

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Summary
    2. Definición
    3. Frecuencia
    4. Clasificación
    5. Etiología
    6. Diagnóstico diferencial
    7. Laboratorio y gabinete
    8. Indicaciones de tratamiento
    9. Tratamiento alternativo
    10. Riesgos de la cirugía de fimosis
    11. Necesidad de cirugía adicional
    12. Contraindicaciones de tratamiento
    13. Medidas generales
    14. Anexos


    Phimosis is definited as the foreskin incapacity to be retracted at an age in which is usually retracted.There are many types of phimosis. Usually it has much degrees, since a painful narrowness during the erection that lets discover glande, until punctiform estenosis that makes difficult urination. I found 5 types of phimosis. we can see it in the figure 1.

    In the last years the topical steroid application has started to be used as an alternative for surgery treatment of phimosis.


    La fimosis (del griego phimos) es un trastorno del pene debido a la estenosis del orificio prepucial que impide la salida del glande, activamente durante la flacidez, del pene, o pasivamente durante la erección.


    Partes: 1, 2
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