
Light Pollution

Enviado por Neil

  1. Light Intrusion
  2. Applicable measures to remedy pollution
  3. Conclusion
  4. Bibliography

The light pollution is the excess of light emission generated by artificial sources, at high intensities, which increase the brightness of the sky at night, producing a bright halo or glare (resplandor), by illuminating the dust or water particles the air contains in suspension. When there are clouds, the surface of these is illuminated.Therefore, it can be defined as the luminous flux from artificial sources of light which causes the increased brightness of the night sky, reducing the visibility of celestial bodies.

Light pollution is related in part with an increase of CO2 because, to produce electricity, thermal power plants are needed, and this produces a significant increase in environmental pollution.

Light Intrusion

The light intrusion occurs when artificial light from the street coming through the windows, invading the interior of homes. Their total elimination is impossible, because always come a certain percentage of light reflected on the floor or walls, and this can cause restlessness and possibilities of some alteration in the life of the city. This results in a major environmental assault as an assault on the neighbours at the same time.

  • Effects on biodiversity

Outdoor electric lighting cause negative effects on fauna and flora. The better known examples affecting marine species and migratory birds. Many nocturnal seabirds suffer confusion on the exterior lighting of coastal areas and ships, and may eventually die on the ground, unable to find their way to the ocean. The same applies to sea turtles when they emerge from their nests on beaches, that, due to the artificial lights in the surrounding area, can wrong route and go to the land instead of the sea.

  • Effects on human health

The use of artificial light has helped the human to continue conducting activities at dusk, and get more out of the daily 24 hours. The use of light at night is something so normal that in many cities there is no real darkness anymore.

But this brings a consequence, which is the alteration of the biological clock and thereby melatonin production, that is secreted during the night and helps to maintain the natural rhythm of the body.

Any factor that causes an alteration in the production of melatonin during the circadian cycle, like a exposure to light at night, can have negative consequences in terms of disease and progressive aging. (envejecimiento)

  • Effects on astronomy

Astronomy is very sensitive to light pollution. The night sky viewed from a city bears no resemblance to what can be seen from dark skies.

The scattering of light in the atmosphere becomes this phenomenon in something able of altering the quality of the sky over long distances, affecting the areas that are located professional observatories. Light pollution, together with the radio pollution represents a threat to the progress of astrophysics, and results in an overall loss of perception of the universe on a large scale.

In addition to the above, other consequences are the wasting of energy and money, polluting effects caused by toxic residues from used bulbs, contribution to the climate change, etc.

Applicable measures to remedy pollution

  • The use of only the necessary light

Use only necessary light in places that are needed or wanted; as well with a proper use of light does not would affect our sleep patterns or alter our physical performance, because the excess of light create health problems.

This helps several animal species not longer at risk from the changes that are in their habitat, they could migrate without problem or become disoriented, which happens with a excess of artificial lighting.

Reducing the illumination produced by the lamps of a house is a common sense courtesy towards neighbours, which, as you, have the right to a starry sky. Good lighting improves visibility and safety while minimizing energy use and the unpleasant dazzling (deslumbrante) brightness.

  • Direct the beam (haz) of light to where it is needed

By using a smaller amount of energy can be better illuminate the streets, using headlights pointing its light down, instead of heaven, and stop illuminate areas not recommended, as natural areas and sensitive landscapes.

Controlling points of light heading toward the places where it is required, without wasting it.

Use appropriate lamps in place that need to be illuminated, and that the lamps produce only power required to illuminate the yard or street and so avoid a excessive electricity cost.

  • Plan to adequacy of street lighting

The objective of this plan would be provide the required illumination level according the size of the street and the amount of traffic.

Turn off some unnecessary lights is another measure that contributes significantly to reducing energy consumption and light pollution.

It is necessary to reduce the street and home lighting, because too much light can disturb sleep of many people and also prevents certain pollutants particles be destroyed, such as nitrogen dioxide.


Light pollution is caused by man's own action, witch does not control the excess. And even though we live daily with this problem, can be controlled. And foment an education of the correct use of lighting is one way to do it.

Using LED bulbs reduce the effects of light pollution, and also its durability is almost double the lights called savers.

Individually, can be divulge the problem of light pollution, its effects and its solution as well as report any irrational use of outdoor lighting.










