Select a location and give a name to your project:
Click on Next, and after that click on Finish.
Now right click on the project and select Add New…:
Select the type of file you want to add, for example C++ Source File for the .cpp files and C++ Header File for the .h files.
For this program, you will eventually need to have these files:
This is the content of each of these four files:
HEADERS += caesarcipher.h
SOURCES += main.cpp
#include "caesarcipher.h"
encryptionmode = TRUE; //Have Encryption Mode active when the program starts.
//Allocate layouts.
QVBoxLayout* mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
QHBoxLayout* topLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
QGridLayout* middleLayout = new QGridLayout;
QHBoxLayout* bottomLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
//Set dialog title
setWindowTitle(tr("Caesar Cipher Dialog v1.0"));
//Build main dialog layout.
mainLayout->addLayout(topLayout); //Place topLayout first at top of dialog.
mainLayout->addStretch(); //Add stretch.
mainLayout->addLayout(middleLayout); //Place middleLayout second in the middle of dialog.
mainLayout->addStretch(); //Add stretch.
mainLayout->addLayout(bottomLayout); //Place bottomLayout third at bottom of dialog.
//Build topLayout.
labelEncryptionMode = new QLabel(tr("Encryption Key")); //Allocate labelEncryptionMode (it was not necessary to initialize it because it was already done in "caesarcipher.h" file. It is on the heap, not on the stack. In case I did not have it on the heap, I should put it on the stack, which means that I should not only allocate but also initialize. In that case, I should have written this line this way: QLabel* labelEncryptionMode = new QLabel(tr("Encryption Key")); // Allocate and initialize topLabel.
spinInputShift = new QSpinBox; //Allocate inpux spin box (it was not necessary to initialize it because it is already on the stack (caesarcipher.h file).
topLayout->addWidget(labelEncryptionMode); // Add widgets to top layout.
//Build middleLayout.
labelPlaintext = new QLabel(tr("Plaintext")); //Allocate labelPlaintext.
labelCiphertext = new QLabel(tr("Ciphertext")); //Allocate labelCiphertext (it is already initialized on the heap, in caesarcipher.h file).
lineEditPlaintext = new QLineEdit; //Allocate lineEditPlaintext;
lineEditPlaintext->setMaxLength(MAXIMUM_LENGTH); //The maximum number of input characters is 26, since MAXIMUM_LENGTH = 26.
QRegExp regExp("[a-z]{0,26}"); //Validation rules for lineEditPlainText. Only lower case letters from the alphabet. From 0 to 26 allowed.
lineEditPlaintext->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regExp, this));
lineEditCiphertext = new QLineEdit; //Allocate lineEditCiphertxt;
lineEditCiphertext->setMaxLength(MAXIMUM_LENGTH); //The maximum number of input characters is 26, since MAXIMUM_LENGHT = 26.
lineEditCiphertext->setValidator(new QRegExpValidator(regExp, this));
lineEditCiphertext->setReadOnly(true); //Make lineEditCiphertext read only.
middleLayout->addWidget(labelPlaintext, 0, 0); //Place widgets into grid.
middleLayout->addWidget(labelCiphertext, 1, 0);
middleLayout->addWidget(lineEditPlaintext, 0, 1);
middleLayout->addWidget(lineEditCiphertext, 1, 1);
buttonSwitchMode = new QPushButton(tr("Switch to Decryption Mode")); //Allocate Swith Mode button.
buttonClear = new QPushButton(tr("Clear")); //Allocate Clear button.
buttonQuit = new QPushButton(tr("Quit")); //Allocate Quit button.
buttonQuit->setDefault(true); // Make it default button of dialog.
bottomLayout->addStretch(); // Add stretch.
//Make signal/slot connections.
connect(buttonQuit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); //Connect buttonQuit clicked to Dialog accept() function.
connect(buttonClear, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearText())); //Connect buttonClear clicked to Dialog clearText() function.
connect(buttonSwitchMode, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(switchMode())); //Connect buttonSwitchMode clicked to Dialog switchMode() function.
connect(lineEditPlaintext, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(textChanged(QString))); //Connect lineEditPlaintext to Dialog textChanged() function.
connect(lineEditCiphertext, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(textChanged(QString))); //Connect lineEditCiphertext to Dialog textChanged() function.
connect(spinInputShift, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(caesarCipherConversion()));
/* //Testing code. Please ignore it.
