
Factorial de un Número

Enviado por cacp_20

    1. Fórmula General
    2. Grabar Nombre
    3. Números Impares
    4. El Menor de tres Valores
    5. Números Pares con sus cuadrados y cubos
    6. Números Primos
    7. Registro
    8. El Mayor de dos Valores sin Números Negativos
    9. Calificaciones de estudiantes
    10. Guía Telefónica
    11. Nómina de Pago
    12. Tabla
    13. Todos los programas
    14. Nómina de Profesores
    15. Menú de Word
    16. Nómina de empleado


    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim N, S, F

    F = 1

    N = Val(Text1)

    For S = 1 To N

    F = F * S

    Next S

    Text2 = F

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Text2 = ""

    Text1 = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    End Sub

    Fórmula General

    Dim a, b, c As Integer

    Dim x1, x2, e As Double

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    a = Val(Text1.Text)

    b = Val(Text2.Text)

    c = Val(Text3.Text)

    e = (b ^ 2) – (4 * a * c)

    If e < 0 Then

    MsgBox "Raiz Imaginaria ", vbCritical, "Error De Calculo"



    e = Sqr(e)

    x1 = (-b + e) / (2 * a)

    x2 = (-b – e) / (2 * a)

    Text4.Text = Round(x1, 4)

    Text5.Text = Round(x2, 4)

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Text1.Text = ""

    Text2.Text = ""

    Text3.Text = ""

    Text4.Text = ""

    Text5.Text = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    End Sub

    Private Sub Frame2_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)

    End Sub

    Private Sub Frame3_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)

    End Sub

    Grabar Nombre

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim reg As record

    w = FreeFile

    r = Val(Text1)

    Open "c:registro.txt" For Random As #w Len = 150

    reg.codigo = Val(Text2)

    reg.nombre = Text3

    Put w, r, reg

    Text1 = ""

    Text2 = ""


    Text3 = ""

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Dim reg As record

    w = FreeFile

    r = Val(Text1)

    Open "c:registro.txt" For Random As #w Len = 150

    reg.codigo = Val(Text2)

    reg.nombre = Text3

    Get w, r, reg

    Text1 = r

    Text2 = reg.codigo

    Text3 = reg.nombre


    End Sub

    Private Sub Label1_Click()

    End Sub


    Type record

    codigo As Integer

    nombre As String * 20

    End Type

    Números Impares

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim B

    For B = 1 To 99 Step 2

    List1.AddItem B

    Next B

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()


    End Sub

    El Menor de tres Valores

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Comparar_Click()

    Dim a, b, c As Double

    If Val(Text1) < 0 Or Val(Text2) < 0 Or Val(Text3) < 0 Then

    MsgBox "Solo Numeros Positivos", vbExclamation, "Casimiro Error De Valores"

    Text1 = ""

    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""



    a = Val(Text1)

    b = Val(Text2)

    c = Val(Text3)

    If a < b Then

    If a < c Then

    Label4.Caption = "Menor : " & a


    Label4.Caption = "Menor : " & c

    End If


    If b < c Then

    Label4.Caption = "Menor : " & b


    Label4.Caption = "Menor : " & c

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Activate()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Salir_Click()


    End Sub

    Números Pares con sus cuadrados

    y cubos

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    List1.AddItem "PARES" & String(7, "*") & "CUADRADO" & String(15, "*") & "CUBO"

    List1.AddItem "" & String(116, "'")

    Dim A, B, C As Double

    For A = 2 To 100 Step 2

    B = A * A

    C = B * A

    List1.AddItem A & String(30, "-") & B & String(19, "-") & C

    Next A

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()


    End Sub 

    Números Primos

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click( )

    n = Val(Text1)

    For s = 1 To n Step 2

    c = 2

    p = True

    Do While c < s – 1 And p

    If s Mod c = 0 Then

    p = False


    c = c + 1

    End If


    If p Then

    List1.AddItem s

    End If


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()


    Text1 = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()


    End Sub


    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim reg As record

    w = FreeFile

    r = Val(Text1)

    Open "c:Registro.txt" For Random As #w Len = 200

    reg.codigo = Val(Text2)

    reg.matricula = Text3

    reg.nombre = Text4

    Put w, r, reg

    Text1 = ""

    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""

    Text4 = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Dim reg As record

    w = FreeFile

    r = Val(Text1)

