
Video Content from the Web

Partes: 1, 2

    1. Introduction
    2. Bibliography


    "Technology in language teaching is not new. Indeed, technology has been around in language for decades – one might argue for centuries, if we classify the blackboard as a form of technology. Tape recorders, language laboratories and video have been in use since the 1960s and 1970s, and are still used in classrooms around the world." (Dudeney G. and Hokly N, 2007: 7)

    Despite the fact new technologies have emerged for enriching the teaching learning process of the languages, teachers still use videos in class due to their contribution to the lessons in general.

    This essay will deal with the use of a video in language lesson. First of all, the essay will develop a specific idea about a video content from the web.

    After that, it will explain how the teacher might use the video chosen in a presentation lesson providing some examples of activities.

    The next level of the analysis will make reference to the objectives of this idea and what benefits it can provide to students.

    This essay will make some comments about the contribution of the video selected to the lesson and it will also explain why and how this video added a different issue to the lesson, impossible to achieve without it.

    Finally the essay will assume the author"s opinion concerning the use of videos in general for the development of the teaching learning process of the languages.

    So, the aim of this essay is to describe and analyse the use of the video content as a support of a language lesson.

    Palabras clave: Video content, improvement, a language lesson.


    The use of videos in the class has provided a favourable impact to the development of the languages. They can be used in all the stages, but teachers mainly use them in the Presentation stage due to their importance for increasing students" motivation towards the topic. In this essay the teacher has chosen a video content from the web title "Climate Change- Tomorrow"s Climate- Today"s Challenge" that deal with the destruction of the environment in general terms, so the teacher will use this video in a Presentation lesson in which the topic will be related to the damage of the environment. The objectives of the lesson are fist, the students should get familiar with the vocabulary and expressions about the climate change through the use of a video content and second, students should acquire and understand the content of the video trying to reproduce it orally and in a written form.

    The teacher will start the lesson making some comments about if it is hot or warm today. He/she will also ask the students about their opinions concerning the climate changes that provoke negative effects in the world.  Then students will provide different answers and the teacher will write down on the board some words mentioned by students and some others which are related to this topic but are unknown for them. In the video they will watch and listen to some of the words the teacher has written on the board, such as warmth, trapped, witnessed, tackle, among others. So, the teacher is giving in advance the meaning of these words, with the purpose students do not get lost and can understand the video efficiently. So, after that, in the Before Listening Activities (Pre questions) the teacher will write on the board the title of video and ask students to give some ideas concerning the video they are going to watch, taking into account its title. This idea develops students" imagination and forces them to speak predicting what is going to happen in the video without listening to it.

    Another activity students will achieve is to watch the video without sound and the teacher will ask them some questions such as, what do you think is happening in the video?, where is it taking place?, which could be the cause of this disaster from your point of view? Then students will provide their answers immediately. After this, the teacher plays the video again but this time students will have the possibility to listen to it. So, they will realize if their answers coincide or not with the arguments exposed in the video.

    Then in the While Listening Activities, students will achieve a variety of exercises according to the video such as to Tick if some statements are True or False or to Write True or False according to what they are listening to. Another activity is to Circle from a group of words given by the teacher the ones they are able to listen to from the video.

    However, in the after listening activities as it is a more complex stage, the students will develop difficult activities which can be achieved individually or in pair work depending on the purpose of the activity. Students must pay attention very carefully to the video now due to it will be the last time they will listen to it. Some examples of these activities could be to complete sentences according to what they have listened to, which is an individual exercise that allow students to increase writing skills and when the group has finished students will go to the board and complete them, so the teacher will check the answers and correct the mistakes in case there is any. Consequently, students will discuss with their partner the opinion concerning the phrase "Tomorrow"s climate is today"s challenge." The teacher gives them around 10 minutes in order they can analyse it and later, they will provide their ideas orally. In addition to this, students should write a list of suggestions about what changes should be done in general in order to avoid the environment"s deterioration. It is a pair work activity. Finally, students should create a new title of the video taking into account the content of it.

    Partes: 1, 2
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