- Fórmula General
- Grabar Nombre
- Números Impares
- El Menor de tres Valores
- Números Pares con sus cuadrados y cubos
- Números Primos
- Registro
- El Mayor de dos Valores sin Números Negativos
- Calificaciones de estudiantes
- Guía Telefónica
- Nómina de Pago
- Tabla
- Todos los programas
- Nómina de Profesores
- Menú de Word
- Nómina de empleado
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim N, S, F
F = 1
N = Val(Text1)
For S = 1 To N
F = F * S
Next S
Text2 = F
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text2 = ""
Text1 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Dim a, b, c As Integer
Dim x1, x2, e As Double
Private Sub Command1_Click()
a = Val(Text1.Text)
b = Val(Text2.Text)
c = Val(Text3.Text)
e = (b ^ 2) – (4 * a * c)
If e < 0 Then
MsgBox "Raiz Imaginaria ", vbCritical, "Error De Calculo"
e = Sqr(e)
x1 = (-b + e) / (2 * a)
x2 = (-b – e) / (2 * a)
Text4.Text = Round(x1, 4)
Text5.Text = Round(x2, 4)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub Frame2_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
End Sub
Private Sub Frame3_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim reg As record
w = FreeFile
r = Val(Text1)
Open "c:registro.txt" For Random As #w Len = 150
reg.codigo = Val(Text2)
reg.nombre = Text3
Put w, r, reg
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim reg As record
w = FreeFile
r = Val(Text1)
Open "c:registro.txt" For Random As #w Len = 150
reg.codigo = Val(Text2)
reg.nombre = Text3
Get w, r, reg
Text1 = r
Text2 = reg.codigo
Text3 = reg.nombre
End Sub
Private Sub Label1_Click()
End Sub
Type record
codigo As Integer
nombre As String * 20
End Type
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim B
For B = 1 To 99 Step 2
List1.AddItem B
Next B
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Comparar_Click()
Dim a, b, c As Double
If Val(Text1) < 0 Or Val(Text2) < 0 Or Val(Text3) < 0 Then
MsgBox "Solo Numeros Positivos", vbExclamation, "Casimiro Error De Valores"
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
a = Val(Text1)
b = Val(Text2)
c = Val(Text3)
If a < b Then
If a < c Then
Label4.Caption = "Menor : " & a
Label4.Caption = "Menor : " & c
End If
If b < c Then
Label4.Caption = "Menor : " & b
Label4.Caption = "Menor : " & c
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub Salir_Click()
End Sub
Números Pares con sus cuadrados
y cubos
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
List1.AddItem "PARES" & String(7, "*") & "CUADRADO" & String(15, "*") & "CUBO"
List1.AddItem "" & String(116, "'")
Dim A, B, C As Double
For A = 2 To 100 Step 2
B = A * A
C = B * A
List1.AddItem A & String(30, "-") & B & String(19, "-") & C
Next A
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click( )
n = Val(Text1)
For s = 1 To n Step 2
c = 2
p = True
Do While c < s – 1 And p
If s Mod c = 0 Then
p = False
c = c + 1
End If
If p Then
List1.AddItem s
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim reg As record
w = FreeFile
r = Val(Text1)
Open "c:Registro.txt" For Random As #w Len = 200
reg.codigo = Val(Text2)
reg.matricula = Text3
reg.nombre = Text4
Put w, r, reg
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim reg As record
w = FreeFile
r = Val(Text1)
Open "c:Registro.txt" For Random As #w Len = 200
reg.codigo = Val(Text2)
reg.matricula = Text3
reg.nombre = Text4
Get w, r, reg
Text1 = r
Text2 = reg.codigo
Text3 = reg.matricula
Text4 = reg.nombre
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "Antonio Castillo Se despide"
End Sub
Type record
codigo As Integer
nombre As String * 25
Matricula As String * 13
End Type
El Mayor de dos Valores sin Números Negativos
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Val(Text1) < 0 Or Val(Text2) < 0 Then
MsgBox "Inserte Un valor Positivo"
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
If Val(Text1) > Val(Text2) Then
Text3 = "Este es Mayor: " & Val(Text1)
If Val(Text1) < Val(Text2) Then
Text3 = " Este es mayor: " & Val(Text2)
If Val(Text1) = Val(Text2) Then
Text3 = "No hay Mayores"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
MsgBox "Casimiro dice Inserte valores"
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "Ajaaa!, Conque Quieres Irte, Esta Bien bye"
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Borrar_Click()
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Calificacion_Click()
Dim AST, PP, EF, EP, NO As Integer