    Open "c:Registro.txt" For Random As #w Len = 200

    reg.codigo = Val(Text2)

    reg.matricula = Text3

    reg.nombre = Text4

    Get w, r, reg

    Text1 = r

    Text2 = reg.codigo

    Text3 = reg.matricula

    Text4 = reg.nombre


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()

    MsgBox "Antonio Castillo Se despide"


    End Sub


    Type record

    codigo As Integer

    nombre As String * 25

    Matricula As String * 13

    End Type

    El Mayor de dos Valores sin Números Negativos

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    If Val(Text1) < 0 Or Val(Text2) < 0 Then

    MsgBox "Inserte Un valor Positivo"

    Text1 = ""

    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""



    If Val(Text1) > Val(Text2) Then

    Text3 = "Este es Mayor: " & Val(Text1)


    If Val(Text1) < Val(Text2) Then

    Text3 = " Este es mayor: " & Val(Text2)


    If Val(Text1) = Val(Text2) Then

    Text3 = "No hay Mayores"

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Text1 = ""

    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""

    MsgBox "Casimiro dice Inserte valores"


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()

    MsgBox "Ajaaa!, Conque Quieres Irte, Esta Bien bye"


    End Sub

    Calificaciones de estudiantes

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Borrar_Click()

    Text1.Text = ""

    Text2.Text = ""

    Text3.Text = ""

    Text4.Text = ""

    Text5.Text = ""

    Text6.Text = ""

    Text7.Text = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Calificacion_Click()

    Dim AST, PP, EF, EP, NO As Integer

    Dim L As String * 2

    AST = Val(Text3)

    PP = Val(Text4)

    EP = Val(Text5)

    EF = Val(Text6)

    NO = AST + PP + EF + EP

    Text7 = NO

    Select Case NO

    Case 0 To 49: L = "F"

    Case 50 To 59: L = "FI"

    Case 60 To 69: L = "FE"

    Case 70 To 74: L = "D"

    Case 75 To 79: L = "C"

    Case 80 To 89: L = "B"

    Case 90 To 100: L = "A"

    Case Is > 100: L = "Error"

    End Select

    Letra.Caption = "Letra : " & L

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Activate()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Salir_Click()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Text2_Change()

    Text2.Text = UCase(Text2.Text)

    Text2.SelStart = Len(Text2.Text)

    End Sub

    Guía Telefónica

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim reg As record

    w = FreeFile

    Open "c:guia.txt" For Random As #w Len = 200

    r = Val(Text1)

    reg.nombre = Text2

    reg.telefono = Text3

    reg.saldo = Text4

    Put w, r, reg


    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""

    Text4 = ""

    Text1 = Val(Text1) + 1


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Dim reg As record

    w = FreeFile

    Open "c:guia.txt" For Random As #w Len = 200

    r = Val(Text1)

    Get w, r, reg

    Text2 = reg.nombre

    Text3 = reg.telefono

    Text4 = reg.saldo


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()



    End Sub

    Private Sub modulo()

    Type record

    nombre As String * 15

    telefono As String * 8

    saldo As Double

    End Type

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command4_Click()


    End Sub

    Nómina de Pago

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    afp = 0: club = 0: sm = 0: ss = 0: td = 0: SN = 0: coop = 0

    cat = Val(Text3)

    sb = Val(Text4)

    Select Case cat

    Case 1

    ss = sb * 0.02

    coop = sb * 0.03

    Case 2

    ss = sb * 0.03

    coop = sb * 0.04

    club = sb * 0.01

    Case 3

    sm = sb * 0.02

    coop = sb * 0.04

    club = sb * 0.02

    afp = sb * 0.03

    End Select

    td = afp + coop + club + ss + sm

    SN = sb – td

    Text5 = "RD$ " & ss

    Text6 = "RD$ " & coop

    Text7 = "RD$ " & club

    Text8 = "RD$ " & sm

    Text9 = "RD$ " & afp

    Text10 = "RD$ " & td

    Text11 = "RD$ " & SN

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Text1 = ""

    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""

    Text4 = ""

    Text5 = ""

    Text6 = ""

    Text7 = ""

    Text8 = ""

    Text9 = ""

    Text10 = ""

    Text11 = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()


    End Sub


    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim N, R, S

    N = Val(Text1)