QString str = "Hello";
if (str.size() == 5){
lineEditPlaintext->setText("It is 5.");
lineEditPlaintext->setText("It is not 5.");
if (lineEditPlaintext->text().size() == 5){
lineEditPlaintext->setText("It is 5.");
lineEditPlaintext->setText("It is not 5.");
/*if (lineEditPlaintext->text()[0] == 'j'){
/* //Testing code. Please ignore it.
alphabet = alphabet[25];
}// End CaesarCipher::CaesarCipher().
//Create slots.
void CaesarCipher::textChanged(const QString& value)
} //End EchoDialog::textChanged().
void CaesarCipher::clearText(){
} //End CaesarCipher::clearText().
void CaesarCipher::switchMode(){
if(encryptionmode){ //Encryption mode is active.
labelEncryptionMode->setText("Decryption Key");
lineEditCiphertext->setReadOnly(false); //Make lineEditCiphertext read only.
buttonSwitchMode->setText("Switch to Encryption Mode");
encryptionmode = FALSE;
//clearText(); //It's possible to call void CaesarCipher::switchMode() function just by typing "clearText();"
else{ //Decryption mode is active.
labelEncryptionMode->setText("Encryption Key");
lineEditPlaintext->setReadOnly(false); //Make lineEditPlaintext read only.
buttonSwitchMode->setText("Switch to Decryption Mode");
encryptionmode = TRUE;
void CaesarCipher::caesarCipherConversion(){
if (encryptionmode == TRUE){
ciphertext = "";
for (int i = 0; i < lineEditPlaintext->text().size(); i++){
int i1 = 0;
while (lineEditPlaintext->text()[i] != alphabet[i1]){
i1 += 1;
i1 += spinInputShift->value();
if (i1 > 25){
i1 -= 26;
ciphertext[i] = alphabet[i1];
}else{ //encryptionmode = FALSE. Accordingly, Decryption Mode is active.
plaintext = "";
for (int i = 0; i < lineEditCiphertext->text().size(); i++){
int i1 = 0;
while (lineEditCiphertext->text()[i] != alphabet[i1]){
i1 += 1;
i1 -= spinInputShift->value();
if (i1 < 0){
i1 += 26;
plaintext[i] = alphabet[i1];
class QLabel; //Forward declaration of QLabel class.
class QPushButton; //Forward declaration of QPushButton class.
class QLineEdit; //Forward declaration of QLineEdit class.
class QSpinBox; //Forward declaration of QSpinBox class.
const int MAXIMUM_LENGTH = 26; //Limit maximum number of characters of input.
const int MAXIMUM_SPINBOX = 25; //Limit maximum value for spin box.
class CaesarCipher : public QDialog
Q_OBJECT //Required Q_OBJECT macro.
CaesarCipher(); //Default constructor.
bool encryptionmode;
QString alphabet;
QString ciphertext;
QString plaintext;
QLabel* labelEncryptionMode; //Pointer to QLabel to show the current Mode: Encryption Key or Decryption Key.
QSpinBox* spinInputShift; //Pointer to QSpinBox for specifying an integer value that indicates the desired alphabet shift (encryption/decryption key) for the Caesar Cipher.
QLabel* labelPlaintext; //Pointer to QLabel "Plaintext".
QLabel* labelCiphertext; //Pointer to QLabel "Ciphertext".
QLineEdit* lineEditPlaintext; //Pointer to QLineEdit Plaintext.
QLineEdit* lineEditCiphertext; //Pointer to QLineEdit Plaintext.
QPushButton* buttonSwitchMode; //Pointer to QPushButton for switching mode (encryption/decription).
QPushButton* buttonClear; //Pointer to QPushButton to clear QLineEdits.
QPushButton* buttonQuit; //Pointer to QPushButton to clear close the program.
private slots:
void textChanged(const QString&); //Add a private slot to accept changes in user input line edit.
void clearText(); //Add a private slot to process buttonClear.
void switchMode(); //Add a private slot to process buttonSwitchMode.
void caesarCipherConversion(); //Add private slot to process caesarCipherConversion() function, which is the kernel/engine/most important function of the program.
#include "caesarcipher.h"
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
QApplication myApp(argc, argv); //Create application.
CaesarCipher myCaesarCipher; //Static allocation of CaesarCipher object.
//Configure to quit application on dialog close.
myCaesarCipher.setAttribute(Qt::WA_QuitOnClose);; //Make dialog visible.
return myApp.exec(); //Execute application.
} //End main().
Jaime Montoya
November 29, 2009
Huntsville, Alabama, USA
NOTE: This document, and the entire program are available to download at
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