Dim L As String * 2
AST = Val(Text3)
PP = Val(Text4)
EP = Val(Text5)
EF = Val(Text6)
NO = AST + PP + EF + EP
Text7 = NO
Select Case NO
Case 0 To 49: L = "F"
Case 50 To 59: L = "FI"
Case 60 To 69: L = "FE"
Case 70 To 74: L = "D"
Case 75 To 79: L = "C"
Case 80 To 89: L = "B"
Case 90 To 100: L = "A"
Case Is > 100: L = "Error"
End Select
Letra.Caption = "Letra : " & L
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub Salir_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_Change()
Text2.Text = UCase(Text2.Text)
Text2.SelStart = Len(Text2.Text)
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim reg As record
w = FreeFile
Open "c:guia.txt" For Random As #w Len = 200
r = Val(Text1)
reg.nombre = Text2
reg.telefono = Text3
reg.saldo = Text4
Put w, r, reg
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
Text1 = Val(Text1) + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim reg As record
w = FreeFile
Open "c:guia.txt" For Random As #w Len = 200
r = Val(Text1)
Get w, r, reg
Text2 = reg.nombre
Text3 = reg.telefono
Text4 = reg.saldo
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub modulo()
Type record
nombre As String * 15
telefono As String * 8
saldo As Double
End Type
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
afp = 0: club = 0: sm = 0: ss = 0: td = 0: SN = 0: coop = 0
cat = Val(Text3)
sb = Val(Text4)
Select Case cat
Case 1
ss = sb * 0.02
coop = sb * 0.03
Case 2
ss = sb * 0.03
coop = sb * 0.04
club = sb * 0.01
Case 3
sm = sb * 0.02
coop = sb * 0.04
club = sb * 0.02
afp = sb * 0.03
End Select
td = afp + coop + club + ss + sm
SN = sb – td
Text5 = "RD$ " & ss
Text6 = "RD$ " & coop
Text7 = "RD$ " & club
Text8 = "RD$ " & sm
Text9 = "RD$ " & afp
Text10 = "RD$ " & td
Text11 = "RD$ " & SN
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1 = ""
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
Text5 = ""
Text6 = ""
Text7 = ""
Text8 = ""
Text9 = ""
Text10 = ""
Text11 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim N, R, S
N = Val(Text1)
For S = 1 To 12
R = N * S
List1.AddItem N & " x " & S & " = " & R
Next S
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Borrar_Click()
Text2 = ""
Text1 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Cerrar_Click()
MsgBox "Cerrando el sistema"
End Sub
Private Sub der_Click()
Private Sub Factorial_Click()
Dim N, S, F
F = 1
N = Val(Text1)
For S = 1 To N
F = F * S
Next S
Text2 = F
End Sub
Private Sub fijonacis_Click()
Dim A, N
A = 0
N = 1
While A + B <= 100
A = A + N
N = N + A
List1.AddItem A
List1.AddItem N
End Sub
Private Sub Impares_Click()
Dim B As Double
List1.AddItem "Impares"
List1.AddItem ""
For B = 1 To 100 Step 2
List1.AddItem B
Next B
End Sub
Private Sub Pares_Click()
Dim A As Double
List1.AddItem "PARES"
List1.AddItem ""
For A = 2 To 100 Step 2
List1.AddItem A
Next A
End Sub
Private Sub Tabla_Click()
Dim N, R, S
N = Val(Text1)
For S = 1 To 12
R = N * S
List1.AddItem N & " x " & S & " = " & R
Next S
End Sub
Private Sub Titulo_Click()
Print " Universidad Dominicana O & M"
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Dim Nomina As Grabacion
Dim W, R As Integer
Dim SM, COOP, AFP, ISR, TD As Currency
Private Sub Calcular_Click()
Text6 = CCur(Val(Text5)) * Val(Text4)
With Seleccion
If .ListIndex = 0 Then
SM = Val(Text6) * 0.02
COOP = Val(Text6) * 0.03
AFP = Val(Text6) * 0.01
ISR = 0
ElseIf .ListIndex = 1 Then
SM = Val(Text6) * 0.03
COOP = Val(Text6) * 0.03
AFP = Val(Text6) * 0.02
ISR = Val(Text6) * 0.02
ElseIf .ListIndex = 2 Then
SM = Val(Text6) * 0.04
COOP = Val(Text6) * 0.05
AFP = Val(Text6) * 0.04
ISR = Val(Text6) * 0.04
End If
End With
Text7 = Val(Text6) – TD
End Sub
Private Sub Editar_Click()
If Not Text1 = "" Then
W = FreeFile
Open "C:Nomina.txt" For Random As #W Len = 120
R = Val(Text1)
Get W, R, Nomina
With Nomina
Text2 = .Codigo
Text3 = .Profesor
Text4 = .HT
Seleccion.Text = .Postgrado
Text5 = FormatCurrency(Val(.SH), 2)
Text6 = FormatCurrency(Val(.SB), 2)
Text7 = FormatCurrency(Val(.SN), 2)
End With
Close #W
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
With RegNomina
.FontSize = 11
.ForeColor = vbYellow
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
SendKeys "{tab}"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Line1.Visible = False
Line2.Visible = False
Line3.Visible = False
Line4.Visible = False
Line5.Visible = False
Line6.Visible = False
Line7.Visible = False