    For S = 1 To 12

    R = N * S

    List1.AddItem N & " x " & S & " = " & R

    Next S

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()


    Text1 = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()


    End Sub

    Todos los programas

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Borrar_Click()


    Text2 = ""

    Text1 = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Cerrar_Click()

    MsgBox "Cerrando el sistema"


    End Sub

    Private Sub der_Click()

    Private Sub Factorial_Click()

    Dim N, S, F

    F = 1

    N = Val(Text1)

    For S = 1 To N

    F = F * S

    Next S

    Text2 = F

    End Sub

    Private Sub fijonacis_Click()

    Dim A, N

    A = 0

    N = 1

    While A + B <= 100

    A = A + N

    N = N + A

    List1.AddItem A

    List1.AddItem N


    End Sub

    Private Sub Impares_Click()

    Dim B As Double

    List1.AddItem "Impares"

    List1.AddItem ""

    For B = 1 To 100 Step 2

    List1.AddItem B

    Next B

    End Sub

    Private Sub Pares_Click()

    Dim A As Double

    List1.AddItem "PARES"

    List1.AddItem ""

    For A = 2 To 100 Step 2

    List1.AddItem A

    Next A

    End Sub

    Private Sub Tabla_Click()

    Dim N, R, S

    N = Val(Text1)

    For S = 1 To 12

    R = N * S

    List1.AddItem N & " x " & S & " = " & R

    Next S

    End Sub

    Private Sub Titulo_Click()

    Print " Universidad Dominicana O & M"

    End Sub

    Nómina de Profesores

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Dim Nomina As Grabacion

    Dim W, R As Integer

    Dim SM, COOP, AFP, ISR, TD As Currency

    Private Sub Calcular_Click()

    Text6 = CCur(Val(Text5)) * Val(Text4)

    With Seleccion

    If .ListIndex = 0 Then

    SM = Val(Text6) * 0.02

    COOP = Val(Text6) * 0.03

    AFP = Val(Text6) * 0.01

    ISR = 0

    ElseIf .ListIndex = 1 Then

    SM = Val(Text6) * 0.03

    COOP = Val(Text6) * 0.03

    AFP = Val(Text6) * 0.02

    ISR = Val(Text6) * 0.02

    ElseIf .ListIndex = 2 Then

    SM = Val(Text6) * 0.04

    COOP = Val(Text6) * 0.05

    AFP = Val(Text6) * 0.04

    ISR = Val(Text6) * 0.04

    End If

    End With

    TD = AFP + ISR + SM + COOP

    Text7 = Val(Text6) – TD

    End Sub

    Private Sub Editar_Click()

    If Not Text1 = "" Then

    W = FreeFile

    Open "C:Nomina.txt" For Random As #W Len = 120

    R = Val(Text1)

    Get W, R, Nomina

    With Nomina

    Text2 = .Codigo

    Text3 = .Profesor

    Text4 = .HT

    Seleccion.Text = .Postgrado

    Text5 = FormatCurrency(Val(.SH), 2)

    Text6 = FormatCurrency(Val(.SB), 2)

    Text7 = FormatCurrency(Val(.SN), 2)

    End With

    Close #W

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Activate()

    With RegNomina

    .FontSize = 11

    .ForeColor = vbYellow

    End With

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

    If KeyAscii = 13 Then

    SendKeys "{tab}"

    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Line1.Visible = False

    Line2.Visible = False

    Line3.Visible = False

    Line4.Visible = False

    Line5.Visible = False

    Line6.Visible = False

    Line7.Visible = False

    Line8.Visible = False

    End Sub

    Private Sub Grabar_Click()

    If Not Text1 = "" Then

    W = FreeFile

    Open "C:Nomina.txt" For Random As #W Len = 120

    R = Val(Text1)

    With Nomina

    .Codigo = Val(Text2)

    .Profesor = Text3

    .HT = Val(Text4)

    .Postgrado = Seleccion.Text

    .SH = Val(Text5)

    .SB = FormatCurrency(Val(Text6), 2)

    .SN = FormatCurrency(Val(Text7), 2)

    End With

    Put W, R, Nomina

    Close #W

    Text1 = Val(Text1) + 1

    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""

    Text4 = ""

    Text5 = ""

    Text6 = ""

    Text7 = ""

    Seleccion.Text = "Eliga Opción"


    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Cerrar_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Line1.BorderColor = &H935511

