (1.906), far from being obsolete for diagnosing diseases or disturbances of the heart, every day brings us more and new pathways to uncover cardiac pathologies unknown until recently. OBJECTIVE: Describe three different electrocardiographic abnormalities in the electrical systole cardiac. DESIGN: Case patients. PATIENTS: Three patients with common factor of to be brothers. METHODS: MEASUREMENTS. – Clinical and electrocardiographic data. RESULTS: One brother with Short PQ and QTc interval. One brother with Short PQ and Long QTc interval. One brother with Long PQ and QTc interval. CONCLUSION: Clinicians should be vigilant in screening and monitoring for electrocardiographic measurements in patients with symptoms cardiac.


    The mathematical possibilities that the heart has altered its system specific of conduction are multiple. This could be the case exposure: Three male’s brothers with palpitations, nocturnal tachycardias, events of syncope and familiar history of sudden cardiac death. A complete examination of yours electrocardiogram shows a diversity of PQ interval (atrial contraction), QRS complex (ventricular contraction) and QT interval (total ventricular depolarization- repolarization) in relation with data regarded as normal. In other words: Diversity of electrical systole cardiac.

    The electrocardiogram, invented in the early twentieth century by Einthoven W. (1.906), far from being obsolete for diagnosing diseases or disturbances of the heart, every day brings us more and new pathways to uncover cardiac pathologies unknown until recently. For example: It is less than 50 years ago that has been discovered Long QT Syndrome and its variants (1.953); in this century has been detected Short PQ Syndrome and its variants (primarily Wolf-Parkinson-White’s and Lown-Ganong-Levine‘s Syndrome) and the Short QT Syndrome (2.000-2.003). We refer only to diseases or disturbances of the heart's electrical system, which is the problem we are dealing with in this exhibition.


    Layouts electrocardiographic three brothers; belong to the same family group. Consisting of five members: two sisters without cardiac pathology and three brothers (exposed here) with cardiac symptoms: sudden nocturnal tachycardias and events of syncope in connection with the physical and emotional effort.

    These electrocardiographic patterns of the three brothers remaining at the present time have not yet been subjected to valuation to any medical editorial. The authors have conducted a thorough review of the literature and have not found any matching with patterns exposed (Medline; Pubmed; Scopus; Scyrus).


    Three Brothers have, since three or four years, critical periods of sudden nocturnal palpitations and tachycardias; also have events of syncope in relation with physical and emotional effort.

    They are males, between 33 and 37-old years, singles, and caucasians; Without previous cardiac pathology known. Brother with Short PQ and Q-Tc interval has been most problematic (heart arrest recovered in three occasions). The anamnesis and clinical examination have been normal into intercritical periods.

    All brothers have been studied with complementary tests: Holter 24 hours; Ergometry (Bruce’s Protocol); Echocardiography (surface and trans esophageal ); Tilt Test; Analytical study ( ionic profile and cardiac markets) have been normal. Only a several hypolithemy (< 0.15 mEq/ Litre).

    The electrophysiology studies (trans catheter) have not make production of arrhythmias with stimulation with adenosine and Isoprenaline.


    Two directs familiar with sudden deaths: father to the 55- old years dead for sudden cardiac death and one brother dead to the 22-old months of sudden death of the infant. Mother and two sisters have not cardiac symptoms-signs. Two brothers’ male dead for abort. Have a common feature in all members: Hypolithemy with extremely low levels (<0.15 mEq / Litre).

    Common Feature

    We are then: As common feature in the five family members, comprises a basal hypolithemy extremely low levels (<0.15 mEq / Litre). As common feature of the three brothers:

    1 st / Being male. 2 nd / Being in the fourth decade of life. 3 rd / Presenting symptoms and signs in the area heart. 4 th / Being asymptomatic in intercritical periods.

    Partes: 1, 2
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