
The Same Stuff as Stars

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    The title of the book "The Same Stuff as Stars" by Katherine Paterson. The type of book is drama.

    This story is set in contemporary Burlington, Vermont. Angel Morgan hated this place but it was better than some they’d lived in certainly better than foster care. I don’t ever been to a place like that. I would not like because she describe the place quiet and dark.

    The main character of the story is Angel Morgan with eleven-year old. She is very mature, noble, humble, honest, and hard-working. She is a great daughter, and she is very protective of her brother. She is a girl that likes to overcome. She liked learn about the stars, planets, and constellations.

    Angel is forced to grow up to soon for the abandons of her parents. I would like to be friend with Angel because she was very alone.

    Her father, Wayne, was in prison for robbery and murder. Her mother, Verna, is immature, self-centered, and very unreliable. Her seven-year old brother, Bernie Elvis, is an undisciplined bundle of energy, and handful of trouble. Grandma, Wayne’s mother, good woman and take care of the two children.

    Miss Liza, the librarian accompanies Angel all the time that she needed. Ray Morgan, "the star man," Angel’s uncle, teach her all about stars, planets, and constellations. Morris, the Social Worker. Eric, Miss Liza’s nephew.


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