    Line2.BorderColor = &H935511

    Line3.BorderColor = vbCyan

    Line4.BorderColor = vbCyan

    End Sub

    Private Sub Cerrar_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Line1.Visible = True

    Line2.Visible = True

    Line3.Visible = True

    Line4.Visible = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub Cerrar_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Line4.BorderColor = &H935511

    Line3.BorderColor = &H935511

    Line2.BorderColor = vbCyan

    Line1.BorderColor = vbCyan

    If MsgBox("¿Cerrar Esta Aplicacion?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Saliendo Del Sitema") = vbYes Then


    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Imprimir_Click()

    Unload RegNomina


    End Sub

    Private Sub Minimizar_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Line6.BorderColor = &H935511

    Line7.BorderColor = &H935511

    Line5.BorderColor = vbCyan

    Line8.BorderColor = vbCyan

    End Sub

    Private Sub Minimizar_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Line5.BorderColor = &H935511

    Line8.BorderColor = &H935511

    Line6.BorderColor = vbCyan

    Line7.BorderColor = vbCyan

    RegNomina.WindowState = 1

    End Sub

    Private Sub Minimizar_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Line8.Visible = True

    Line7.Visible = True

    Line6.Visible = True

    Line5.Visible = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub Limpiar_Click()


    Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1)

    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""

    Text4 = ""

    Text5 = ""

    Text6 = ""

    Text7 = ""

    Seleccion.Text = "Eliga Opción"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Salir_Click()


    End Sub

    Private Sub Seleccion_Change()

    Call Seleccion_Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub Seleccion_Click()

    With Seleccion

    If .ListIndex = 0 Then

    Text5 = 20

    ElseIf .ListIndex = 1 Then

    Text5 = 80

    ElseIf .ListIndex = 2 Then

    Text5 = 250

    End If

    End With

    End Sub

    Private Sub Tiempo_Timer()


    With RegNomina

    Print Tab(1); "Hora : " & Time

    Print Tab(1); "Fecha : " & FormatDateTime(Date, vbLongDate)

    .ForeColor = vbWhite

    .FontSize = 3

    Print String(600, "`")

    .ForeColor = &HF1BF87

    .FontSize = 14


    .ForeColor = RGB(10, 225, 225)

    .FontUnderline = True

    Print Tab(32); "Nomina de Profesores"

    .FrmeCuadro.Visible = True

    .FontUnderline = False

    .ForeColor = vbWhite

    .FontSize = 3

    Print String(600, "`")

    Label3.Visible = True

    Call Form_Activate

    End With

    End Sub

    Menú de Word

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Atras_Click()



    End Sub

    Private Sub Dirminuir_Click()

    Text2.FontSize = Text2.FontSize – 4

    End Sub

    Private Sub fret_Click()

    Text2.FontSize = Text2.FontSize + 4 + 1

    End Sub

    Nómina de empleado

    Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim SB, SN, TD, SS, SM, CLUB As Currency

    SB = Val(Text3.Text)

    SS = SB * 0.01

    SM = SB * 0.05

    CLUB = SB * 0.04

    TD = SS + SM + CLUB

    SN = SB – TD

    Text4 = SN

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()

    Dim Nomina As Record

    W = FreeFile

    Open "A:Nomina.Txt" For Random As #W Len = 200

    R = Val(Text1)

    Nomina.Nombre = Text2

    Nomina.SB = Val(Text3)

    Nomina.SN = Val(Text4)

    Put W, R, Nomina


    Text1 = Val(Text1) + 1

    Text2 = ""

    Text3 = ""


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command3_Click()

    Dim Nomina As Record

    W = FreeFile

    Open "A:Nomina.Txt" For Random As #W Len = 200

    R = Val(Text1)

    Get W, R, Nomina

    With Nomina

    Text2 = .Nombre

    Text3 = .SB

    Text4 = .SN

    End With


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command4_Click()

    Unload Form2


    End Sub

    Private Sub Command5_Click()

    If MsgBox("Desea Finalizar", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Saliendo de la Nomina de Pago") = vbYes Then


    End If

    MsgBox "Sigue buscando tu Sueldo"

    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

    Label3 = "Hora;" & Time

    Label4 = "Fecha;" & Date

    End Sub

    Casimiro Antonio Castillo

    Estudiante de Ing. Sistema 4to Semestre O&M