The researches on community work and governability constitute a need to the Social Sciences at present. They are a contribution to the protection of our emancipating project to face the aggressive policies of the Imperialism. According to PhD. Mirta del Río, the Imperialism takes advantage on the researches on these fields to promote the ungovernability in our country. To face the imperialist scientific production which is slanted by interest of hegemonic domination it is necessary to have an alternative production that does not ignore the rational nucleus of the discovering that are made in the world and discovers, demonstrates and structures a community work and governability model of work that is aimed to the emancipation, that makes possible the preservation of the Revolution to face the Imperialism. This model of work must be improved at all levels.
Among the most frequent problems regarding the research results we have had are the problems that are related to the problematic of communication. They constitute an articulating element that affects as much the satisfactory results of the community work as the processes of governability. In this sense we intend to make some reflections in this article.
To deal with this topic is a really complicated task, mostly if we try to analyze the relation between communication and social development. That is the reason why that the main purpose of this article is to offer some reflections regarding the role of social communication in the processes of community development in such a way that makes possible to promote a critical meditation in or decision-makers on the communicative practices that characterize our daily life in the frames of the community work.
The problematic of social communication can not separated from the whole life in society of the human being. Every single communicative process facilitates the mechanisms and helps to promote the social development. This starts from three main aspects:
Firstly, communication is not independent from the social development, if we define development as the ability to orientate resources, strategies and mechanisms to achieve the wellbeing of people, communication should foment in these people an active participation aimed to search for consensus. Communication by itself can not produce social changes; however, these social changes are not produced without a democratic and opened communication.
Secondly, we must assume that communication constitutes a crucial tool to intensify social projects and it is not limited, as many think it does, to mass media, without ignoring the role of media as mediator of information and opinion, they contribute to motivate, inform and stimulate the community people"s participation in order to achieve the development.
Finally, we must start from the idea that communication must be a reflection of culture, it is necessary to assume the communicative practice as a commitment for the community development, without being subjected to wrong conceptions. Communication can not be limited to the culture of those who manage or facilitate the processes of development, but be opened to culture and people"s knowledge and generate open, dialogic and democratic participation.
In general, to make reference to a communication for the community and social development means to take possession and position to demonstrate that we are able to develop a democratic, communicative, innovating and integrating activity in favor of the community self-development.
So, we should be ready to understand that communication is an indispensable factor for development and it is essential to design adequate social policies in order to articulate the communicative quality to a balance between access and participation of these social practices that are produced in the daily life of our people.
There are diverse perspectives in relation to the role that social communication should play in the processes of development. In this sense, different positions have been developed by Latin American scientists such as Jesús Martín Barbero, Paulo Freire, José Rebellato, Carlos Núñez and Mario Kaplún, and in national territory some authors such as PhD. Raysa Portal Moreno, PhD. Milena Recio Silva, and PhD. Victoria Ojalvo.
It is evident that in the community work are created the ideal and sufficient conditions that make possible that the different community actors are inserted in a rich and diverse process of social interaction and interpretation of the objective reality where the processes of communication are constituted in an element that is inherent to human development that is generated in this community work.
An analysis of our communicative practices in general and in the frame of the community work in particular, makes possible for us to notice that these practices are structured from transmissive, vertical positions which not always allow the communicative mediation to achieve an adequate articulation between society-knowledge-transformation. This represents a very important challenge that is to prepare ourselves for a radical change in our communicative practices in such a way that they assure the horizontality and bidirectionality that distinguish the processes of democratic participation that our society demands.
We assume that the concept of communicative practices elaborated by PhD. Raysa Portal Moreno that defines them as:" these social practices in which intervene at least to social actors with differentiated communicative functions according to the circumstances in which they are developed and generally reproduce the generalities of their living conditions".
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