Literatura citada
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Ceresini, P. C.; Shew, H. D.; James, T. Y.; Vilgalys, R. J. and Cubeta,
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The use ofAFLPhas allowed recognizing the phylogenetic relationships, of pathogenicity and genetic diversity of isolates of this pathogen from various species. Thus Ceresini et al. (2002) found that 32 isolates from GA3 group obtained from potato had differentAFLPphenotype, while 28 AFLPphenotypes were determined in 36 isolates from GA3 group obtained from tobacco. This high genetic diversity agrees with the results obtained in the present study. Moreover, by using AFLP (López-Olmos et al., 2005) found no association between genotype and anastomosis group in isolates of R. solani obtained from bean plants, although was not found association with pathogenicity.
Taheri (2011) demonstrated through analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA)thatgeographicregionwasadeterminant factor of the genetic structure from populations GA4 and HG-1 groups; however the results here presented in the geographic region of origin had no importance, in the dendrogram the groupings occur regardless of this, which may be because in this work were analyzed simultaneously isolates from different anastomosis groups.
Thegeneticdiversityof R. solani ishigh, whichwasverified by AFLP profiles indicating that all isolates studied can be considered as haplotype, since was not found two similar pattern.Another indicator of diversity was the vast majority of C1 type interactions, which shows incompatibility in comparison between isolates from different states of Mexico. Thisconclusionhasimportantimplicationsbothfor thecontrolof R. solani as for thecontrolpepperblight, since awidegeneticdiversityoftenleadstowideadaptivecapacity, requiring continued development of comprehensive strategies to reduce fungal populations.
Ing Eduardo Crescencio Arredondo
M.C Maria Del Carmen Sanchez Gálvez
M.C Teresa Cervantes Martinez
M.C Juventino Cuevas Ojeda
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Departamento Parasitología Agrícola.
Carretera México-Texcoco Km 38.5 Chapingo, Estado de México, 56230
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