Line8.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Grabar_Click()
If Not Text1 = "" Then
W = FreeFile
Open "C:Nomina.txt" For Random As #W Len = 120
R = Val(Text1)
With Nomina
.Codigo = Val(Text2)
.Profesor = Text3
.HT = Val(Text4)
.Postgrado = Seleccion.Text
.SH = Val(Text5)
.SB = FormatCurrency(Val(Text6), 2)
.SN = FormatCurrency(Val(Text7), 2)
End With
Put W, R, Nomina
Close #W
Text1 = Val(Text1) + 1
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
Text5 = ""
Text6 = ""
Text7 = ""
Seleccion.Text = "Eliga Opción"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Cerrar_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Line1.BorderColor = &H935511
Line2.BorderColor = &H935511
Line3.BorderColor = vbCyan
Line4.BorderColor = vbCyan
End Sub
Private Sub Cerrar_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Line1.Visible = True
Line2.Visible = True
Line3.Visible = True
Line4.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Cerrar_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Line4.BorderColor = &H935511
Line3.BorderColor = &H935511
Line2.BorderColor = vbCyan
Line1.BorderColor = vbCyan
If MsgBox("¿Cerrar Esta Aplicacion?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Saliendo Del Sitema") = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Imprimir_Click()
Unload RegNomina
End Sub
Private Sub Minimizar_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Line6.BorderColor = &H935511
Line7.BorderColor = &H935511
Line5.BorderColor = vbCyan
Line8.BorderColor = vbCyan
End Sub
Private Sub Minimizar_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Line5.BorderColor = &H935511
Line8.BorderColor = &H935511
Line6.BorderColor = vbCyan
Line7.BorderColor = vbCyan
RegNomina.WindowState = 1
End Sub
Private Sub Minimizar_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Line8.Visible = True
Line7.Visible = True
Line6.Visible = True
Line5.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Limpiar_Click()
Text1.SelStart = Len(Text1)
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
Text4 = ""
Text5 = ""
Text6 = ""
Text7 = ""
Seleccion.Text = "Eliga Opción"
End Sub
Private Sub Salir_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Seleccion_Change()
Call Seleccion_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Seleccion_Click()
With Seleccion
If .ListIndex = 0 Then
Text5 = 20
ElseIf .ListIndex = 1 Then
Text5 = 80
ElseIf .ListIndex = 2 Then
Text5 = 250
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Tiempo_Timer()
With RegNomina
Print Tab(1); "Hora : " & Time
Print Tab(1); "Fecha : " & FormatDateTime(Date, vbLongDate)
.ForeColor = vbWhite
.FontSize = 3
Print String(600, "`")
.ForeColor = &HF1BF87
.FontSize = 14
.ForeColor = RGB(10, 225, 225)
.FontUnderline = True
Print Tab(32); "Nomina de Profesores"
.FrmeCuadro.Visible = True
.FontUnderline = False
.ForeColor = vbWhite
.FontSize = 3
Print String(600, "`")
Label3.Visible = True
Call Form_Activate
End With
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Atras_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Dirminuir_Click()
Text2.FontSize = Text2.FontSize – 4
End Sub
Private Sub fret_Click()
Text2.FontSize = Text2.FontSize + 4 + 1
End Sub
Para ver el gráfico seleccione la opción "Descargar" del menú superior
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim SB, SN, TD, SS, SM, CLUB As Currency
SB = Val(Text3.Text)
SS = SB * 0.01
SM = SB * 0.05
CLUB = SB * 0.04
SN = SB – TD
Text4 = SN
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim Nomina As Record
W = FreeFile
Open "A:Nomina.Txt" For Random As #W Len = 200
R = Val(Text1)
Nomina.Nombre = Text2
Nomina.SB = Val(Text3)
Nomina.SN = Val(Text4)
Put W, R, Nomina
Text1 = Val(Text1) + 1
Text2 = ""
Text3 = ""
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim Nomina As Record
W = FreeFile
Open "A:Nomina.Txt" For Random As #W Len = 200
R = Val(Text1)
Get W, R, Nomina
With Nomina
Text2 = .Nombre
Text3 = .SB
Text4 = .SN
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Unload Form2
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
If MsgBox("Desea Finalizar", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Saliendo de la Nomina de Pago") = vbYes Then
End If
MsgBox "Sigue buscando tu Sueldo"
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Label3 = "Hora;" & Time
Label4 = "Fecha;" & Date
End Sub
Casimiro Antonio Castillo
Estudiante de Ing. Sistema 4to Semestre O&M